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  • I think its type system is "okay", I mean inherently dynamic typing is pretty error-prone. But its type coercion algorithms are bonkers. Also that whole "NaN ≠ NaN" business...

  • Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • Too much work, in all honesty. Also our Internet service provider also provides the router and I'm not sure about replacing it. We have a bulk deal with the whole building.

    I'll just keep muting the ads and look away while I do the countdown in my head lol. It's very seldom that I watch YouTube on my TV anyway. 😌

  • Can Milky Way and Andromeda collision reconcile with an Expanding Universe with galaxies spreading away from each other like "raisins in a loaf"?
  • Ah yes, I seem to remember a few things now, which helped me to understand this before:

    1. You have a fixed energy output (not sure what to call it, but let's go with that, "energy output"). Either you output all of your energy in the physical dimensions, or in the time dimension (I can't think of anything that does this though), or some in both. Most things output some energy in both, time and the physical, like us for example!
    2. Light is basically all of its energy in the physical dimension and none in the time dimension. Thus a photon doesn't really experience time at all. To it, it feels like absolutely zero time has passed at all between traveling from one end of the universe until it is absorbed by an object at the other end.
    3. To attain the speed of light takes infinite energy, as it takes more and more energy to accelerate mass the faster you get to c, in a way that you never reach c.

    These concepts are really helpful in my opinion, to understanding the fact that you can't reach the speed of light, as well as the whole time dilation concept.

    I hope it helps someone else.

  • Sucks to suck!
  • I saw a YouTube short of someone claiming Tesla fixed the trunk door cutting people's fingers off. He demonstrated with a banana at first. It detected the banana and immediately opened the door again. It barely made a dent into the banana. So he's like imma try my finger now lol. So he tries his finger and of course that fucker clamps down hard on this mf's finger, which gets stuck for a short while before the Tesla gives up and opens the door again. But his finger had a huge and deep dent in it, bro. You could tell he was in big pain. His hand was shaking minutes after the event.

    I don't know what's worse, the door, or this idiot thinking a banana is an accurate prop to use in place of a finger. I would've used something smaller than my finger. If it detected that, you would think a finger would be safe...

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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