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COSMIC Alpha 2 Released
  • Don't get me wrong, I like this but why am I feeling like this would be a consistency nightmare for GTK and QT apps

  • Anon wants to stop the mad painter
  • Yeah not exactly subtle but you'd be suprised how much I had to point them out for my 13 yo brother to see them. New players just don't understand how story mode works I guess. He loved the game though

  • Definitive answer for silk touch?
  • You can also farm emeralds by doing the same thing with a fletching table and trying to get a 32 sticks to one emerald trade

  • 2real4me
  • ChatGPT keeps mixing up software versions which is understandable considering the similarities between versions and the way gen AI works

    I asked for help on GTK 4 once and responses were a mix of GTK 4 and 3 code. Some of them even contained function names which didn't exist in any version of GTK

  • 2real4me
  • WebkitGTK 6.0 (which I needed for my ms-office-like web designer project) did not work even though all the issue threads said it was fixed for my version. The probe

    I asked chatgpt and all the responses were a mix of my GTK 4 code in prompt, GTK 3 code, and some made up functions which didn't even exist in any version of GTK

  • Anon wants to stop the mad painter
  • There are actually very good executions of "yellow paint" guiding

    Stray is a good example

  • Dramatic Drone Video Shows Chinese Rocket Crash-Landing in Failed Test
  • God dammit Jeb. I told you we needed moar boosters

  • Ripeness rule
  • My 8 year old lovebird died a few days ago.

    His name was sherbet but the nicknames include: chicken, rodent, animal, (the) bird, birdhead, mango, weirdo... And because of that, now everything reminds me of her

    I held his body in my hand cried for hours. We went to gradma's yard with my brother to burry him, I broke down crying while digging so my little brother finished it for me.

    Our home is just too silent without him, I miss him so much


  • Firebrick thermal energy storage could reach 170 GW in the U.S. by 2050
  • This seems like a stupid idea at first but it's actually amazing. They mix high resistance metals into the bricks so the bricks can conduct electricity and heat up while doing that. And then they blow air through the holes on the bricks to extract the heat whem needed. It leaks about 3% of the stored energy per day which is absolutely nothing considering it's cost

    I'm gonna drop these papers here. First one is more of a brief intro and the second one discusses practicality and logistics of such systems

  • Which Countries Have The Most Data Centers?
  • Rpeak values are calculated using the advertised clock rate of the CPU. For the efficiency of the systems you should take into account the Turbo CPU clock rate where it applies

    I'm gonna speculate, but I don't think these systems can run all cpu cores on turbo due to power and thermal limitations and because that wouldn't be good cost/processing power wise (since you need excessive cooling to do that). Rather, they fire turbo on groups of CPUs, allowing the CPUs to cool down till the sequence wraps around

    So, I think rPeak is the processing power achieved when the computer is turboing a large chunk of CPUs

    Sorry for my messy writing, I'm a little tired

  • That explains it.
  • Jim, 40, computer scientist, severely traumatized

  • Rose Finch
  • ✨ Amazing traditions and culture of GNU people ✨

    Food: fungus
    Games: emacs
    Sports: emacs
    Music insturments: emacs, thinkpad case
    Spoken Languages: Lisp and C
    Religion: GNU/Linux
    Holy Book: GPLv3
    Sacred Place: Mom's Basement

  • Don’t Fall for the Third-Party Trick
  • Not a single party on the face of the earth is gonna switch to an alternative voting system. Democracy devolving into 2 parties is a problem in nearly every country and unfortunately the ones who can make the change are the ones who benefit from first pass the post voting

    No "democratic" party is gonna switch to STAR or a similar voting system unless the citizens start being very loud.

    On other hand, radicalizing people to support alternative voting is also very hard, because it is hard to explain and hard to understand for majority of people and its often viewed as if the supporter is trying to benefit from the said change and trying to sabotage democracy, when in reality, they are the ones who want real democracy

  • Capiruleism
  • Goddammit won't federate

    Time to make a yet another account

  • M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable
  • Those are generally used for bypassing filters on TikTok and Instagram

    But like, come on man, no matter how much you censor it I know the word and I get the message. Because that's why you wrote it, you want me to read and understand it

  • Anon uses a phone book
  • Yeah, Hans Asperger was a nazi. His clinic is responsible for murdering hundereds of autistic children. Wikipedia

    Also asperger's has been merged into the autism spectrum in DSM 5 due to it being nearly the same as autism but functional

  • Coke rule
  • Real Linux users only drink GPL licensed cola


  • Free encrypted read-only cloud storage with cancelled google drive and rclone?
  • I made a 100GB alt account and uploaded 25GB of files through an encrypted mount. We'll see what happens when I cancel it tomorrow

  • Free encrypted read-only cloud storage with cancelled google drive and rclone?

