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Man who received first pig kidney transplant dies
  • How is it different from raising them for food?

  • A new trolley era
  • WRONG!!!

    Hard braking may increase your insurance costs:

    TL;DR: General Motors was selling customer driving data to LexisNexis which provided them to insurance companies. Hard braking also contributed to a higher risk factor.

  • local anti public transportation comment
  • It is 2 paragraphs.

    You can see that if you click on "View source".
    OP just didn't add 2 spaces before newline to fix the formatting here.

  • Certified in AI
  • RTX On:

  • Maybe an injection or pill?
  • How it works for me:

    Go to bed at 10PM.
    Fail to fall asleep until 1AM.
    Wake up at 4AM because now I have to.

  • Extinctions
  • What about this one?:

  • Emoji Rule
  • I can't believe there's no 💀

  • Emoji Rule
  • I believe that's a stop sign.

  • Deleted
    Who wants to marry Rea Sanka (Sankarea: Undying Love)?
  • Operation: Verdant Terror - A Beginner's Guide

    Warning: Grass is a complex and potentially hostile ecosystem. Approach with extreme caution. This guide is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee your safety.

    Pre-Mission Preparations:

    Psychological Evaluation: Undergo mandatory psych evaluation to assess your mental fortitude for grass contact.
    Gear Up: Don a heavy-duty biosuit with maximum puncture resistance. Grass blades are surprisingly sharp and harbor unknown microscopic horrors.
    Assemble Emergency Kit: Pack antihistamines, tweezers, and a portable decontamination spray in case of allergic reactions or parasitic infestation.

    Mission: First Contact

    Location: Locate a designated "Grass Touch Zone" (public parks, backyards) during daylight hours. Nighttime grass is even more unpredictable.
    Establish Perimeter: Scan the area for potential threats. Beware of territorial pigeons, playful (and potentially rabid) dogs, and unattended blades (rusty and tetanus-inducing).
    Approach: Move slowly and deliberately, maintaining eye contact with the grass at all times. Sudden movements might trigger an aggressive response.

    The Touch (Perform at your own risk):

    Deployment: From a safe distance, extend a single, gloved finger towards a solitary blade. Do not touch in clumps! They may swarm and overpower you.
    Observation: If contact is made, withdraw your finger immediately. Observe any changes in grass behavior (twitching, pulsating).
    Escape: If the grass seems unreactive, retreat slowly and cautiously. Remember, even a seemingly docile patch may be plotting a surprise attack.


    Decontamination: Upon reaching a safe zone, thoroughly disinfect yourself and your equipment following the provided protocol.
    Medical Attention: Seek immediate medical attention for any unusual symptoms (itching, hallucinations, uncontrollable urge to roll in the grass).
    Debriefing: Report your experience to the designated authorities. Your knowledge could be crucial in understanding the true nature of the Verdant Terror.
    Remember: Grass is not your friend. Approach it with respect and fear. This guide is just the first step. Only the most courageous explorers venture beyond basic touch. Good luck.

  • What would you ask to a potential partner in a partner compatibility survey?
  • I am totally fucked up, so here's one:

    "Are you interested in any mutual sexual activities (not limited to regular sex)?"

    The problem is that I am hoping for a "no"...

    Not quite something I'd want. Quite the opposite I'd say. As I said, I am fucked up. But nope, nope... I don't like that idea.
    I don't know what to do about it.

    Either way, valid for all questions by me, I'd like to include a note that not all (if any) questions need an answer. I am terrible at wording stuff, and something cannot be easily answered either.
    (I am assuming this is done on paper or electronically. Otherwise it's most likely I'd just chicken out right away.)

  • ‘I made curtains on the train’: the commuters livening up their journeys
  • It’s not really something you get to do nor appreciate if you’re driving yourself.

    I mean, you do, but it may decrease your and someone else's lifespan..

  • ‘I made curtains on the train’: the commuters livening up their journeys
  • I've been taking the same route twice a day for the past 3 years.

    No less interesting so far.

    Actually, I am so weird I have the whole route recorded on my phone (from the window) like 4 times, and yes, I did watch it at home numerous times, in real time without skipping. Just like a movie.

