You can also do it with NOT gates. The driver needs to overpower the gates to change the bit and then it acts like a D flip flop rather than an RS flip flop like NAND gates will. But that's generally how they're actually made. SRAM generally looks like this: The side transistors are called access transistors; they're there so you can selectively read/write, but aren't needed to store the bit.
So here’s some bad math. 160 crabs per NAND gate / byte. Doom’s original file size is roughly 2.39MB (I couldn’t find an actual source for this but it’s touted all over the web).
A: “I am only the greatest scientist of our age, harnessing the computational might of soldier crabs! While others tinker with mere circuits, I've unlocked the organic potential of crustacean logic gates. The future, my friend, isn't in machines, but in the scuttle of millions of tiny legs! Mwahahaha!”
There's also one that is about how the entire earth is actually just a very powerful computer that calculates what's the question to the answer of the meaning of life.