Not a zoomer, but I loved Spider-Man, didn't play BG3, but I still think BG3 should win. My Spider-Man 2 experience was too buggy for me to consider it for GOTY, the story was great, and if they had delayed the game until next year, I probably would have considered it a contender then.
BG3 was an event though, I'm not really into RPGs but it felt like that game was everywhere like Animal Crossing: New Horizons was in 2020.
I think it's quite telling that Starfield only showed up once, despite being one of the most hyped games of the year. Skyrim and Fallout 3 were both strong GOTY, IIRC, so to me it feels like Bethesda have lost their way.
So many strong games here! I'm a little biased since I've not played many of these, but I'm hoping BG3 cleans house.
I think this is the first year ever that I have bought, played, and genuinely enjoyed every single GotY nominee. Usually there is at least one or two games I don’t have any interest in.
Edited to add: Also, people may have gripes about RE4 Remake being on the list, but as someone who wasn’t even toilet trained when the original came out, I was so thrilled at playing the remake and getting to experience why people have called it a masterpiece for almost 20 years. I tried to play the Gamecube original but the combat felt so dated that I couldn’t get into it. This was a remake done right, imo.
Interesting take. While I think RE4 is deserving the GotY nom, it didn't live up to my expectations. I have only played original a couple of years ago and it was a magical experience. I feel that remake lost most of the charm, the story lost good amount of the cheese, the music in the remake is truly a travesty compared to the original. I do like the combat a lot in the remake and parry system is really fun, but I don't feel the improvement in this regard as significant.
The one thing I love the remake for is Separate Ways, this is such a good campaign, the original was definitely subpar.
Despite my gripes, RE 4 is still pretty high on my GotY list. Not the best survival horror of the year though. Dead Space was absolutely incredible and I hope it wins Audio Design. Alas I have a feeling Hi-Fi Rush is the favorite in this one.
Oh yes, Seperate Ways is great! And I agree with you about the soundtrack, I actually played the Remake with the original soundtrack enabled lol.
But I think I had different expectations of Re4 than most people did. When I played the original I went in to it hearing about how revolutionary the combat system was, and that was what I was focused on the most when I played it. I didn’t care about the atmosphere, or story, or how hot Leon Kennedy is (mostly).
And…it just didn’t click for me. I grew up with modern games and have a hard time going back to older titles because game mechanics have come so far. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, it means that I didn’t “get it”.
Then I played the Remake, and the combat is so smooth compared to a lot of shooters on the market that I finally understand what Re4 was to the market at the time, and why the original is so beloved. It made me want to go back and play the Gamecube version with a reframed perspective, and THAT is why Re4 Remake is a successful remake for me compared to like…Final Fantasy 7.
Sorry for the essay, and I hope that makes a bit of sense. I know my perspective is nowhere near the prevalent one, but I can’t help what I like haha.
If People Makes Games doesn't win that award it's a f--fuck it its a joke they won't win. They actually have the audacity to hold the industry to account.