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  • SLRPNK community discussion - August 2023

    So there are a few topics that came up lately that I think would be nice to discuss with members of this community.

    Basically this is part of writing a Code of Conduct for our instance and I think we need to talk about some specific type of posts:


    Naturally the themes discussed in our communities are attracting a lot of climate doomer comments and I would say we also have a significant number of "recovering doomers" here as community members.

    Earlier this week I considered closing the /c/collapse community on SRLPNK, because it is not actively moderated and attracts a lot of these types, even though ex_06 (who asked me to have their account re-activated, but not as an admin) originally intended it to be more of a psychological self-help group for people trying to get to terms with the likely loss of many things that defined their life so far.

    While the typical doomer could probably need some psychological support, they are usually still in a stage of grief that makes them lash out and not engage in a constructive exchange how to make the best of the current difficult situation we sadly find ourselves in.

    Mostly I have been doing temporary bans for such doomers to cool down and not spread their doom and gloom endlessly in our communities, but I think we need to come up with a common idea how to deal with this better.

    Discussing civil disobedience

    aka Direct Action or the other man's "Eco Terrorist" (yeah right...).

    Obviously this is a topic many climate activists find themselves more and more confronted with and you might already be involved with a group engaged in such actions of civil disobedience. And lets not forget about the punk in Solarpunk either :)

    However, obviously this is a public web-site and thus easily monitored by law-enforcement and other people that might be interested in reporting such discussions to the local authorities. Thus to protect this service and also our users from themselves we can't really allow planning discussions with specific targets or generally calls for action against specific persons to happen here out in the open (or in the semi-public direct messages).

    Obviously, we can never condone violence against persons, but aside from that please be careful with discussing climate activism on the clear-web and rather use fully end to end encrypted means with people you can trust!

    However this has obviously a large grey area and people might have stronger views on what should and should not be discussed here.

    Absolute Vegans

    Vegans are obviously welcome on SLRPNK and I think we can all agree that strongly reducing the consumption of animal products is a worthy goal.

    However, there are some very opinionated (online) Vegans / animal rights activists that (intentionally or not) are indistinguishable from trolls and generally very toxic to deal with. Please don't feel personally attacked by this, but I think we need to come up with something regarding this in our code of conduct.


    So these were the three topics I had in my mind lately, but feel free to discuss others as well.

    I am looking forward to your thoughts on this!

  • Are we going to be federating with Hexbear when they federate net week?

    I know we're not federated with lemmygrad but hexbear seems more leftist in general rather than pure tankie/ML. They'll also be the biggest (or second biggest?) instance when they start federating.

    What are the general thoughts on it? I personally wouldn't mind and browse hexbear every now and then already so I might be biased. I think there's a fair amount of likeminded people there though.

  • Getting an error when attempting to visit communities from outside links

    I've been searching for communities using, but lately every time I click on a link I get the error shown above (I've edited out my username because it's not really important). For instance the above error was shown when I clicked on the link

    After I refresh the page I can see the content of the community, but I appear to be logged out. Then I hit refresh again and I log in, but sometimes the posts all disappear so the community appears to be empty.

    Seems like something weird is going on here. I assume it's a bug. I'm happy to give any extra details you might need to figure out the problem.

    EDIT: Turns out I couldn't see posts after logging in because my language wasn't set properly, and the other errors have disappeared with time.

  • Can we have a Wiki?

    I'd like to gauge interest for a nice solarpunk wiki - an easily searchable repository of knowledge for everything solarpunk. While a lemmy instance is great to share articles, links, meet like-minded folk, give quick tech advice, there is a lot of useful slrpnk knowledge worth collecting in a more systematic manner. Are we enough active people here to get that started yet? It might be early at this point, as mentioned in a comment elsewhere, but as a wiki fan I'll put that out here. Or are there other wikis out there worth supporting instead?

  • Alternative mlmym UI (old Reddit style) now available for testing

    Since it is safer to self-host these alternative web-clients, I decided to give mlmym a try and it turned out quite easy to add.

    Please report back any issues with it here.

    Edit: is the source code for this.

  • New community for tree lovers! Lunarpunk - SLRPNK

    Lunarpunk is a subgenre of solarpunk with a darker aesthetic. It portrays the nightlife, spirituality, and more introspective side of solarpunk utopias. It can be defined as “Witchy Solarpunk.” Aesthetically, lunarpunk usually is presented with pinks, purples, blues, black, and silver with an almost...

    Lunarpunk - SLRPNK

    Hi SLRPNK,

    This post has two purposes. First, I wanted to introduce a new community I just created, ! This community is for all things tree related, similar to /r/marijuanaenthusiasts which many former redditors may know.

