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X is the worst social media app for LGBTQ+ people, says new report
  • It's pronounced with an sh sound

  • Netanyahu ministers join Israeli far-right 'march to Gaza,' demand Palestinians' expulsion
  • It's characterized by religious extremism, and blaming minorities for problema.

  • Brain-reading device is best yet at decoding ‘internal speech’
  • This is terrifying, and very dangerous. If this gets developed, what will happen to queer people in conservative areas? People who are in the closet for fear of losing housing? Even despite that, this is would be used in some places to make thoughts illegal, like in North Korea or China, it's basically illegal to speak ill of the government, imagine how that would be with this technology.

  • Stormy Daniels wore a bulletproof vest to Trump’s hush money trial, attorney says
  • I think the heart is generally agreed to be a vital organ.

  • JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”
  • Yes, because she has. Maybe not with the haryy Potter books, but with her posts certainly.

  • Man confesses to killing hospitalized wife because he couldn't afford to care for her, police say
  • I mean your right, but that doesn't have much to do with this post.

  • Asylum Rule
  • I guess I should have said leftist, I tend to use them interchangeably because the mean similar things, but your right, that is more of a leftist thing.

  • Asylum Rule
  • That, and many liberals don't like her bc she is extremely fucking rich, and grew up as such.

  • Whoever wrote my daughter's health class text apparently lives in the 1950s.
  • We have a teen center where I live currently.

  • Everybody Sucks Here
  • A sword is nowhere near as dangerous as a gun, Evan a pistol. A pistol can kill from many feet away, a sword you need to be close. Just because something is dangerous doesn't mean it should be banned, but when you get to a certain level of danger, such as guns, where you could kill 10 people in a second, then they need to be banned. Even pistols are way to dangerous. Also, swords are highly regulated in some states.

  • me_irl
  • Yk that there's nothing wrong with polyamoury, it exists outside of Mormonism. The only problem with Mormon polyamoury is that it only allows men to have multiple partners, and the women aren't allowed to ask their husbands to be monogamous.

  • Am i missing out on anything other than porn by disabling NSFW on lemmy ?
  • Alot of news about the wars going on are marked nsfw

  • Post pics of unwashed shelf-stable eggs (this scares the americans)
  • Only 10? They're $13 where i live

  • Ohio governor signs executive order banning gender surgeries for minors
  • And just when Ohio was starting to pass some good laws, this happens.

  • Emails Reveal How a Hospital Bowed to Political Pressure to Stop Treating Trans Teens
  • It is, in many cases, a life or death situation; maybe not as abrupt as a train hitting someone, but suicide among trans youth who are being prevented from transitioning, essentially being told that they are to stupid to know what they want, is terrifyingly high.

  • Why do some people like cats so insanely much?
  • I grew up with dogs and cats, the cats never tried to kill me, the cats never killed someone I was close to. The cats were loving and cute.

  • Amazing how fast one can kill ones legacy
  • No it isn't, it is bigoted to say the trans woman aren't adult human females.

  • Ohio voters enshrine abortion access in constitution in latest statewide win for reproductive rights
  • You remind me of a quote by Mark Twain. "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." -Mark Twain

  • Ohio voters enshrine abortion access in constitution in latest statewide win for reproductive rights
  • Then where are your statistics? Besides, at the point where it is legal anywhere in the states to get an abortion, is before the infant has gained awareness, so it isn't killing a human being, it is killing a being that isn't alive yet. Also, abortion is quite critical to woman's lives, it can in fact be a matter of life and death, or the ability to afford a home, or food, or it could be the matter of rape where the woman had no choice at all in the matter, and might even be a child. The point about your line being funny, is about the way you put it, not it being strange to happen.

  • I th8nk this is a bug?

    I was playing normally, and my pouch was full, then I picked up some stones and they are in my backpack. Is this supposed to happen?

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