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What movie would you most like to watch for the first time again?
  • Great!

    The early over the top hacker aesthetic, the ridiculous adversarial hacker battle, the complete misunderstanding of what hacking actually involved (the world has changed). It is all awesome.

    Some of the stuff they got right is also cool, the social engineering is still a thing.

    Also because of my age when it came out (1995)....I would have seen it in 96/97, I was in my late teens.

  • What movie would you most like to watch for the first time again?
  • Yes.

    It is a really cool take on time travel, really mind bending on the first watch. Once you have seen it a few times and understand the way things work, it kind of loses some of the entertainment value.

  • What movie would you most like to watch for the first time again?
  • Primer


    The matrix


    To kill a mockingbird

    So many.....

  • Quarry company J Swap's fast track plea after donations to Shane Jones and NZ First | RNZ News Quarry company J Swap's fast track plea after donations to Shane Jones and NZ First

    J Swap gave money to Shane Jones, and then to NZ First after it got into power. Now the company is asking for protected land to be opened for quarrying.

    Quarry company J Swap's fast track plea after donations to Shane Jones and NZ First

    This fast track to corruption bill, is more worrying than the budget...

    VLC Player
  • As a friend of mine said some years ago "VLC will play a slice of cucumber" that pretty much sums it up.

  • Te Pāti Māori wants to establish its own parliament
  • This was my first thought when I originally read the doctrine.....maybe it is because I have a lot of siblings.

  • Te Pāti Māori wants to establish its own parliament
  • It is not really impossible, and there is clear international precedent for how to deal with these kinds of situations.

    Contra proferentem (Latin: "against [the] offeror"),[1] also known as "interpretation against the draftsman", is a doctrine of contractual interpretation providing that, where a promise, agreement or term is ambiguous, the preferred meaning should be the one that works against the interests of the party who provided the wording.[2]

    This is the legal equivalent of "you cut, I choose".

    The fact there are two versions of the treaty, and they are not equivalent, and the crown provided the wording on both (since at the time there was no written Maori language), contract law would side with the Maori on any ambiguous points.

    The challenge is determining what is ambiguous, what can be done with the discovered ambiguities. Obviously the two treaties are not wholly different and both languages have evolved since the treaties were drafted. Te Reo is a modern language, it is (from my understanding) an amalgam of various versions of the Maori languages (see Whanganui vs Wanganui) that were spoken by the separate tribes, they were all very similar but with regional differences.

  • Census 2023 data: What the first results reveal
  • Asian <> Chinese.

    There are a lot of ethnic groups that are covered by the label "Asian".

  • Implications
  • There is also the harry potter version, any time travel is woven into the only timeline. The past is "edited" to always have included the events time travel.

    This can be considered similar to the branching method; where the original branch without the events of the time travel simply ends; only the "new" branch continues.

  • Open banking: How to opt in - and out - of the new payment system
  • What is to stop you from creating an account that only has a connection to your insurance company....or is this supposed to be we get access to literally all of your accounts and spending habits?

  • NZ spent $113m helping build and use US military satellites
  • Ok, so $113m is approx $1.60 per person per year.

    Or if only looking at the ~3.5m tax payers, then it is ~$2.70 per person per year.

  • What is the most unhinged conspiracy theory?
  • We like it that way

  • New Zealand man filmed trying to ‘body slam’ an orca in actions described as ‘idiotic’
  • The thought process is so strange.

    That guy: hey what is that called again.....oh that's right a KILLER whale. I want to slap its arse, what could possibly go wrong.

  • What's the most notable difference between you and the other people in your neighborhood?
  • And I walk with my human legs. Nothing to see here.

  • As NZ unemployment rises, Kiwis are making their way across the Tasman
  • The y-axis is just crap....non-linear but not a log scale...

  • As NZ unemployment rises, Kiwis are making their way across the Tasman
  • This is a massive driver, especially in the building industry. KO is the countries biggest builder, it employs a huge number of builders (as subbies).

    Without the ability to forward plan, with the big KO projects. Building companies are going under.

  • John Key sued in the US for alleged insider trading | John Key sued in the US for alleged insider trading

    Shareholders of cybersecurity vendor Palo Alto Networks take legal action against director John Key and others, alleging insider trading. Key says no merit to any of the claims

    John Key sued in the US for alleged insider trading
    Govt to convert 35 state schools to charter schools Govt to convert 35 state schools to charter schools

    The upcoming Budget would include $153 million in funding over four years for up to 50 charter schools.

    Govt to convert 35 state schools to charter schools
    Rocket Lab Completes Archimedes Engine Build, Begins Engine Test Campaign | Business Wire Rocket Lab Completes Archimedes Engine Build, Begins Engine Test Campaign

    Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) (“Rocket Lab” or “the Company”), a global leader in launch services and space systems, today announced it has comp

    Sleight of hand in combat

    I am running a Tabaxi rogue that is currently 4th level.

