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Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register
  • Yeah but anything you create automatically has a copyright, so for example this comment is not in the public domain. Its use is limited to the context I am using it in. That is, I expect it to be copied for federation purposes, but I wouldn't say that AI is covered in this context.

    At least that's the EU stance afaik. Like if I saw this comment on a billboard somewhere I'd see that as a breach of copyright and even privacy.

  • Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines
  • That's cuz the Linux users are enjoying the summer

  • Locked
    I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all
  • You can solve this one with redneck math. You simply flip the numbers in 7+6 upside down, which looks like 4+9, which is clearly 13.

  • Sharing is caring
  • Wow those are huge!

  • Whales
  • I'm curious how this reads if it would not be a joke.

  • What uses of a smartphone do you think most people miss out on?
  • Do you use a domain name? I put one up and just constantly get spammed from Panama by lamers

  • What uses of a smartphone do you think most people miss out on?
  • Do you use a pihole or sum or block unwanted requests too?

  • [How much does your meal cost] €3.75 meal at a Danish Engineering company
  • I like cooking at home, do you have any tips for me on how to get quality ingredients? The market is best for me so far and it's nice being able to ask questions to the merchants.

  • [Your much does your meal cost] 8€ meal at a factory in Germany.
  • 1000012349

    You can open your eyes again

  • Sink hole in the middle of a soccer field in Alton IL. No one was on the field when it happened.
  • It just couldn't take being called a soccer field no more.

  • Bring it back to life again!
  • Is this a regular event? It's such short notice!

  • Best Recruitment Agency for Dev Work w/ Chronic Pain?
  • I am speaking from a German perspective, I'm not informed on how it works within your context.

    But I imagine you must have something along those lines too. Obviously there are disabled people, and if those receive benefits, then what is halfway between that and not being disabled? Or is it black and white?

    And it isn't just about finances. It is also about housing and work. For example there is special housing built for people who need to live in an accessible place, say on the ground floor in the city. And larger companies are motivated to hire disabled people. I'm not sure how, perhaps through tax breaks or perhaps they are even legally obligated to have n posts for disabled people.

    If your system does not provide for your needs, you might consider moving. Didn't you say you are a coder or something? That's an easy green card.

  • What's the worst invention of the 21st century?
  • Honey I thought you'd never ask, here's my two bits in lay terms:

    If I'd have to give one quick answer it would be memory latency. The fact is that memory and computational power have grown immensely over the years, but the time it takes to retrieve a bunch of data from the memory hasn't really improved at the same rate. Some quick math shows that the speed of light must be an issue. The solution to that is to create smaller devices, such as the SOCs (system on a chip) that we are starting to see the past few years.

    In less technical words: The postal service is darn slow. Only a few days ago you figured out you needed something small to continue your work, and since then you've been waiting and idling. The roads are fantastic, it's just that there's a speed limit. The solution is to take all the villages and condense them into a city, shortening the distances.

    There's a lot more to it than that, and that's just one of the issues on only a hardware level and only one of the solutions.

  • Coomitter be like
  • 🫂

  • Coomitter be like
  • Do you put effort into your commit messages before the rewrite, or just write something quick for yourself and then put in the effort later?

  • nice vacation choice .
  • 1000012331

  • Best Recruitment Agency for Dev Work w/ Chronic Pain?
  • That's all good but why does it sound like you're punishing yourself by taking a pay cut and working 16 hour days? Can't you get on disability? You can for example be 20% disabled or 40%. This will allow you to work normal hours, have a normal income and extra rights and benefits. You might want to call your municipality and ask what's possible and get informed.

  • What if car alarms were replaced with personal alarms?

    I mean, whenever I hear an alarm I ignore it, because I just hear it so often. But what if instead we used these types of alarms for real emergencies? For example a personal alarm to protect yourself.

    Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You're invited to talk on Matrix

    If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room.

    I’ve recently been helping some folks with their housing needs and thought that creating a network could be incredibly helpful. By pooling our resources, whether it’s sharing links, tips, or even just advice, we can support each other more effectively. ❤️

    We have a privacy-focused collaborative document to organize our resources and ideas. It'll grow over time. 📄

    Let’s make this a supportive space for everyone! 🌸

    Sharing and updoots appreciated! !bee flag trans emoji

    What's your favorite snack?

    Mine is crunchy dark chocolate muesli with milk and a bit of sugar.

    Update: I'm doing great!

    Hey just an update, as I made a post Thursday a week ago that was quite heavy, and I felt it would be unfair to leave that hanging.

    I've finally gone on hrt and I feel amazing. In a terrible kind of way. Like still totally depressed, numb, concentration issues and the like but in a feeling fantastic kind of way.

    Last Monday I broke a vase. I left it like that until today. I tidied up, cleaned up, moved furniture, cried cuz of music, hung pictures on the wall which I wanted to do for years, apologized to a friend, unpacked more of my stuff. I rewarded myself by going out and getting a pizza. I clicked with everyone it was fantastic.

    While I was biking home I realized that I knew I wouldn't be tired. I wouldn't have to retreat into a dark corner with my phone, pushing away hours hoping for my stamina to return.

    Hormones work. I still can't believe it. I still can't believe I am a woman. I still can't believe that I can decide what I'll do tomorrow. I still can't believe that this is what life is like for most poeple. Ya'll doing a bunch of drugs 24 7 essentially. And this goes on for the rest of my life? Omg

    Edit: this song

    Boogie Oogie Oogie! (fixed)

    So have ya'll watched Pose yet? I can't stop watching the music videos!

    Craftyindividual, thanks for all your posts!

    Picture unrelated, I just liked it. It's from all over you, from 1997.

    Plight of the Transbian Plight of the Transbian

    Why gay trans women tend to have an exceptionally insidious form of gender dysphoria.


    Which trans characters from TV shows inspire you?

    For me:

    What's something you've done that you're proud of?

    I'll start. Not to toot my own horn but I feel I'm at least partially responsible for getting a friend to see the value of romantic love, which she managed to find!

    What do you miss the most from the 90s?

    For me it's holding a VHS in the store and looking at the cover.

    New Dress

    The picture says:

    Smile in my new dress

    Behind me there suddenly -

    Fearless winter sky.

    When I get cold I put on my bluetooth headset and dance

    Just came back from my stupid mental health walk. How are you dealing with the cold? Power was a euro/kWh earlier this year. It's 14 degrees here right now. Sometimes it feels like courage fails me.

    The Lives of Others - Wikipedia

    The plot is about the monitoring of East Berlin residents by agents of the Stasi, East Germany's secret police.

    xilliah Elise

    Developmental informatics hacker

    Posts 34
    Comments 1.3K