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Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer – CPO
  • But supporting chromium is supporting chrome, which supports google. Not directly, of course, and certainly better than direct chrome, but the underlying methodology is identical. The ff management that caused this to happen should be blacklisted (I'd even support them imprisoned over this). However, knocking ff completely out (including any browser built on it) is not good, imo, as it strengthens Google's chrome's/chromium's hold on the browser market, creating a true browser monopoly. Right now, chromium is open source, but if google becomes a true browser monopoly, how long do you think chromium's FOSS status will hold? I'm going to venture, not very long. I just never thought I'd have to choose between evil and more evil when selecting my browser...

  • Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer – CPO
  • As bad as this is if true (and it's abhorrent), is google really any better with how they continuously treat their employees and their produc--er... customers?

  • Instructions were unclear:gotta be precise with that anotating tool
  • I read it as miles. If some_guy meant meters, then that would add such a new level of comedy to it hahaha

  • Removed
    Just me or lemmy community more hostile by the day?
  • Redditors moved here, and brought those habits with them, I guess 🤷‍♂️

  • Removed
    Just me or lemmy community more hostile by the day?
  • That was dank episode, too

  • Trump wanted to drain the swamp to make it easier for the swamp creatures to get around
  • If you think it's random, then we're done here.

  • Trump wanted to drain the swamp to make it easier for the swamp creatures to get around
  • Read the rest of the comment, before you get angry. You may find that full opinions are a little easier to swallow than the partial you chose to hear.

  • Trump wanted to drain the swamp to make it easier for the swamp creatures to get around
  • Ignoring all that. Are he and Biden truly the best that that country has to offer, out of the ~290mil ~184mil native-born citizens over age 35?? I don't believe that.

    Edit: added restrictions on the age group.

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • The only issues I have with a yubi on a phone, is the general fragility of USB-C ports (and that there is only one). On a PC or laptop, you've generally got several, so if one breaks and the yubi can't be used in that port, you're not locked out.

  • Instructions were unclear:gotta be precise with that anotating tool
  • And hopefully you got paid for mileage...

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • Maybe. I don't biometrics on my computers. Only phone. I don't unlock my computer a thousand times a day using a crappy touch kb. Actually, if the phone had a physical kb, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad. Not sure.

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • I wish there was a way to require both biometrics and PIN. They're both insecure on their own, but together they're better. Like instant MFA for your unlock. I would enable that immediately, if it was available.

    Edit: then a password / passphrase in case one of the other two stops working (as an emergency unlock).

  • Instructions were unclear:gotta be precise with that anotating tool
  • Had they read the message, it would have saved them a lot of time waiting for the solution that would have been near instantaneous otherwise. But their 0.5% is more important to them than your 99.5%. Hopefully they're really good at bringing money into the company, because their ability to save labor money for the company is abysmal.

  • Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • That's really great to hear. I'm currently on CalyxOS and, besides the Google crap added to stock, it's very close to the last time I used stock (granted, it's been a hot minute). Next phone will likely be GrapheneOS, as I believe my posture has shifted since I decided on CalyxOS, and the lack of persistent notifications for background tasks (such as Signal) was the main deterrent that allowed me to settle into a more relaxed posture.

  • For those who lurk on Reddit - my ad-free, open source Reddit viewer RDX is an iPhone app now
  • If the app offers a feedback option through the app itself, I usually use it. But if I have to go into a git for feedback, I usually don't. Nothing against git, I just don't ever remember when I'm in front of the computer. [I, too, would enjoy an android app. On fdroid, if at all possible, but playstore is fine, too, if you don't want to foss your project.]


  • ChatGPT has caused a massive drop in demand for online digital freelancers — here is what you can do to protect yourself
  • I mean.... they do have protein, fruits, and such, so, yes. But I was craving some pasta. I guess a crepe is like a sweet pasta. I did feel the craving vanish... ...

  • [Solved] How do I resize this band


    There are no arrows, no obvious pins, no pin latches. This band is different than all of the ones I've ever sized. Does anyone know how to remove links from this band?

    Edit: user Septimaeus was correct in that it was a fixed link band. The link they provided helped in understanding what is requires to resize, and the band now fits my wrist like it was made for it. Thanks!!

    Do InvisibleFence brand controller units work with non-IF collars?

    Do InvisibleFence brand controller units work with non-InvisibleFence brand collars?

