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Hello, I've been trying for a while to find peanut butter in larger quantities (> 500g). Doesn't seem to be too common sadly. Any advice on this? I'm in Würzburg btw.

Garbage bags

So I've just got here and read on how waste should be collected separately. What is unclear for me, and can't find any relevant info on, is what bags to use for colecting the waste.

For plastic (yellow bins), is there a particular type of garbage bag that I should use so I can throw away the whole bag including contenta, or do I use whatever bag and just dump the contents and then reuse the bag?

There are paper bags sold (for ex. at Lidl). Can I use those for paper waste and throw away the whole bag + content, or do I collect them in whatever way and just dump the contents?

For compost / bio mass, what should I do? There are "compostable" bags. can I use those, or the paper ones and just throw the whole bag, or do I have to dump the contents?

For the black bin, is it ok to throw the whole bag with its contents?

Idk if it matters, but I'm Bayern

Threads' New Terms and Conditions Affects the Fediverse
  • There seems to be a general consesnus that feddiverse users don't want anything to do with meta and that instances will defederate with threads. I'm curious if the majority will follow this trend to avoid yet another EEE, or if there will be some exceptions. I bet meta will be open to pay good money to instance admins for "colaboration" if the instance is big enough.

  • SIM recomendations


    I'll be studying in Germany for the next 6 to 7 months and I'm looking to buy a SIM card. From what I read online O2 offers decent services for the price. I am however very surprised that for €10 their plan only offers 6GB of data.

    I could use some help with this, so any recomendation and extra information is welcome :)

    edit: thank you all for your answers!

    [AskEurope] Europeans, what is your favorite country of Europe other than your own?
  • It's hard for me to say because I haven't lived in another country other than my own for any amount of time. It's funny though how all the answers are countries in the west :)) Send some love to the balkans please.

  • Hardware ideas Hardware ideas -

    Hi! I’ll be participating in a hackathon next month in the hardware division. I was thinking of making something sollarpunk inspired. I’m posting this to ask for inspiration. What is some of technology (esp. hardware) that you’d like to see implemented? What is a problem that you’d want solved that ...

    I'm reposting this here hoping that some of you have some cool ideas to share. My main intention is to make something solar powered, but I'm really open to anything! Inspire me please!

    I made a bitwarden-cli wrapper so it's actually usable - I made a bitwarden-cli wrapper so it's actually usable -

    I use bitwarden as my password manager, mainly through a browser extension. It’s quite cumbersome to use outside a browser, so I made this. I welcome any thoughts and feedback.

    edit: here is the link so it's more easily accessible

    I made a bitwarden-cli wrapper so it's actually usable

    I use bitwarden as my password manager, mainly through a browser extension. It's quite cumbersome to use outside a browser, so I made this.

    I welcome any thoughts and feedback.

    Hardware ideas
  • To give some ideas as well, maybe there could be some addons powered from the electric longboard, but I can't really see how they could be useful. The main problem I see is that you'd need a wire coming from the longboard to the user / addon. this seems dangerous.

    Maybe you can have the longboard battery be detachable, or have a smaller detachable batterry different from the main one that you could use for other tasks? (both being chardged either externally or through regenerative braking)

    But tbh, I think such a project would overcomplicate and miss the point of the longboard.

  • Hardware ideas
  • Interesting ideas! I'm don't do mobile dev either, but regarding your first point, I think the idea is very cool, but taking that direction would be very difficult. Achieving what you suggest the easy way is through a mobile app. The problem is that the if we're looking at older phones that are not supported anymore, they aren't secure, so we could run into problems there. The second option you suggested, which is a single purpose ROM seems very cool, but it also seems very daunting, as it is hardware specific from my understanding.

    I'm not familiar with the animal prosthetic field too much, but could be an idea.

    thank you, and please share more ideas if you can :)

  • Hardware ideas
  • this could be interesting. unfortunately I am not at all familiar with composting so don't understand why this would be useful. could you please explain why temperature monitoring is important for composting, or direct me to somewhere I could read more for myself? I want to learn, thanks :)

  • Hardware ideas

    Hi! I'll be participating in a hackathon next month in the hardware division. I was thinking of making something sollarpunk inspired. I'm posting this to ask for inspiration.

