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anyone grossed out by libs throwing around terms like "unelected african immigrant" regarding musk?

maybe im a sNoWfLaKe but i keep seeing libs throw “unelected african illegal immigrant” around regarding musk, thinking they’re “throwing it back at” conservatives or somehow proving them as hypocrites, as if conservatives even give a shit about their blatant hypocrisy. but to me it just reads like libs who have always wanted to say shit like that about immigrants but kept it in due to fear of social repercussions, and now they get to let loose on leon kums, kind of the same way they misgender caitlyn jenner, like “see THIS is how your fellow republicans talk about trans people”, as if jenner is ever gonna read their reddit post

  • Libs are just as phobic as right wingers (redundant I know) but the only difference is libs are obsessed with optics. Libs never have a problem with the reality of oppression, they just don't like the aesthetics. Just look at how ready they are to be homophobic to own Putin, trump, etc (it's because he's the homophobic one I swear!). Or jumping on calling Russians Orcs (not in a racist way though, it's comparing them to lotr bad guys! (don't read how Tolkien describes them in his private letters!)). They have no problem with being racist/homophobic/bigots, they just need an "acceptable" target.

  • They've been in the lab for years now trying to formulate a second joke beyond "haha gay sex" and the best they could come up with is just plain racism. Shit is unbearable.

  • Extremely…

    I know what they are trying to do, but still really icked out by it. Rightfully so because it’s an icky thing to say even ironically.