    Also, I have a few questions about community creation

    1. Since we're a small instance, other instances won't be able to see any posts from before anyone from that instance has searched for this community, correct? If so, maybe I should have waited before creating the introductory post. Is there any solution to this problem?

    2. I tried to upload a banner but it doesn't seem to appear. Any thoughts as to why that could be? Are there any limitations to size, file type, or dimensions?

    3. I thought I had a third one but I can't remember... I'll edit if it comes to me!

  • Multiple Lemmy instances are having stability issues right now

    Unclear reason, is also effected.

    Edit: Doesn't seem like an active attack, but rather a database overload issue caused by someone deleting their old and previously very active account, and those deletion requests being federated out to other instances as well. At least that seems the most likely theory right now.

    Edit: seems to be mostly resolved, but I hope there will be a bug fix to prevent this from happening again.

  • has a community with a transphobic name. Can we remove it? TwoXChromosomes - SLRPNK

    About A place for serious and silly content intended for women’s perspectives. (We are not the same mods as the Reddit r/twoxchromosomes [] sub) Rules We are currently following a modified version of r/TwoXChromosomes rules here [

    TwoXChromosomes - SLRPNK

    /c/twochromosomes explains its name with the following:

    > The name XX was chosen just because it illustrates the essence of this subreddit and its target Redditors–girly and geeky, and subtly awesome.

    Connecting girliness with a genotype and bragging about being cisgender is not my idea of what the solarpunk movement stands for. This is gender essentialism and subtle transphobia. And the beginning of the community and of SLRPNK is the perfect time to be getting rid of transphobic names.

    Admins, if you are reading this, please remove this transphobic community.

    Everyone else, do you know how I can get in touch with the SLRPNK admins?

  • A new way to search for communities

    The author of the tool states that body text of a post is weighted higher than the title. Add your submission statements or summaries to affect your ranking in the engine (for people managing communities or creating content).

    cross-posted from:

    > I keep see people complaining about not being able to find active communities that match their interests. So I've added a new feature to that allows you to search posts for a particular topic and then it tells you which communities have the most posts matching your search query. > > And assuming that you've set your home instance correctly, those links will even open up in your home instance, so that you can subscribe directly to them. > > For example, if you search for 'linux' ( it gives you a link to each community, tells you which instance it's on and how many matches it found for your query. > > All of the same filters that you can use on the normal search can be used here as well. So if you just want to find the best community that mentions linux on (, you can filter by just that instance. Click on the Search Tips button to see a list of all of the available filters. > > P.S. I'm aware of etc... and while those are great as well, this allows you to search to see what people are actually talking about on the various communities. > > Again, if you have any feature requests or find any bugs, PLEASE reach out or ideally go to my github ( and log a bug there.

  • Interest in a Permacomputing community?

    Is there interest in a community for permacomputing projects and discussion? I feel like it fits perfectly with the principles of solarpunk.

    PS. if yes, can someone create it? it looks like I don't have the option since my account is in another instance

  • Would there be any interest here for a music c/ local to

    Music is a huge part of my life, and I would love to know what you fine folks here listen to and what inspires you!

    I'd get the ball rolling on a c/ if there's interest.

    EDIT: you can find the c/ at !

  • Community for hydrogen?

    I believe hydrogen will part of your better future. I was thinking about dedicated community for hydrogen related stuff? What do you all think?

  • Update to Lemmy 0.18.2

    You can read the official release annoucements here.

    This is mainly a security release, but it fixes some important flaws in the frontend code. Thus while there are not many changes from a user perspective, it is still a quite significant improvement 👍

  • Is there anywhere on Lemmy for talking about exercise and working out?

    Search isn't showing me anything for the obvious terms.

    I'd like a climbing-specific sublemmy(?), ideally, but I appreciate that's a bit niche! Just somewhere for chatting about general fitness would be cool. I'd start one myself, but it doesn't seem very solar-punky.

  • Security vulnerability on Lemmy

    As you might have heard several Lemmy instances have been attacked via a security vulnerability in the browser frontend related to custom emoji.

    While SLRPNK was vulnerable to it, we seem to have not been actively targeted and I took the instance down as a precaution as soon as I learned about it.

    I have applied all the currently known mitigations, which means that everyone got logged out of their account and needs to log back in manually.

    As of writing this the API is working again and can be used with apps like Jerboa safely.

    I am still contemplating if I want to re-enable the web frontend now or wait for a release that fixes the issues found.

    Edit: the main issue was fixed and I restarted the web ui with it.

  • (URGENT) Lemmy has an XSS vulnerability in the sidebar

    cross-posted from:

    > is a victim of an XSS attack right now and the hacker simply injected a JavaScript redirection into the sidebar. > > It appears the Lemmy backend does not escape HTML in the main sidebar. Not sure if this is also true for community sidebars. > > !

