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Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies before election
  • Yup, people who argue that Biden shouldn't be criticised for his genocide because "Trump is worse" are just doing genocide denial.

    Even if you take the stance that he has to beat Trump to prevent an even worse climate disaster, his genocide might stop him beating Trump. He is choosing genocide and supporting fascism overseas rather than beating fascism at home.

    People go on about how much we need to beat Trump but I'm pretty convinced that Biden and the DNC don't really want to beat Trump.

    That's also why threatening to not vote Biden is useless - he won't care. Vote for him and force him to spend another 4 years disappointing and radicalising his own base against the US empire.

  • Steam announces game recording beta.
  • Not quite true - they require that you not sell Steam keys for less than you do on Steam. They still don't even stop you from doing giveaways or participating in bundles. It's just that your typical prices on independent Steam key sales, for which they don't even take a cut, can't be lower than Steam prices. Also the seller sets all of these prices.

    Given they're footing the bill for indefinitely hosting the games supplied via those keys, that's an entirely reasonable restriction.

    This is coming from someone who is against capitalism and all IP law. The big problem with Steam imho is that Gabe Newell won't live forever and when he's gone the company could go public or go to some fail son who will tank it. I'm not even saying Gabe Newell is a great guy or an ethical billionaire, but he's been remarkably consistent in keeping Steam's business model running well.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Ofmg it's lemmy microcelebrity Asafum!

  • Rule (Penance 3/100)
  • I was about to say I think it's 250 million years for a full orbit, but then I did basic maths and realised 125 million for half an orbit obviously checks out.

    Kinda weird to think that the last time we were here in our orbit, the dinosaurs were first appearing.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • I honestly have no idea what you're saying here. Is this what 'retell my point back to me" was about? You want me to explain how you're doing genocide denial, again? A fourth time? I'll copy-paste the three different ways I've tried to explain it and which you have ignored, and then we're done here if you keep ignoring it.

    I explained how you were doing genocide denial. You said that complaining about Biden is only “sowing division”. So that means that we shouldn’t criticise him for his genocide. Denying that a genocide should be criticised on its own merits is a form of genocide denial. Not all genocide denial is “this genocide didn’t happen”. In fact most of it isn’t. Most of it is politically motivated muddying of the waters, like what you did.

    Pretending that the entire value in discussing genocide starts and ends with who will be elected president is pretty minimising to the importance of the, you know, genocide. Seems like a kind of genocide denial to me.

    Edit 3: The other person arguing is also doing genocide denial, but the oblique kind where you pretend that the only reason to criticise a sitting US president engaging in genocide is because you want him to lose an election. Almost like they’re denying that we should hold people accountable for genocide on its own merits. That is, and I cannot stress this enough, genocide denial.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • I told you multiple times how it was genocide denial. I explained the how of it. You have failed to even acknowledge that let alone respond to it.

    I guess it's hard to face the fact that you're doing genocide denial, so the only thing you can do is pretend I'm being disingenuous. Funny thing is, even if I'm being disingenuous that doesn't make you not a genocide denier.

    If you want to explain how that's wrong you need to respond to the argument, but you're not doing that.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • And if he doesn’t stop his genocide support - for real, not just a token “hey now jack stop that” - then I won’t be surprised when he loses to Trump, because he chose to support fascism overseas and thus willingly lost to fascism at home.

    It's fascinating how you'll continually blame the people calling out genocide support from the white house for them losing, but you won't blame their genocide support for them losing.

    Almost like you're not that interested in opposing the genocide.

    Almost like you're doing... genocide denial.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Your entire mindset here is “If they don’t agree with me they must be genocide deniers”.

    I explained how you were doing genocide denial. You said that complaining about Biden is only "sowing division". So that means that we shouldn't criticise him for his genocide. Denying that a genocide should be criticised on its own merits is a form of genocide denial. Not all genocide denial is "this genocide didn't happen". In fact most of it isn't. Most of it is politically motivated muddying of the waters, like what you did.

