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Tesla must face fraud suit for claiming its cars could fully drive themselves
  • Good. Set a precedent that you have to be careful of making wildly unrealistic claims.

  • Do you like olives?
  • I don't like olives.

    But it doesn't need to be an argument.

  • How to work with someone that regularly arrives as the wrong answer?
  • From the way this post is written, I think you don't realize how vague your communication style is. Too many possible interpretations of what you said makes it hard to even follow the story you laid out.

    Who emailed who about what?

    How did someone resend an email that someone else sent?

    Re-sending would mean the same coworker sent the email twice.

    On rereading, I think you meant that one coworker sent an email to the client, then another coworker that you are having trouble with also sent the same email to the same client.

    So, to answer your question, I think they arrive at a different conclusion because they see things differently. Anything that can be interpreted differently will be interpreted differently. The other co workers think they're giving this person set values when in fact they're handing them a set of variables and expecting only one result.

  • How to work with someone that regularly arrives as the wrong answer?
  • Yes, it was too vague. OP may have set a tone that doesn't allow for clarifying questions, or the coworker honestly thought they were carrying out every step exactly as it was told to them and didn't see the need for clarification.

  • Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them?
  • Setting for 8 minutes means that it will heat up, build pressure, then start the 8 minute timer. It then beeps loudly when the time is up, so no need to set a separate timer or keep track of the thing.

  • hello
  • This thing : 👽


  • sunset
  • Makes sense that ai would have plenty of data on what a sunset over water looks like. Millions of pictures online for the taking.

  • Don't worry, Computer Bug will solve your problem [Niji Journey]
  • Ah, more like a gremlin and less like a tiny engineer

  • Don't worry, Computer Bug will solve your problem [Niji Journey]
  • Idk why the ant needs to be incompetent

  • Suggestion for Business Podcast?
  • My suggestion is the Ken Coleman show, or any one of his books as audiobooks.

    He takes calls and gives advice to the callers. In between calls, he talks a lot about building up a network, finding a career where you can succeed, and doing something that motivates you.

    Edit: he's associated with Dave Ramsey, so if you don't like one you probably won't like the other.

  • Beep beep
  • I thought I was seeing the same jeep over and over, but no... Most of them have a whole row of ducks all of a sudden

  • Sunday edition
  • Oh, ok. Just a routine thing to do

  • Sunday edition
  • Having understood that it's an awful comic with an irrelevant main character, I'm still confused on why it's worth put any effort into editing these comics?

  • Daughters and Fathers
  • Because listening takes energy.

  • Is Cereal a Soup?
  • I realized that I definitely wandered beyond the topic at hand. OP's whole idea is to argue a culinary term, and "vegetable" is a culinary term.

  • Do you consider Lemmy/Reddit (and similar platforms) to be social media?
  • Yes, that is also social media. Being terrible, bottom of the barrel social media doesn't make it less social media. It's still people gathering in a place discussing topics. A fleeting place discussing news articles, but still.

  • Where do saplings go to learn?
  • In height school they learn to branch out into new subjects

  • Is Cereal a Soup?
  • Defined how? They're a grouping of roots, fruits, leaves, and tubers.

  • Is Cereal a Soup?
  • It's a non-traditional soup usually served cold.

    Edit to add logic. There are plenty of milk-based soups, and I don't think that baking ingredients ahead of time and adding them cold changes the dish from being a soup. Maybe we're missing out on some delicious hot soup leaving cereal cold?

    It's weird soup, but soup nonetheless.

  • What DNS address do you recommend to replace adguard.dns?

    On android, I've had trouble with adguard.dns constantly kicking my phone off my wifi. It did great with blocking ads everywhere, but I'm done with reconnecting so often, and I have less data available on my phone plan these days to fill in.

    I'm looking for something I can fill in this spot and it just works


    What other addresses have you used that consistently block ads?

    Fire Breathing Tortoise

    In Bing Image Creator, DAL-E 3

    Prompt: a fire breathing tortoise in an old growth forest

    I think it's neat how the fire is in every crack of its skin and shell

    An electric guitar

    In Bing Image Creator, DAL-E 3

    Prompt: an electric guitar designed with built in speakers and a flowing design with glowing lights and swirls of shiny blue on exotic hardwood

    After several iterations of this, I thought surely someone had built this before. Oh yes, I quickly found out, people had put built in speakers in electric guitars many times.

    How would you hide a paperclip in your home/apartment to win a contest against an investigator?

    This time, with rules.

    The other post got me thinking, here's my version.

