Turning over to the round side seems to have garnered a lot more views. I wonder whether he would have stayed flat if it were otherwise. After all many more are making content online in the hopes of money and fame than in some quest for truth.
Scientist are stupid removed because they're liars, Sometimes. Gravity is a complete scam! Ask a scientist, any scientist to explain gravity to you. They can't. Newton thought he could, but then Einstein came and proved he was a liar and a little removed. Einstein thought he could, but then some other scientist proved he was a liar and a removed. So how do we know they're all not lieing removed. /S
Hear me out guys, what if he is not a flat earther rather did the youtube channel to change flat earthers who joined him to change their concept. Man doing lords work.
Most of the big names in the flerf community are grifters, for sure. But many of the people who follow them are genuine believers. I have a relative who's a die-hard flerfer.
Sheeps and Neeps was a small time flerfer who literally died because his conspiracy theory beliefs about cancer treatment, and there was that guy who went up in a rocket and came down in pieces. So some of them really do believe it. In my relative's case, he went through a lot of trauma, flerfers give him a sense of belonging and something to hold onto.