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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 2nd to September 8th, 2024 - We Love Our Trans Comrades - Chemicals of the Week: Estrogen and Testosterone

Image is of the Cuban flag and the Pride flag on the Havana Health Ministry building.

Inspired by a highly upvoted recommendation by

We need to kill the Mega Posting Wars meme. It wasn't very funny to start with and now I get the feeling some people are taking it way too seriously. Clogging up the news thread with bullshit just to try to out post the trans mega is just dumb and annoying.

The News Megathread is now under trans martial law:

  1. Loving trans people on this site and elsewhere is strictly mandatory.

  2. Posting about the "comment wars" between the trans and news megathreads is now strongly discouraged inside the news megathread. No shame in it - I also recently made jokes about it - but though they were almost always just jokes, it was unrelated to current events and was beginning to feel more like padding the comment count instead of trying to improve the quality of the thread. If you want to boost comments and engagement here, then post articles and analysis!

The COTW (Chemical of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific chemical every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied chemicals. If you've wanted to talk about the chemical or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don't worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any country.

The Chemicals of the Week are Estrogen and Testosterone! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants.

Please check out the HexAtlas!

The bulletins site is here!
The RSS feed is here.
Last week's thread is here.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

If you have evidence of Israeli crimes and atrocities that you wish to preserve, there is a thread here in which to do so.

Sources on the fighting in Palestine against Israel. In general, CW for footage of battles, explosions, dead people, and so on:

UNRWA daily-ish reports on Israel's destruction and siege of Gaza and the West Bank.

English-language Palestinian Marxist-Leninist twitter account. Alt here.
English-language twitter account that collates news (and has automated posting when the person running it goes to sleep).
Arab-language twitter account with videos and images of fighting.
English-language (with some Arab retweets) Twitter account based in Lebanon. - Telegram is @IbnRiad.
English-language Palestinian Twitter account which reports on news from the Resistance Axis. - Telegram is @EyesOnSouth.
English-language Twitter account in the same group as the previous two. - Telegram here.

English-language PalestineResist telegram channel.
More telegram channels here for those interested.

Various sources that are covering the Ukraine conflict are also covering the one in Palestine, like Rybar.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict


Defense Politics Asia's youtube channel and their map. Their youtube channel has substantially diminished in quality but the map is still useful. Moon of Alabama, which tends to have interesting analysis. Avoid the comment section.
Understanding War and the Saker: reactionary sources that have occasional insights on the war.
Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict. While he is a reactionary and surrounds himself with likeminded people, his daily update videos are relatively brainworm-free and good if you don't want to follow Russian telegram channels to get news. He also co-hosts The Duran, which is more explicitly conservative, racist, sexist, transphobic, anti-communist, etc when guests are invited on, but is just about tolerable when it's just the two of them if you want a little more analysis.
On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent and very good journalist reporting in the warzone on the separatists' side.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Pro-Russian Telegram Channels:

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage. ~ DPR's former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR's forces. Russian language. ~ A few different pro-Russian people gather frequent content for this channel (~100 posts per day), some socialist, but all socially reactionary. If you can only tolerate using one Russian telegram channel, I would recommend this one. ~ Does daily update posts. ~ Patrick Lancaster's telegram channel. ~ A big Russian commentator. ~ One of, if not the, biggest Russian telegram channels focussing on the war out there. Actually quite balanced, maybe even pessimistic about Russia. Produces interesting and useful maps. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. Does daily, if rather bland updates on the number of Ukrainians killed, etc. The figures appear to be approximately accurate; if you want, reduce all numbers by 25% as a 'propaganda tax', if you don't believe them. Does not cover everything, for obvious reasons, and virtually never details Russian losses. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.

Pro-Ukraine Telegram Channels:

Almost every Western media outlet. ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

  • Lol. Lmao.

  • From a CNN article about the school shooter

    Gray’s parents’ relationship started out with promise. In July 2011, shortly after he was born, his parents bought a small farm in Barrow County, Georgia, outside of the college town of Athens. They planned to “create a non-profit, therapeutic riding school for local, under-privileged children,” his mother, Marcee Gray, who worked in industrial engineering, later wrote in a LinkedIn post. But those plans were derailed in part because her husband, Colin Gray, had at least three “major” back surgeries, she wrote. The couple, who had three children, later sold the farm in 2019, according to property records.

