command line aliases to make repeated processes quicker. I've used them in the past and on specific programs but never on command line utilities.
like for instance with Debian, I'm repeatedly typing sudo apt-get install, so I aliased it: alias sagi="sudo apt-get install" and it works pretty good.
Are there any best practices or aliases to avoid when using them? Other than known commands obviously. Are there popular alias lists out there?
For a few basic things, yes. For a couple of others, I've set up a shell function or a script instead.
Obligatory warning before I list a few of my aliases - overriding commands by an alias with the same name can be dangerous, as it can mean that expected behaviour can become destructive behaviour on a foreign system without those aliases. e.g. a common error is aliasing rm to rm -i so that rm always asks if the user is sure. Until that user is on a different machine without the alias and the files vanish without warning, anyway. Oops.
Some of mine are arguably questionable in that regard, but I don't think any will result in anything particularly destructive if I expect them in the wrong place.
These two override the default which command to deliver slightly more useful output, especially when the command is itself an alias (or an alias override). command is a bash builtin:
alias Which='command -V'
alias which='command -v'
The obligatory ls config override. long-iso formatting ensures that ls's output is consistent, which is tidy, and also useful for further processing. That said, use of stat is probably a better choice for that sort of thing.). LC_ALL=C setting is so that things sort in "ASCIIbetical" order. My locale mixes upper and lowercase filenames and I'm too old-school for that sort of thing.:
alias ls='LC_ALL=C ls --color=auto --group-directories-first --time-style=long-iso'
Some versions of mtr start in GUI mode. -t prevents that. And of course, Windows muscle memory dies hard:
alias mtr='mtr -t'
alias tracert='echo '\''Use mtr, you ninny.'\'''
Hex dump using the ancient and nearly always present od command (the incantation is right out of the od manual):
alias odx='od -A x -t x1z -v'
Process control. Give either a PID and the process will do as it's told. Usually. :
alias pause='kill -TSTP'
alias resume='kill -CONT'
How many times do I type the wrong thing? Too many:
alias quit='exit'
Setup for fortune. The first one is self-explanatory. The second one shows which of the fortune files the fortune came from (-c) but does some shenanigans to send that header to STDERR rather than STDOUT. This makes the header vanish when fortune is piped into fun things like cowsay.
alias bofh='fortune bofh-excuses'
alias fortune='fortune -c | while read -r line ; do [[ ! "$A" ]] && echo $line >&2 || echo $line ; [[ "$line" == "%" ]] && A=1; done'
I have a load of silly text cipher filters as scripts, but this one came for free with the bsdgames package
alias rot='caesar'
alias rot13='caesar 13'
And of course, every time I create a new alias (which isn't very often, I admit), I run this one, which dumps all current aliases into a file that some distros set up by default.
no, i make shell scripts for everything in /usr/local/bin/ . i find it more easy to manage and transfer. one liners can become bigger real quick, so i start with a script right away. also, since they have the shell in the hash bang line, they work in multiple shells.
Some of these demand that the terminal you use them with is kitty:
alias ipc='curl'
# btop is *pretty* bloat!
alias htop='btop'
# I'm kinda proud of this oneliner. It's pointless, but it was fun. It displays a random square image when you run
# neofetch rather than the default ansi art
alias neofetch='filarr=(~/Media/Images/1x1/*.*) && fil=${filarr[$RANDOM % ${#filarr[@]}]} && neofetch --kitty $fil'
# comics are an important part of my life
alias gd='cd ~ ; gallery-dl'
alias gde="cd ~ ; gallery-dl --chapter-filter 'lang == (\"en\")'"
alias yd='yt-dlp --sub-langs all --embed-subs --embed-chapters --progress --paths home:~/Downloads'
alias subl="/opt/sublime_text/sublime_text"
#exa is currently unmaintained. eza is a maintained fork. It installs a link to exa, but...
alias ls="eza --icons --hyperlink --group-directories-first --git"
alias icat="kitty +kitten icat"
alias mem="grep -e Dirty: /proc/meminfo; grep -e Writeback: /proc/meminfo"
alias flush="sync"
alias links="links"
alias q="qalc"
alias hf="history 1 | fzf"
# tile the first two kitty windows and resize all kitty windows to 915x945, redirecting any errors to /dev/null
alias tk="xdotool search --class kitty windowmove %1 30 105 windowmove %2 975 105 windowsize %@ 915 945 2>/dev/null"
# only ask for password once on long updates
alias yay="yay --sudoloop"
alias :q='exit'
alias kgpg='gpgconf --kill gpg-agent'
alias battery='upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT1 | grep -wE "percentage:|time to empty:|state:|energy:|energy-rate:|voltage:"'
alias park='sudo hdparm --idle-unload'
I've got a ton, most are already listed or along the same vein.
The two suggestions I have are not actual aliases but worth remembering:
Ctrl + Alt + E - turn your alias into its original command
\ - Place before your alias to run the original command's meaning. Useful if you overwrite a default command (overwriting default commands is not recommended though... often the alias will ignore any options passed through and so let's say you overwrite rm with another app that deletes files, then you forget that, and then try to delete some files using rm-i to get a prompt for each removed file. Often the alias will just operate as normal w/o a prompt saying that it ignored -i completely)
My aliases all involve updating Docker containers or managing VPN and SSH connections to the laptop that hosts them.
I'm a bit confused as to what you mean by "I’ve used them in the past and on specific programs but never on command line utilities". What's an example of an alias you used outside CLIs?
CAD programs that have command line utilities, old text based games in the 90s had aliases and they were used a lot. I had just never thought to use them in BASH for some reason.