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Best way to remotely access pc on same LAN
  • Why not use moonlight on windows too?

  • Zelda Movie Is Being Made In Close Collaboration With Miyamoto
  • I dont like that theyre going the live action route but it would be cool to see hunter schaefer play zelda and sheik

  • Zelda Movie Is Being Made In Close Collaboration With Miyamoto
  • It’s a live action movie :/

  • How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time
  • Did you write about how you achieved it? Lots of other people with anbernic devices (new included) would be interested

  • Apple limits third-party browser engine work to EU devices
  • Is there a benefit of doing this vs using their app with the dns in native mode?

  • Why FOSS projects are using proprietary, privacy invasive infrastructure?
  • Codeberg is relatively new, gitlab sucks, I’ve never heard of notabug. That’s why. People want their open source projects to be found and contributed to so using what the most popular makes sense. Although i do love codeberg and I’m glad it’s being worked on so well.

  • PPSSPP has been approved for the iOS App Store!
  • Monster hunter portable 3rd with the English patch if you play with a controller. Phantasy star portable infinite 2 is good too

  • Someone purchased the old domain of a FOSS app, then it's using it to deceive users to download adware
  • Couldn’t he have sold control of the repo attached to the package managers and this still would happen?

  • Trustafarians: When the Rich Pretend to be Poor
  • I’m not familiar with him, why does he suck?

  • Nearly all Nintendo 64 games can now be recompiled into native PC ports to add proper ray tracing, ultrawide, high FPS, and more
  • I wonder if this will help n64 games run on the retro handhelds. They can already play n64 pretty well but this might help increase the fps

  • Ideas to build a federated StackExchange alternative
  • Is that the only difference? That feature doesn’t seem great tbh. I’d love a wiki on lemmy though especially one that integrated to the point you can one click add a question + answer directly to the communities wiki

  • A customized version of Canoo's electric delivery van for the USPS has been spotted in the wild
  • For some reason it makes me think of a vehicle that would be on the moon. Pretty cool, kinda ugly, but i like it

  • Ideas to build a federated StackExchange alternative
  • Wait what i didnt know about any community editable aspect, can you share some examples?

  • What email provider do you use for sign ups?
  • I’m not sure if there’s a limit, i hope not lol

  • What email provider do you use for sign ups?
  • How does protonmail make it tedious? I use ProtonPass and it creates a new email for me in one click and I dont pay for protonmail. Every newsletter or account i register uses a new email that are forwarded to my protonmail

  • 12 ft ladder Alternative?
  • If you’re on ios you can use the Archive Page Extension to easily create an archive to view and share the article

    Or Praxis Browser if you just want to read it (you click on it from the share menu in whatever browser you use snd itll open popup with the article available to read)

  • Apple unveils stunning new iPad Pro with M4 chip and Apple Pencil Pro
  • I want to animate in Blender not sculpt though. Apple should have a toolset to easily get Metal mac apps running on ipadOS. Or you know, let us install MacOS on ipads since they use the exact same chips

  • Featured
    Hi I'm Will Ropp! Ask me anything!
  • I’ve seen behind the scenes videos of movie sets and a lot of them seem to still have a pretty decent covid protection protocol. Was there masks being used behind the scenes on Kodar? Are there any other things people do to prevent staff from getting sick?

    Also how did this AMA on Lemmy come about?

  • Apple unveils stunning new iPad Pro with M4 chip and Apple Pencil Pro
  • Until they can run blender i wont look at them. Such a powerful chip to be stunted by a mobile OS

  • Jack Dorsey departs Bluesky board | TechCrunch
  • Mastodon gains a twitter board member and Bluesky sheds one. Interesting

  • Where can i find an archive/compilation of the self recorded videos of idf soldiers blowing up apartments and mocking children in schools

    I remember seeing an archive that was collecting the videos idf soldiers posted of them gleefully mocking children in skits they recorded in their schools, videos of them blowing up apartments, posing with lingerie calling women whores, zip tying journalists and children stripped down to their underwear. I cant seem to find the archive anymore though. Does anyone know which human rights org was archiving these videos or where they can be found?

    I dont know what community this would belong in i hope its not a stupid question

    Reddit XNX
    Here's an example of chatgpt\bots being used to push products

    this user seems to be a mix of a chatgpt bot and a real person. Notice how soo many of their posts are these long overly formal\affectionate replies with a link to specific products. The products are amazon links (probably referal links) and all the amazon links are hidden behind a redirect by using with a specific link page per product so they don't get hidden by the auto mod. I'm guessing is owned by the bot farm\user? A lot of the links are also to via which are probably also owned by the bot farm\user to generate ad revenue and affiliate\referral money.

    What are some useful protest safety tips and infographics?

    Throughout the years there's been many useful information shared on staying safe during protests as well as many infographics made. What are some safety tips you've learned and some infographics you've saved?

    here's an article i have saved about tear gas and a video of tips and tactics used by the hong kong protestors and an infographic


    The need for a Fedi Union.

    tl;dr I propose a Fedi Union consisting of the developers of Phanpy, Pixelfed, Peertube, Lemmy, and PieFed. That will work as a way to fund all of the services collectively (with the option to still go to their individual patreons and fund them seperately) and as a way for them to communicate to help all the services be more compatible.

