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The War On Weeds | NOEMA
  • You decide which human is invasive? No thanks. As for invasive plants, are we going to take all our agricultural plants back to where they came from as well?

  • The War On Weeds | NOEMA
  • Every plant in the garden and in the surrounding landscape has a use. There is no weed. Learning how to use plants again is important!

  • Any other burners here? I'm just home from my first, and thinking I'll leave the empathetic expletives for the body.
  • Naughty mushrooms doing theirs again, they are so good. I got remembered I never was the uninspired believer in a mechanical world I had become, and turned back to animist knower - a lot of what you write resonates very much with me! Congrats to getting out of the rat race, faraway friend. Cautious as well with the little prankstershrooms. Remember grounding inbetween flights. So many people are getting out - once we get together we will be unstoppable!

  • reminder: hope is a revolutionary act. despair supports the status quo
  • Yours is just one of many versions of 'why I personally don't do anything': I'm all for change, but the others don't want!

    Society will never be fully aligned on the solutions and you cannot expect everyone to agree with you, but you still can work for your preferred solutions in smaller groups?

  • Scientists Pinpoint Main Cause of Sensory Hypersensitivity in Autism
  • I would take diagnosis around Neurodiversity with a grain of salt. I suspect both conditions might be the same brain differences presenting differently, and I don't think science has really gotten to the ground of this yet.

  • Feeling lost and cut off at times and want someone to talk to about it.
  • I like them, and the place where they are. Glad you've got them taking care of you!

  • If society collapsed what is your best case scenario for what comes after?
  • Society is collapsing as we speak and my best case scenario is this one because I do whatever i can to create a soft landing spot for me and my local community.

  • How do you deal with feeling a great connection with one of your children, but not with another?
  • Yes, and also closeness changes with time. It has been like this in my family. I've felt more close to one or the other of my parents over the years depending on what I was doing but I don't remember having a problem with it. That said, my parents made sure to treat us both equally as kids, and if they felt closer to one of us they didn't let it show.

  • Billionaire bets big on largest solar project ever proposed to deliver power across oceans: 'At the forefront of the clean energy transition'
  • I'd describe my feelings around the current solar boom as cautiously positive with a good sprinkle of skepticism.

    I'd like to see billionaires investing in education towards self-regulating communities. I'd like to see them heavily investing in funding coops, not buying up startups. Billionaires investing in renewables means more money in billionaire's pockets, because they will just sell the clean energy back to you for a profit while remaining the owners of everything and then some.

    I'd carefully agree that more solar panels are good, but I've now lived through enough eco hypes to not have at least a few concerns. In the worst case we will now quickly and thoughtlessly plaster solar panels over hectares and hectares of useful farmland, important ecological reserves, and poor people's homes, just because line go up. And probably trash them all in ten years when maintaining them proves too costly, or the next hype comes along. In the best case we actually start polluting less and use the time we buy to seek for more energy-saving ways of living in general.

  • Have you ever tried silkscreen printing?
  • Do your friends have a website? I'm always curious to find good ideas to steal for other communities!

  • Have you ever tried silkscreen printing?
  • Haha insane, I swear this popped into my head out of nowhere yesterday.

    Well not entirely nowhere, but I work with plant dyes. So far I've only dyed wool, but I suddenly had the idea to create some T-shirt printing process with what grows around here. A dye bath and ink are rather different things though, so I'd be curious for ideas how to turn plant pigment into ink, or where to look?

    I've never even seen normal silkscreen printing done, but vaguely understand the idea. I'd try different fabrics stapled to a wooden frame as sieve, and maybe use wax to cover the non-print areas?

    For a non natural method - could 3D printing be interesting for making sieves?

    And what is an emulsion?

  • Billionaire bets big on largest solar project ever proposed to deliver power across oceans: 'At the forefront of the clean energy transition'
  • No. I don't want one giant Billionaire-backed project. I want a million small scale projects backed by local communities.

  • Online Content Is Disappearing
  • It's a technological and a physical issue. We just can't store every bit of information plus a picture of everyone's cat. We can't guarantee that no information ever gets lost. We've also not really stored and archived every shopping list, advertising, pamphlet, silly poem, ugly drawing etc. since the time of the printing press and that's okay.

    It might be a good idea to store and archive some written material as time passes but we want to be a bit picky about what we store. That said, I wouldn't mind to find more shopping lists and less posh documents in museums.

  • Removed
    My encouragement to the others
  • Phew, you wanted people's honest opinion about Tezka, so today I was excited to find your post.

