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What secret conspiracy would you like to actually start letting other people know?
  • No, I mean both the shadowy organizations of which I am a member are already documented, as is the fact that I am a member of each.

    At some point, it stops being a secret society and starts being just a society with secrets.

  • Removed
    What's the best dish prepared by your mom/grandma?
  • My mom made this spinach and cheese casserole that I loved so much I'd ask for it instead of birthday cake.

    My dad's mom, her green beans side. They were blanched and then lightly pickled, then heated up in the brine and drained before serving. No additional seasonjng needed. Also her pigs-inna-blanket. I know a lot of people think of sausages for this dish, but she did it the Dutch way, with spiced pork minced completely enclosed in a puff pastry.

    My mom's mom didn't cook much and when she did it was standard English cuisine. But she loved icecream and made a mean banana split.

  • The '15-minute city' might not be realistic for North America, researchers find
  • Right now, I can get almost anything in a twenty minute walk, the only exceptions are a bakery and a hardware store. And I only upped it by five minutes so I could include the pharmacy and coffeeshop. And this is in an underdeveloped neighborhood, full of vacant lots and detached SFHs with yards. The dream is possible, the problem is getting people to see it and developers to build it.

  • Removed
    What's you favorite song lyric of all time?
  • If you're going to ask a question to everyone and also answer it, the best practice is to put your own answer as a comment, rather than in the textbox.

    To answer the question:

    True, there's been trouble and trickery, sir
    Trembling and tribulations
    Twitches from switches of hickory, sir
    You, sir, and your usurpations
    But my patience wears very thin
    When you play the violin

    from "When You Play the Violin" by the Gothic Archies. It's not emotionally resonant, I just love the wordplay.

  • Deleted
    [ANSWERED: yes they do] Does anyone else find this hard to navigate?
  • Caveat: The ones that are still around "just work". The ones that were overconstructed or relied on now-deprecated elements broke and aren't still around.

    Remember flash-only websites? I do. How about "Best viewed in Netscape Navigator"?

  • My girlfriend has ADHD and has is usually procrastinating studying (she has a big exam in a few months), is there anything I can do to help her with this without being prying?
  • I was going to say the same thing. Doing it with her, and at the same time every day (or every other day) would be the most helpful if she's like me. Even better is getting her to join a study group with others taking the same exam; it's a lot easier to do things for others who depend on me than for myself alone.

  • What's your way of destressing?
  • Playing videogames, mostly, but reading fiction is another. Cleaning open-endedly while listening to music, as well. Primal screaming.

    They all work pretty well as long as I pick the right kind of videogame.

  • ABC News: Chicago police tweak mass arrests policy ahead of Democratic National Convention Chicago police tweak mass arrests policy ahead of Democratic National Convention

    Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling is touting the nation's second-largest police department as fully prepared for protests ahead of the Democratic National Convention, including on a new mass arrest policy

    Chicago police tweak mass arrests policy ahead of Democratic National Convention

    How do we feel about this? Article makes it sound like there will be a greater emphasis on deëscalation and oversight, but is that enough of a change?

    What are your favorite non-Classical Stoic media?

    I saw a post recently about how the family cartoon Bluey was very good at showcasing Stoic behavior, even though it wasn't labeled as such. What are your favorite novels, essays, songs, or movies that showcase Stoicism in the modern or postmodern eras?

    My answers in the comments.

    The Killers - The Cowboy's Christmas Ball [music video] The Killers - The Cowboy's Christmas Ball - YouTube Music

    Music video by The Killers performing The Cowboys' Christmas Ball. ©: The Island Def Jam Music Group Director: Robert Schober / Prod co: SUPER! ALRIGHT! Sub...

    The Killers - The Cowboy's Christmas Ball - YouTube Music

    This is one of my favorite songs off my Xmas playlist. The Michael Martin Murray original is also good, but I prefer the sound of the Killers' cover, and the video only makes it weirder.

    Also one of the best descriptions of American folk dancing in popular media.

    Atomic Robo - Knights of the Golden Circle Atomic Robo - v9ch1 Cover

    The robot punches monsters and bad robots and one time he was a cowboy.

