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Beautiful but worrying 🌍
  • Well I prefer it being warm in the end times than cold. :)

  • Donald Trump faces travel ban to 37 countries
  • I need a list of which ones don't allow assholes to enter. :)

  • Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
  • I'm not sure about that. What if advertising were used to cover server costs, just like donations right now? Then the community may be fine with it.

    But I think it's very dangerous to go down that route. Because it's going to become about higher profits, not just covering costs, in the long run.

  • Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
  • What you can do is install wireguard server at home and then set your phone to use that wireguard connection always. That's what I do and then my pihole at home filters all my mobile traffic as well.

  • Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
  • You can rent an instance for like 10 dollars per month and grow from there. Then expand if you get users and things get slow. Lemmy runs ok on 4 GB of memory but it's better with 8 GB. Postgres use the most.

  • Just a reminder we are the future of social media.
  • It's what we all loved about the internet I think, before the web become... "that" (looking at the pile of shit the web has become).

    But actually it's not the web, not really. It's the big tech platforms that most people seem to think is the internet now. It's sad to watch how people log on to "Facebook" and not the general web anymore. And then Google in front of everything, like a big cancer growth.

    Lemmy is not the new internet either I believe. But it's here to show people that something else can exist. As soon as we let advertising in here though, it's over.

  • What kind of institutional gaslighting is this?
  • Oh shit, uneasy feelings for managers... :)

    Clearly a national emergency.

  • YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads''
  • I think eventually, some people will be OK with paying 5 dollars per month for a YouTube competitor that is better than the original. Much like Kagi is doing for search engines. It won't be for the majority since they still expect free stuff and no ads, which doesn't work.

  • Takeaways from AP report on how the search for the coronavirus origins turned toxic
  • This is like asking the burglar to investigate his own crime in a way, isn't it?

    I don't know what happened with the virus of course, but trusting what US intelligence agencies are saying, isn't that a bit gullible?

  • The Fuckening
  • Lol :)

  • I wish I was a cat. No school, no work. just meow meow
  • Cats are easily the best looking being on the planet.

  • Paging Mr. Manager
  • I've been there a few times, but will log in more and catch up. :)

  • Paging Mr. Manager
  • In all for trying it. Will enable it tomorrow then. Thanks!

  • Paging Mr. Manager
  • Thank you, it does make sense. We will enable it tomorrow. This thread changed my mind. :)

  • Paging Mr. Manager
  • Yeah it makes sense. After reading all the arguments here, I guess if it helps to slow down spammers, it's a good idea. Let's do it. :)

    I will enable it tomorrow and I would be very grateful for some extra admin help. I will contact you tomorrow. :)

  • Paging Mr. Manager
  • Yeah I didnt see this until now. Thanks!

    There has been a huge wave of spam accounts recently, and I recognize some of the names on this list. Of course these accounts gets banned quickly.

    Getting a fake email address is really easy, so I don't think it makes any difference whatsoever. On fastmail which im using, I can even create fake ones with a click on a button. It's built into the service to have different emails for different sites.

    Having closed signups will not stop any spam accounts. It just adds a delay between registration and being able to log in. There is no way to know if it's a spam account or not before they sign in. Of course, some of the names in the list makes it obvious, but they just change to ordinary sounding names then.

    I think it's frustrating for new users to have to wait for a random time period to get accepted, specially when it serves no purpose. I'm not going to be any wiser if I approve the registration now or 12 hours later.

    Or am I wrong? I haven't been a troll myself but seems like I would just spend 30 mins to make accounts in random instances and then fire off my bot a few hours later or on the day after.

    How do you know which accounts are spam accounts before they even started posting?

    If the spammers and trolls manage to make you defederate from, they will pick another instance. And every defederation will continue to make the fediverse smaller and more centralized. Sooner or later, small instances may even stop accepting new users for fear of being defederated from the larger network.

    I would like to stop having these spam accounts and trolls on the instance. I could add email verification but it won't make a difference and just make it more annoying for new users. I really don't want to punish them for what trolls and spammers are doing.