    The only way to stop Meta taking over the Fedi is by making better apps than them. Defederating from threads as the sole defense mechanism is a fools errand. They are migrating their Billion+ users from instagram to Threads, the couple million mastodon users defederating from them won't hurt them. Yes we might think who cares if they have billions of users on Threads we will stay on mastodon servers that defederate with them but realistically there will be times we need to check stuff posted there if the biggest content creators, journalists, gamedevs, artists, youtubers, are posting their work there which they will do because they want to reach large audiences and because Threads will provide a way to monetize their work.

    Threads is also being designed to take over Reddit\Lemmy next. Something no one has talked about is the fact that only one # is allowed in a post on Threads. This seems small but its actually huge because once launch their Reddit\Lemmy view every post on Threads with a # will be shown as a post on the subreddit/community with the name of that # and every like will be an upvote. Once this happens there will be times when specific niche communities and useful information will be stuck on their platforms. (like sometimes we still have to google for something with the word reddit to find useful information for something specific)

    The only actual way to compete with them is to, well, compete and do a better job. Compare the official Mastodon app with Threads or any other mastodon app. The official app STILL doesn't have grouped notifications, threaded replies, or quote posts. It is barely compatible with any other ActivityPub service (Mastodon basically EEE activitypub but thats a thread for another day). The Mastodon devs are very hostile to the broad activitypub community. They don't work with devs of other services, they don't accept PRs, and they're deadset on sticking to Ruby and being nothing more than a Twitter clone. Mastodon is by far the biggest activitypub app which makes them essentially lead the rest of the space.

    We need a Fedi Union where the developers of the different services work together so the services are fully compatible and so the community can fund the Fedi Union so devs outside the official team have the money to focus on development. The Mastodon team is getting around $30,000 a month and they haven't added a new feature in months (years?) meanwhile:

    The sole developer of Phanpy (a mastodon app) has launched everything mastodon has and more (instant translation on home feed, boost carousel, threaded replies, Catch Up ui, new media focused view)

    The sole developer of Pixelfed (an instagram competitor) has also developed Loops (a tiktok competitor), Sup (a WIP whatsapp competitor), and PubKit a toolkit for activitypub developers.

    the two (main) develops of Lemmy have made the second largest ActivityPub service that is already a fleshed out competitor to reddit and has a huge community of developers making frontends and apps and now a WIP wiki as well.

    I propose a Fedi Union consisting of the developers of Phanpy, Pixelfed, Peertube, Lemmy, and PieFed. That will work as a way to fund all of the services collectively (with the option to still go to their individual patreons and fund them seperately) and as a way for them to communicate to help all the services be more compatible.

    The Ultimate CyberDeck for Encrypted Messaging over a Meshnet

    cross-posted from:

    > The Ultimate CyberDeck for Encrypted Messaging over a Meshnet > > The lilygo t deck is an all in one device that includes a LoRa antenna with a screen and keyboard for messaging people over long distances without any internet using the open source end to end encrypted software Meshtastic. > > The video is way longer than it needs to be but you can see the device in action. There’s a growing community of people making meshnets using Meshtastic in different cities.


    Permanent Audio crackling after installing linux

    I was distrohopping because I was getting sick of windows 10 and installed pop os on my secondary SSD and I started getting audio crackling issues. Then I realized even back on the Windows 10 SSD I had the same audio crackling issue. I formatted Pop OS to Bazzite and it persists. Formatted the Windows 10 SSD to Windows 11 and it persists. Now I have permanent audio crackling issues whenever I use the speakers on my monitor (headphones are fine). I've tried everything found online: changing the affinity in audiodg.exe one by one, changing the hz on the speakers, uninstalled sound drivers from device manager, tried using EasyEffects on the linux OSes. nothing helps other than restarting my pc and enjoying crackling free audio for about 10 minutes before it starts again :(

    Other people had a similar issue on PopOS and fixed it by changing the kernel they had installed but I tried that and it didnt help and iirc bazzite has a more updated kernel than popOS and that didn't help either

    This is my hardware:


    datahoarder XNX
    Whats do you use in your yt-dlp config for the best downloads?

    I formatted my PC recently and I'm reinstalling some stuff I forgot to make a backup of settings like yt-dlp so I started searching for what is a good config to download the best mp4 quality and found some interesting setups so I figured I'd make a thread for people to share what they use.

    Here's the most best setup I found so far which downloads a 1080p mp4 with the filename and includes metadata, english subtitles, and chapters if available: yt-dlp -f 'bestvideo[height<=1080][ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best' -S vcodec:h264 --windows-filenames --restrict-filenames --write-auto-subs --sub-lang "en.*" --embed-subs --add-metadata --add-chapters --no-playlist -N 4 -ci --verbose --remux-video "mp4/mkv" URL

    Ideally it would also mark the sponserblock section and download to a specified folder

    What is the official website for the Miyoo Mini Plus

    Ive been looking into getting a retro gaming handheld and the miyoo mini plus looks a really great and has a dedicated community with a nice linux OS (Onion OS) so I think it might be the best option but I can’t find the official website to order it from. There’s a ton of websites when googling and multiple have miyoo in the name which makes me not trust any of them. Theres only old reddit posts that state this or that is official with links to non https websites.

    Is it possible to change the View in the file picker on pop os?

    When I'm trying to pick a file say when I click Browse on the Image section of making a Lemmy post the file manager doesnt have a button to change the View to Grid so I can see what the image I'm selecting is. I can't tell what image is what by the tiny preview

    Why does google think I own CrowdSupply once I started using Pop OS?

    Ever since I switched to Pop OS whenever I google certain stuff I get this message where google thinks I own crowdsupply

    xnx XNX
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