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What are the minimum things you need to be willing to live for eternity?
  • Honestly I’d need it to not be 100% permanent. If the earth gets obliterated I’m not interested in swirling in the void forever. If a government figures it out and keeps me locked to a table for decades, I want to be able to die.

    If you give me the ability to concentrate and stop existing, I’m in.

  • Trump attorneys ask judge to reject gag order request in classified documents case and find prosecutors in contempt | CNN Politics
  • Honestly she’ll probably write another 10 pages shitting on smith for stupid reasons, then the last page will say something like “but in light of circuit president, motion is granted”

    She seems keenly aware that the circuit court would embarrass her again, imho. She’s appeared shockingly incompetent at everything except avoiding making appealable decisions.

    Edit: God dammit it took like 3 hours between this comment and being proven wrong as shit lol

  • Google criticized as AI Overview makes obvious errors, such as saying former President Obama is Muslim
  • At least this most recent tech bro explosion is hilarious to watch. Crypto was just people putting blockchains in things that didn’t make sense, that was boring.

    They convinced Google to replace a best-in-class search engine with an AI that makes shit up or regurgitates Reddit shitposts. Amazing.

  • (Trans)fer of value
  • This was how I learned my SO’s dead name - i avoided it for like 9 months then she had to venmo me for something. 😭

    Oh well, mission accomplished by waiting as long as possible to learn it; I’ve only known her by her proper name for so long that her dead name is meaningless to me. 🙌

  • Going mute when trying to come out? Any tips?
  • No advice from me - just want to say your feelings are valid and it’s not abnormal or bad to have trouble discussing such a deeply personal, vulnerable thing.

    I guess just please don’t beat yourself up over it too hard; it’s perfectly understandable to have nerves about such things, and that manifests how you’re describing in a lot more people than you’d think.

    Sending internet stranger love, you are valid and I hope you find a path to happiness. You’ll find a solution to this and one day you’ll be the beautiful girl you feel inside, I know it! 💕💜

  • Maybe back up a few steps...
  • Post baby Bible photos on bookface and pretend your life is better than it is. Fight with your Bible spouse in public but in hushed tones. File for Bible divorce but learn you can neither marry, nor divorce a book so you were never really married to begin with. It was just a weird ceremony you held alone in your basement surrounded by stuffed animals. 🧸

  • Feedback on hexclad cookware?
  • Yeah my experience is similar to other replies - no nonstick will last you for ever.

    If you want a BIFL pan, a real high quality stainless steel one from a restaurant supply store will be your ticket IMHO. You’ll be able to use metal utensils in it and not ding the coating, and you can use real steel wool and brillo pads in it and not hurt it. I tried for years to baby various nonstick brands but they always got fucked up one way or another. Even ceramic coated eventually chipped and scratched until it wasn’t very nonstick anymore.

    It won’t be as nonstick as a coated pan, but it will truly last you forever; they’re made for kitchen staff which means they’re built to get the shit kicked out of them regularly. It does mean more scrubbing but it also means not buying pans every year or two, so 🤷‍♂️

    Edit: Oh I just remembered my favorite trick for removing caked on grease and whatnot - fill the pan with water (and a tiny bit of dish soap if it’s really bad) then put it on high heat and boil it.

  • Surprised my partner with her first shork

    No fluffy shork photo I’m afraid but I wanted to share a nice story.

    I’ve been dating an mtf girl for about 6 months now. She’s been on hrt for about 3yr but is still very socially anxious. We’ve been going out grocery shopping and whatnot to get her a bit more exposure to being in public presenting as fem - with me there to anchor and help in case she gets overwhelmed.

    Recently, we went to Ikea together to look at kitchen shelves cuz my kitchen is a disaster. She was forgetting her anxiety a bit and we were having a nice light conversation winding our way to the exit and I jokingly asked “do you want a shark?” as we walked by the crate of them.

    She asked me if I knew, I said I did. She turned the cutest freaking shade of red I’ve seen and said she didn’t think she could ever buy one without an anxiety attack and stumbled over her words a bit. Cute as fuck. 🫠

    I knew what had to be done.

    Next day I went back and went straight to the bin and bought literally just a shark. I’m super cis and masc but the self checkout cashier definitely clocked that I wasn’t buying no shark for no kid or nothing. Got a smirk on the way out. 🤣🤣

    Decided that instead of just giving it to her I had to surprise her somehow.

    She’s living in someone’s basement right now month to month and my roommate is leaving, so we’ve been considering moving in together - it would be nice to take turns cooking and be closer together but still have our own space to retreat to if we want. We’re both super introverted.

    I decided to hide it in the closet of the vacant room and wait.

    Two days later, she comes over and we’re watching random shows and cook a nice dinner, just hanging out doing our own thing after eating. I’m absorbed in assembling the shelves I bought instead of the ikea ones (sry ikea your shelves cost too much) and she’s on her phone on the sofa. She says she’s going to check where she might wanna put her furniture and I had to try super hard to be cool and be like “sure hon” without letting my giddiness creep in.

    I stood up slowly and crept to the hall until I heard the gasp and went in and gave her a giant hug. Many good tears on both sides. She says she never imagined someone giving her a stuffed animal could make her cry, glad it did.

    She and her new shork are moving in later this month and I’m super excited. 😊🦈💜

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