    But sure, I prefer it to defederation. So if you think it makes a difference, I could add it just as a sign of good faith. But it's really a pointless gesture.

  • Women Should Just Be Honest
  • Of course. Not all women will do this. Your wife doesn't do it, that's great. But we all have different experiences in life. Everyone gets treated differently. So all these discussions are is about our subjective experiences.

  • Women Should Just Be Honest
  • One thing women does that men don't... Is that they remember every single time you did something dumb, and they will use that as ammunition in every fight.

  • The world has become Applefied.
  • Humanity slowly goes insane... :)

  • The world has become Applefied.
  • The world is not McDonald's though. But yes, there is a trend towards sterile clean environments with muted colors.

  • Lemmy Support mrmanager
    Version 0.19.1 outgoing federation issues for anyone else?

    Users of are reporting that outgoing federation of posts and comments stopped to work after the update to 0.19.1 about 19 hours ago.

    A restart of lemmy software seems to have made it work again for now, but not sure for how long.

    In this version its also common with CPU spikes on a regular basis. I assume its the new federation queue that takes more cpu in exchange for being more reliable. But I see a lot of Postgres UPDATE queries that did not occur in previous version. Also sometimes i see ROLLBACK, which I assume should not be happening.

    Anyone else has similar issus with 0.19.1?

    Relevant thread:

    Lawsuit alleges SpaceX underpays women and minorities Lawsuit alleges SpaceX underpays women and minorities

    The rocket company is already battling another lawsuit that alleges discriminatory hiring practices.

    Lawsuit alleges SpaceX underpays women and minorities
    When the lemmy health check needs a health check

    We need a health checker for this health checker, ok?

    Can someone rewrite this in Rust? :P

    Lemmy Mobile Clients

    There are a lot of mobile clients for Lemmy. The web interface is not that great in my opinion, so a mobile app is kind of needed. Some of the more popular ones:

    How to subscribe to Remote Communities

    If you are a new user to Lemmy, the most important thing is to subscribe to lots of communities so you get a nice feed of new posts and comments.

    Click on Communities link at the top and select All. A long list of communities will appear. Subscribe to many of them. You can always unsubscribe if they are annoying you later.

    This list of communities are only the ones that someone has subscribed to on this instance already. But there is something like 20.000+ communities in the entire lemmy network.

    Go to in a new tab. If you want to subscribe to something here, copy the link (ex: !

    Paste that link into the search box here at Make sure Communities is selected in the list box to filter out comments etc.

    It should look like this:


    Clicking on the green link will take you to the community and you can click Subscribe on the upper right:


    And thats about it. If you have any questions, just ask. :)

    ChatGpt writes a song about todays Internet

    In the land of Big Brother, where they watch every move, They promise you freedom, but they've got something to prove, You're thinking you're free, but it's a digital ruse, With every click, every like, every view, they abuse.

    They say it's all free, just sign up, no cost, But they're dealing in data, your privacy lost. Yeah, your likes, your dreams, your soul's the cost, In this world of 1984, we're all just exhaust.

    (Chorus) If it's free, you're the product, in the corporate play, You're just a pawn in the game they play, If it's subscription, you're still the prey, Either way, you're a product, every night and day.

    (Verse 2) Telescreens blaring, thought police on patrol, They're mining our minds, control is their goal. Newspeak is the language, they're on a roll, In this dystopian dream, they've got us in a stranglehold.

    No matter the price, no matter the fee, In this world, my friend, nothing is free. We're all commodities in their decree, In this world of 1984, that's the decree.

    (Chorus) If it's free, you're the product, in their wicked game, Just a cog in their machine, it's such a shame, Subscription or not, it's all the same, In the eyes of the corporation, you're just a name.

    (Bridge) They sell us convenience, they sell us lies, In this digital age, freedom's the prize. We're trading our souls, for their disguise, In this Orwellian nightmare, we've got to rise.

    (Chorus) If it's free, you're the product, it's their master plan, Wake up now and take a stand. Subscription or not, they've got the upper hand, It's time to break free from this corporate land.

