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Canadian university sues its own students over encampment for Palestine
  • The Ezra street parties that cost the city thousands are totally fine. but they freak out over a few tents. The only reason this school is around is that it's a feeder school to a lot of local tech companies that want fresh meat to grind.

  • Find Out If Your MP Is A Landlord Or Invested In Real Estate
  • So pretty much all of them. I'd assume most of those who are not landlords intend to become landlords and will vote pro landlord policies in anyway.

  • shutdowns/meltdowns in dreams
  • I've had these. Usually related to those I am close with. Dreams of bad things happening to them or dreams of intense jealousy. They make me wake up in a panic. I'm 37 now but only been getting help I the last year or so.

    My therapist advised me that (at least in my case) these don't nessary reflect who I am in waking world. the reasons these dreams disturb me is because they counter my views of myself.

    It's like if I dream of myself committing a grievously violent murder and I wake up disturbed. That doesn't mean I have a desire to hurt people it means the opposite.

    Your own case may be different but you can't really stop bad dreams. Dreams are a symtomn of bad sleep so you can work on improving that. What you can do is learn how to process a dream and have it affect you less negatively.

    Good luck.

  • In Denmark Buldak Instant ramen has been recalled for being too spicy
  • Ah good to know. I've never been able to get a clear answer from my doctor about it. But I do know as I'm creeping to my 40s my guts protest the spicy stuff with sharp pains

  • In Denmark Buldak Instant ramen has been recalled for being too spicy
  • I've eaten this a few times. It's actually great when you have congestion. Clears the sinuses real good. May have also given me an ulcer, but I used to eat a lot of spicy stuff so could have been anything.

  • Anybody remember? Such a great movie!
  • Oddly yes, scene where the kids are stomping on toes while a goblin yells "hurt them hurt them!"

  • This rule is protected by:
  • Now you can relax with a delicious bowl of granny creams.

  • Does anyone else use AI to rework texts/emails/planned conversations to sound more allistic?
  • I've spent 2 months transcribing an entire poorly written text book into a Google doc. I'm now taking that transcription and having chat gpt rewrite it all for readability. All so I can maybe pass certification exam.

    The problem is less with us and more with academia having developed an highly oppressive way of writing things. But from my perspective it's just sloppy unreadable garbage.

    AI has been great I can just give It the promt "make this concise and readable using only common language" and it will take entire chapters down to simple point form lists for me.

    I also use goblin tools for writing.

  • TIL there was a face briefly visible on a scene of RotS
  • Fitting he'd appear in a glitch

  • Reconstruction of an antiquity-era Greek trireme next to a modern frigate of the Greek Navy.
  • The trireme is my best naval unit sailing out to finally explore the seas after I've conquered my continent. I think this is the playthrough I finally win via conquest. Then I find Gandhi's warship and all hope is lost.

  • GUNDAM BREAKER 4 – Release Date Trailer – Nintendo Switch
  • What is this? did they bring back the Doozy Bots?

  • This was me from 2009
  • If your friends decide to try out any cool new games with you. Please go for it.

  • Shake Shack confirms Toronto location to open this summer
  • It's on young and Dundas, window wraps are up already. You can get a shake while being told, over a megaphone, about how your going to rot in hell or some other religious nonsense.

  • Being 'to negative'
  • Comming from a simular situation. So the best I can give is my own story.

    Nearing my 40s. More of a rimworld/minecrafter. Every day off work, every waking minute im in a game.

    short version of a long story. I'm experiencing huge life changes. Therapy and friends convinced me to remove one of the major causes of my isolation. And with it going away I saw just how isolated I actually was all this time. I saw how badly it has affected me. The negativity is part of that. It's like a symptom of isolation poisoning.

    I feel for the first time that I've wasted so much time. I didn't value making friends or seeking a life parter. Though having made a friend everything changed.

    Honestly the desire to play games is fading and it now feels bad to play games all day. Making a real friend who is postive made me want to be more positive i leared that it's a genuinely good feeling.

    Isolation is comfortable but it comes at a cost you may not see. It's good to go out and get some perspective occasionally.

  • Toronto unveils new sidewalk litter bins, to install 1,000 by end of year | CBC News
  • These just seem like more expensive bins to be destroyed by trash raiders (including racoons) and engarged alcoholics. I agree we need to replace the current one with a stonger model, but these don't look tough enough.

  • Asking the important questions
  • Often me. I make tools/interactions for learning management systems. So the back end is a thid party I have no controll over. Just take the api and make the magic happen.

