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What's your favorite game that you've never played?
  • Dragonbane.


    It looks like it should work perfectly fine for a campaign like B/X DandD, but without character levels, spell slots, the weird attack roll system, and with skills. All the rules for wandering monsters, reaction rolls, and morale that make B/X great can just be added to Dragonbane almost as is.

  • Roots of Mother Appalachia
  • I had to look if this was posted in Science Memes or RPG Memes.

  • TTRPGs also deserve their own huge iceberg (so I made this one)
  • I only recognize things as down as GNS and Fatal, and those are really just level 3 stuff.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • "Komm da weg, Idioten!"

  • Blog posts on how to run a West Marches campaign
  • That's the original post.

  • HamWarmer 40k
  • Rum Ham!!!

  • Magic is just so tedious and predictable
  • The nastiest thing about lack of oxygen is that the first effect is losing your ability to tell that anything is wrong with you. The perfect killer.

  • Magic is just so tedious and predictable
  • I actually want an undead dungeon filled with toxic fumes now.

  • Cait Sith Lord
  • A Cait Sith Lord?!

  • "Formula can not be evaluated" error message
  • It only says "Formula can not be evaluated", nothing else.

  • Remove all barriers in the way of science
  • True science! Without compassion, decency, and humanity.


  • How do they even manage it?
  • But how many of the Rollmaster spells are actually useful?

  • What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • Yes, my post says that they are resin.

  • What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • These are supposedly 1:72 resin figures. (No clue what printer, though.)

    Look a bit rougher than injection mold, but for wargaming purposes this would be absolutely sufficient.

  • My collection of ducks
  • All in a row.

  • What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • Then the unhelpful gatekeeper on Mastodon was not only extremely rude, but also talking complete nonsense.


  • What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • 1 length unit on the model is 72 length units on the real object. Figures are about 2cm tall.

  • What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • But resin printers also seem like they are 10 times as expensive. Which is why I am asking if anyone can help me to find out how detailed PLA actually gets at that scale.

  • What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)

    (I've been informed that I had been told complete BS by the person trying to tell me that resin printing 1:72 wargame minis would be stupidly expensive. As such, my question here is no longer relevant.)

    I am considering the option to get back into miniature painting by starting with 3D printing my own custom figures.

    Given the price difference, it would have to be plastic (I read PLA is a good option), and for my purposes it would mostly be 1:72 scale figures.

    The deciding factor is whether at such a small scale PLA can achieve a level of detail that doesn't look completely terrible. I'm used to 1:72 injection mold figures, and my previous paint work in the past was always so thick that much of the detail present on those would disappear anyway. So I'm really not looking for much.

    But looking for existing images of such prints is very much not search engine friendly and I mostly just come up with Chinese soldier figures made out of some mystery material or figures of unknown scale.

    Can anyone help me to find some reference pictures of 1:72 PLA figures so I can take a look if this level of detail is acceptable for me?

    "Formula can not be evaluated" error message

    In both 11.300 and 11.311, when I open my Dragonbane campaign for which I have not installed the official content module but instead created all the items manually, I always get three messages "Formula can not be evaluated".

    I believe that had something to do with items that I made, apparently improperly.

    But I don't have the slightest clue which of the many items might be causing these error messages to appear. Any way to find out where the problem is caused that is producing these messages?

    No... it's not true... it's impossible...
  • "You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

  • Min-max
  • That's max-max

  • Falkon browser poor performance

    I do quite like the look and use of Falkon and would gladly ditch Firefox for it.

    But page load times seem pretty bad.

    When I use the scrollbar to move a side up and down, it seems rather sluggish or even lagging.

    And the Lemmy website interface does not seem to work at all in Falkon. It keeps loading for a very long time or forever, and once it loads the new content from a new page, it still displays the content from the previous page at the top. Falkon also makes these weird orange borders around the main area of any Lemmy page when I click anywhere inside it.


    It feels like a broken mess, and since I don't think anyone would recommend a browser like that, I feel that there has to be something broken on my end.

    I'm running Fedora 38 with KDE on my computer. If Falkon runs well on any computer, this one should be one of them. Any idea what the issue might be?

    Get tabs bar below the bookmarks?

    I always had the tabs bar below the address bar and bookmark, where they obviously belong, until I recently reset firefox and now I just can't figure out how to get them back to their correct position.

    How do I get the tabs between the bookmarks bar and the main browser window again?

    Lemmy Support Master Yora
    How do you add a favicon to a Lemmy instance?

    I would like to change the favicon for the instance I've set up.

    I installed Lemmy using ansible, so I am currently at a loss where even Lemmy is installed on the server. Where do you need to put the file to make it recognized and used by browsers?

    Yora Master Yora

    Gardener from Northern Germany

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