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Even wealthy Americans are struggling to make ends meet
  • Why are you buying a $1m house when cheaper houses exist?

    These people aren't poor they're just stupid with their money.

  • That face isn't showing an ounce of remorse
  • As soon as I saw the post I knew what I had to do ๐Ÿซก

  • Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth
  • "It's weird to have preferences"

    That's what you're really saying.

  • Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth
  • I do not give a single fuck about what you choose to do to your body.

    But I'm also allowed personal opinions about it.

    My personal opinion is that I find them extremely off-putting to a frustrating degree. Also those frustrations are not aimed at the girls getting these piercings but more towards 1) Why do they bother me so much? And 2) Why are they so popular?

    Y'all can judge me all you want though it's a little ironic when I already said I have no hate to people who get piercings. Fuck I've got tattoos all over. Piercings just aren't my thing. Some I can ignore and others I can't.

  • Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth
  • They don't taste any different but I still don't like them.

    Same with the septum rings.

    No hate just disappointment for just how many girls are doing one or the other.

  • The selfish sky
  • Between weather and light pollution I've accepted that I'm never gonna see anything cool in the night sky unless I drive over a thousand miles to the fuckin desert.

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • But enough of us are okay with that as long as those damn immigrants, black, and poor people are treated that way it's fine.

  • Do bugs get fat?
  • Do those not have exoskeletons??

  • Team Avatar returns in the โ€œAvatar: The Last Airbenderโ€” Team Avatar Treasury Library Editionโ€ Releasing October 29th
  • The only thing I want from avatar is the nickelodeon episodes that had all the little bubbles pop up on screen explaining background details and just little fun facts about the world in general.

  • Oohhh, I get it now.
  • I'm as cis as it gets and I've often thought about being a pretty girl not because I feel like I'm a girl but because I'm starved for positive affirmation and would love to actually experience that for once.

  • lemmy test how ur client handles long posts
  • Meanwhile it took me like 4 full seconds to scroll through the whole thing.

  • 24 June 1979
  • Where'd the plate go?

  • The mask ban shit is unreal.
  • Maybe the real delusion is all the diseases that can cause a compromised immune system we met along the way.

  • I don't mind paying taxes for services. I mind very much billionaires not paying taxes.
  • I don't hate the concept of taxes. I hate the concept of my taxes not actually going back into the community I live in and instead being used to line pockets and blow up middle eastern people.

  • Controversial take
  • It looks like a poorly rendered video game until you look at the people.

  • Oh no!
  • Ye it's only when these things happen to the point of disrupting your life to a dysfunctional degree do they warrant a diagnosis.

  • Our community at night
  • Meanwhile in my head:

  • It's not that serious.

    Inspired by a recent post about fork types. Stuff always seemed unnecessarily complicated.

    What do you do with Nazi memorabilia?

    I own a long dagger/short sword. The hilt is in the design of the German eagle with its wings spread out as the hand guard and in the middle of the hand guard is a swastika. The scabbard is also adorned with swastikas on the top, mid section, and bottom.

    I don't want to own this piece as I don't want to be seen as a Nazi sympathizer or anything of the sort, but I don't want to sell it to someone who actually is a Nazi sympathizer or something like that.

    What do I do with it besides trash it? I don't want to trash it because it's decent quality. It's not historic in any way (which disturbs me to think about) but it's well made.

    What can I do with it?

    *The item in question is not historical

    Me to myself everyday.

    I hate waking up and immediately jumping up to do shit

    Borger ๐Ÿ˜

    It's a bit out of focus but still clear enough to see.

    I made myself a BBQ burger. BBQ sauce, ketchup, lettuce, red onion, bacon, with cheddar cheese.

    Life uh uh uh... finds a way.

    I don't even think there's dirt in there. It's an old birdbath with the top removed.

    I was reminded of this after my phone autocorrected "honestly" into Throckmorton.

    And before anyone complains about the ifunny watermark this picture was taken from Google.

    Does Lemmy have a bump system?

    By bump system I mean someone interacting with a post causing that post to move higher in the main feed.

    If so what are the specifics? Is it just upvotes? Just comments? What about if someone archives your post?

    Also what's to stop someone from trying to manipulate their own post by adding new comments to try to raise the post in the feed to get more interaction?

    Political Memes ThatWeirdGuy1001
    Me whenever someone brings up futuristic dystopias.

    Seriously, it doesn't get much more dystopian than this.

    Me every time someone brings up possible futuristic dystopias.

    Seriously, it doesn't get much more dystopian than what we already have.

    A salad my friend made at work for some photographers at our new restaurant.

    I work at a newly opened restaurant and we had photographers come in to take pictures of the food. My friend is in charge of our salad station and created this masterpiece.

    Would you drink breast milk if it was commercially available?

    This question popped into my head after an ADHD moment of deconstructing the concept that humans willingly drink cow milk on an industrial scale. Would you drink milk if it was human women pumping the milk themselves?

    Newest edition

    The eye is a little fucked up but I'm getting it fixed once it all heals.

    Just enjoying my jup of jea

    Inspired by recent trends

    Edit: I just noticed this thing is a pipe/mug in one

    Are humans the only animal that wipes things off?

    I know the title is poorly worded but I can't really think of how exactly to word the question.

    I was watching a cat try to find a place to sit that wasn't covered in snow and it made me think about how humans wipe off snow covered seats or just dirty seats in general.

    Is that a uniquely human thing or are there other animals that exhibit similar behaviors?

    How do I stop hating children?

    Almost all my life I've absolutely despised children. Pretty much from the moment I stopped being a child I've hated being around children.

    It doesn't even matter what the child is doing. Whether they're laughing and having fun or screaming and throwing a tantrum. The sound of a child being loud activates an almost primal rage that I can barely contain.

    I've had to leave social gatherings/restaurants/grocery stores all because if I'd stayed I'd have made a complete ass of myself by screaming at a child just for existing.

    It's even worse with infants which makes me feel horrible because I know they can't help it. I know the kids don't know any better and it's our job as adults to get them through childhood, but my blood boils when they get loud or demand attention.

    Has anyone else dealt with something like this? Is there anything I can do to stop from getting so angry?

    ThatWeirdGuy1001 ThatWeirdGuy1001

    Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

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