    In a recent fight, purely to piss off the leader of a band of thugs, my character ran in the 20ft and lifted his gold pouch (lucky roll 19, for a total of 26), then proceeded to bonus action disengage. The feline agility racial ability allows me to double speed for a round, so was able to disengage to a distance of 40ft.

    The DM was totally ok with this, I didn't actually do any damage and I "wasted" my turn for flavor and fun.

    I get that you can't use slight of hand to perform a disarm, but what is are your thoughts on lifting daggers/arrows/spell components etc....which are not being held by an enemy?

    This could be very OP if I'm allowed to steal a wizards components pouch, rendering them significantly less of a threat.

    Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone

    The laws surrounding 5th Amendment protections and biometric passwords are still undecided, so just turn it off.

    Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone

    Are there any legal experts that want to weigh in on this.

    Can the police in New Zealand force unlock your device with your biometrics?

    How does this work with NZ law?

    Solar Sail CubeSat Has Deployed from Rocket - Small Satellite Missions Solar Sail CubeSat Has Deployed from Rocket - Small Satellite Missions

    NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System is confirmed to have deployed from Rocket Lab’s Electron kick stage. The satellite has reached low Earth orbit to

    Smoking Ban - British taking our great idea, that we have abandoned What is the smoking ban and how will it work? - BBC News

    The government wants to stop people smoking by raising the legal age limit for buying cigarettes.

    What is the smoking ban and how will it work? - BBC News

    Heard this on the BBC news podcast today, they reference our attempt....that we have given up on.

    Rocket Lab pushing for first Neutron launch in 2024 - SpaceNews Rocket Lab pushing for first Neutron launch in 2024

    Rocket Lab says it could launch its first Neutron rocket before the end of the year as it outlines a long-term vision for its own satellite constellation.

    Rocket Lab pushing for first Neutron launch in 2024

    Nice work rocket lab

    Thought Experiment: Radical life extension

    Ok, here is the scenario.

    I was reading about some breakthroughs in medical tech, mainly around the treatment of heart disease. But a few others.

    Lets say in 2030 following a bunch of significant break through discoveries, expectancy for those that can afford it goes from currently ~85 to ~150. Initially only the super rich can afford it, but it doesn't take long for it to become an order of magnitude cheaper.

    By 2050 the original tech (which is mostly out dated), is the same cost as a nice new car ~$50k in today's money, the cutting edge stuff is still 1000x the cost but has a much more significant effect, think at least another 300 years.

    The same pattern holds, by 2070 the the original tech is $500, the 300 year tech is $50k and effective immortality (medical) is now available in the market for $50M.

    What would the ramifications be on society?

    Laptop freezing to blank screen

    The freezing happen approx once per day, seems more often when connected to my android mobile hotspot (may be unrelated).

    "journalctl -p err" gives: > nvme 0000:03:00.0: AER: Error of this Agent is reported first pcieport 0000:00:02.4: AER: Error of this Agent is reported first

    The nvme error, happens approx 10x more often.

    I am running a WD_BLACK SN850X 4000GB, Firmware: 624281WD

    I tried the WD website to see if there is a FW update, but there are only windows/mac tools and no link directly to the FW (that I could find).

    System info: > OS: Linux Mint 21.3 x86_64 Host: Zenbook UN5401RA UN5401RA_UN5401RA 1.0 Kernel: 6.5.0-17-generic Uptime: 14 hours, 59 mins Packages: 2662 (dpkg), 60 (flatpak) Shell: bash 5.1.16 Resolution: 2880x1800 DE: Cinnamon 6.0.4 WM: Mutter (Muffin) WM Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Purple (Mint-Y) Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Purple [GTK2/3] Icons: Mint-Y-Dark-Purple [GTK2/3] Terminal: guake CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 6800H with Radeon Graphics (16) @ 1.400GHz GPU: AMD ATI 64:00.0 Rembrandt Memory: 5198MiB / 15220MiB

    Update: it seems that the updated firmware has solved the issue, I have been running 4 days without a crash. Thanks to for pointing me to the Framework guide.....why is this not on the WD website and easy to find.

    $228m without a metre of track, now Auckland Light Rail disestablishment to cost millions more $228m without a metre of track, now Auckland Light Rail disestablishment to cost millions more

    The disestablishment of the Ministry of Transport’s work on the&nbsp;Auckland Light Rail project&nbsp;will likely cost millions of dollars spent over six months and

    $228m without a metre of track, now Auckland Light Rail disestablishment to cost millions more

    Terrible both in scraping the project and how nothing has been done for a quarter billion

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 7/12/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 01/12/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 29/11/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 24/11/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 23/11/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 22/11/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?

    Aotearoa Daily Kōrero 21/11/2023

    Welcome to today’s daily kōrero!

    Anyone can make the thread, first in first served. If you are here on a day and there’s no daily thread, feel free to create it!

    Anyway, it’s just a chance to talk about your day, what you have planned, what you have done, etc.

    So, how’s it going?

    absGeekNZ absGeekNZ
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