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Apple’s App Store breaches EU’s Digital Markets Act
  • If after 12 monty they actually comply then thats still a positive.

    However i fear they may “fix” it with malicious compliance at 11 months and then the cycle repeats.

    Instead what i think should happen is they should need to obtain “verified compliance” within a year. (Minus the time europe takes to check) and if the term expires the penalty goes up to eventually forced splitting up.

  • Neurodiverse communication
  • I embrace it, in context of the cosmos aren’t we all creatures of space molded from the infinite potential of dna?

    Some people just don't care to develop a sense of self awareness on such scale. Their loss.

  • Shooting in Buffalo leaves 3-year-old boy on tricycle dead and his 7-year-old sister wounded | AP News
  • “decried the number of illegal weapons on city streets“

    Everyone knows legal weapons are completely safe and couldn’t possibly be used for anything bad.

    You see, once a weapon is used in a non legal way its no longer a legal weapon and we can trow the owner in for profit jail. Problem entirely solved, time to pray that the family moves on quickly and doesn’t say anything unholy like anti gun stuff.


  • The elf speaks wisely
  • Personally i am huge fan of owning my own data so i only have experience with self hosting from a home server.

    You can probably find places pretty easily if you look for “cloud computing”, “cloud gpu”

    I am pretty sure you don’t need licenses to start. Renting a last gen gpu may be expensive though (pay by the hour) this way of decentralized compute is becoming more and more common for developers but still has a while to go.

    I recommend waiting a few more years and keeping an eye on how services like nvidia cloud gaming evolve and how mainstream working with virtual machines becomes for the average office worker.

  • The elf speaks wisely
  • Small portable home computing devices that you take with you and connect to a screen/ peripherals.

    Local GPU and AI power servers in your garage or rented as an online servers.

    I have been envisioning this for a while. My Desktop is in a state of “finished” i may build one more “gaming pc” after this but then i am hoping the future is ready.

  • Mozilla acquired Anonym, an ad start-up
  • Why? Does 95% of digital advertisement even serve a single valuable purpose?

    I get that websites need funding and that legitimate business require some way communicate their services exist. We need to solve the problem for the former and create specialized accessible safe spaces for the later.

    When is the last time anyone here saw an ad for a local business, when is the last time anyone recall willfully clicking one? Was there actually anything useful there?

    From what i recall ads almost always are one of the following:

    • sex, barely legal drugs and predatory video games. (Lumped together to make a bad pun)

    • real product/fake price: oh this item isnt in stock plz look at catalog

    • politics, buy our guide to get rich, actual illegal scam operation.

    None of them are honest or respectful to the customer. People aren't prey, stop baiting.

    Admittedly, for me this is personal. Autism means i experience the extra noise as painful. Plastering it on useful websites feels like a hostile attack to keep me out and unwelcome. I downright refuse to look at watch nor will i support them through ad free subscriptions to the point of it having become a digital disability.

    But come on, can we smart online people really not figure out something else that isn't based on literal brainwashing.

  • Removed Deleted
    TIL: The last time Paul McCartney and John Lennon spoke was on SNL
  • OG Mythbusters Adam and Jamie. They where very open about the fact they had huge respect for eachothers work but stated multiple times they couldn’t ever be friends. Which is why they rarely actually worked together. Most of the time they treated it as a competition who would have the best ideas.

    I guess you can add post syd barrett pinkfloyd to the list also.

  • Stock Price . . . Rising
  • Thats actually a feature to warn you about totally understandable misconception about using the car as a submarine. psychological-missuse-suppression its called and Its included for free in the premium price plan. It may also activate when using offbrand cleaning products to warn you into using the real thing.

  • My beautiful child...
  • Amen! (sorry i couldn’t stop myself.)

    I haven’t identified as Christian since reading the bible and realizing god is portrayed as some fucked up attention craving psycho.

    But fictional Jesus is like the OG embodiment of woke. He doesn’t need to be real for the philosophy to be. If only more people followed his literal example.