    What is some of technology (esp. hardware) that you'd like to see implemented? What is a problem that you'd want solved that could have a potential hardware solution?

    I know this is very vague, but I'm curious if anyone has some ideas to share :)

    Has anyone used Kagi Search (search engine)? Kagi Search - A Premium Search Engine

    Kagi is an ad-free, premium search engine for people who value their time, attention and privacy. With results optimized to serve you and not the advertisers, Kagi is lightning fast and offers advanced features for customizing your search experience.

    Basically the title.

    I'm interested in any opportunity to inprove the way I navigate the internet. What I've been for a few years now is DDG, which works fine. Not great, not amazing, just fine. And that's ok considering how they opperate.

    I just heard about kagi and was really cosidering it. Makes sense as a business model (pay so we don't have to sell you data), seems privacy respecting, and claims to strive for best search results in the market. Some test searches from the trial seem promising.

    If you've used it for any amount of time, what has your experience been with it? What plan are you using? What are you mostly searching for?

    Even you haven't used it, any thoughts / opinions are welcome.

    not my daily driver
  • Wow. HIGHLY impressed. I'll save this. expect me to ping you with questions when I gather the courage to make one of these!

    edit: or rather you could share the parts used here :)

  • Organic Maps or OSMAnd+
  • I didn't use any for driving, but I can tell you that I switched to OrganicMaps from osmand+ for all other navigation. The main reasons are speed (OM feels a lost smoother and snappier), and functionality (it's minimal, but just works very well). I had no real use for all the bells and wistles of osmand+, so OM made sense for me.

  • Should I switch my Neovim config from VimScript to Lua?

    So, I've been a Neovim user for a few years now. I started as most of you (I assume) with vim, and just kept on using and expanding that config file over the years.

    I only recently realized there's quite a split between the Vim and Neovim plugins and that the Neovim community is pushing Lua as a better development platform. From what I can see, some users are switching their configs from Vimscript to Lua. To be honest all I know about Lua is that it means moon in Portuguese...

    Should I too? What would the advantages be? What would the disadvantages be? For those who did switch, why did you switch and what was your experience? For those who didn't why did you not?

    p.s. review (roast) my dotfiles

    edit: thank you all for your input! I will consider slowly switching to lua by modifying only some parts of the config as some of you suggested.

    Just finished cs50 need some guidance.
  • What is your end goal with this? Going for BSc in Computer Science / Engineering would enable you to become a developer / computer scientist.

    Photo/video/vector editing seems very out of place in your plan. That's just another domain. If you're passionate about those visual arts, that's great and more power to you, but know they're not relevant for a computer scientist. Src: I've been there.

    Regarding everything else you've said, it seems to me that you're learning stuff without a direction and just because you've heard those things (cs50 / linux), are important. I suggest you choose a moderately difficult task (game, app, tool, website, ehatever) that seems interesting for you to create, (install linux) and start working on it, and focus on finishing it. You'll learn a lot on the way and gain a broader understanding of how a project is pieced together. Most importantly, you'll figure out what you don't know, and thus eill have a direction going forward.

    And don't get me wrong, you're right, you can gain a lot of valuable knowledge by going through cs50 or learning to use the linux terminal, but it's not really useful unless information, unless you apply it to a project.

  • Document Scanner recommendations

    I'm looking for a document scanning app. I currently have OpenScan installed, but I feel like the only usable setting is the default one which only takes a picture and allows you to crop it.

    I'm looking for something closer in processing to adobe scan to pdf, so the end pdf looks more "scan like".

    Is there such an app? What are guys using?

    Lemmy Support may_pretender
    Issue while searching for community

    I'm trying to join a community from another server ( from my server (, but the search can't seem to find it. It does, however, find other communities from sopuli, as well as communities from other servers. Why could this be the case?

    link to comunity:

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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