Support question: lazy.vim and ansible-language-server
Split window file explorer
This Week in Neovim #51: RIP Vim Boss, preview LSP code actions, grep using the power of an AST, mini.nvim additions and 19 new plugins!
Anyone know what's happening with this-week-in-neovim?
Neovim 💚 Fennel!
clangd-extensions.nvim ( now has go-to-defintion in the type hierarchy window
Code blocs are rendered in italic in markdown files
This week in Neovim
This week in neovim
Issue with neovim on macos
Avoid nesting neovim
Change makeprg only if makefile doesn't exist
How to find functions in documentation
TWiN is back
Why would/wouldn’t you switch to a modern IDE like Visual Studio/VS Code if given the decision right now?
Should I switch my Neovim config from VimScript to Lua?
neovim surround plugins require too many keystrokes
How does textidote compare to ltex-ls?
Mason Markdown Formatting
Making telescope.nvim find_files show hidden files by default - Following ThePrimeagen's guide