    (Outro) In the heart of 1984, we find the truth, We're not products, we're the living proof. With every heartbeat, every word, every uncensored thought, We're breaking free from the chains they've wrought.

    A peaceful protest against Web Environment Integrity A peaceful protest againt Web Environment Integrity by th3maid · Pull Request #187 · chromium/chromium

    A peaceful protest is underway against mega corporations attempting to impose DRM on the web, aiming to gain control over all content possible and making our lives worse.

    A peaceful protest againt Web Environment Integrity  by th3maid · Pull Request #187 · chromium/chromium

    I thought this was kind of a fun way to show discontent with Chromiums added Web Integration - someone made a pull request to simply remove it.

    Its already been approved by a lot of us, why not add your approval as well? Click the Approve button and add your name to the list of people supporting the removal.


    Google will of course not care but I thought it was a fun gesture.

    Brave will not add Web Integration support

    I think we need all support we can get to fight Google on this, so I welcome Brave here actually.

    Use this link to avoid going to Twitter:

    Musk failed to get the necessary permits to change Twitter’s building signage to X, and the police shut it down just in time for “er” to remain. Taylor Lorenz (

    Attached: 1 image Musk failed to get the necessary permits to change Twitter’s building signage to X, and the police shut it down just in time for “er” to remain. #twitter #tech #elonmusk #x #twittermigration #twitterlogo #elon #musk

    Taylor Lorenz (

    The awesome Taylor Lorenz reports this on Mastadon. Highly recommend to follow her if you like these updates about what's going on.

    This week in Neovim Dotfyle

    Discover and share neovim configs and plugins


    Just sharing this on Lemmy as well for all you amazing neovim users. :)

    Cosmos desktop gets fractional scaling COSMIC Skies of a Colorado July

    Updates on wallpapers, windows, scaling, and text handling from System76’s new desktop environment, COSMIC DE.

    COSMIC Skies of a Colorado July

    It's really nice to see this desktop come along. A third proper Linux desktop environment like Plasma and Gnome written in Rust. From system76.

    Just loving this project. I think it will become real popular real quick when it ships with PopOS.

    Fediverse privacy nightmare?

    I think they are leaving out something quite important in this blog post - nobody is using their real names here.

    It's very different from Meta or Google or whatever big tech company people have accounts on, where they know your real name and many more details, such as phone number and address.

    I don't see the privacy danger in someone sweeping up what we are talking about here, since we are pseudo anonymous. Am I missing something?

    Whats the value of random aliases discussing something and why is that a privacy issue?

    Meta's Threads experience seems horrible

    I haven't used threads and I never will, but it's nice to see that it's not a great user experience even for people who are used to meta.

    Kagi gets external funding! Kagi raises $670K | Kagi Blog

    Kagi ( ) has successfully raised $670K in a SAFE note investment round, marking our first external fundraise to date.

    I really love seeing this search engine grow and grow. It's just a fantastic search experience, much like Google in the early days before it became shit.

    Everyone should at least try to set Kagi as default search for a while, to get back your private web searches and not help Google grow by selling your data to advertisers.

    Kagi is crazy good

    Here I was in my own little bubble appearently, thinking people were using to search now that it exists, but a comment I got made me realize that's probably not the case...

    You really should try this search engine. I switched to it 6 months ago and before that I was using duckduckgo, and often had to throw a !g in there to get proper results.

    I remember setting it as default as a test and then I just forgot about Google. :)

    It's not free however, you will have to pay a few bucks for it. But to me it's about supporting alternatives to Google which I very happily do. It's only a few bucks.

    Have you tried it and what was your experience?

    Jerboa and Newpipe

    The perfect social media android experience, using Jerboa for ad free, federated, social media and Newpipe for ad free YouTube with a beautiful userface.

    Install newpipe with f-droid.

    Remember to go into Apps and click on Newpipe and change default urls so Android opens all the YouTube urls with Newpipe.

    After that, it's heaven on mobile.