    And yet you’re convinced it’s Biden you should be complaining about.

    Because he is the president and the person in the greatest position of power to do something about it, and yet he refuses.

    Why aren’t you complaining about Trump? Why aren’t you complaining about [whatabout whatabout whatabout]

    Because none of those people is currently the US president.

    Also, the original comment I replied to was about how people are just complaining that Biden is "old". I was pointing out that this person was clearly deliberately avoiding the main criticism, which is of course the genocide.

    It’s not about getting Biden elected, it’s about making sure Trump does not get elected.

    That's just the same thing said two ways. Most people who vote for Trump don't like him much either, they just think they have to get Biden out. This is how the two-party system captures your political imagination and makes you police other people to tell them not to criticise your candidate. You've fallen for its trap.

    And the idea that nothing can be changed without system change is actually false. Popular opposition has won basically all the victories worth noting in liberal democracies. They weren't handed down from the legislature, they were fought for from the bottom up. But if people won't stand up and full-throated condemn the one person most responsible for the current iteration of this genocide, then he won't feel any pressure to do anything about it.

    And if he doesn't stop his genocide support - for real, not just a token "hey now jack stop that" - then I won't be surprised when he loses to Trump, because he chose to support fascism overseas and thus willingly lost to fascism at home.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Actually I’m just pointing out that you’re complaining about something that won’t change.

    The only thing you realistically accomplish by complaining about Biden is sowing division.

    I don't know about that, I think political possibility goes beyond who will be convinced to change their vote because you told people to stop complaining about Biden.

    Like for instance, you acknowledging that the US is going to do genocide no matter what seems like a pretty damning thing to say, no? Seems like something worth saying. Seems like maybe we should condemn people who do genocide, or are willing to helm a nation that will make them complicit in genocide no matter what, because those are people that are going to do a genocide. Seems like maybe getting people on board with a system change involves pointing out that it is an inexorable genocide machine. And if that's what it takes to stop the genocides - and you seem to agree with me on this - then maybe we should, I don't know, talk about it?

    Pretending that the entire value in discussing genocide starts and ends with who will be elected president is pretty minimising to the importance of the, you know, genocide. Seems like a kind of genocide denial to me.

    As for the “genocide deniers”, well some people are just dumb and we have to accept that.

    I'm yet to find a comment section that isn't full of you fuckers.

    I think if you think you need to do this to get someone elected, that's actually counterproductive. Like maybe people associating Biden with genocide denial is going to make it harder for them to hold their nose and vote strategically like you want. It's very hard to imagine the voter who would care about the genocide and yet be fooled into voting for Biden because people kept his genocide support on the down-low. Seems like you're cutting off little pieces of your soul for the sake of a strategy that isn't going to really work, unless you've got an A-to-B for me on how telling people to stop complaining about Biden's genocide support helps him win election.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • I'm assuming "you" in this case is the general "you", because I absolutely do hate him for that as well. Yeah, Joe is a neoliberal capitalist, but nobody doing genocide denial on his behalf is going to be worried about that charge.

    You point out that they're genocide deniers and you get the person who responded to me fretting about whether we should really call it a genocide. You know, doing genocide denial, because people who have painted themselves into that corner aren't going to stop doing genocide denial, they'll keep showing you who they really are. That's damning to anyone who's really paying attention.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • It just doesn’t seem like full genocide yet. Genocide light?

    Oh dear, oh no, genocide is such a strong word for aerial bombing of civilians, denying them aid, targeting hospitals, sniping children, burying them in mass graves and killing more children than in all global conflicts over the last four years combined, all with the explicit goal of wiping out their people group and displacing them from their homeland. It's just, oh no, I wouldn't want to say mean words about the people doing all of that, because that might be unfair to the mass child slaughterers. There isn't worse than this. This is genocide.

    Holocaust deniers don't call themselves "deniers" either, they start organisations like the "Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust". That's a real thing, you can look it up, it's disgusting.

