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Google accused of secretly tracking drivers with disabilities
  • I'm going to assume TurboTax is an American thing, and that's insane that you're willingly using something that you think is selling your income, taxable earnings, and government information to advertisers.

    That is NOT a reasonable expectation for most of the world that Google operates in, including California with it's data protection laws, which once again is what this article is talking about.

  • Google accused of secretly tracking drivers with disabilities
  • You can just RTFA, it's literally in the first three sentences:

    Filing a proposed class-action suit in California, Katherine Wilson has accused Google of using Google Analytics and DoubleClick trackers on the California DMV site to unlawfully obtain information about her personal disability without her consent.

    This, Wilson argued, violated the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), as well as the California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA), and impacted perhaps millions of drivers who had no way of knowing Google was collecting sensitive information shared only for DMV purposes.

    You don't think Google is tracking you when you're filing your taxes online, do you?

  • NYU Nurse Is Fired After Calling the Gaza War a ‘Genocide’ in Speech
  • Interesting, thanks so much for your reply! I'll have to dig more into this as my knowledge of the politics of Desert Storm is quite shallow as a non-American.

  • State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid
  • The Democrat's strategy to appeal to their base really seems to be, "Look, we're not as bad at the other guys." And they really aren't realizing that that isn't enough, because it's not just about Israel/Palestine anymore. I really don't think the people who are also repeating this party line (including the ones on Lemmy) are realizing how out of touch this sentiment is especially the younger Millennials/Gen Z.

    I've seen my friends get attacked, arrested, and get criminal records from the university encampments and protests, and nothing was done to protect them. In their eyes, Trump would never protect them, but neither did Biden or any other Democrat in power. How can they be trusted to protect the people in the future? Seen from this lens, I don't think it's unreasonable to think that there might be people out there who find voting for Biden unpalatable.

  • NYU Nurse Is Fired After Calling the Gaza War a ‘Genocide’ in Speech
  • Yeah, what you say about Iraq makes sense, but I don't remember mentions of extreme violence against specifically young protesters like we're seeing with the university encampments. I was also very young at the time, so I was definitely being sheltered from a lot of it.

    That's why the comparisons to Vietnam sticks out more in my head, because that's probably the only other time historically I have been taught that there has been pointed aggression toward the younger generation about anti-war protesting.

    But my perception may also be skewed because it is my peer group that is being targeted. Quite a few of my friends may or will have police records because they were at pro-Palestine protests and were unlucky enough to get caught by the police, and we still don't know how it'll impact them in the future.

  • NYU Nurse Is Fired After Calling the Gaza War a ‘Genocide’ in Speech
  • I assume you mean under Bush Sr? The only Gulf war googling got me was the one in 1991, and that's a bit before my time. That's really cool that you have footage of the protests, are they available anywhere to view at all?

  • Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups
  • If you have it from a new iPhone, you can literally cancel it from your settings >> Apple ID >> subscriptions. I have no idea how to do it on any other Apple device (because I don't own any others) but I know my dad had a hell of a time cancelling something for his Macbook.

    Good luck o7

  • LAN party from 2003
  • If we're going to be pedantic, it's "at LAN parties".

    And our experiences are very different. I went to a lot of LANs in the 2000s with my parents where there were many women participants. Not quite 50/50, but a sizeable percentage. 0% women at a LAN sounds like a culture issue to me.

  • NYU Nurse Is Fired After Calling the Gaza War a ‘Genocide’ in Speech
  • It's really fucking weird to see the disconnect between the powers that be and regular people regarding Israel/Gaza.

    I can't really think of anything in my lifetime that had the same disconnect. Was the invasion of Afghanistan/Iraq this protested? Vietnam maybe?

  • LAN party from 2003
  • Nah "there's no girls on the internet" jokes in 2023 (or current year) are kind of cringe, and the only people I hear say jokes like that (even ironically) are in their 40s. Lemmy skews older, so I can see why we'd find that funny.

  • Pure light being
  • Nah bro, comparing not liking dogs to racism is actually crazy...

    Dog haters have never committed generational war crimes because they don't like dogs.

    There are better ways to say "not all dogs are the same" than "Imagine saying that about a black person" or sth. I just did.

  • Pure light being
  • Bro, this response is actually crazy

  • Minimum !
  • This is why I report the job postings to the website posted, and to my country's department of labour. I know it seems futile, but I'm petty and I have time.

    Turns out, it's actually helpful, I had someone reach out to me saying they were investigating a certain company, and if I had any more information about the screenshot I sent them a year ago.

  • Facts.
  • I'm not fancy enough to have all of this, but I have raspberries, mint, and honey. Time to experiment

    edit: I am getting so many good tips here, I'll see if I can make something to post on Lemmy at a later date

  • Facts.
  • can make tea out of raspberries?

  • LAN party from 2003
  • I see we are also telling jokes from 2003.

  • Kika's play time be like:

  • Sarek has opinions
  • This is the premise of 90% of Kirk/Spock fanfiction I've re- I mean OTHER people have told me about.

    Definitely other people.

  • Edison
  • Japanese people answer their phone like that, everything is fine.

    I answer my phone like that, I'm branded a weaboo for the rest of my life.

  • Old Family Recipe Unnecessarily Racist
  • I'm realizing I don't even know the slurs associated with those races, never mind food referring to those slurs.

    ...I should really go thank my grandparents.

  • The Verge shows how Google search is useless Best printer 2024, best printer for home use, office use, printing labels, printer for school, homework printer you are a printer we are all printers

    After a full year of not thinking about printers, the best printer is still whatever random Brother laser printer that’s on sale.

    Best printer 2024, best printer for home use, office use, printing labels, printer for school, homework printer you are a printer we are all printers

    The Verge published this spam article about the "best printers of 2024" to demonstrate how terrible Google's search results are. It now appears as the top non-sponsored post if you search "best printer" on Google.

    I love a good, informative troll.

    sigmaklimgrindset sigmaklimgrindset

    Just another reddit refugee

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