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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • [CW child abuse] Huw Edwards: Former BBC presenter given suspended sentence


    over indecent images of children

    this is the guy who announced the queens death

    Huw Edwards has been spared jail for accessing indecent images of children as young as seven.

    Prosecutor Ian Hope told the court Edwards had been assessed as posing a "medium risk of causing serious harm to children".

    In sentencing remarks, district judge Paul Goldspring added he was at "considerable risk of harm from others" if he had ended up in prison.

    random bullshit go defense incoming:

    A separate report conducted by a psychosexual therapist said: "The feelings of being desirable and unseen alongside Mr Edwards's unresolved sexual orientation created a perfect storm where he engaged in sexual infidelities and became vulnerable to people blackmailing him."

    The judge also said that Edwards was of "previous good character" and, until now, had been "very highly regarded by the public" - whom to many he had broken the news of the late Queen's death.

    [...]This created an "enduring cognitive dissonance and low self-esteem", which was "compounded by a sense of being inferior" by not getting into Oxford University and going to Cardiff instead and "being therefore something of an outsider at the BBC".

    0 time in prison. Another england-cool banger

    completely unrelated:

    Five Just Stop Oil activists receive record sentences for planning to block M25

  • Palestine Action underground cell manual

    They've forced multiple Elbit weapons factories to close down recently, the co-founder also got arrested for 'expressing support for hamas' lmao

    Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • 21% of reform is even more insane, we could form a British ACP to split their vote dean-smile

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • C2DE isn't a party, it's just a social classification

  • Britons would generally choose communism over fascism
  • Worryingly, young people in the U.K. (ages 18-34) also have the highest levels of support for communism (29 per cent) and fascism (19 per cent) among the four countries.

    yeah those are both equally worrying!

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Zelensky praises suspect’s quick arrest

    President Zelensky has condemned the apparent assassination attempt.

    He said political violence has no place anywhere. “I am glad to hear that Donald Trump is safe and unharmed. My best wishes to him and his family. It’s good that the suspect in the assassination attempt was apprehended quickly. This is our principle: the rule of law is paramount and political violence has no place anywhere in the world.” Zelensky wrote on X.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • My mum is catholic and she does sometimes.. she's ambivalent to this pope but she LOVED pope John Paul II (the one that almost got assassinated, not the one who probably got murdered)

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua

    Pope Francis: "China is a country with a capacity for dialogue and understanding that goes beyond other systems of democracy."

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua

    Harris is positioning herself as a Reaganite warlord in a chilling ad that makes clear as day that the Cold War—which proved unbearably hot for the tens of millions of lives the US destroyed in the Third World—was and will continue to be the consensus project of US imperialism.

    LMAO - "[Reagan] 'Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall,'

    [JFK] 'And when one man is enslaved, all are not free,'

    American presidents, Republican and Democrat, have always defied Russia's communist dictators, and defended American ideals.

    Kamala Harris gets this. [Kamala] 'If we stand by, while an aggressor invades its neighbour with impunity, they will keep going,'

    Kamala Harris will stand up to Putin, protect our allies, and keep us safe."

  • The Big Woke claims another victim
  • It feels like if France had a colony in eastern europe

  • Use your platform to incite violence over false claims and then do the 'Well they had legitimate concerns!!!'
  • yeah, I just wanted to show how insane this tactic of 'incite violent pogrom over lies -> "well what about their CONCERNS"' is, and it's just normal for a VP candidate to be doing this.

    But this guy is so awkward even his nazi rhetoric tweets feel awkward to read... Dude...I've always liked you bottom-speak but come on... we need to build the ethnostate shy

  • Use your platform to incite violence over false claims and then do the 'Well they had legitimate concerns!!!'

    The tweet:


    >Dude, I've always liked you, so maybe this should be a longer conversation. But come on. "Are there no upsides to immigration?" is a radically different question from "Should we drop 20,000 people from a radically different culture in a small Ohio town in a matter of a few years?"

    >First of all, remember that I've been on this issue for months, well before it became viral. You have actual leftists who will say, "look, housing prices have gone up, it's great for the local residents." What about the people who don't own homes? What about the grandparents who do own homes but would like their kids to have a chance to buy a home?

    >Look at the number of Medicaid recipients who are newcomers. Do you not think that stresses the local hospital system? I have constituents who say they've lost their jobs, or been told they won't be getting a raise, because new migrants are willing to work for cheap. There are homeless people who can't get homes. Look at the number of ESL students in a small school district--increasing over three fold to nearly 1,000 kids. Do you think it affects the quality of the education for locals when their schools are flooded with a bunch of people who don't speak the language? I could go on and on.

    >Again, a longer conversation, but I don't know why your automatic assumption is that the only reason people are complaining about this is that they have bad motivations. And I cannot stand the condescension directed at all of these people who--on the record--are giving very specific testimonials about how their lives were made worse These are the real-world consequences. !

    This is a really good thread, look at recent vents in the west (the UK pogroms with the Labour government's weak response, this 'cat eater' blood libel pushed by a PRESIDENTIAL candidate that the Democratic government is barely pushing back on (have they at all?), AfD, whatever the hell Macron is doing, there's an active genocide but most liberals don't care because they're comfortable, they're not Palestinians or muslims or immigrants.

    The strategy for every 'left' party is to appease the far right. people in the UK stood by as a man blocked the exit of a hotel housing asylum seekers and set it on fire. BBC News tried to 'both sides' it, and all week we heard 'Um what if they had LEGITIMATE concerns?' 'Their ACTIONS were bad but their CONCERNS should be heard!!!' It's not difficult to see where this can go.

    And then there's the repression of Pro-Palestine protestors on US campuses. The Squadristi are already here, they just aren't so organised yet..

    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua

    The veteran was charged with: assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury.

    He will be arraigned tomorrow.

    Assault, not attempted murder?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua

    One shot and another arrested after clash at Massachusetts pro-Israel rally

    The shooter, Scott Hayes of Framingham, has been harassing and trying to intimidate nonviolent anti-genocide protesters for nearly a year. A look at his social media:

    [Photo of one of his tweets and him posting a picture of a gun]

    (Apparently he's an Iraq war veteran?)

    The shooter is also an Iraq War veteran. For all those braindead leftoids who think there's anything worth engaging in the fascist US military. "Bro 1917!!" There is no 1917. This is the Wehrmacht at 1941 in Babyn Yar. Complete fucking scum who should be viewed as the enemy.

  • Putin: Long-range missile approval will put NATO 'at war' with Russia
  • It was an article someone posted in a comment on here, It'll be somewhere in my saved so I'll try to find it.

  • Putin: Long-range missile approval will put NATO 'at war' with Russia
  • Yeah wasn't it something like, they want the US to be the center of rebuilt civilisation, so they'd nuke everything else, including their allies..

  • British people should try not to be miserable for 5 minutes


    ! Actually yes they should !gigachad-hd



    Oh, it's misogyny !sad-boi

    Can someone give me a quick rundown what labour aristocracy actually means ?
  • The reddit thread in reaction to that data was hilarious, the amount of cope..

    How dare you suggest that I, the prestigious software developer, am not is the backbone of society?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone
  • also white liberals think that they're MLK when they get to vote for a black person

  • We are so finished


    Banger one star reviews from the Vietnam War Remnants Museum


    Don't go to the actual museum in Vietnam, watch the netflix show instead. !michael-laugh