    I'm sorry, I couldn't be more disappointed. Just like the other comment says, this reads exactly like an ad, and reading it makes me nothing but sad. I'm not left with the feeling I want to read more from her.

    If autism gives any super power, it's honesty, and the downvotes send a powerful message as well.

    Please don't take this as discouragement from your goal. I have been taught recently to not get hung up about form when trying to achieve what one wants. I wanted to help people by creating one thing, found out they really wanted another thing, did that instead, and achieved the 'helping people' I had wanted from the start, just looking very differently from what I had envisioned!

    How does that apply to you and Tezka? You've created her to help other ND folk, and help she will, but maybe not in the way you had initially planned? I'm still curious about your journey, I just don't see myself communicate with AI any time soon.

  • Online Content Is Disappearing
  • Yeah, just like most material that was ever printed or carved into a clay tablet. It's the way of things.

  • Who are your favourite villains from mythology?
  • Yes, her house hides all kinds of surprises

  • Server as heating device - how do I do this?
  • I wonder how to take on the efficiency question when considering waste heat. Would and older model generating more heat be the better choice? Has anybody started to dig into the complexities of calculating efficiency for circular systems?

  • Server as heating device - how do I do this?

    So I have this silly idea/longterm project of wanting to run a server on renewables on my farm. And I would like to reuse the heat generated by the server, for example to heat a grow room, or simply my house. How much heat does a server produce, and where would you consider it best applied? Has anyone built such a thing?

    community is punk
  • Listening to whatever you like is punk as fuck

  • The Collapse Is Coming. Will Humanity Adapt? (interview with Peter Watts)
  • In this case the problem with the question is not that we might or might not adapt to something happening in the future. We are already adapting to something already here, so I find the question a little stupid. The discussion between the two is interesting and worth the read though.

  • Feeling lost and cut off at times and want someone to talk to about it.
  • as they sometimes deal or work with fairies, but it led to getting a few confused responses and someone reporting me to Help Resources thinking I was going suicidal, and I wasn’t

    This is so funny (and sad). I avoid discussing spirits with people who put a very strict framework (especially all taken from another culture) onto their inside world and try to convince others it's the best or only way. There are millions of worlds of reference out there, and I couldn't give a flying fuck whether the spirits take the forms of historical pantheons or TV series characters - because there is literally (sic) no difference. They are all stories, and whatever works for you works for you.

    I have finally visited my favourite rock yesterday, to say thanks for all the good things it has brought to my life. I am due to walk a lot of kilometers between rocks and trees to keep the good spirits flowing. Things work for me, because I permitted myself to listen to the landscape around my house during a time in my life when I felt really weak and tired, without letting myself fall into the paranoia of 'schizophrenia' or 'psychosis'. I got really good advice, where other people's advice would have been too confusing.

    Yesterday I spoke to a person who would be considered mad and useless by most. He is a street clown. When in fact he has a centrally important function of reminding people of the irrational and shaking them out of their sad rails. He keeps the chaos alive in people's hearts and is an essential worker. Real power can be very quiet. Real power with the goal of kindness is the best of all.

  • [OC][FB] generations

    they raise you somewhere between quiet complacency and revolutionary rage and hope you choose wisely one day

    these shoes are very big they might be clown shoes my mouth sewn shut between quiet rage and no agency

    then disapprove of you and your quiet despair but you had everything i had more than i could stomach

    when you meet them again even smaller than last time their childish tearful eyes asking you are we free yet?

    Hydro Power Overview

    A good overview and link collection around small scale hydro power technologies


    Small reminders for stupidly big cars

    Water is running again, ram pump installation year 2

    A couple of years ago I built two ram pumps and installed them in the stream near my house. They pumped water for the garden for a few months during spring and summer. I'm okay with the fact that the pumps are just useful during part of the year, but didn't really like damming up the entire stream for my installation, seemed rude towards wildlife.

    So this year I returned with a longer tube and just took the water from further upstream. I have only about 70cm head. I haven't really measured the height I'm getting, but it's more than the first year and enough for what I want to do.

    My installation in the stream is very simple: fence post hammered/wedged into the stream bed, pump tied to it with wire. Everything wobbles a tiny bit. Might return and solidify that later, but I love it when stuff is so simple that I can just throw it into the stream and it works. After a while of pumping by hand it just runs. Variations in water height might stop it as it sits low in the water. Will report back tomorrow.

    This is for a reservoir IBC and washing tank outside the kitchen. I'm thinking about adding a solar heating panel in there as well.