    Bankrupted by medical debt with no support network. Turned to drugs and fascism. Horrible thinking that universal healthcare could have literally prevented this.

  • Not really news but still pretty funny and I just heard about it for the first time.
    A different kind of blowback:

    Dust from the Sahara is being blown over to France, bringing with it radiation left over from French nuclear weapons tests from the 1960s.


  • UK anti-terror police & intelligence services detained journalist Richard Medhurst recently and have now arrested Palestine activist and Gaza linked journalist on terrorism charges.

    She gave the details of her impossible to abide by bail conditions in an interview someone else had to set up as she's forbidden from travelling, touching any electronic device.

    I've had to remove the link entirely. The female journalist in question Sarah Wilkinson. Her Twitter account seems to be being run by a friend or her son now and you can search out the couple of interviews she's given so far

    Sorry for the rubbish links. Xcancel just 403s for me and none of the four Hexbear recommended YouTube link alternatives work. All either don't work at all or are not allowing new users / posts. If the links are too tricky or you don't have time to watch the 30-45min interview here's the key points.

    • First thing in the morning her home was raised by anti-terror police who wouldn't identify themselves, some even wearing balaclavas to hide their identities
    • They claimed a warrant exists but would not show it or tell her what was contained in it as anti-terror legislation says they don't have to
    • She wasn't allowed to dress, call anyone, or get her medication (she suffers from Crohn's disease).
    • The tightness of the cuffs caused injuries to her hands but weren't loosened
    • They ransacked her house and physically restrained her son, including throwing him up against the wall.
    • They confiscated any and all electronic items, phones, and computers, as well as files, address books and more. These are the items that were on the official itemized list they provided her.
    • They also stole money, personal items, and her passport, taking them without listing them.
    • Taking her passport without itemising it guarantees she cannot meet the terms of her bail as she is required to turn it in on a future date. Her bail conditions also stop her applying for a replacement. The penalty for not being able to hand it in is likely to be 5 years in prison without a trial or legal representation.
    • She also cannot travel, including buying any form of train or bus ticket despite living in a rural village, seeming including to her required 'check ins' on future dates.
    • They deliberately desecrated her parents' ashes, spreading them so she couldn't retrieve them all, and damaged the urn.
    • They loaded her into an unmarked black van, cuffed but unsecured and gave her a rough ride.
    • They deliberately drove 45 minutes in the wrong direction, away from the police station they said they were taking her to. At this point she seriously considered that she might be being kidnapped as they still hadn't shown her a warrant or verifiable ID and were hiding their identities.
    • While being held, they denied her any medication meaning that she also couldn't eat, essentially denying her food or drink.
    • They eventually brought her a cup of tea and said she could have her meds as soon as she'd drank it. When she did, they then denied her meds again in an apparent attempt to make her ill.
    • When she demanded to see a doctor they eventually sent in someone they claimed was a nurse. However, she seemed to have little to no medical knowledge, didn't seem to actually know anything about Crohn's disease despoite claiming to and couldn't even spell it when asked to. She did not appear to be a qualified medical professional and wouldn't give any details of her qualifications.
    • They tried to deny her access to a lawyer, claiming she didn't have that right until she repeatedly demonstrated that she knew she did under Section 12 of the law. They eventually relented for the interrogation.
    • She gave a no comment interview, but the questions they asked over several hours were apparently very interesting. They were riddled with racist comments and questions that implied Palestinian's weren't human, they repeatedly asked her "why she would value Palestinians over people like us" which she took to mean white and/or Zionist.
    • She also says that her interrogators frequently used talking points, language, and tactics that organisations like the IDF and Shin-Bet do.
    • Most notable was their interrogation and demand that she give details of the people in Gaza that she works with via a charity that digs wells and provides water. They wanted names, locations, contact details, phone numbers etc. Naturally she refused as she suspects they would be then given to Israel to use for targeting purposes.
  • france-cool France has raided the home of and arrested Imane Maarifi, a French nurse who returned from working in Gaza and has been speaking out at protests and the media about the situation there. She's supposedly charged with the crime of making public insults in relation to an Israeli investment and real estate fair being held in Paris this weekend.

