OpenAI declares AI race “over” if training on copyrighted works isn’t fair use
OpenAI declares AI race “over” if training on copyrighted works isn’t fair use

National security hinges on unfettered access to AI training data, OpenAI says.

OpenAI declares AI race “over” if training on copyrighted works isn’t fair use
National security hinges on unfettered access to AI training data, OpenAI says.
If training your AI on copyrighted material is fair use then you shouldn't be able to charge for your service.
train on media that is publicly owned. if there isnt enough of this, then join the fight to end the ridiculous timeframe that material remains copyrighted.
Good. Don't let the door hit you.
Of course it's not fucking fair use. Libraries also have to pay for the materials they let you borrow. Any corporation that thinks it's okay to steal and otherwise break the law should just be fucking destroyed. The shit these corporations get away with would put a regular person in jail for several lifetimes, but these clonkers just get a smack on the wrist. Fucking end them!
Okay. And?
One can dream
On one hand, it's a fight against copywrong, which makes me happy. On the other hand, it's an end to the ongoing torrent of AI slop, which also makes me happy.
Help, I don't know which side is worse!
Copyright (or IP law more broadly) does a variety of things, good and bad. I’d like to see us keep the good and ditch the bad.
The good:
Until AI, these were pretty trivial concerns.
You could easily Google something to find out who made it. And computers produce exact copies by default, so how likely are you to run into a malformed approximation of the original thing?
But now, these are both under serious threat.
The bad:
You’ll notice I left out the most obvious thing: “It gives creators a legal monopoly to prevent them getting out-competed by wealthy vulture corporations copying them.”
That’s cuz as long as they can pre-emptively force creators to sign over the rights, copyright doesn’t protect creators — it does the opposite.
I think AI only gets rid of the good parts of copyright, while doing nearly nothing about the bad parts.
We desperately need copyright reform. But it should not be rewritten by big AI interests.
I think the end of the torrent of ai slop is the better thing at the moment. I don't hate the underlying concept behind copyright, protect the people who create a thing for a limited amount of time. The problem is when those limits are lobbied to be extended over and over and the laws are used as a bludgeon by corporations against individuals.
If I were to fix copyright to something equitable:
Nobody cares if a truck killed sam the parasite altman... Jfc daily fucking fake news article over this clown...