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Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war'
  • I'm saying that if the West isn't willing to directly go toe-to-toe with Russia then that is effectively giving them Ukrainian territory. They've held Crimea for 10 years, no sign of them leaving anytime soon. I think the west knows that they can't or won't do anything, but are just giving scraps to Ukraine to make it seem like they're helping.

    The status quo benefits Russia, because the onus is on Ukraine & the west to retake the territory lost.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • It's entirely the Democratic Party's fault if Trump wins another term. But their online cheerleaders are so keen to blame Communists who are such a miniscule percentage of the voting population. Are you going to start Muslim-bashing as well if they don't turn out in huge numbers to vote for Joenicide?

    The sole "Trump will be worse" pitch and constant hostility is absolutely pathetic, and not an election winning strategy. Even your own party leadership knows it. The disconnect between the actual party and it's online supporters is huge.

  • bUt BoTh SiDeS dA sAmE
  • The blame lies entirely with the party if Trump gets elected. Maybe another 4 years of that lunatic will make them learn. Doubtful.

    Try selling this Biden or bust shit to the Muslim-American community who may not turn out in droves to vote for him. Are you going to insult their collective intelligence and question their integrity if Biden fails to get another term? Democrats just take their votes for granted and don't think they have to earn them.

  • What drew you to the high seas?
  • I really wanted to give Assassin's Creed Valhalla a try soon after it came out, as it had been a few years since I'd played any of the games. So I began looking into how I could get it for free.

    I didn't really enjoy the game but what I discovered was much greater than just one game.

  • Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering
  • What leads someone in her situation to decide to go down the euthanasia route rather than regular suicide which doesn't need any approval?

    It's a morbid thought but euthanasia approval seems like it could often be a slow drawn out process, and someone able-bodied wouldn't necessarily need it.

  • Sprocket: Tank Design is such a fun game!

    I bought this game 3 days ago and I'm totally hooked. It's still in early access alpha, though.

    This is my totally made up WW2 Japanese light howitzer, built from scratch!

    Any recommendations for a privacy respecting watch with basic smart features?

    I'm looking for a watch that is able to do basic "smart" things like show notifications and ping my phone if I misplace it. A timer/stopwatch would also be good, and a long lasting battery.

    I have no interest in an Apple watch or Galaxy watch, so I'm looking for something comparatively cheap.

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