When searching for inspiration painting Warhammer I always use -pinterest.com because of how enraged I am any time I realise the image is hosted there.
One time I went on Pinterest to download an image of a praying mantis. I eneded up downloading a zip file of 37 praying mantis images. This is my only Pinterest success story. Sorry if this is controversial.
I am a reasonably tech savvy person. I like working out how things work. When I install a new app or software, the first thing I do is go look at the settings to see what it can do, what I can customise etc.
I don't know how long Pinterest has existed but I have no fucking clue how it works. Everytime I've spent more than a few minutes there, I just end up getting infuriated and leave. I genuinely have no idea what it is for.
Is it just a digital mood board for American white conservative women? Does it have another purpose???