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What's Your Favorite IRC Client, and Why?
  • You can install it on any machine. It's just a terminal IRC client. I run it on a small home server with screen so that it's always on.

  • What's Your Favorite IRC Client, and Why?
  • I run irssi on a Raspberry Pi. It has everything I need.

  • Don't see many mentions to Waterfox?
  • They were, but as I understand they are once again independent. I'd still rather stick with Librewolf, but I'm glad there are options.

  • The 1989 gamer loadout
  • He loves the Power Glove. It's so bad.

  • Anon needs help proving something
  • Could be something related to Capgras delusion.

  • The Patriarchy
  • Huh. David Icke was right all along. Who knew?

  • Deleted
  • Well yeah, the recent xz vulnerability was not present in the source code at all. Any amount of code reading would not have caught that one.

  • What am I doing wrong (OpenSuse)?
  • Always check the package list when updating. Tumbleweed for some reason occasionally wants to install Patterns even if they were not included to begin with. I've taken to updating with the command:

    sudo zypper dup --no-recommends

    to avoid installing packages/patterns I'm trying to avoid. You could probably also mask some packages so they are never installed, but I haven't looked in to that.

    Hope that helps.

  • Disappoint is a sober word here. I am actually pissed at the casual arrogance of Ubuntu and its parent company Canonical.

    I'm actually baffled that this would come as a surprise to people. Canonical has been like this for a long time and you'd have to have blinders on to not see it. They are hell-bent on doing things their way and ignoring the wider Linux community and even their users. That is, of course, their prerogative and to some degree I even welcome their attempts at differentiating their distro from others. As a user though you should be aware of their history and the apparent direction they're heading.

    I just wish they'd stop stalling and went all-in on snaps already, since that's pretty obviously where they're headed.

  • Chromium Manifest V3 Explained for Toddlers
  • The last time I remember Firefox having serious memory leaks they called it Firebird. Guess I've been lucky. Or in a comfortable ignorant haze.

  • Kent State shootings: when police shot protesters and killed four and wounded nine
  • Derf Backder's Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio is a really good and thorough telling of that massacre in comic book form. I got emotional when the shooting started. Definitely recommended reading.

  • OpenSUSE has the best installation menu of any OSs ever made
  • Oh hey, I remember that screen. I have seen it many times. Many, many times. Oh God, so many times.

  • What's your favorite *bad* cyberpunk movie?
  • Oh man, finally got around to watching it thanks to your recommendation and I was thoroughly entertained. Had a big dumb grin on my face through most of it. Thanks for that!

  • How long does it take to build LibreWolf?
  • Back in the day when I was running Gentoo, in the long long ago, Firefox was one of the few things I installed as a binary, since compiling it took hours. Compiling it every time there was an update would have driven me crazy. From what I gather this is still true for most users. Yeah, go for the Flatpak if at all possible.

  • What's your favorite *bad* cyberpunk movie?
  • Super Mario Bros. I like the movie, but I can definitely see why people don't.

  • A cool guide to pop vs actual psychology
  • Stop gaslighting me you narcissist, or I'll report you for ab*se!

  • A cool guide to pop vs actual psychology
  • Dear Americans: Psychotic doesn't mean what you think it means. Stop using it please.

  • Since I'm reading about Kinsey Millhone, what are your favorite detective novels?
  • I'm going to be a bit cheeky and say Pulp by Charles Bukowski.

  • Contribution Sessions to Begin Tomorrow Contribution Sessions to Begin Tomorrow

    The openSUSE community is pleased to announce that it will have short sessions aimed at encouraging people on how to contribute to the project. A group of vo...