    For 5 million dollars, the task is the hide a paperclip in your home from a professional investigator. You have 15 minutes to hide it, they have 12 hours and subcontractors to find it. You cannot leave your house or have anything shipped in during your 15 minutes. You have to leave immediately after the 15 minutes is up, and you cannot have the paperclip on your person. Any family members, friends, and all pets will also be removed from the premises, and they aren't allowed to have the paperclip.

    You must be able to produce the original paperclip at the end in order to win the challenge. It is marked in some way that you don't know but the investigator can verify. Absolutely no substitutions. You can bend the paperclip, but not cut it.

    The paperclip must be inside the building. Not in a shared entryway, not outside the walls in any way. Between the studs of the outside walls of whatever you own or rent as living space are as far as you can go.

    Any damage done by the investigator or subcontractors will be repaired back the way it was at no charge, win or lose. They are not allowed to harm the structural integrity of your home/apartment.

    Phone plan research help?

    I'm looking for a cheap plan for two unlocked phones that I already have. I'd like a plan that has 5-10 gigs per line, works with T-Mobile or Verizon, and available in Ohio.

    Once upon a time, there was a lovely website that would easily and clearly compare cell phone plans from any provider who had service in a given area. It has since been filled with ads, featured partners and compares only introductory rates.

    Is there another site that compiles and compares real world information on data plans and stuff? Do I have to just poke around on multiple different websites and compile information myself?

    Family Force 5, Rip it Up chorus

    In Bing Image Creator, DAL-E 3

    Prompt: The dance floor is shredded to pieces The way you rip it up has got my heart rate increasing I said the dance floor is obliterated The way you tear it up has got my soul liberated

    I cropped it down some to cut the garbled lyrics off the top of the picture, and Samsung Gallery automatically upscaled the picture.

    Major Tom by Peter Schilling, snippet

    In Bing Image Creator, DAL-E 3

    Prompt: Hello, Major Tom, are you receiving? Turn the thrusters on, we're standing by" There's no r

    Bing started giving me warnings about copying lyrics in, but deleting most of "reply" made it go through

    The first few lines of Owl City, Fireflies

    In Bing Image Creator, DAL-E 3

    Prompt: you would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep. they fill the open air

    I lost a fight against a martial artist

    It's no wonder I lost. He knew Karate and I only know Try Kwan D'oh!

    Show me your best: robot on safari

    Bing is always suggesting to ask for "a cute colorful robot on safari in a jungle"

    What do you get in your favorite image generator?

    How do you improve the prompt?

    above picture made in Bing Image Creator, DAL-E 3

    Prompt: macro closeup showing some details of a Lego jungle scene, centered on a cute, colorful, Lego robot on safari in the jungle

    Show me your best: Pictures generated from repeated letter prompts

    Using as many words as you can that all start with the same letter, will you ask for a wild whacky wonderland or a plain predictable picture painted with a pretty prompt?

    I've relearned that the word I'm looking for is alliteration.

    Alliterated prompts is what I'm suggesting.

    Here's my kickoff!

    Silent serpents slithering stealthily, surprising some scared sparrows soaring skyward in sunlight

    long-term Lemmy users, what terms from the other site don't work here?

    Like, obviously around here you don't subscribe to a subreddit, were not on reddit.

    What about referring to the Original Poster as OP?

    What about etiquette like marking edited posts and comments with "Edit: added words or explanations of edits made"?

    Ornate typewriter


    It really needs a glass case, but Bing would only do tightly fit cases

    I have a flip top water bottle, I want a similar snacks container, IDK where to ask.

    So I have a bottle similar to this one, and I wish for a small snack container that opens in a similar way.


    I want something that opens with a button push, revealing an opening wide enough to dump loose granola, mixed nuts, or trail mix into my mouth.

    But also I want it to keep dirt and machining coolant sprays out, so in want the lid to cover the entire top when it's closed like the bottle is covered, and I want to be able to operate the spring loaded lid without touching anything that I then have to eat from.

    I have yet to find a good solution.

    How do you know your clock was very hungry at lunch?

    It'll be 4 seconds slow in the afternoon, which is to say it's gone back for seconds.



    Edited to make the tense consistent

    What songs would you choose for a Mama Mia remake?

    Suppose whoever is in charge of making wants to tell the exact same story with a new cast, possibly a new location. You're in charge of picking the songs for the movie.

    You magically have access to the rights of any song ever, the only limitations is that the songs should fit at the same points of the same story as the first movie.

    Do you use the same songs? Would you run with a different genre? Change decades? Swap in different Abba songs? Is it sacrilege to even wonder?

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