    You just did genocide denial.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Ah yes, "old", the only criticism of Biden that does or could ever exist.

    You could've talked about the genocide, but that would've made it sound less frivolous now, wouldn't it?

    Edit: For all the people who don't like people talking about actual genocide that Biden is supporting, minimising the seriousness of a genocide because you think you have a good reason for it is still genocide denial. You have become genocide deniers for the sake of the dubious shift in votes from whatever population of voters you think will see you doing genocide denial and think "actually they have a point I'll vote for Biden now".

    Edit 2: Your case isn't helped by the fact that the only person arguing with me did so with genocide denial. Think about that.

    Edit 3: The other person arguing is also doing genocide denial, but the oblique kind where you pretend that the only reason to criticise a sitting US president engaging in genocide is because you want him to lose an election. Almost like they're denying that we should hold people accountable for genocide on its own merits. That is, and I cannot stress this enough, genocide denial.

  • Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription
  • Okay, maybe it won't be my first port of call then.

  • Planetary travel guide
  • Are you talking about exoplanets, or the "just admit that every round solid object in space is a planet and there are a lot more than nine in the solar system" planets?

  • Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription
  • Okay, thanks for the heads up.

    A quick search found this:

    Looks like there are others too, I'll play around and see what works for me.

  • Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription
  • Okay, I wasn't able to review your links before so I just focussed on answering your question.

    Trac looks the most promising of everything I've seen so far, I like that it's minimal and also does basically everything I'm looking for in one place. I'll give it a try first.

    Thanks so much!

  • Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription
  • Okay, I'm looking into that, thanks. The closed-core model is a little concerning for me - one of the things I hate about the proprietary stuff is all the gatekeeping you have to deal with, but if the other possibilities don't pan out I'll consider it.

  • Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription
  • Oh good question. I'm using it for personal software development, tracking new features, bugs and documenting my research.

    I mostly use the kanban board view. I've wanted to add Confluence documentation pages but didn't want to pay.

    I'll also be developing hardware soon.

  • Advice on best way to replace personal Atlassian Jira subscription

    I'm currently paying a moderate amount to atlassian to host jira for me, and I'm looking for a FOSS way to replace it. I don't use it every month and I've decided it's not worth continuing to pay, plus I want to transition to FOSS wherever I can. I just feel trapped. I'm sure people here know the feeling when using proprietary stuff.

    I've used hosted bugzilla before, and possibly I didn't know enough about how to make it work, but the web frontend they had was garbage, it was unintuitive and took forever to respond, and I just transitioned to jira because it was easier to use.

    I'm happy to self-host for now and maybe pay for hosting if I want to collaborate in the future. I have a Ubuntu server at home with miles of headroom to run a webserver.

    I would love to hear anyone's opinions here. Also any other relevant lemmy subs would be very welcome.

    Edit: some good questions about my requirements. I'm doing software development on personal projects using git, and I'm tracking issues using jira. I'm also developing hardware, which means 3d print files, CNC files and possibly gerbers for PCBs. All this can be tracked via git, so actually having an in-house way to host all that would be great too.

    So I need an issue tracker that syncs with git, essentially.

    I have also been using jira to kind of ad-hoc document any research involved in these things, but it's not great because to find any of that documentation I need to dig into my closed issues. I'd like a documentation system that can handle diagrams, drawings and stuff like that, and if this could double as a general note-taking solution I'd love that too, because I've been trying to replace trello/onenote for that.

    EDIT 2: Thanks for all the replies. I plan to investigate all the suggestions, my health has just been really bad since I posted this, but I always try to update anyone who offers help.

    Using pressure-sensitive Velostat/Linqstat as a velocity-sensitive MIDI pad

    EDIT: I think this video shows a better design, although I note some improvements below:

    Making a DIY analog force sensor under quarantine, with the Kontrol Freak. | KontinuumLAB

    The main video linked uses two strips of copper bridged by the velostat, but this creates deadzones where those copper strips are, and probably also gives different responses depending on the shape of the region being pressed. I've done more research and a much more consistent method should be to sandwich the velostat between the two conductors so that the entire surface gives a consistent response that goes directly through the material. This should also give a more pronounced response because the length of the circuit through the velostat is only the thickness of the sheet, not the width of the pad. This should also make it less sensitive to changes in the pad size.