  • China being better at capitalism than western nations will never not be funny.

    Capitalists simply being incapable of improving their own game as a result of not being able to use a socialist analysis will never not be funny.

    The fact that China’s socialist analysis of capitalist development is to simply throttle the capitalist system where possible before it becomes self-destructive and less efficient will never not be funny.

    The quote “The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.” is being proven true by China’s path of development every single day, and the fact that capitalists just can’t stop themselves from selling ropes to China will never not be funny.

  • In my opinion, the best thing about this election is the permanent destruction of Joe Biden's reputation and legacy. All he had to do was not run and he could have still retired with an army of libs fawning over him.

    But because of his and his family's hubris, he will be forever known as the "dementia president". Just like Taft is the "fat president who got stuck in a bathtub" and Nixon is the "corrupt crook president" Biden will forever be known for being the only nominee to be forced out by his own party due to dementia. Even ultra blueMAGA types have acknowledged this. I honestly think that in like 30 years my future children will be learning about that time we had a senile president. (Assuming the USA still even exists) joever

    And that miserable piece of excrement deserves it 100%. I've seen a lot of leftists over the years (even some hexbear and Chapo) say things like "he should be retired and golfing". HELL NO! Joe Biden is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people at a minimum (probably millions if you include the Iraq War and Libya). He is directly responsible for genocide and has defended the most nakedly genocidal fascist state for decades. Even domestically, he was an abysmal turd who shilled for corporations his entire life and supported segregation, greatly accelerated the drug war, supported the Patriot Act, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. At a minimum he should be rotting in a dark dungeon with Hillary, Cheney, Obama, Bush, Trump, and the rest of the demons.

    I genuinely hope that before he croaks, he has the final realization that all he will ever be known for is being the "dementia president".

  • After much campaigning, doing groundwork and burning bridges Kamala Harris has finally overcome her 'being better than Trump' status and is now polling behind the incredibly dry boy.

    Something something snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  • Yemeni journalist writes:

    A commercial ship in the Bab el-Mandeb strait, lists its identification as: "Free Palestine". Next time they should write "Commander Yahya Sinwar is everyone's uncle".

    (twitter link)

  • Majority of Israelis think sympathy for Gaza civilians should be censored on social media | The Cradle

    Nearly 60 percent of Israelis believe social media posts showing sympathy for civilians in the Gaza Strip should be restricted, according to a poll published by Haaretz newspaper on 5 September.

    The poll was conducted in March by the Pew Research Center.

    Fifty-nine percent of Israelis “think posts expressing sympathy for civilians in Gaza should be restricted, while 41 percent think posts criticizing the government should be censored,” according to the poll.

    The poll also shows that 92 percent of Israelis believe posts inciting violence should be restricted, 87 percent say posts expressing support for Hamas must be censored, and 72 percent want graphic footage from the war removed.

  • A white beluga, known for being accused of being a “Russian spy”, was found dead on Saturday (31) in Risavika Bay, Norway. Hvaldimir, a combination of the word “hval” (whale in Norwegian) and Vladimir Putin's name, was found in 2019 wearing a belt marked “Equipment St Petersburg”, which led to speculation about its origin and its use as a Russian spy apparatus.


  • That story about Venezuelan gangs in Colorado seems to have been fabricated by a slumlord facing 80+ housing violations
    Specifically, he appears to have hired a PR firm run by a former AIPAC guy to make up a story that would explain the horrific living conditions at his apartments. Not sure how he expected that to work but y'know amerikkka

  • You could not make this shit up. The US is a parody of itself

  • "The international world order is “under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War”, the heads of the UK and US foreign intelligence services have warned." BBC News


  • Settlers

  • This is high tier tweet.

    Also the settlers fighting each other is hilarious

  • It’s cute watching liberals lose their minds over Putin formerly saying he preferred Biden and now saying he prefers Kamala as president. They act like he’s an agent of chaos, a spoiled birthday boy.

