"Actually, that's not complete reporting, Olivia. I have a source that tells me it's the Wrong Every Time Floor Action Response Team – WETFART. The #WETFART team is a loud and slippery crew. Beware."
Matt Gaetz is probably one of the chief FART pushers. And I bet MTG is one of the leaders of it's companion group, Conservatives United: Next Tuesday National Trust
Give Marge some credit, she probably plays a mean ass-tuba as well. It’s hard to tell though, they all just point the finger at one another as soon as anyone hears one squeak out.
Can confirm, Florida is full of morons. I used to live in Melbourne Florida, and the local bus service is the Space Coast Area Transit. It took me a while before I noticed what the acronym should be, and it's pretty obvious why I never saw it used anywhere. It was an accurate description of their public transit, too.
I tried to sneak it in at a suggestion meeting a few years ago but it's just paying homage to a classic. Bravo good peoples, carry on (being awful i assume?).