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Question for those knowledgeable about alternative web protocols (gopher, gemini, etc): Would it be possible to create a tool that translates http sites to those formats, on demand?
  • How do you think they would look? To get the news web page in your example, you are still going to have to have to render the page by running the client-side scripts required by modern websites and render some type of markup language for layout. It's not like web pages are secretly sitting in pure text on a server somewhere...

  • Question for those knowledgeable about alternative web protocols (gopher, gemini, etc): Would it be possible to create a tool that translates http sites to those formats, on demand?
  • You are conflating content with delivery protocol. The websites would look the same regardless of protocol.

  • Why does Facebook and Instagram still provides web interface when most of their users use the Android or IOS app?
  • Better question: why would you install a security risk social media app on your phone?

  • What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • A. They were always more of a novelty gift rather than a child's gift.
    B. I was 12 when the trend hit and I had no desire to get one. Neither did my younger siblings.
    C. N/A as my parents didn't get me one.
    D. The novelty of a gag gift that was pre-packaged.
    E. That's the million dollar question.

  • What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • Someone once made a mountain of cash selling pet rocks.

  • All in!
  • These would be really cool to use on stage as a musician except they are made of glass. Kind dangerous...

  • Who is your favorite artist and what song/album would you recommend?
  • The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars - David Bowie
    The Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
    Hotel California - The Eagles
    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
    Rumours - Fleetwood Mac
    Boston - Boston
    Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy
    Abbey Road - The Beatles

  • Elon Musk Is Repulsive
  • His brother was a center, offensive lineman.

  • Elon Musk Is Repulsive
  • He's a tight end.

  • What Browser do you use on Android, and why?
  • Chrome, because Ticketmaster can eat a bag of dicks.

  • Jimmy Corsetti puts Big Archaeology on notice!
  • When your famous, they let you grab them right in the intercostal clavicle.

  • Pick your seat, Lemmy
  • You're going to sit behind Trump? Are the oxygen masks functional?

  • Presidential election popular vote tallies lined up against “did not vote”
  • Biden's party did not win the house. There should be no star for 2020,.

  • Is this just how it’s gonna be till Election Day?
  • Look, no campaign wants to annoy voters but also they want everyone to be contacted. Just respond with "STOP" and it will stop. Unfortunately, every campaign buys your data so nearly ever campaign will send you a text.

    Also, they use various services to send these texts so each the numbers sent from will change so you can't just block them.

  • No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch
  • The eyeliner helps though.

  • OpenAI’s latest model will block the ‘ignore all previous instructions’ loophole
  • What happens if you make a mistake with your initial instructions?

  • Donald Trump sues Gretchen Whitmer for making VA medical centers a designated voter registration site
  • Lack of standing. He is not a citizen of Michigan...

  • Texas Priorities
  • The day after a hurricane is a Glorious Day of Eating. With the power off, the stuff in the freezer must eaten when it thaws. Most expensive stuff first, so grilled steak and smoked brisket, both cooked without power.

    Not sure why you would overstock on brisket though..

  • What is the best e-book, not because of the content, but because of the reader voice?
  • Gideon the Ninth. Hands down. The book is 100% strong female POV, which I usually like, but as dude, I was missing a lot of subtlety. My kid lent me their audio book and holy shit, Moira Quirk does an absolutely fantastic job. The characters jump right out of the speakers and into my brain, highlighting all the understated humor that I was missing. 10/10, wish I could hear it again for the first time.

  • u/kometes is permanently banned from r/funny

    I downloaded my entire reddit activity and have been going through it slowly, changing all my comments to links back to themselves. Today I got this:

    Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/funny because you broke this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.

    If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message.

    Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.

    tropicalweather kometes
    Where is the European model?

    Several places I've looked haven't done a run since 20230627. What gives? Thanks.

    kometes kometes
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