    Liberals fetishize normality and procedure. Any smart politician would prefer this in their opponent than some wildcard like the republicans. The reps act like they’re counterculture, and while they ultimately fall back in line when time comes, they still prioritize a bunch of stupid policies in the meantime. Mercenaries like that are good for having as assets, but not as someone you deal with politically.

  • Dick Cheney will vote for Harris

    What a stunningly progressive endorsement

  • The government's of the three biggest european economies are shaky as at the moment.

    Starmer in the UK is already deeply unpopular, less than two months after winning his mile wide, inch deep victory.

    The Scholz coalition in Germany continues eroding to the benefit of the Afd and to a lesser extent the wagenknecht party, boding poorly for the cdu and sdp in federal elections.

    And today in France, macron installs a right wing successor as president in what sure seems like a deal with Le pen, after campaigning on exactly the opposite.

  • Brazilian Judge Alexandre de Moraes orders seizure Elon Musk's cars and aircraft in Brazil

    Starlink missed the deadline for appeals. The purpose of the order is to secure funds to pay X fines. In his decision to block Starlink's bank accounts in Brazil, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes authorizes the seizure of the company's cars and aircraft in the country. Starlink is one of the companies in which billionaire Elon Musk, owner of X (formerly Twitter), is a partner.

    Starlink missed the deadline to appeal against the blockades. According to the Supreme Court, the deadline for challenging the order was Monday (2/9). As a result, the Supreme Court's technical department followed up on the decision and informed the Central Bank about the blocking of the company's funds in the banking system.

    In addition, the order to block vehicles was communicated through the National System for the Unavailability of Assets. The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) and the Port Authority were informed about the blocking of Starlink's aircraft and vessels.

    The magistrate also ordered the blocking of real estate, which could affect the company's operations, affecting gateways, which are physical structures needed to allow customers to surf the internet via satellite. The company currently has around 10 gateways across the country.

  • All Harris supporters are now Russian bots

    "Firstly, (US President Joe) Biden recommended all his supporters support Ms. Harris," Putin said during a question and answer session at Russia's Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. "Here, we are going to do that too, we're going to support her," he added, with a wry smile.

    "She laughs so contagiously that it shows that everything is fine with her," the Russian leader said. "(Former US President Donald) Trump has imposed as many sanctions on Russia as any president has ever imposed before, and if Harris is doing well, perhaps she will refrain from such actions."

  • It just kind hit me, that the reality of what's happened over the last couple years could be summed up as "the US has suicide bombed Ukraine into Russia"

  • Starlink once again asks the Brazilian Suopreme Court to unblock its bank accounts, after their appeal was denied. The company filed a new request arguing that the restriction on the amounts was imposed without the company having a full right of defense.

    When will Elon Musk learn that the entire Supreme Court of Brazil hates him. They are not going to return anything to him, he is literally in debt with the Brazilian goverment. data-laughing

  • Sam Altman (OpenAI), Marc Andreessen (Meta), and Peter Thiel (Palantir) are about to bankrupt the entire country of Honduras.

    The entire thread unrolled is worth a read, as is this article about the local resistance to it but the basics are this...

    • In 2009 the democratically elected government is overthrown in a violent coup, backed by American business and the Obama administration. Hilary Clinton in particular insisted it couldn't be called a coup in the media and was accused of actively supporting it by groups in Honduras.
    • The coup government introduced special enterprise zones known as ZEDEs, a kind of ultra-extreme freeborn where private companies could have their own laws, courts, police, and military with zero oversight or taxation.
    • In return for bribes, the oppressive coup government signed proposals and deals for more and more of these until they could potentially cover a massive amount of the country. And cracked down hard on political opponents and people the companies wanted gone - making Honduras the most violent place on the planet at the time.
    • These deals clearly weren't legal, so the coup government just started the courts with corrupt judges.
    • When the new, elected government got back in during 2021 they naturally passed a law repealling the ZEDEs. The votes were unanimous.
    • Now this group of billionaires is suing Honduras for breaking the agreements, despite the fact that these companies were likely supporting the coup, and many of the coup government members have been invited on not just corruption, but murder and drug trafficking charges.
    • They want $11bn, more than a third of Honduras' GDP.
    • And worst of all, they're probably going to win, bankrupting the country.