    Atomic Robo is a comic book, mirrored on the web, about alternate history. In this arc, the eponymous hero has been sent back in time to the Old West... where he finds an old enemy who hasn't met him yet.

    I use a to-do list to remember important tasks. But if I am anxious about a task, just looking at the list triggers my anxiety.

    Often I end up closing the list and immediately turning to self-soothing. And because there's no way to know in advance if a task on the list will give me anxiety, this often results in my list being not just unusable but unreadable, preventing me from doing or even remembering the non-anxiety tasks on the same list.

    Categorized Communities Collection ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    DIY / Off-Grid / Homesteading Communities

    If you're interested in gardening or ecology, the entire Solarpunk instance ( is full of great munis for you. Here's all of those plus some from other instances.













    Categorized Communities Collection ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    Cycling and bicycle communities

    I think the following is a comprehensive list of cycling munis:










    Went on All today and saw many posts celebrating Sen. Feindtein's recent passing. Why is she so hated on the left?

    I'm not from California, so I don't know much about her; but this genuinely surprised me, especially how vicious and vitriolic the comments were. What's going on there?

    Song I Love And Want To Share ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    Manel — Teresa Rampell (2013)

    I can't remember how I first came across this song: My wife says I played it for her, but I remember her playing it for me. The important thing is that we both love it, which believe you me, is not all that common.

    I love it because it's rollicking and high-energy and earnest. I eventually looked up the lyrics (which are in Catalan) and it's a pretty normal love song with some nice sentiments, but the passion and desire come across in the vocal tone, even through a language barrier.

    If you like Yo La Tengo or The Magnetic Fields, this song will probably hit the spot for you.

    And if anyone has more music that sounds like this, send it my way. I'm always expanding my library.

    Male Fashion Advice ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    Can I wear golf pants to an October wedding?

    Years ago in a thrift store, I found the perfect pants. The formal look of slacks but without the obnoxious vertical slit pockets. The stiffer fabric and sensible pockets of jeans but with a more genteel cut. I now know these were golf pants, and I wear them every day for work.

    I have an upcoming wedding, semiformal, indoors. I'm not in the bridal party, nor am I escorting anybody in the bridal party. Can I wear golf pants to this event, or do I need to go buy slacks, or even a full suit? I'm not opposed to buying a suit, I just want to know what my options are.

    Edit: The specific pants I wear to work are these but I might buy something a little nicer for the event.

    Where in this city can I get a tuna salad sandwich?

    The last FIVE times I've ordered a tuna salad sandwich at a diner, it's been just tuna, not tuna salad. This is very upsetting, and for the sake of preveserving my marriage I'm not able to just make tuna salad at home. Does anyone know where I can get one?

    Places I know I can't get one:

    • Margie's Candies

    • Bridgeport Coffeehouse

    • Moon's Sandwich Shop (Western & Madison)

    Please. It's been so long.

    Soil Remediation Questions

    I'm in Chicago, on the West Side, with two adjoining lots of uncertain history.

    The lot I live in had no garage going back several decades, but I pulled out a foundation for something smallish when I laid down sod after moving in; and when I dug the posts for the fence (and raised beds) I found not one but two brick patios, one about six inches down and one about eighteen inches down. Also a lot of garbage, car parts, old clothes, and plastic.

    The second lot has a sunken area with a footprint the same size as my brick four-square. I don't know if the limestone foundation is still down there. We filled in the area with wood chips to keep down weeds and reduce the likelihood of falling into the hole.

    Right now we're gardening in raised beds, but I'd like to get to in-ground planting eventually. What do I need to watch out for, what do I need to do, and what plants can I use to pull any heavy metals out of the soil over the next few years? I know sunflowers work if you get them out by the root, and that's great, but is there anything more low-profile or more physically manageable, especially something native to the area?

    Today is our wedding anniversary. My daughter got us a card.

    She wrote inside: "You're the best parents I ever had".

    I'm so proud of her.

    main ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    Any chance we can add more languages to the instance?

    Right now users here can only choose English and Undetermined, preventing us from interacting with content in other languages. There's a lot of Spanish speakers in the Midwest, any chance we can expand the language list?

    Tom Swifty Jokes ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    "Oh, I eat everything," said Tom in jest.