  • Season 1 (Series 14) Episode 5: "Dot and Bubble"
  • I am also very confused about the slug part because the dot is supposedly killing in alphabetical order. Yet the dot was going to have her walk into a slug in the elevator a while before her name was up.

    Apparently this entity cares so much about the alphabet it stopped targeting her to go after the september guy so what gives?

    Someone theorized the slugs may hold you and kill you off when its your time but the list the dr uses to realize its in alphabetical time isn't time of death, its time of disappearance. These slugs do capture on video so If people cant have been alive inside a slug without anyone or themselves noticing.

  • Stone Rule
  • Maybe it drove headlines where you are but for me its a first i hear of it.

    Yet everyone is talking about Stonehenge.

    100% agree though activism needs more clear messaging.

  • Stone Rule
  • I see what you mean. I agree people need much more tangible details about how climate change is already effecting them and will affect us in the future. As well as the sheer out of proportion footprint of for profit industry.

    But even if you where to communicate the details, people would still need to care to listen. The most effective path is probably a bit of both, radical action to turn heads but also have those actions carrying a more directly explicit message other then "acknowledge us" .

  • Ex-OpenAI star Sutskever shoots for superintelligent AI with new company
  • No need to clarify what you meant with the oligarchs theres barely any exaggeration there. Ghouls is quite accurate.

    Considering the context of a worst case possible scenario (hostile takeover by an artificial superior) which honestly is indistinguishable from general end of the world doomerism prophecies but very alive in the circles of Sutskeva i believe safe ai consistent of the very low bar of

    “humanity survives wile agi improves the standards of living worldwide” of course for this i am reading between the lines based on previously aquired information.

    One could argue that If ASI is created the possibilities become very black and white:

    • ASI is indifferent about human beings and pursues its own goals, regardless of consequences for the human race. It could even find a way off the planet and just abandon us.

    • ASI is malaligned with humanity and we become but a. Resource, treating us no different then we have historically treated animals and plants.

    • ASI is aligned with humanity and it has the best intentions for our future.

    For either scenario it would be impossible to calculate its intentions because by definition its more intelligent then all of us. Its possible that some things that we understand as moral may be immoral from a better informed perspective, and vice versa.

    The scary thing is we wont be able to tell wether its malicious and pretending to be good. Or benevolent and trying to fix us. Would it respect consent if say a racist refuses therapy?

    Of course we can just as likely hit a roadblock next week and the whole hype dies out for another 10 years.

  • Wasps
  • TIL wasps kill spiders, (i looked it up). They are now my best friends. Wasps everywhere please. Genocide the spiders!!!

    Wait then were gonna get mosquitoes…..

    I am starting to feel like maybe we should just let nature alone because it knows best.. NAH, now that would be silly /s

  • ricperry1, when you find your way here and read this, thank you for your consideration. You helped at least one more person this week already.

    I've used way to much similar looking software where middle mouse is moving around and it was killing me.

    Shame that forum is still so much more relevant in search engine results, it looks like there getting lonely there.

    This pair is my baby, how would i go about to fix this kind of cables?

    Model is Senheiser Momentum2 HD1 Bluetooth (over ear) PF edition.

    I have wrapped electrical tape over it but cables on both sides have started to disintegrate/decompose.

    I know next to nothing about audio cables. I care more about functional quality then original looks so i would be willing to swap the entire cable for a more permanent one, but i wouldn't want them to look ugly either and need to find a good way to fit them to the earshell.

    Day 7: Game of Mao “Penalty”

    I am obligated to inform you some rules have been adjusted.


    Some valid cards that previously had no acceptable way of being played now have a way of playing them.

    Renamed the terminology for "Valid Cards" into "Valid Pieces" to better reflect the reality of the game and the community.

    Day 3: Game of Mao “Oh no my queen”

    Beter pay attention if i don’t respond to comments here.

    Day 2: Game of Mao “Actual zombie”

    I am obligated to inform that some adjustments to the rules have been made.

    Day 0: This game of Mao has officially began.

    The only rule i can tell you is this one.

    This session has ended with a King of Diamonds. Continue playing on !

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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