    I have an InvisibleFence brand controller unit, and would like to get a collar for it. The InvisibleFence brand stuff requires their techs come out to your house and do whatever it is that they do (at a significantly higher cost). If the controller unit works (tested and verified), will other brand collars work with it?

    Edit: Some of the other brands do work with the InvisibleFence brand underground system, as long as the collar is also designed for the same type of system (the collar should be called something like 'receiver collar'). The issue I'm running into, though, is that I don't like the shock collars, in general. While not as restrictive or cruel as an 8m tether, according to the vets I've spoken to, I still find it needlessly cruel. So, I'm working with the landlord to allow me to install an above ground fence with a dig protection system. It's going to be very expensive, but I'm hoping I can just increase the monthly payments some to make up for it. I've signed a long-term agreement anyway, so I'm here for a while.

    Rip and index DVDs?

    Are there any automatic or semiautomatic tools that will rip a set of DVDs from a tv show, and label the resulting vids (like Show name - s##e## or similar)?

    I want to digitize entire series (of DVDs I own) for an in-home streaming server, and it's super annoying to name each file individually.

    Happy International Coffee Day

    Happy International Coffee Day, everyone!

    The worst part of ADHD (IMO)

    The impulsivity is bad, wasted so much money and time. The hyperfocus, when on the wrong task, has cost me hours in that day. The poor planning / time management has landed me in a world of hurt more times than I care to admit. The low tolerance for distractions / hot temper has caused me to hurt those whom I love most in this world. The inability to properly direct my focus on a task has caused me to lose sight of, and therefore miss, deadlines.

    That's all bad.

    But the worst part for me? The part that doctors don't seem to even attempt to address (except for direct symptom management, which barely work)? Emotional mirroring. If you're depressed and I'm with you, guess what happens to me? Today sucked. Depression is an unrelenting bitch, and I hate her with every fiber of my being.

    [SOLVED] I can't find this post on finding CSAM on Lemmy

    Yesterday, I was reading this post on an open source solution to detecting and deleting CSAM material on Lemmy. I was reading the post, then my browser crashed mid-read. I've been looking for it ever since, and can't find it. Can anyone link it?

    Fireweed Coffee Co. Ethiopia Yorgacheffe

    Black tea is strong, as are fruity notes (blackberry, maybe?). The acidity of the kiwi is there somewhat, but mostly, I taste its sweetness. I'm not sure I taste the lemongrass at all, but that's not saying much, as it could just be masked by the other notes. Overall, this is a very nice roast.

    Making coffee before coffee

    Half asleep, I added coffee to the espresso grinder. Never has it been more clear, that grind size matters.

    Put your hands together

    I was watching friends, and this scene came on. Instantly made me think of GNU plus Linux.

    IT Crowd 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
    Me and my possy, just looking *more* normal
    IT Crowd 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
    Four! I mean... Five! I mean... Fire!

    When you call the new sexy emergency services, but are connected with an unknown country instead, you do the next logical thing… you send an email.

    Picture's not coming through. I'll try an embedded one...


    IT Crowd 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘
    Good morning, that's a nice tnetennba

    Just found this sub, and I see it's not active anymore :(

    Let's change that!

    I don't have herpes!!

    My OG content for your viewing pleasure

    Where can I get more of these plastic caps?

    I have these wire shelves that are held together with these plastic caps. I'm reconfiguring the layout and ran out of caps. It's been a decade+/- since we got these, and I can't remember the name. Does anyone know where I can get more of these caps? Or, at least, what these caps and/or shelves are called, so I can go hunting for them?

    Sidamo G1, Self Roasted

    I roasted a Sidamo G1 to right after first crack. I pulled one shot today, and it's amazing!

    Pay with Palm

    I can only see this going into a very dystopian path. Based on their actions, I don't trust these companies, their security practices, nor their privacy policies. Why would I give them my biometrics? And my full palm, at that!? Hell no!

    ProTip: Coffee beans don't go in the water reservoir

    Hopefully you're having a better morning than putting friggin coffee beans in the friggin water reservoir.

    That is all.

    Espresso machines reliability chart

    cross-posted from:

    Original post was titled "Coffee machines reliability chart", but the image says that they're in the "espresso machine category".

    > The biggest swiss online seller makes charts for warranty claims. Basically: how many warranty claims does each brand have? This chart only shows the most popular brands of coffee machines sold on the site, but I still find it interesting.

    01189998819991197253 𝕸𝖔𝖘𝖘

    Unless explicitly stated, all content posted by this user, is done so under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED (non-AI).

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