  • Update to version 0.18.1 and theme changes

    I updated to Lemmy version 0.18.1 yesterday which seems to have resolved quite a few issues in the UI and also made the site overall quite a bit more responsive. Very nice team work of all the people involved in bug fixing and performance optimisation of Lemmy 🥰

    Edit: it might be necessary to force-reload your browser (Press CTRL+F5) to get the new Javascript files properly.

    I also added the Hanubeki themes and enabled the mint version as the default. This is not meant as the final theme here, but just a quick change to have something other than the somewhat boring Lemmy default. But maybe people like it anyway.

    I also played around with the new custom emojis a bit and they seem to mostly work.

    For exampe: !This is fine meme

    So I guess we could start collecting some nice ones to be added for everyone to use.

    Last but not least I pre-emtively blocked (the new Facebook service) as discussed here.

  • Plans to pre-emptively defederate from threads?

    I just saw that has pre-emptively defederated from threads. Are there any plans to do that here? I personally want nothing to do with Meta/Facebook, and I'm sure that's not an unpopular opinion around here.

    edit: y'all, please pay attention to where you are when coming from all.

    edit again: kbin really ought to make a post's home instance more clear.

  • Does this instance have a dark mode?

    Is it possible to use this instance in a dark mode when browsing from desktop?

  • Issues with pages loading

    I've been having issues today with the front page not loading content. Refreshing works sometimes, but not always. I've also had some posts show a loading icon indefinitely. When I leave and come back, they usually load. I'm not sure why, but I figure sharing this will help with troubleshooting.

    Is there any bug submission process I should follow aside from posting in !meta?

  • I've just created 15 Minute City! 15 Minute City - SLRPNK

    Discussion about the path towards 15 minute cities. Post examples and discuss about how to make this a reality! Checkout these other communities with similar themes: - ! [/c/] []

    15 Minute City - SLRPNK

    Please join me to discuss how we can implement 15 minutes cities, experiments that are occurring on this front, and other topics that can help make this a reality.

  • problems seeing posts

    when I’m logged in, a lot of communities are empty - but i can see loads of posts when logged out. does anyone know what the issue is?

  • New to Lemmy and trying to troubleshoot access

    I'm trying to browse ! from @lemmynsfw and it's not seeing most of the posted content. It sees no active users and only two posts (plus one I posted just now to see if I was possible to post).

    On ! I see just one post. I'm struggling to figure out what could cause this. Is this a defect, or possibly a setting based on the instance from which I'm connecting? I would've found it more understandable to be able to view nothing, but why these two particular posts and nothing else? Thanks for your help.

  • Bringing over folks from r/Solarpunk

    Hi! I'm a mod at r/solarpunk on reddit, and we're looking for a better platform on which to host the community. I've been browsing and I really like it.

    I'd like to start encouraging early adopters to register an account here. Any migration would certainly be gradual, but before I do anything I wanted to check and see how the current admin and other users feel about this plan.

    How's the instance running? What rate do you think this instance could take on new users? How is your moderation capacity at the moment?

  • Is there a way to search for all communities in a given server?

    So for instance I'm interested in all communities in the instance, and I can't find a way to use the search function for that. I've tried searching for communities using the search string "" and I get nothing.

    Then in the screenshot shown I tried searching for communities with just the string "aussie" and I got "Aussie", which is strange because all the community names there contain the substring "aussie" and I'd expect this search to find them.

    Is this a bug? Am I doing it wrong? It would be nice if there was a way to browse all communities in a given instance easily, because when I find an instance I like, I want to be able to go through and find the communities I like just as if I was browsing local communities on this instance.

    Also the copy-paste method, which is still extremely clunky, is broken for me. I it just has [email protection] which when clicked does nothing useful. I've tried the Lemmy Link addon but not only is that also a very slow and clunky method which still doesn't let me browse by server, it keeps slowing down firefox so I've had to uninstall it.

  • Subscribe and block buttons are broken for some communities

    Others are not broken, such as ! !2XC.

    It's not a general functionality problem with subscribing or blocking. If you go to any thread in a community, the buttons work from there. It also works to sub from the community list.

  • Little Help? List of Federated Eco Communities Federated Communities/Magazines and Users for the "Outside" - Aussie Zone

    This will be a living document (and is a Work In Progress) so if readers are aware of instances/communities/magazines that suit the umbrella of the “environment”, including “gardening” etc., please comment to add them. Use the browsers at the bottom to find your own. This was originally a Lemmy list...


    Just wondering if anyone has any more active "environmental" communities to add to the linked post? I've got the main "green" instances and a user helped me with Mastodon users to increase federated areas. Could be plants/animals etc., as well.