    The image is of a smaller kid-sized pump that I want to turn into a demonstration model to take to markets and fairs.

    Comparison: Coop Cloud, Yunohost, similar platforms

    If you have tried several self-hosting platforms like the above, please share your experience.

    I have so far only tried Yunohost and I'm quite satisfied. It does help to read French, sometimes solutions can be hidden in French forum topics.

    Coop Cloud seems to be docker-based, as far as I understand, and I just never managed to wrap my head around containers and why I should use them. Not sure though if Yunohost does container stuff in the background that I am not aware of?

    I've just started to use my Yunohost installation for some small scale collaborative stuff so I really hope it scales (to probably not more than 100 users) and keeps running smoothly. Starting to host common stuff is a little more scary than just fucking up my own private files.

    Anarchists Gather for Conference at the Corner of the World Anarchists Gather for Conference at the Corner of the World - UNICORN RIOT

    A global gathering of anarchists took place in Mexico in late January, focusing on international resistance to border militarization.

    Anarchists Gather for Conference at the Corner of the World - UNICORN RIOT
    Doncaster giant airship plant to create 1,200 jobs Doncaster giant airship plant to create 1,200 jobs

    Hybrid Air Vehicles aims to make 24 ships a year at the site in Doncaster.

    Doncaster giant airship plant to create 1,200 jobs

    Did someone say airship?

    Web3 and land stewardship, need ELI5

    Web 3, nature conservacy, crypto-somthing, blockchain? So this organization appears to be buying land to then put in the hands of stewardship organizations. One of the places being bought under this scheme is Traditional Dream Factory.

    Their plans and ideas seem sound, I just don't understand the crypto part and tokens and what these are supposed to accomplish as opposed to something like traditional shares or just write everything down on a piece of paper?

    Is crypto ultimately just an ultra complex way of record keeping here?

    I would really appreciate your opinions. In terms of activities and spaces, a lot of the TDF setup is very close to what we would like to build, so I try to study and understand different ways people organize such projects.

    Community server for a local community

    Preference of community hosting instead of self hosting has recently come up in a permacomputing chat, and in this sense I am trying to set up a tiny yunohost server that can serve my local alternative community - a series of mostly rural living people spread throughout the landscape around a small towns. I want to support local barter and trade, local tool sharing and connections between people.

    I am trying to feel my way towards what functions could be useful for a mostly non-tech community, and what is out there to self-host? And what is especially useful and makes sense for local communities? Event calendar, small ads and some sort of map functions come to mind, what else? I guess a lot of what Facebook does.

    As I don't see myself in the position to replace Facebook anytime soon but would like to pave the way towards having Facebook and the like replaced by many small scale solutions like the server I am building, I would like the server to have other useful stuff. Currently using CryptPad for collaborative editing, got a SearXNG instance and a digital book shelf with stuff related to gardening, foraging, homesteading, renewables, but none of this is really local. Maybe offering people a small portfolio website where they can put their offerings, skills?

    I currently have an Epicyon instance installed that does all of this, it has skill sharing, item sharing, even a calendar, and I really like what it does - but I'm afraid it might be a little tough on the non-tech users.

    Please dump your suggestions and ideas about what could live on such a server. As I am still a baby admin I'm not too far in to notice that people's eyes glaze over when I mention things like 'server' or 'search engine'. Trying to keep it intuitive enough for a big enough group might be a challenge, especially when keeping it all clean and FOSS. Probably needs to work really well on mobile phone as well.

    Sweet Graffiti and other acts of wholesome vandalism schmorp
    christmas is coming rule
    Cooperativism and green energy

    I have finally contracted my electricity with them. I didn't even know much about their story, but it's a nice example of cooperative success and EU-wide support among cooperatives.

    Also, it looks like PT is fully renewable now anyways, no more coal!

    I think what needs to be done now is evaluate the impact that each of these technologies have on the landscape.

    Some people seem to have problems with the wind turbine noise and vibration, but as the turbines are placed on top of the hills not many people are affected. All turbines are placed by large corporations, as far as I know. This seems to be a little different in Germany if I remember well, anyone knows any details?

    Hydro power has a large impact on the landscape, whole villages have been flooded an the people relocated, ancient common lands expropriated. But the remaining villages all have electricity now. There's irrigation water to grow many crops. Built by the state (nowadays, half-private state-adjacent corporations).