    Hi. I am currently using google drive mounted with rsync (encrypted) to stream files over my VPS since my VPS provider charges a lot for extra storage compared to google. I have offline backups of the said data at home

    I currently have a 100GB google drive plan and it's working suprisingly great. Also it's cheap in my country due to regional pricing

    Now, as I learned, Google keeps your files for 2 years after you cancel your extra storage subscription. It also doesn't allow you to upload anything which locks up Gmail but that doesn't matter if it's an alt account. So, can I just create an alt account, buy a 1 month subscription, upload everything, cancel it, then read it using rclone? Does Google restrict api access (for rclone) on drives with expired subscriptions?

    Yeah I know I'm stretching this a bit too far but I just wanna know

    I'm making an "enshittification survival guide" and I need help

    Hi there. My guide is currently hosted at I wrote some stuff but it's really hard to write every guide by myself.

    My goal is to create a easy to follow guides for the average joe and compile every other guide into one web page. I want to be able to link this whenever a relative or a friend asks me how to get rid of x

    Name and URL suggestions (under subdomain) are welcome. I am currently using open source hardware icon because it looks cool

    I am using the CGA color palette and I would appreciate if you don't use any other colors. Not a strict restriction though

    Source code is here on GitHub. Pull requests, markdown guides, docx, txt, every type of contribution or constructive criticism is appreciated

    [Discussion] Threads and Tumblr are working on implementing Activitypub. How do you think this will affect fediverse

    Maybe this could be a positive thing for newbies since now mastodon instances can federate with Tumblr and Threads to become more viable

    Or could it bring destruction? Just like what happened with XMPP and OpenID


    Trains are awesome trains are beautiful trains trains trains❤️🚂🚋❤️❤️🚆❤️🚊. I get a throbbing erection just by seeing a tram. Imagine riding a metro oh god my horny ass would instantly cum the moment I step into the station. When I go home I play a Adam Something video about why c🤢rs (🤢🤮) suck ass and TRAAINS (❤️🚂❤️❤️🚂) are AWESOME and I masturbate to it for hours edging harder every time I see numbers of passengers trains can handle. How can a human being can know that trains are 989769379785% more efficient than c\*rs and not instantly cum

    Imagine being a train (❤️🚂🚋❤️❤️🚆🚇🚈🚊❤️) conductor 🥺😳🥺🥺. Sound of the train as you push the throttle handle filling your ears like the sound of a whore begging for you to go faster 😩💦💦. Pushing the throttle gently as you whisper dirty things to its microphone ❤️❤️❤️❤️ TRAIN TRAINS ARE AWESOME LIKE TRAIN TRAINS TRAINS

    Unixporn yogurtwrong
    [Plasma] Trying some neon stuff ✨

    Different themes hacked together with sed to match the color scheme

    Stop posting meta, discussion and text posts in meme communities. There are other places for that

    There are more general conversation posts than shitposts in ! If you wanna discuss about something just post it on the appropriate discussion community, not in !

    Half of the """fun""" stuff is extremely depressing. Can someone explain to me how an overused meme about "Big corporations are destroying our world, stealing our wealth and you can't do anything about it" is "fun"

    I don't wanna sound like a dopamine addict or a "Commies ruined my Lemmy" type of guy because I'm really not. I would happily take part in these discussions if they were posted on !politics I just don't wanna get reminded of these things while I'm just lurking around and trying to empty my head

    Only ! knows how to post properly but even they suffer those same things and they are still not as great as r/196 from Reddit before it was closed

    Again my complaints are not about the content, it's great but rather it's about how nothing is categorized properly. If I wanna have fun and laugh a bit I don't wanna get interrupted by doomer posts and if I wanna get serious and discuss something I want an actual discussion post and not the comment section of a meme

    My little brother loves the dualboot setup I installed for him. He says "It's like iOS"

    My brother is 12 and just like other people of his age he can't use a computer properly because he is only familiar with mobile devices and dumbed-down computers

    I recently dual-booted Fedora KDE and Windows 10 on his laptop. Showed him Discovery and told him, "This is the app store. Everything you'll ever need is here, and if you can't find something just tell me and I'll add it there". I also set up bottles telling him "Your non-steam games are here". He installed Steam and other apps himself

    I guess he is a better Linux user than Linus Sebastian since he installed Steam without breaking his OS...

    The tech support questions and stuff like "Can you install this for me?" or "Is this a virus?" dropped to zero. He only asks me things like "What was the name of PowerPoint for Linux" once in a while

    After a week I have hardly ever seen my brother use Windows. He says Fedora is "like iOS" and he absolutely loved it

    I use Arch and he keeps telling me "Why are you doing that nerdy terminal stuff just use Fedora". He also keeps explaining to me why Fedora better than my "nerd OS"

    yogurtwrong yogurtwrong

    insane little person walking back and forth

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