    You need me to save data somewhere but don't want to buy server space? Sure we can cram that into places it's not ment to go within the system. It will slow things down and likly cause issues but it's free.

  • Imposter Spectrum
  • It's been recommended on here a few times but I'm finding that Goblin tools the judge tool is pretty good. If thats not cutting it I just have chat gpt do the whole letter. I'd generate one from scratch or have it make my existing letter "more readible" and ask it to be "less wordy".

  • Imposter Spectrum
  • The frequent over apologizing was a thing I had issues with as well. I focused on stopping because I realized it can be negative for those you communicate with.

    Apologies are hard to reply too. So if your apologizing all the time your are putting a burden on them to acknowledge it. This can strain communication over time.

    Also, like other things, overuse of apologies weakens them. If your a little more picky about when to apologize it will make them more genuine. This is also why I avoid yelling and cursing. So when I do those things, the expression has some potency.

    Lasty it's unprofessional in written communications. This is probably a more controversial opinion. But for the reasons above and because it can make your communication less concise. In the professional environment being clear and concise is more important then being polite. (Though you still need to be polite).

    The added bonus is that doing this will make you sound more confident.

  • Union Station has the most depressing art, can we vote to change it?
  • I think whatever art they put up there is going to get covered in grime regardless. The whole system needs a massive pressure wash.

    I wonder it is possible and how long it'd take to send a full squad of like 20 guys with pressure washers down there to clean every inch of the place

  • This person is kind to me, therfore I now love them.

    Sorry for another "Is this autism or normal human behavior?" Post.

    There's a long story as to why I am experiencing this again but it's not really any more relevant then the title of this post.

    For older folk it's like that episode of the Simpsons where Lisa, out of pity, give Ralf Wiggim a valentines day card and he immediately starts invisioning a future with her as his romantic parter.

    I've identified I have this same trait and I hate it. Looking back I've totally made people who had been nothing but kind to me uncomfortable and shut me out because of this.

    Now knowing that I am doing this is at least making me a little more in control and hopfully less weird. But now I need to stop and asses every interaction I have which is itself awkward.

    I have to pass a certification exam and I am terrified.

    I made a deal with my employers, they'd provide me time and funding and I'd pass some project management training to help with task related to that role.

    I've been doing project managment for years already and it's a subject I am confident in. The course was easy for me since I found one geared towards my learning style.

    But I got too confident and suggested I could pass the certification exam. I havnt had an exam since high-school and I did pretty badly at those.

    The problem is that the questions are mostly scenerio based and I am taking things too literally, focusing on the wrong detials, or considering things from the wrong perspectives. It's driving me crazy because I know what I am doing and I have a lot of pressure to succeed, but this poorly written exam could prevent me from achieving it.

    Does anyone else have this issue or know any preparation resources I could use to help me intrupet these things better?

    Is Rogers down again?

    I can't get ahold of support but it's down for ne in Toronto and my family out in Waterloo. Seems to be another big one. I can't get any info on what's going on.

    Subscribed view not working.

    Not sure if its just me. But the subscribed view is just showing me feeds from a bunch if stuff I am not subscribed too. I am still able to see my subscriptions in the sidebar, it's just the feed view.

    solved: comment from user Otter mentioned had updated. Logging out and back in solves this issue.

    Registration is now open for the FMTA’s Tenant School program.

    I've delt with a lot of problem landlords and wish I was aware resources like this. It might be handy for those new to renting.

    Suggestions for tennants/renters insurance?

    I am with Gore currently they are renewing my contract soon and raisng rate. I have never needed them so I cant really say if they are any good or not. But $40/mth seems kind of expensive.

    I'm usually at the lowest rates. Other than my computer I don't own anything of much value. And I've never done anything to require a payout in over 20 years of renting. So I should be paying minimal levels.

    I tried to call RBC about it setting up a plan. They told be they'd call me back at 5pm tommrow. That was about 2 weeks ago. So I took that as a red flag.

    Looking for a specific meme

    It's a typical video game peasant looking npc lamenting at no on in particular that's there's a very solvible problem. Oh is only somone could solve this for them! While a very strong capible looking player character is right next to them.

    I'm reading somthing about emotional blackmail. Apprently this meme describes one form of it perfectly. Though I havnt seen it in years and I can't find it via searches.

    I got the diagnosis today.

    Anyway, here's the story

    It's taken over 2 years and it's been a weird process overall.

    I am in Canada, assessment is free here with a doctors referral.

    I've been a courseware developer for over a decade now. Part of the job has been to take documents made by instructional designers and make them into courses in various learning systems. Now I only do this as a side gig as the jobs been nearly automated out of existence.