    Solar panels can be used for smaller citizen investments like the above mentioned coopernico cooperative. But solar is not necessarily the best technology for everywhere - solar panels are high tech devices for a start, that I cannot produce or repair at home.

    Whereas a hydro or wind generator will be based on simpler technology. I have, for example, a stream running through my land that could provide power during 9 month of the year. I'd have to go back into a lot of DIY, engineering, experimenting with no guarantee for success if I wanted to tap into it.

    I'd say Portugal in general is on a good way, with a lot of room for improvement. I would want to see more microgeneration, and more citizen initiatives, I'm sure we can work on that!

    Stimpunks - not sure if it has been shared already? 🌈♿️ Mutual Aid and Human-Centered Learning for Neurodivergent and Disabled People

    Stimpunks is created by and for neurodivergent and disabled people. We provide mutual aid, learning opportunities, human-centered research, and living wages for our community. We presume competence, and we believe in self-determination. We, Stimpunks Header art: “Sphere of Humanity: A Traverse Gift ...

    🌈♿️ Mutual Aid and Human-Centered Learning for Neurodivergent and Disabled People

    To create a new, non-pathologizing paradigm around our minds. Lots of good texts.

    Autism in families / displacement in families

    Hi, if you identify as on the spectrum, neurodiverse, ASD, ADHD - I would be curious if your family is multicultural, and if you or a relative has moved to a foreign country or lives in a foreign country. For example, I have grandparents on both parents side who moved abroad. I moved abroad myself as an adult, and have a sibling who has done so as well.

    This seems to be a response to feeling alien in one's own culture, therefore having less of an incentive of staying. And then it increases the alien-ness for the next generation. I wonder where are correlation and causation here. Maybe they just intertwine, like some neurofunky globetrotter's dna.

    Linguistics schmorp
    Introduction to Linguistics

    cross-posted from:

    > Institution: MIT > Lecturer: Prof. Norvin A. Richards > University Course Code: MIT 24.900 > Subject: #linguistics > Description: > This class provides some answers to basic questions about the nature of human language. Throughout the course, we examine a number of ways in which human language is a complex but law-governed mental system. Much of the class is devoted to studying some core aspects of this system in detail; we also spend individual classes discussing a number of other issues, including how language is acquired, how languages change over time, language endangerment, and others.

    the languages of solarpunk

    A few times I've come upon the power of a common language in the last few days.

    I've seen a video about a meeting of Amazonian pajés (shamans) and herbalists sharing and maintaining traditional plant use, facilitated through the common language Portuguese, I've read about the success of the Zapatistas where native people are helped in their efforts by the common language Spanish. And just now a post in Anarchism & Social Ecology mixing Spanish and English just as comfortably as my family juggles three languages at home.

    Do you know of other examples?

    I thought one of the non-evil possible uses of a LLM could be to create a new language like Esperanto, and ideally it would simply be a mix of English and Spanish, to connect a maximum number of people? Or are artificial languages always doomed to fail?

    Edit: title, because there is not one language of solarpunk

    Artisans Cooperative: An Etsy alternative, owned and run by artists and makers

    I do hope this fits here, in case it doesn't feel free to remove.

    cross-posted from:

    > Finally, there's a no-tech-knowledge-needed alternative to Etsy. I'm really excited about where this will go!

    This site explains how the internet works The Internet explained from first principles

    Learn more about this critical infrastructure, which you likely use for hours every day.

    The Internet explained from first principles

    But it's also great at explaining how human communication works in terms of greeting protocols, haha. I'm gaining real insights here.

    Looking for an illustrated guide for conversational nuance

    So I've noticed that when in a verbal conversation I often throw in some contribution that either would be perceived as negative, or making everything about myself, or being perceived as irrelevant. I guess I am searching something like the wheel of emotions, but for conversational nuance, preferrably with examples, or a similar resource, to explore this further.

    Advice around setting up two laptops, one as server

    So I have two laptops. Both run Linux Mint.

    I need Laptop 1 to work with.

    Laptop 2 is an unrepairable POS that starts having a little trouble with keyboard and hinges but works nicely otherwise and has a nice large 1TB disc and a GPU. I want to bury L2 in a shelf(*) and save videos and music on it to access from L1.

    I would also like to play with Stable Diffusion on L2, accessing it from L1. Can I do that?

    Edit: At some point I want to have my website served from L2 as well but I guess that can be a future project.

    (*) Bonus points for ideas about how to have L2 do other useful things when I don't use it and install it as grow tent heating instead of just have it sit in a corner.

    schmorpel schmorp

    bog creature

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