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Humans need to stop being cruel
  • In our current world, we could pay people to take part in trials.

    The majority of people I know today regularly participating in cosmetic trials are desperate for a bit of cash. That would just make imporvished desperate people go to get cancer in exchange for temporary survival through money, we would be treating poor people like the animals we wanted to save instead.

    Not much different than how people are accepting of terrible jobs for terrible pay because theres no other choice.

  • Winamp will “open up” the source code of its classic Windows player in September 2024
  • as long as i can get a linux port eventually

  • also not every multiplayer shooter has to be fornite!

    and not every assassins creed game has to be an inbred clone of the previous assassins creed game, thatd be awesome!

  • Lefty Nemesis
  • we defend the mostly good things accomplished by the current socislist experiments in eg. cuba, china, ussr etc, not the bad things that happened to get there. the world is not black and white.

    we MLs advocate for learning with past experiments and we were never urging anyone to view the tiannamen incident, the ukraine incident or similar, as exaggerated and propagandized as they were by the west as a good thing we should repeat. we advocate for all the good these socialist experiments did long term for the people despite their problems.

    if we just think stalin killed trillions out of his pure evil drive to kill, like the west says, instead of a rebellion by the big landowners caused by quick collectivization, we will be bound to repeat this when it happens again. its a bit absurd and dissapointing that this is the generalization rn.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • oh yeah the notoriously huge and election-swinging group in the us, the communists.

  • "Actually, sweatie, mass unrest is caused by the CIA, not discontent with Dear Leader!"
  • not that trying to scrub any media of all bias is effective anyway but wikipedia has similar information if thats what you trust. my country is on that list, wasnt pretty.

  • "Actually, sweatie, mass unrest is caused by the CIA, not discontent with Dear Leader!"
  • they are pretty good at falsely painting some people as brutal dictators while installing brutal dictators in power elsewhere, though, don't trust them that much

  • AI 'godfather' says universal basic income will be needed
  • i was assuming he didn't by the way you said it. i'm not very informed of this guy, specifically.

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • i dont recall throwing any fits about measures of success. the person you are thinking of is not me.

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • but i have mild approval for them anyway.

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • numbers are fine i guess

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • did i say anything about the ccp?

    in any case the country has seen the unprecedented growth in the economy and quality of life since its inception. not perfect, not too shabby.

  • Ah, the true path to socialism!
  • you are being generous if you think your average reactionary will understand such a heavy concept of per capita

  • Anon discovers a diet trick
  • wait is that what it really is?

  • Dots connected
  • fascism

  • Online Content Is Disappearing
  • run the archivewarrior to help them out, donate or pressure your government to stop it from being killed.

  • French Tiktok ban makes VPN usage soar in New Caledonia
  • mostly text and sometimes short video (eg mastodon, lemmy, signal) does just as much for spreading information and its not nearly as bandwidth intensive. peer to peer alternatives exist too.

  • AI 'godfather' says universal basic income will be needed
  • i feel you but the solution is not placing your trust in people who don't know about the subject at hand.

  • French Tiktok ban makes VPN usage soar in New Caledonia
  • none just yet, but probably not. normies love to shit on twitter for being bad but refuse even considering mastodon because its apparently so fucking impossible to use.

    same with reddit.

    or whatsapp.

    normies figured out torrenting pretty quick when media wasnt readily available elsewhere.

    probably more stuff i might be forgetting.

  • The Central Bank of China will use $42 billion to buy back unsold new buildings, which will then be converted into affordable housing.
  • true. people in my country think our "progressive" conciliatory socdem president is dictatorial communism.

  • Did anyone get pirated Rocksmith to work on Linux with regular P2-P10 cable + good latency?

    Title. If so how? I have tried some of the solutions floating around Proton DB, but can never get around the weird latency issue.

    I'm running Ubuntu 23.04, PipeWire, kernel 6.2 and Lutris Flatpak.

    umbrella umbrella
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