    One day I was building up a course on Nerodiversity and it kind of clicked for me. I didn't actually know much about autism. Growing up it was frequently juxtaposed with down syndrome. So I didn't learn about it until my 30's

    But I checked a lot of the boxes and decided I should get it checked out.

    Doctor said to try CAMH. So I had to call them and explain. They initially told me it wasn't worth doing and that as long as i am employed then there is no reason for it.

    I insisted. I guess you got to really want it to get it. Got told I'd be on a waiting list for 6 months. This is unless I was willing to have it done by a private organization for over $5k. I chose the free option.

    6 months later got a call. They wanted to get documents such as all childhood medical documents as well as all my high-school transcripts. I let them know I wasn't able to get any of that.

    6 months later they call against asking for all that and that I give contact info for a parent or guardian. I give them my moms info.

    About a year later I get called again. I had pretty much assumed it wasn't going to happen so I was a little shocked. But they just wanted all the documentation again. This time they actually called me back to book an assessment. They only asked I bring a few seemingly random items from a list.

    I ended up having to go to my mom's house in a differnt city. It was a remote meeting but my mom didn't know how to do one of those. I borrowed my roomates laptop since I only use a big tower.

    I got up at 4am to get to my mom's place that day. She had 2 new kittens running around. We figured the dining room was the best place to set up the laptop for this.

    First half hour he wanted to ask my mom questions. While she answered I could listen but wasn't allowed to talk. Her two kittens where playing with somthing under the table.

    My turn. He asked me a lot of the same questions to confirm my mom's answers.

    About 2 hours in the laptop says it's about to die on me despite being plugging in. Turns out the kittens ate the cord. So I asked for a short break.

    Being prepared for everything. I had actually brought a spare Webcam. I had to install it on my mom's old pc and install all the right drivers and software in the 15min break.

    When the meeting resumes I am a mess, sweaty, exhausted and very tired.

    The second part of the assement was even more questions but more subjective then the first half. He also read a child's picture book with me. He had me describe the I images. It was somthing about flying frogs.

    The last part was to take some of the random items I'd been told to bring and make a story with them. I had trouble with that, I'm imaginative but not very creative also I was dead tired.

    That was it though, they said they'd call me back with results in 2 weeks. My mom sent my roomate $130 to replace the cord cord her cats ate.

    3 weeks later I called them because they didn't call me back. But today and they told me I am level 1 autistic. Ironically halfway through the short video call my very reliable pc just shut off for no reason. It hasn't done that before or since. They'll be sending me some resources and an invite to a workshop of some sort.

    Not sure what to do with this yet. I'm just enjoying memes for now.

    [What if scenario] What if all commercial institutions suddenly decided they no longer intend to acknowledge religious events such as Christmas?

    This means no sales, no themed merchandise, no decorations. December 25 and most other day are treated just like any other day for all stores malls, restaurants, ect.

    You'd still get non religious holiday events like mothers days, or independence days.

    What whould change?

    Anyway to block specific ads?

    I know this is a long shot as the ads are a 3rd party thing. But I'm not sure where else to ask.

    I getting infuriatingly misleading attack ads from a local political party.

    I've already removed any ad settings in Google such as removing ad ID and targeted Ad setting. But that did nothing.

    Is there kind of like "don't show ads from this organization" option?

    No Demovictions event planed for Oct. 2nd

    I signed up with the FTMA ( recently. I can't attend events like this myself but I can post about them here for those interested.

    requesting modship to

    I am requesting modship for

    The existing mod has only ever made one post in there about 3 months ago. Even that was a result of me asking them to via DM. They have been inactive since.

    After seeing it other users complaining about it in other communities I posted a notice in that I come here and do this. I also suggested that if anyone else wanted it they could have it. It has been a week and I got a few responses but no one seemed interested taking the role.

    Thoughts on Hiki?

    In short this app claims to be a dating app for the Nerodivergent. Overall I am skeptical it isn't just another targeted data mining scheme that doesn't care about its users. So I am hesitant to jump in. Can anyone vouch for it?

    Detailed Info dump:

    For some reason despite being technically single for the past 2 decades I'm not as content with being alone as I used to be.

    From what I remember about dating in my 20s dating sites where just waves of nerutypical people wanting lifestyles that I'd hate. I had nothing in common with anyone on them and gave up. I'm definitely more comfortable around other Nerodivergent people.

    Normally I'd go volunteer or somthing to meet people. This isbthe healthy option. However I'm already working multiple jobs, and there doesn't appear to be many opportunities around that involve going out and meeting people.

