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I hope this finds you well.
  • Locate City bomb: "This is a public service announcement"

  • Someone needs to do a fantasy Hitman game.
  • I wasn't even considering something that wacky in the concept, but damn, that would be really fun.

  • Steam keeps on winning
  • "You know what I am talking about colloquially"

    I must not, because I see zero difference between Steam and GoG in this regard other than the fact that Steam provides a bunch of side services that GoG does not. Otherwise they're both just selling you a revokable license to play a game.

  • Looking for something new to read after The Expanse
  • This is like the sixth time I've had Stormlight Archives recommended to me by random strangers. Maybe it's time to look into those.

  • Dropbox is sharing users' files with OpenAI, here's how to opt out
  • They specifically state that they won’t use your data for commercial purposes. Until the company merges or gets bought I guess.

    Which you won't hear about until after all the existing data has been scraped off the servers. The company, if bought, will be bought for the value of their data stores and whatever corporation purchases them will specifically want to keep the news quiet until after they've gotten their value out of the data store. Therefore this is a non-starter as you may as well just hand the info to Dropbox today.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 24th
  • Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with Kingmaker. It got dropped like a hot potato in favor of Wrath of The Righteous, which is to this day still receiving updates and is, in my opinion, a stellar game. Kingmaker for sure got the short end of the stick though.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 24th
  • I've only just recently gotten into Act 2 but so far I haven't come across a single bug, actually. Seems very polished. It does require a bit of a Warhammer primer before coming in if you want to know what's going on though. The game does a good enough job of explaining things that are important within the game but a lot of the context and fine details will escape you if you don't know at least a little about the 40k setting at large.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 24th
  • I didn't mind them that much, I viewed them more as a puzzle than a combat. It helped break up some of the run and gun of the rest of the game and you always knew you were getting a cool ability when you got through it.

    That said though I'll admit the last couple EMMIs did give me a really hard time with many, many resets. But I did get through them. And once I even managed to get the perfect parry and escape after getting got by the EMMI and it was extremely hype.

  • [Steam] Which lesser known games have you bought or are planning to buy in this sale?
  • Boltgun accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. Great game. It gives me the same sort of power fantasy vibe that Space Hulk: Deathwing did but lets you actually move at the terrifying speed that a space marine should.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 24th
  • Been putting a lot of hours recently into Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader. It's been a while since we've seen a really high quality 40k game. Most of the popular (and good) Warhammer games take place in Age of Sigmar and not 40k. (Boltgun being a notable recent exception here)

    But damn, Rogue Trader really hits the nail right on the head so far. I've never played Dark Heresy tabletop so the ruleset takes a little getting used to for someone primarily familiar with Pathfinder rules, but once you understand the basics the rest of the game falls right into place. The lore is spot on and the adventure is fun and interesting. Highly recommend to tabletop fans and Warhammer fans each separately, and if you're both like I am, it's a must buy.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 24th
  • I was so impressed with Metroid Dread, like seriously. As a long time fan of the series I was going to buy the game anyway but it's just such an impressively polished and put together piece of art. I was deeply impressed with it. I'm also a big fan of the direction it's taking the lore into.

    Edit: can't get the spoiler tag to work so I just removed the second half of my comment sorry

  • Male players: Why do you play female characters?
  • And you believe me, there is definitely a market for that lmao

    Not here to tell you how to live your life, of course. But there are a non-zero number of people that would love to see that and not to make fun of you for it.

  • Best games that can be completed in under ten hours?
  • Fuck sake it took me nearly ten hours just to learn how to read in Tunic

  • Merry ChristmaX
  • Having money isn't everything. Not having money is.

  • "If you tell a lie big enough and tell it frequently enough, people will eventually come to believe it". What is an example of this happening today?
  • Recently, eh?

    You consider the 1800's recent? Because there were news articles reporting on the issue back then.

    Here's an article from 1896 for you to read over, provided you care about learning how you're wrong.

  • People who dont particularly care for or celebrate Christmas, Whats your favorite Christmas song?
  • By far my favorite. I play this one every year and will continue to do so until my death.

  • Manga rule
  • Jojo's is already a work of comedy, but take what it already is and now imagine Joseph and Jotaro with thick cockney accents, Avdol as Bob Marley, Polnareff gains +6000% "HON HON BAGUETTE" style and Kakyoin is a drunk Australian half-assing his lines

    Edit: in this hypothetical dub where every character is a caricature of themselves, Hol Horse remains entirely unchanged from original

  • Both beliefs are fine, but please realize the hypocrisy
  • That is outside of our scope of vision and equally as unknowable as the true purpose of God.

  • What's the best gaming console and why?
  • Everyone in the replies here is sleeping on the raw emulation power of most people's phone, doubly so if you're willing to bt sync a controller to it. I've got a significant percentage of the SNES and PS1 libraries playable on mine.

  • What communities do you miss from Reddit that wish existed here?
  • Grimdank made it over here if that's one of the ones you're missing, would love more Warhammer memes

    Edit: @grimdank

  • skulblaka skulblaka
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