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  • I refuse to believe it until it happens

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Great idea. It's sooo close u settling already let's edge it there. If I have time...

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Really weird feeling because if he was almost any other human on the planet I'd feel so bad for him. Like my heart would break. It must be a terrifying disorienting tragic experience.

    He deserves worse though

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • Definitely just a weird situation it came out in. But yes the combat is surprisingly good and not like many games of the era despite cheat high walls existing. Plus the story definitely hits me good. I dig it

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • About to finish Quantum Break. Way better than I figured it would be. Even with Microsoft poking around Remedy kills it

  • Critical support for rookie Mike
  • A book but just starting Guards Guards and it has the vibe

  • Here's how Bernie can still win

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • morshupls

    Liberals explaining how this doesn't have any bearing on if we should trust the security state now so many years later

  • bye bye youtube
  • Fuck that's too good I wish I was an accomplished painter just so I could create this

  • Sunday Is Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Thread (The Return)
  • Similar but I started with zero. Detoured to like a dragon ishin

  • Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000-a-year package with a mixture of anger and admiration Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000-a-year package with a mixture of anger and admiration

    Some tech workers questioned whether UPS drivers deserved high pay — others jumped in to note the importance of the jobs and harsh working conditions.

    Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000-a-year package with a mixture of anger and admiration

    Firstly hilarious that BI is basically just posting message board comments as news.

    But also those comments are expectedly hideous.

    I wish only to be outside

    Spring is arriving. I wish to be outside doing basically anything. Some late season snow showing or skiing, some hiking, climbing and camping.

    Instead I gotta sit here and work to make money. Totally stupid.

    Anyway that's all just feeling the call to the mountains.

    A truly sick pathetic society Escaping Gaza, for fun: Israelis take to 'escape rooms' that mimic war

    As Israel battles Hamas in Gaza, some Israelis are spending their leisure time at escape rooms that mimic the realities of war.

    Escaping Gaza, for fun: Israelis take to 'escape rooms' that mimic war

    Truly simply the worst. My favorite part is where they just straight up say Israelis are fuckin loser cry babies.

    >Escape-room experts say participants generally “win” about 30% to 40% of the time. But Turkenich always makes sure his customers complete their mission.

    >“Everyone in Israel thinks they’re so smart and they, you know, blame the operator if they don’t win,” he said.

    >“Because of our history, we have to win because we can’t afford losing.”

    My beautiful children would never look at a weed

    Chuds really hate when other people are also having fun. I mean Breckenridge is like one of the most gentrified fuckin places and yet chuds still complain because of a little lingering counterculture. If you can even call such weed funny things countercultural anymore.

    When you definitely understand Hamas

    If you're only reference for terrorists are movie villains this makes complete sense.

    I bet the streaks left behind by missiles would look great on acid

    Anyway obviously Hamas are a bunch of deranged freaks for taking some stimulants before going into battle. Unlike our wholesome IOF doing peaceful and cool drugs.

    Proves once and for all that psychedelics don't actually make you a good person.

    I wish a very traumatizing trip upon this occupier when a rain of missiles begins flying.

    When you do so many mushrooms you turn into a Christian revivalist About US from

    Who are the talented people running

    A strange little bit of the Internet I bring to hexbear. Getting drunk on the holy Spirit hits different when you're on shrooms.

    I distinctly remember a giant Israeli flag on this page previously when I was looking for somewhere to get spores from years ago but that seems to have been removed.

    Anyway this has been a PSA don't buy spores at

    Keeping the world largest concentration camp is p nuanced if you think about it

    No I won't explain how it's nuanced. You tankies thinking people being free is "good" is the real crime.

    Biden was so shaken by photos he didn't see

    This is the event that unites chuds and libs in their hatred again.

    Overheard at a concert

    Was at a concert and in between tunes caught "...these days this might be problematic but I think...". What were they talking about go.