    Contribution Sessions to Begin Tomorrow

    cross-posted from:

    > >The openSUSE community is pleased to announce that it will have short sessions aimed at encouraging people on how to contribute to the project. > > > >A group of volunteers will present short 15-minute sessions that are streamed and/or recorded on openSUSE’s YouTube channel that are aimed at teaching people about packaging, using the Open Build Service, creating tests for openQA and other development areas. > > > >The first session about “Basic use of OBS/osc using a version bump as an example” is set to begin tomorrow, on Feb. 15 at 21:00 UTC. > > > >Another talk, “Packaging Guidelines (Patch Policies) and Submission of New Packages”, is scheduled for Feb. 27 at 16:00 UTC. > > > >More sessions are expected to be scheduled for future dates. > > > >The sessions are listed on the openSUSE Calendar; look for the Contribution Workshop sessions marked in orange. > > > >Those who are interested in presenting should fill in the blank area for future sessions listed in the email about the events. > > > >Giving a session is a great way to give back to the community and provides opportunities to teach others skills and knowledge about open-source development.

    Contribution Sessions to Begin Tomorrow Contribution Sessions to Begin Tomorrow

    The openSUSE community is pleased to announce that it will have short sessions aimed at encouraging people on how to contribute to the project. A group of vo...

    Contribution Sessions to Begin Tomorrow

    >The openSUSE community is pleased to announce that it will have short sessions aimed at encouraging people on how to contribute to the project. > >A group of volunteers will present short 15-minute sessions that are streamed and/or recorded on openSUSE’s YouTube channel that are aimed at teaching people about packaging, using the Open Build Service, creating tests for openQA and other development areas. > >The first session about “Basic use of OBS/osc using a version bump as an example” is set to begin tomorrow, on Feb. 15 at 21:00 UTC. > >Another talk, “Packaging Guidelines (Patch Policies) and Submission of New Packages”, is scheduled for Feb. 27 at 16:00 UTC. > >More sessions are expected to be scheduled for future dates. > >The sessions are listed on the openSUSE Calendar; look for the Contribution Workshop sessions marked in orange. > >Those who are interested in presenting should fill in the blank area for future sessions listed in the email about the events. > >Giving a session is a great way to give back to the community and provides opportunities to teach others skills and knowledge about open-source development.

    Call For Tegra U-Boot Testers Call For Tegra U-Boot Testers

    Aiming for a 10 year life-cycle for smartphones

    cross-posted from:

    > >We currently have a generic port for Nvidia Tegra 2/3/4 devices using U-Boot as bootloader, supporting 9 different devices at the time of writing. This wouldn't have been possible without the work of Svyatoslav Ryhel (also known as Clamor), who has been working on Tegra devices for the last few years and is also a maintainer of Nvidia Tegra SoCs in U-Boot. > > > >The wiki page has a list of supported devices. > > > >Svyatoslav ported most of these devices without owning one, just relying on testing from people. This means anyone having such a device can reach him and eventually will be able to replace the old proprietary vendor bootloader with U-Boot.

    Call For Tegra U-Boot Testers Call For Tegra U-Boot Testers

    Aiming for a 10 year life-cycle for smartphones

    cross-posted from:

    > >We currently have a generic port for Nvidia Tegra 2/3/4 devices using U-Boot as bootloader, supporting 9 different devices at the time of writing. This wouldn't have been possible without the work of Svyatoslav Ryhel (also known as Clamor), who has been working on Tegra devices for the last few years and is also a maintainer of Nvidia Tegra SoCs in U-Boot. > > > >The wiki page has a list of supported devices. > > > >Svyatoslav ported most of these devices without owning one, just relying on testing from people. This means anyone having such a device can reach him and eventually will be able to replace the old proprietary vendor bootloader with U-Boot.

    Call For Tegra U-Boot Testers Call For Tegra U-Boot Testers

    Aiming for a 10 year life-cycle for smartphones

    >We currently have a generic port for Nvidia Tegra 2/3/4 devices using U-Boot as bootloader, supporting 9 different devices at the time of writing. This wouldn't have been possible without the work of Svyatoslav Ryhel (also known as Clamor), who has been working on Tegra devices for the last few years and is also a maintainer of Nvidia Tegra SoCs in U-Boot. > >The wiki page has a list of supported devices. > >Svyatoslav ported most of these devices without owning one, just relying on testing from people. This means anyone having such a device can reach him and eventually will be able to replace the old proprietary vendor bootloader with U-Boot.

