I am rewriting my ancient vim config into Lua with nvim. I am using Mason to grab lsp language servers and for the most part it works great!
I have this in my remaps so I can <leader>f to format the current file (still need to figure out formatting on save too, but I can't for the life of me get Markdown formatting working.
I have markdownlint, marksman, prettier, and prettierd all installed wth Mason (though I haven't written any keymaps or configs for them).
Any idea how I can format my Markdown? I write in it all day every day so it's gonna help a ton if I can get it working. Secondly any ideas how I can do the same mapping for the formatting on save? Still pretty new to Lua.
-- Formats the current buffer
function utils.format()
local whitelist = { "python", "rust" }
if vim.tbl_contains(whitelist, vim.bo.filetype) then