    No, it does not get boring.

  • When your profile matches the job
  • I want to get a bodycam, but I am not sure how people would respond to that. Should be pretty legal in public spaces, but still...

  • TIL China now has a 3 child policy.
  • Maximum, that is.

    Thanks for stating that first. My dumb ass was thinking how you'd enforce that as minimum...

  • Cool distros to try
  • Definitely KDE Plasma.

  • Cool distros to try
  • spare your free time

    But it's not free time if you're not free to waste it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • What are you up to instead of what you wish you were doing?
  • Learning.

    I am a lazy piece of shit.
    I'd like to learn some programming, morse code, perhaps another language as well.
    But I quickly loose any motivation. At least for the past 2 years. I do get some occasional bursts of motivation, but usually I often don't feel like doing anything at all anymore. I wouldn't even breathe if it wasn't automatic.
    Preferably I'd be dead. I'd have 0 issues, create 0 issues, have no regrets. It would be better for everyone, myself included.

  • who is on Lemmy (the sociology of Lemmy)
  • Technically, every generation up until now contributed to modern tech.

    But anyway, even if we consider just those who did directly, I am pretty sure you should still also include boomers and even the silent generation.
    Check out the computer chronicles:

    Seems modern enough already.

  • From SDF about the (not only) Lemmy outage

    From bboard ANNOUNCE BBOARD: ```<.> TACKER: membership (SDF Membership) SUBJECT: network outage in second cabinet DATE: 16-Apr-24 01:22:19 HOST: mx

    It looks that we're experience a network outage to our second cabinet this evening. A ticket has been opened to address the issue.

    This affects, and

    Thank you for your patience.

    <ANNOUNCE.1.0/2>(87)[ <ENTER> follow thread, (R)EPLY, (F)LAG or (Q)UIT ]

    TACKER: membership (SDF Membership) SUBJECT: .. network outage in second cabinet DATE: 16-Apr-24 01:59:59 HOST: mx

    Confirmed that this is only a network outage to the second cabinet and is currently being worked on by our network service provider. Hopefully it will be resolved soon. Thank you for your patience.

    <ANNOUNCE.1.1/2>(6)[ <ENTER> follow thread, (R)EPLY, (F)LAG or (Q)UIT ]

    TACKER: membership (SDF Membership) SUBJECT: .. network outage in second cabinet DATE: 16-Apr-24 20:19:30 HOST: mx

    our network provider has reassigned our uplink port for the second cabinet and the hosts are once against accessible.

    (it even blinks! What!? Why?)

    <ANNOUNCE.1> Command: ```

    Just relaying it here.

    Note: I am not affiliated with SDF

    "I don't know."

    Sorry for the lazy meme, I don't know what else to make this branch diagram in.

    [SOLVED: Updated every 24 hours] Display name and Bio updates don't seem to be federating


    I know in past I've successfully updated my display name, and it shows on other instances, so perhaps this problem is new to 0.19.x, but I am not at all sure about that.

    Free ProtonVPN now doesn't allow selection of specific servers and split-tunneling in its client (+ workaround for Android)

    First of all a disclaimer: I am not upset about the removal of manual server selection as this is a free service. They don't need to provide such services at all, so something is better than nothing.

    What happened: This morning I opened the ProtonVPN app on my phone and got greeted with a message stating free accounts can now only use automatic server selection and addition of free servers in Poland and Romania. However, I also noticed split-tunelling is now paywalled as well.

    Now, this is rather weird. Split-tunelling is already in the app and is something that works only on the client side, thus not putting any extra load on the servers. Quite the contrary, actually, as it allows some apps to not use the VPN, thus use less bandwidth. The automatic-selection-only allows for better load balancing, so that makes sense.

    Now to the workaround. They still allow manual OpenVPN and Wireguard setup even for free accounts, at least for now. To do so, login to ProtonVPN and go to account. There's OpenVPN credentials which are used for OpenVPN authentication. Then go to downloads, select appropriate options including the specific server and download the ovpn config file. Client: OpenVPN for Android This app also supports split tunneling (edit config -> Allowed apps).