    OpenMandriva Lx 5.0 released – OpenMandriva

    >OpenMandriva Lx 5.0, the long-awaited release of the independent, community controlled distribution’s fixed point release branch (as opposed to its rolling release branch), has been released.

    >This is expected to be the last major release featuring the Plasma 5 desktop.

    >In the 1.5 years since the previous fixed point release, OMLx 4.3, many things have changed.

    >Among others, the new release is based on kernel 6.6 LTS (kernel-desktop-6.6.2 - 6.7.0-rc2 is also available), Mesa 23.3.0-rc4, Qt 5.15.11+KDE Patches and 6.6.0, KDE Frameworks 5.112, KDE Gear 23.08.3, Plasma, LibreOffice 7.6.3, and other current Open Source software.

    >Outside of component updates, this is the first fixed point release that merges the / and /usr filesystems.

    >All recent security vulnerabilities (such as the frequently reported ones affecting glibc and curl) have been addressed as soon as relevant patches have been available.

    >We strongly recommend to all users of OMLx 4.x releases to proceed with a fresh installation of 5.0.

    >People using OpenMandriva ROME (Rolling release) or Cooker don’t need to update. All new features provided in 5.0 are already available on the rolling release branches and have been tested extensively there.

    >New variants of the distribution - such as a server centric spin and versions for various ARM boards, will follow shortly - we’re still working on the best way to bring features like a fully open graphics stack even on the Mali G610 GPU found, for example, in Rockchip 3588 boards. Current snapshots are promising.

    >A RISC-V port is also in progress, but will likely not be ready for a fixed point release before 6.0.

    >To celebrate its 10th anniversary, in the backgrounds section we have included a parade of the most significant OpenMandriva wallpapers.

    Problem with CD audio

    Last month I upgraded my computer with new parts. I kept my old DVD drive that I mainly use to rip CDs. I have now however run into an issue that has stumped me. When I tried to rip some used CDs I bought the resulting FLACs had a terrible crackle, making them unlistenable. So I started looking into the issue and tried different ripping programs and CD players. Trying to play a CD also produces a crackle with most players. Some players can't even see my CD drive. I have installed rippers and players from distro repos and flatpaks and it makes no difference. I have even tried booting into live environments of different distros and the problem persists.

    Now, the real kicker for me is that VLC (from flathub or distro repos) plays and rips the CDs with no issues. VLC is not a great tool for my purposes however. EDIT: Kaffeine flatpak also plays CDs without issue.

    There are no error messages (aside from some players which can't even see the drive) to go off of. Google has failed me. CD error correction makes no difference, just makes ripping terribly slow. Some attempts to fiddle with pipewire also produced no result. Encoders work fine when encoding from different sources, so they are probably not the problem, and the same issue happens when playing the CDs.

    On my old setup this worked fine. I can also watch DVDs without trouble.

    Does anyone have any idea where to go from here? If it wasn't for VLC I'd think this is a hardware issue, but now I've no real idea. I'm currently on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.

    EDIT: Thanks to everyone who took their time to comment and make suggestions. I have been unable to make any headway into solving this. My uneducated guess is that this is some weird edge interaction between the optical drive, motherboard, and libcdio/cdparanoia. Purely speculating, this may be an issue with buffering/caching. It seems to me that applications that rely on libvlc do not have this issue. I tried using a portable USB DVD drive and it worked fine, as at least there was no crackle. I really don't know how to proceed from here, so I'll probably just use a USB drive for now. A commenter suggested getting a separate SATA card to bypass the SATA ports on the motherboard, and that sounds plausible, but I haven't tried it. Any explanations are welcome!

    Suspend seemingly fails after v23.06 SP1 update, PinePhone

    I ran updates this morning on my PinePhone running PostmarketOS and it seems the phone can no longer suspend correctly. Once a minute or so the screen flashes to the lock screen with the message "automatic suspend" and then goes black again, but doesn't seem to actually suspend. The blue notification light keeps blinking. This means the battery drains faster. Anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas what is going on? Booting doesn't solve the issue. I'm using Phosh.

    EDIT: More information and a workaround at:

    banazir banazir
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