    Some videos use conductive fabric, but the best one I found uses adhesive copper tape. If you're getting this, make sure to use copper tape that is conductive on the adhesive side, as not all of them are.


    And a follow up video with a more refined method of building the pads and ideas about how to improve the analog-to-digital conversion:

    Eight pressure-sensitive Velostat/Linqstat pads for a velocity-sensitive MIDI controller


    There is also this method using piezo sensors, but from experience I know that this is completely insensitive to sustained holds. It's used for electronic drumkits because it measures percussion, not pressure:

    DIY midi controller with 8 Velocity-Sensitive Drum Pads (on one chip Atmega328) 'Very simple'

    I suppose combining a piezo sensor with a simple touch-sensitive control might achieve a good effect, but velostat seems like a simpler solution to me. Also if you want a capacitive sensor on the surface you probably can't use the soft rubbery material that nice MIDI pads use.


    Also this guy is quite good at his explanations and breaks down quickly how to make a full button pad, although he still uses regular buttons and pressure-sensitive ones would need a bit more logic to understand:

    Launchpad || DIY or Buy || Keyboard Matrix & MIDI Tutorial


    So I've been looking into how to do this, and I found someone on reddit asking this same question like 3 years ago, and they're still active. I was planning to log in just to link them the video since literally everyone just told them to use regular buttons, but they obviously want to make the real thing, and it's a night and day difference between using velocity sensitive pads and simple buttons. Also they said they live in India where a lot of musicians can't afford the more intuitive interfaces because they're massively marked up, and I thought they should have the information they need to make a DIY solution.

    Anyway, I realised giving them that link would be contributing to making reddit the go-to place for information, but I didn't find this there, I don't spend time there, and in fact my alts keep getting banned, and I'm the one adding the information.

    So since reddit doesn't want me, I figure the best way to solve this is to make a post here and link them to it. That way I'm helping them with their problem, adding content to the fediverse, and linking people here.

    The only thing to add is that I plan to expand on this to make a proper MIDI controller using some of the second video's suggestions for improvements, and I'll be making a modular set of boxes that can magnetise together to arrange however we want. Also I'm going to look for translucent silicone rubber that I can illuminate with RGB LEDs so the sequencing can be animated.

    Anyway, if that person or anyone else finds their way here, hello! Welcome, this is a much better place than reddit.

    TFW the universe rips you from your everyday existence in an instant to remind you that you are tiny, it is immense and everything is subject to change (edit: rule i guess)

    Description: A very overexposed image of a girl staring open-mouthed into a bright, cloudy, night sky, mid-flash as it is lit up by a meteor.

    Still image taken from this IG video:

    Longer, unedited version with original audio:

    She just happened to catch this meteor and her own reaction to it, entirely by accident. Absolutely watch the video, the shadows playing through the clouds as the meteor passes through the frame are stunning, but the most remarkable thing to me is this moment where laughing with her friends is interrupted and she doesn't yet know where to look. It's such a universal reaction and really special to see. This image is taken as one of the very bright flashes is blowing out the camera. Some frames are almost entirely white, others look much clearer. I chose a frame to make the subject legible but also give a sense of how overwhelmingly bright the flashes really were.

    David Graeber on the Extreme 'Centre'

    Obviously this man was an important anarchist thinker, but I think this is particularly relevant to anarchism right now in a US election year where this conversation will come up ad nauseum.

    He stops short of decrying electoralism in general here, but makes the point that the milquetoast emptiness of the US liberals enables a rightward slide. What he says is short and to the point and avoids getting bogged down in wider issues. He acknowledges that "at least they're not nazis" is an appeal of the liberals, but points out that is the only appeal.