    ProtonVPN has an article on how to set up this app, but it's really just importing the config and adding your OpenVPN ProtonVPN credentials which you grabbed before.

    Is there a way to connect DD-WRT router over HTTP proxy so that it routes all traffic over it (using HTTP CONNECT method)?


    There's a computer connected to the WiFi router as a client. This computer has access to internet and shares that connection over HTTP proxy. This also provides ad-blocking. Clients connected to the WiFi router shouldn't have to configure HTTP proxy server settings, nor should they have access to the computer running the proxy server. This is done via unbridged guest VAP with "client isolation" and "net isolation".

    The idea is the same as OpenVPN client setting, or rather like Matsuri proxy toolchain on Android.

    The only answers I found talked about redirecting port 80 traffic to HTTP proxy via iptables, but that's not what I want. It would also only work for web traffic I believe, since it's just redirecting it to proxy, and not issuing CONNECT requests.

    Specific use case

    So... my phone has mobile data. It is also connected to VPN and uses NextDNS for (not only) ad-blocking. In Termux, I setup tinyproxy and also null-routed access to private IP ranges and CG-NAT: ... #Here I am attempting to null route local IP address ranges by pointing upstream proxy option to as described in tinyproxy.conf man page. #IPv4 localhost Upstream http "" #IPv4 private adresses Upstream http "" Upstream http "" Upstream http "" #IPv4 CG-NAT (I am not sure this helps anything, but it doesn't hurt either) Upstream http "" #IPv4 link-local Upstream http "" #IPv6 localhost Upstream http "::1" #IPv6 Unique Local Addresses Upstream http "fc00::/8" #IPv6 private addresses (excl. ULA) Upstream http "fd00::/8" #IPv6 link-local addresses Upstream http "fe80::/10" This is fine if the phone is accessible to other hosts and setting up proxy on each host isn't a problem. For example, it's useful on a school network. But that's not the case here.


    Forcing all users to use VPN, be subject to my blocking, and provide larger range than phone's hotspot. Fun fact: The first thing can be achieved via hotspot on devices running PixelExperience custom ROM.

    Not so possible solution

    Running OpenVPN server on the phone. DD-WRT already has OpenVPN client. Unfortunately, this would require root, it seems.

    Partial solution

    The partial solution is connecting the router to VPN somewhat directly and also setting it to use NextDNS.

    I was trying to write a guide here, but it was getting unnecessarily long. So just TL;DR: Setting up the router to use OpenVPN but replacing IP and port with phone's desired options, setting up the router to use only NextDNS, connecting phone to both WiFi and mobile data, forcing it to use mobile data for internet, doing port forwarding to the actual OpenVPN server using socat in Termux.

    This has flaws though. I either have to setup split-tunelling for Termux, or end up with VPN-over-VPN if I also want VPN on the phone. Secondly, whatever VPN you're using may only allow limited number of clients per user.

    Other use cases

    Simple internet access in network where only internet access is via HTTP proxy (e.g.: campus network), connection via Tor using its HTTP proxy.

    ____________ If you have any ideas, thanks. If not, still thanks as you read at least a part of this.

    Fatal error

    The files seem to change on each refresh:

    Amazon's Union-busting training video link YouTube link (tracker removed)

    >Please report use of words such as "living wage" to the management

    Outbound federation seems to be broken again. (Seems to be issue of Lemmy 0.19.0)

    I am sorry for posting about this, since it's a recurring issue, but I can't do anything else about it.

    I lost today

    Waking up 4 minutes after my bus left.

    Outgoing federation seems to be broken.

    It seems that for at most the past 2 days the federation is partially broken.

    Comments, posts, votes and DMs load from other instances, but not the other way around.

    user224 u/lukmly013 (

    18M I like computers, trains, space, radio-related everything and a bunch of other tech related stuff. User of GNU+Linux. I am also dumb and worthless. My laptop is HP 255 G7 running Manjaro and Linux Mint. I own RTL-SDRv3 and RSP1 clone.

    SDF Unix shell username: user224

    Posts 62
    Comments 1.8K