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Locked removes its rules against discrimination
  • The new rules also say you’re not allowed to report content for things that aren’t a violation of the terms of service. So if you report a content for being racist, that’s against the rules.

  • removes its rules against discrimination
  • I can't see any history discussing the change before today, but the posts from before today also seem to be more inclusivity-minded than this one. Maybe it's just a huge oversight and they forgor. But it's definitely not a nice look. The new rules also say you're not allowed to report content for things that aren't a violation of the terms of service. So if you report a content for being racist, that's against the rules.

  • 🤔🤔🤔
  • It's actually untrue. Consensus reality is a social construct created by the white supremacist state. Science and truth are left wing, but reality is right wing, because reality is incompatible with science and truth. Reality is what the white colonisers brought to Australia and the new world along with god and capitalism.

  • plaine
  • At no point in Skyward do they dogfight in a firing line. Cobb puts the students in a line to teach them discipline, coordination, and maneuvering. He criticised the teaching style of other instructors who let the students dogfight right away. Cobb believed in hammering in the fundamentals until they were instinct, and only then allowing them to actually fight. This is sensible military doctrine.

    Skyward is a great book.

  • Valve doesn't sell ad space on Steam so it can make room for surprise hits: 'We don't think Steam should be pay-to-win'
  • It nearly happened, but then we protested and tanked the stock price to fuck Spez for fucking us. Now most of the subs are poorly moderated by mods that don't care about their community. Content is suffering and revenue is dropping. Spez pissed on his golden goose and we decided to speed the process up so he couldn't sell before it drowned.

  • Fuck driving tests

    It is a requirement when you take a driving test that the assessor judge what you are looking at. That way, they can see if you're checking for hazards.

    This is impossible.

    My attention does not move with my head. My retinas contain more light sensing rod cells at the periphery, which are better at detecting movement and hazards. People are better at sensing hazards at the edge of their field of view. It is impossible for an assessor to see a driver check for hazards at the edge of their view.

    In order to pass a test, I must move my attention, my eyes, and my whole head when I look in the mirror or for other hazards. This is slow. I have autism. My attention already moves slowly. The added distraction of doing this is dangerous. I might as well be looking at my phone for all the trouble it causes me with paying attention.

    Driving tests are fundamentally flawed and the job assessors are asked to do is impossible. You cannot see someone's attention move when they are driving optimally. Driving tests require drivers to drive worse.

    Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was Christian propaganda

    Spoilers for GOTG 3 below:

    Okay, so when Rocket was dying and he saw Lylla in the entrance to the afterlife, it got really weird for a second when Lylla referenced "The hands that guide the hands that create us". Now, the hands that created Rocket and Lylla are the hands of the High Evolutionary, and Lylla is telling Rocket to embrace an identity beyond him. That makes sense. But whose hands guide the Evolutionary's? God's?? That seems to be the implication, that somehow an otter is a christian. And I say christian instead of religious, because she is clearly referencing the idea of a grand plan that is not present in polytheistic religions, she's talking about god's plan. Or dare I say, she is asking Rocket to be part of "the greatest story ever told"

    But it was just one odd sentence, so I let myself doubt this was intentional. Maybe the writers put that in there without thinking of the agenda-ness of it because it was just the terms in which they saw the world. Maybe it was an accident, an oversight.

    So anyway, 10 minutes later the High Evolutionary says "I'm an atheist", and every one of his minions in the room points their guns at him. Animal abuse? No big deal. Eugenics? Been there done that. Destroying a planet full of sentient life? Who cares? You're an atheist!? HOW DARE YOU

    But okay, maybe that's not what they really meant in the scene. I'm joking with my friends, "Jesus is gonna show up at the end of the movie", and I don't mean it, this is probably where it'll end

    So anyway, then Chris Pratt dies in space and "ADAM" Warlock shows up, the camera does an obvious reference to The Creation of Adam, and Warlock saves Cris, allowing him to be raised from the dead. Bruh. Jesus actually showed up at the end of the movie

    The planet's on fucking fire
    Enterprise is too gross

    I watch TV while eating, because TV takes my mind off the textures of the food and helps me dissociate from eating. I also have a very active imagination and ability to immerse myself in a show

    Enterprise seems to have characters beaten bloody, covered in soot, drenched in sweat or slime, or poisoned by trellium-D every other episode. It's very hard to watch Enterprise compared to the rest of Star Trek

    Lemmy Support HardlightCereal
    How do I create a community on a remote instance?

    Star Trek has its own Lemmy instance and I want to create an old trek community on it. But my account is on, so how do I do it?

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