    I just think this is a good thing to have if you don't want to type out this argument every time you see it, to point out that this has been happening for a very long time, and to hear a voice of sanity when every single liberal is yelling at you to stop criticising poor Joe or else we'll get the fascists again.

    There is No Rule Regarding This

    Description: An iconified image of a space helmet, with text underneath reading:


    No context has been provided.


    Description: picture of youtube poll, mostly text

    Kyle Hill

    Schrodinger's cat is:

    Alive -- 50% Dead -- 50% 42K votes

    Comments I love how this community knew exactly what to do.



    Text: WARNING

    Icon of eye and crossed-out alligator


    Image of person holding up hands defensively towards an alligator approaching them from the water

    Text: oh shit oh no oh fuck why did you do that you've killed us all

    Is anyone else like 10 times more likely to play a game they pirated versus one they bought?

    I can't explain it, something about the freedom of acquisition takes the pressure off and lets me just launch it and try it out.

    Maybe it's easier to pay some money and hit "install", than it is to find a torrent, download it and go through the install process, so there's a selection bias there.

    Maybe it's the fact I downloaded it exactly when I decided to and not when a sale happened or it was in a bundle.

    But even then, when I decide I want something right now and I pay full-price, something about that just puts a psychological barrier in between me and enjoying the game. Like now I have to validate the purchase, and if I want a refund it has to happen within 2 weeks, and within 2 hours of play (for steam). It's just an unpleasant feeling.

    Even worse is the subscription model. I absolutely hate the pressure of having to try all the games I put on my list before the end of the month so I don't have to renew to keep trying them, that just feels like wasted money. But then about a week into the month I'll lose my energy for trying new games and I'll let the sub lapse and never try a bunch of the games I wanted to. It's the worst way to pay for games, even if on paper it's the cheapest for trying a bunch of them legally.

    Very occasionally a game will come along that I know I want and will happily pay for immediately, and usually that means I'll give it a decent try.

    The best experience for me is pirating a game and loving it so much I then buy it, that guarantees I'm going to play it a lot. The latest game that happened to me with was A Dance of Fire and Ice. I bought it like 5 times, once each for me and my two kids, and twice on phone, and I was completely happy to. I even built a custom rhythm controller for it.

    Funny story though - the pirated version of ADOFAI puts savegames in user folders, but the steam version puts them in the game folder, so it merges the progress between users. So for that reason, the pirated version is better. I can't explain the discrepancy.

    Getting an error when attempting to visit communities from outside links

    I've been searching for communities using, but lately every time I click on a link I get the error shown above (I've edited out my username because it's not really important). For instance the above error was shown when I clicked on the link

    After I refresh the page I can see the content of the community, but I appear to be logged out. Then I hit refresh again and I log in, but sometimes the posts all disappear so the community appears to be empty.

    Seems like something weird is going on here. I assume it's a bug. I'm happy to give any extra details you might need to figure out the problem.

    EDIT: Turns out I couldn't see posts after logging in because my language wasn't set properly, and the other errors have disappeared with time.

    Is there a way to search for all communities in a given server?

    So for instance I'm interested in all communities in the instance, and I can't find a way to use the search function for that. I've tried searching for communities using the search string "" and I get nothing.

    Then in the screenshot shown I tried searching for communities with just the string "aussie" and I got "Aussie", which is strange because all the community names there contain the substring "aussie" and I'd expect this search to find them.

    Is this a bug? Am I doing it wrong? It would be nice if there was a way to browse all communities in a given instance easily, because when I find an instance I like, I want to be able to go through and find the communities I like just as if I was browsing local communities on this instance.

    Also the copy-paste method, which is still extremely clunky, is broken for me. I it just has [email protection] which when clicked does nothing useful. I've tried the Lemmy Link addon but not only is that also a very slow and clunky method which still doesn't let me browse by server, it keeps slowing down firefox so I've had to uninstall it.

    Excrubulent Excrubulent
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