    So I'm cautiously investigating other, probably less healthy, options.

    Should we?

    I'm hoping I am not misreading things here but it seems the mod of the community is gone? If not then let me know and I'll remove this. I'm not trying to start drama here.

    As we do have some active users and intrest should we consider requesting that the mods transfer ownership over to a more active user? I belive they will do this for situations like this.

    I'm willing to help out, reach out to the instance mods and such if folks want. At least until things get settled. But if there's somone here that is qualified and willing please speak up.

    How do email scammers spoof my email?

    I recently switched my mail/domain from Google to name cheap. I've been keeping a critical eye on my junk mail as the spam filtering doesn't seem as good.

    I saw neat scam email from my own email adress. It was the usual "I am a hacker give me money" nonsense but the trick with them using my own email adress is pretty neat. I assume they've injected some sort of common replace string?

    Just curious if anyone knows the trick here.

    Update: followed the advice most of you have provided and spam mail has gone way down as a result. Leaving post here for the next poor sod who runs into these problems. Maybe Google will lead folks here instead of reddit.

    Thank you kind strangers.

    Advice for cell services that work indoors

    I've been using Bell since prior to moving here. Everywhere I ask suggest that have the best "coverage". They even have 3 towers near my location. but neither my roommate or I can get a decent signal in our condo. I often miss calls or experience disconnects.

    This is also true when out doing errands such as buying groceries. I usually send pictures to my roommate to confirm what I need to buy. But often need find specific places in the stores that have signal.

    Does anyone else have this issue? also is there any provider which doesn't have this issue?


    There was a wifi calling option on my phone. I was confused by the websites which made it sound like somthing that cost extra. Turns out you just need to provide an adress for 911 use then it just sorta works.

    $1 credit card fraud

    Here's an odd cautionary tale.

    The other day I got a call. The usual fraud robot caller saying somthing about a $600 dollar charge. I hang up on it as is normal.

    However, I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to money. I've had money taken from me more times then I'd like to admit. So I check anyway.

    Obviously there's no random $600 charges on there and the robo caller was just a scammer. But I do see something weird. A charge for $1 to a Vietnamese eatery up in North York (I'm not sure if I am allowed to name it).

    I live downtown and hardly ever go to North York. Even more weird is that is was for $1. Nothing in any restaurant cost $1 not even the delivery fees. Again I am paranoid so I report and lock down the card. A massive inconvenience these days.

    However, the bank has confirmed it was fraud, and they are changing up my card numbers.

    Has this happened to anyone else? I have no idea how they got me.

    One theory I have is that this was a probe. Simular to when you set up a PayPal account and they charge you $1 to verify your credit information is correct. But why whould an eatery do that?

    Either that or scammers got a giant list of numbers and charged them $1 each hoping no one whould bother reporting it.

    Anyone else getting this Life Labs email about a class action lawsuit?

    I got an email I had assumed was a scam but it's not asking me to click any links or do anything beyond contacting one if many law offices.

    It just says there's a class action lawsuit against life labs regarding a data leak and that I've automatically been included.

    Buy how did this legal group get my email? Is this how class action lawsuits work now I'm just tossed into them?

    I suppose I could contact one if the lawyers the email mentions but did anyone else get this?

    Update: spoke with a family member who also received this. They also have a lot of experience with these. His advice was to ignore it. If they win check back on how to claim a few bucks.

    6 Support / Questions Seigest
    is under attack right now or is swarm of porn links intentional?

    The "all new" feed is a bit of a mess regardless. Hundreds of porn links being posted on I can't tell if this is bots or some weird and intentionally random thing they are doing.

    is there a study out there to calculate the "kill count" of every day things?

    I'm going to horribly oversimply this. For example. Say I am wearing a shirt a cheap one for Wal-Mart.

    This shirt was produced in a sweat shop. That sweat shop has .0005 deaths per day. Thus by wearing this shirt and supporting the mechanisms that brought it to me. I have a killcount for today a number substantially smaller then .0005 and obviously there's a tonne of subjectivity on what that number might be.

    Now include the dye factory that made the shirt green, the shoes I am wearing, the bus I am riding in, the coffee I drink. All these luxuries and that number may go up a little.

    I am wondering if this is somthing that is being considered anywhere is somone building a calculation to determine our daily kill counts.

    I'm sure most of us probably don't what to know what ours might be, but knowing what parts of our daily lives have the highest values we might work harder to change for the better.

    Seigest Seigest
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