For a moment I assumed that she posted this as her status. But yeah, if she directed it AT Walmart, then that's fair.:-P (it's been a minute since I had a Facebook account:-D)
When I broke my foot and was in plaster for weeks I was really happy that a friend bought a shower chair for me. I only have a shower, no bath in my apartment. Shower chair plus a cast cover for swimming = happier life. Well, cleaner anyway.
After I injured my hip at church last year the shower stool has been my best friend. My husband Harold past back in January. 48 years we were together. Every night around 7:30 he would ask me if I needed to use the bathroom before he went in to s$%t, shower, and shave. So when I got my stool, I turned it around on him and I'd say it's time for me to make stool, take stool, and I forget the the other stool. I swear I would forget where I put my toenails if I hadn't gotten them all removed due to my diabeteets. By the way, Peggy Smithsmorthanson neighbor has passed so send your prayers.