    While using the browser helps, if I get the keywords wrong I may be missing out.

    Please? Thoughts?

  • New Lunarpunk Community

    Hello to all new members. I've just created a Lunarpunk community for the darker / nightime aspects of Solarpunk that can be found at the link above or c/lunar_punk

  • Update to version 0.18 and down-votes enabled

    You might have noticed the interface having changed a bit. This is the new version 0.18 of Lemmy that changed a lot of the internals. So expect there to be some new bugs as well.

    I am still ironing out some problems with it and it seems like the version of the Jerboa Android app from F-droid isn't fully compatible yet. Either wait for the update or install the latest .apk from the developer directly. Edit: the F-droid version works now.

    I also re-enabled down-votes. The poll was less clear than I hoped, but there was a small majority for enabling down-votes in the end. But I will monitor the situation and if you feel there is negative vote-brigading going on, please use the report function.

    Next on the plan is to look into custom themes to make this instance's look a bit more Solarpunkish.

    I am also working on some hardware changes for the server. Basically I will transfer this instance to a smaller server that I can optimize better for the database use of Lemmy. This will also allow to quickly turn this smaller machine into a dedicated database server should the need for scaling up due to a new influx of users arise.

    Currently there are 2-3 sign-ups per day (real users, not bots) and we crossed the 500 members earlier this week. So overall things are relatively calm and we see a slow, but nicely organic growth 😊

  • How does one cross-post on Lemmy?

    That seemed like a pretty valuable feature on reddit, and it seems even more valuable given that there can multiple communities with the same name on different servers.

    So is it possible to crosspost?

  • Is the metadata from pics wiped automatically here like mainstream social media?

    or should I do it manually before posting photos I take for privacy?

  • Trying to subscribe to a community

    So I'm trying to subscribe to the fountainpens community at and it seems I'm incapable of doing so.

    I think the problem is that the name of their community in their own instance is not "/c/fountainpens", but "/c/", as you can see from their instance here, so when I look for "!" in our search bar, I get nothing. Even if I try typing on the browser searchbar "" or "", I get nothing.

    Am I making a mistake somewhere? And if not, is there a way to make this work, or do I have to have an account at to post in this community?

  • Quick question

    I've noticed there are some communities that aren't showing up from other instances, even though we are federated with them. Is this intentional? or just lemmy being lemmy. (specifically I was trying to join some sewing based communities so nothing I think would have been banned from here)

  • Re-enable down-voting on

    As you might have noticed, there is currently no option to down-vote posts here.

    When Lemmy was much smaller there were some bad faith actors organizing down-votes on posts they didn't like and because a few down-votes already meant a lot this was quite effective (from their perspective) to shape the discourse to their liking.

    These days our instance is bigger and we have also blocked the worst offenders (and will continue to do so), so I am wondering if we should re-enable down-votes?

    Personally I think they are useful in some cases, but ideally the down-votes would not federate to other instances. This option however is not available in Lemmy, so it is either on or off.

    I will make three comments below this, one you can up-vote if you are in favour of enabling down-votes again, one if you are against it and one if you abstain from making a decision on this.

    Note to members: please don't up-vote any of the below comments I make.

    I'll leave this vote open for some days... and anyway: no decision is final and if it becomes a problem again it is easy to disable it.

    Edit: If you have for some reason a strong objection and want to veto this, please comment below.

    Edit: I enabled down-votes with the upgrade to Lemmy version 0.18. At the time of writing this it is 45 votes for enabling down-votes, 32 against enabling them, and 10 abstentions. Lets see how it goes.

  • Comment federation

    I subscribed to !news at . . . well it probably does not matter. I receive the news the moderators are posting there, but also every single boosted comment anyone makes on the news stories as separate inane postings on my mastodon feed(!) That can't be the way to run a railroad! Can comment reposting be disabled by moderators or can it be suppressed by users? Because othewise, the news feed subscription is a poison pill to my fediverse-based feed.

  • Anyone willing to help out with a custom theme?

    Might be nice to give this instance more Solarpunk like colors. I am currently a bit short on time to work on this myself, but contributions are welcome.

    A nice banner image would be cool as well.

    The documentation on theming is not very detailed, but it seems to be mostly just Bootstrap 4: (Edit: that docu might be outdated and it is actually Bootstrap 5 now)

    An example for a instance with a custom theme is here:

  • Finding and Subscribing to external Lemmy Community

    I used to discover a community of interest and they provided this link to subscribe: ! but when I paste it in the search field for joining a community, nothing happens, or sometimes there is a "not found" message. A growing pain I suppose. I will keep trying . . .

0 Active user