Pro tip for people not yet used to HJKL arrow keys
Scratchpad to format small snippets
How do i override nvim-web-devicons cancel(X) icon
autocmd is breaking my lsp and not working
Compiler.nvim - Compile and run your files from inside neovim.
What are your favorite plugins?
Applying to be a mod
Weekly dotfile review?
cmp comparators issues
github discussions has been reopened on neovim/neovim
Comparison between the different nvim "bundles"
Favorite Note Taking/Markdown Preview Plugin
Anyone got a fix for Telescope greps not jumping to correct line?
Hoping r/neovim moves here
Adding a Session list to sidebar-nvim
time tracking
This Week In Neovim Newsletter
NeovimConf 22 livestream
Making Neovim's color scheme follow system light/dark preference on GNOME