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A cool guide to the slowest depreciating cars
  • People just really love the Jeep Wrangler because 'Merica. Or something, I don't get it either. Even the old ones with their pre-enshitification parts aren't even that reliable and are expensive to maintain. If you like working on your own vehicle as a hobby I guess it's acceptable but otherwise it's like $1000 a month getting the dealer to fix everything.

  • Anon misses some signals
  • I know of a girl from 13 years ago that I recently realized may have been interested in me. Just to be on the safe side, she probably wasn't. For all I know maybe she was just Canadian and being nice.

  • Can anyone help me with a problem with Photoshop on Linux (Lutris)
  • I've never used Lutris but I know cs4 can work in wine, I've done it before. (I use Gimp now before anyone points out that I should be using Gimp instead). The method I've found for manually getting random wine stuff to work is as follows:

    Step 1. Get winetricks and figure out how wineprefixes work.

    Step 2. Scroll through the winetricks dll menu, make an educated guess on what library to try installing and install it. Direct x and netframework are often the first things I try but c++ runtimes are important too.

    Step 3. Try the program after installing the thing you guessed it needed. If it works better than before, go back to step 2 and repeated until the program works correctly. If its borked so badly it doesn't even start, delete the wineprefix, go back to step 2 and pick different dlls.

    Pro-tip: test your program by running it in a terminal instead of double clicking an icon. Sometimes when it crashes, it leaves behind useful information such as "error: missing mscorefonfs" or whatever in which case you should see if the thing it's complaining about is in your winetricks dll menu.

  • North Korea floats more rubbish-filled balloons to South Korea
  • I'm not a farming or a defense expert but iirc North Korea has a lot of military equipment (north korea propaganda consists of them showing off all their toys, after all) which means they have a lot of guns which means they need ammunition and surely they manufacture their own ammunition or at least some of it. This involves nitrogen production plants. Can they not use some of that to make nitrate fertilizer?

  • You may not know,
  • I'm curious to know why not to do it as well. I'll probably never do ritalin or steroids but I'm still curious. Like, does it cause heart attack and/or multiple organ failure? Does it cause vomiting? Does it make you generally feel like shit like a hangover?

  • Your installation is about to get exploded
  • I use void which is kind of like arch but it trades software availability for making it less likely to bork itself. I'm really pissed that I can't have virtual box or monodevelop on here. There certain c# related things that can only be done with either monodevelop or Microsoft Visual Studio. Next time I do a distro reinstall I'm going with Debian.

  • Embracer's Lars Wingefors on the "brutal truth" of the AAA market. CEO also discusses the possibility of raising the price of games to combat increasing development costs
  • I'm just waiting for the video game market to crash so they stop making games altogether. Then indie developers and open source games can rise in the aftermath.

    It's getting to the point where more and more games are overpriced privacy invasive trash and frankly I'm tired of buying new hardware all the time just to get to play this regurgitated dogshit. I only play old stuff now. I'm playing descent for msdos right now and having a blast, later I'll play some 2005 battlefront 2. Fuck enshitification.

  • It's a choice
  • Hmm, makes sense. It pretty much takes years of studying to make your own fully independent 3d renderer, or at least one efficient enough to still get good frames once you add mesh textures and shading. It sounds like a similar workflow.

  • You can taste the freedom
  • That's never the package chicken nuggets come in. They come in plastic bags from the frozen food aisle. The pictured container is the type of thing they put steaks in with the clear plastic wrap on it.

    Source: I like chicken nuggets

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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