Of all the (I've lost count) trials he has going on now, which are criminally liable and involve possible incarceration? The incitement to insurrection one? BCOS the NY one will just end in a fine.
At least Nixon had the decency to step down. This moron will expose the system for what it is: selective prosecution and a pass for the wealthy.
Also not really an option for a majority of rational people, if you live in a swing state absolutely but our political system by design gives rural states vastly more power than urban ones, and most people aren’t exactly about to move to shitfuck nowhere, missouri to try and change the political landscape there.
There are plenty of politics forums. If you want to do politics, for God's sake, go there. Some of us are here because we don't want the constant shit-flinging in the politics forums.
I'm pretty sure the politicians, law enforcement agencies, and judges with the power to incarcerate him are hoping he just does the world a favor and dies first. Nobody wants to go down in history as the first person to incarcerate a former president.
Oh, but they are. Should they be? Hell no. But they are. A sitting president cannot be charged with any crimes. Of course trumpy boi isn't a sitting president anymore, but they act like ex-presidents are completely sacred, regardless of how horribly they fucked the American people.
Edit: I think it's mostly that those with the power to do something about it don't want to set the precedent that they too can be held accountable for their actions. Once those floodgates are open, there's no closing them again.