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I knew it
  • ...Lisan al Gaib.

  • Sorry to be a bother...
  • Hehehe. Thanks for the chuckle!

  • Meanwhile, in Springfield Ohio
  • Well, not "kind" of dark, but really dark. I mean, the cartoon couldn't be more direct in comparing the "haitian Simpsons" to the jews and other racial minorities in Nazi Germany, with the last panel being a page from the life of Anne Frank.

  • Striking Boeing Machinists Reject "Final Offer" Of 30% Pay Rise
  • Wonder what else these trusted media sources aren’t telling you about?

    Interesting times we live in. The "trusted sources" are by now arguably deeper into the pockets of big capital than ever, while there's a whole cloud of alternative sources that will cater to anyone with an agenda and money to spend...

  • Pastas Assembled
  • No, but 1kg of pasta? Are you feeding a battalion?

  • Whale
  • It looks like a fun chair.

  • me_irl
  • Yes, that's the original joke - having been taught in British schools, they learned about Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

    Why this is in the school curriculum, however, is another matter, and this thread is pointing out the coincidence that the British empire colonised Nicaragua for like two centuries.

  • Trump Aide Says Calling Harris ‘Childless’ Is Proving to Be a ‘Bad Strategy’
  • The US is a net exporter of oil, and has been one for the last several years.

    Why do you want to increase production if you're not going to export?

  • Trump Aide Says Calling Harris ‘Childless’ Is Proving to Be a ‘Bad Strategy’
  • I saw an interesting stat today that relates to this.

    I'm in the EU, and this year for the first time my country spent more money buying Chinese solar panels than it did buying gas from the US, which has traditionally been a big national expense.

    Putting it another way: the Chinese are selling us fishing poles, while Trump wants to keep selling us fish. Sure, we'll keep buying fish for a while yet, but not for much longer.

    I'm not even considering the climate and all that. It's just a better economic investment.

    But sure, you pump up those barrel numbers as high as you can, up until it comes crashing straight into the ground.

    As for immigration, sure whatever. Kick out all the immigrants, but be honest and let me know how many people do you personally know that want to spend their life working the fields all day, or spend days at a time out at sea on a trawler, or mowing lawns for pennies on the dollar.

    Because as a dev, I really enjoy my air conditioning and nice comfy office, and probably make more money than half a dozen of those pesky useless freeloaders combined, so you won't be seeing me doing those jobs anytime soon.

  • Fake Kamala hit-and-run story is the work of Russian propaganda group, Microsoft says.
  • This sort of campaign isn't designed to sway your average undecided Joe.

    It's meant to reinforce the indoctrination of those already mildly radicalised, pushing them to the extreme. They will inevitably pull along some other inbred imbeciles along with them, and if they're extremist enough and numerous enough, something like the invasion of the capitol would have worked.

    Note: it's not only morons who get swayed. Elderly folk are especially vulnerable to this sort of explosive statements, they have a tendency to believe what they read or see (on TV or other platforms) disregarding their own better judgement...

  • Disney trips meant for homeless students went to NYC school employees' kids, officials say
  • Wait wait, hold up. So Disney is providing trips to homeless kids to visit their amusement parks? Couldn't they think of another way of changing these kids lives in a more... lasting way?

    But in case screw those scumbags who took the trips.

  • Trump loses 'Electric Avenue' lawsuit as judge finds he has zero defense for tweeting the song
  • If you mean "someone" as in an individual that is posting something they made that happens to contain the song, then I agree with you.

    But there are many other uses where there should be restrictions (and need to pay royalties/get licence), like here where it's being used in a political campaign, or for commercial purposes, or if being posted by a corporation, etc.

  • As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • You can do anything, and all of those are edible, but pizza topping on rice? Oh man...

  • The $700 PS5 Pro doesn’t come with a disc drive
  • That's definitely not what came to mind when I read "classic Japanese cars", my mind went to stuff like the Toyota AE86 and the Miata. And from there, to the likes of the Mitsubishi Lancer, Toyota Supra, Subaru Impreza, Nissan Skyline, all those cars I drooled over when I used to play Gran Turismo as a kid (and still drool over, tbh).

  • The $700 PS5 Pro doesn’t come with a disc drive
  • A classic Japanese car? Like those nimble little things that drift down crazy steep mountains and stuff?

  • A worker won $600,000 after Twitter said his goodbye messages showed he had resigned. The case holds valuable lessons for staff and employers.
  • Where I work there is a data retention policy, and emails and other forms of communication (internal emails and slack, but even customer calls, etc) are deleted after a set amount of time, which varies depending on the rationale for storing that data.

    There's many reasons to do this - limit disclosure issues in case of litigation, reduce storage costs, comply with PII rules around the world, etc. The guys in Legal have us file these loong ass forms about all this, including where the data is kept, security measures, etc etc etc.

    I'm shocked this isn't common practice everywhere.

  • If only there was a way to get all of those people there and back home without a car.
  • Why do you ask this as if it's not a thing?

    Look up Santiago Bernabéu or Camp Nou, two of the largest stadiums in Europe, and you find no over ground parking lots. Same applies to most stadiums, with many actually being very well articulated with mass transit, to the point that it's much quicker to just take the subway/train/bus on match day than to be stuck in traffic for hours.

  • 9 September 2024
  • Hum. I think there should be a fictional pair of animals behind the zebras saying "damn" instead.

  • I just want to make cookies :(
  • True, but it's less than a 10% difference. There's a very big chance the recipe will work out either way

  • Temporary pull-up during boot (ESP-01)

    Hi everyone!

    I'm trying to control a "dumb" led light strip segment with an ESP-01S. This is fairly low current, the strip will pull 150mA-200mA max (depends on... artistic? needs).

    I have two NPN transistors (2N2222), one to control the 12V supply to the white "channel" and the other the red+blue (don't need the green).

    I had to pull-down the gates as I had some flickering, and it works perfectly if I manually connect the GPIOs after the ESP-01S boots.

    The ESP will boot if I have the RX pin (GPIO03) pulled down on boot, but not if I pull down any of the others.

    I'm not smart enough to come up with a way to have that extra pin I need to be high only during boot, while the gate it's attached to needs to be pulled down...

    Any thought, other than getting something with more IO pins?

    ByteJunk ByteJunk
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