    As an additional remember when here's coverage of leading environmental activist Berta Cáceres speaking out about Hilary Clinton's coup backing before she was assassinated.

  • I have already heard no less than 3 talking heads imply or flat out say “could have been worse/at least only 4 died” in regards to the Georgia shooting

  • Weird how school shooters are always on the "FBI's radar", but are left alone yet they always seem to catch all these lone wolf ISIS operatives planning attacks before they actually carry them out.

    Also seems like convenient timing. School shooting and Israel kills an American citizen in the West Bank. What better time for the "good guys" to score a victory against ISIS.

  • Israeli minister calls for 'declaration of war' on Palestinians in West Bank | The Cradle

    Minister of Settlement Orit Strock also called for a war to ethnically cleanse Gaza before 7 October


    US soldiers attacked in Turkish port of Izmir

    Turkey has arrested 15 members of a radical nationalist youth movement after they were accused of assaulting two US military personnel in the western city of Izmir, authorities said on Monday.

    On Monday, a video circulated on social media showing alleged members of the anti-American Turkish Youth Union (TGB) attacking American service members.

    One US serviceman tries to free himself from the gang but is unable to break their grip.

    "Yankee go home! Yankee go home!” The men scream in English.

    Several people are seen forcing a bag over the head of a person dressed in civilian clothes. One man unfurls a flag with TGB initials and a picture of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern-day Turkey.

    "American soldiers who carry the blood of our soldiers and thousands of Palestinians on their hands cannot defile our country," the TGB said in an X post sharing the video.

    The bag over the head referred to an incident from the 2003 Iraq war when US forces in northern Iraq arrested a group of Turkish soldiers, forced hoods over their heads, and held them for three days. The incident outraged many in Turkey and across the Muslim world.

    “We can confirm reports that US service members embarked aboard the USS Wasp were the victims of an assault in İzmir today, and are now safe,” the US embassy to Turkey said on X. “We thank Turkish authorities for their rapid response and ongoing investigation.”

    'Hamas defends Anatolia'

    Erdogan says Turkey 'might enter Israel' as it did Karabakh and Libya

    The attack came after the USS Wasp carried out joint training exercises with Turkish military vessels in the Mediterranean.

    The drills drew criticism from some in Turkish media close to the opposition, which saw the American ship's deployment as part of the United States' support for Israel.

    Since suffering significant losses in Turkey's local elections in March, the Turkish government has intensified its criticism of Israel and taken a series of steps against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed Hamas is defending Turkish lands against Israel, and that Israel - a close US ally - could attack Turkey if its not stopped in Gaza.

    “Israel is not only attacking Palestinians in Gaza; [it is] attacking us. Hamas is the forward line defense of Anatolia in Gaza," he said.

    The statement came as bilateral relations hit a new low after Ankara completely halted trade with Israel earlier this month, demanding an unhindered flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza Strip and a ceasefire.

    "Israel will answer for the 35,000 Palestinians they murdered and the 85,000 people they injured. We will be on their backs," Erdogan said.

  • 4 day old news
    Muslim voters evenly split between Jill Stein and Kamala Harris, new poll finds
    Link to the actual survey and CAIR report

    A new poll conducted this week shows that the majority of Muslim voters in the United States are evenly split on who they plan to vote for as president in the upcoming November election, with roughly 60 percent planning to choose either third-party candidate Jill Stein or Vice President Kamala Harris.

    The new survey, part of a report published on Thursday by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair), shows that the majority of Muslim-American voters have decided against voting for either Republican candidate Donald Trump or the Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris.

    Twenty-nine percent of those Muslim voters polled said they were planning to cast their votes for Stein, leader of the Green Party who has made ending Israel's war on Gaza and its occupation of the West Bank a key policy priority.

    "We're grateful for the strong support of Muslim voters who share with us an ironclad determination to end genocide in Gaza, as well as the endless wars in the Middle East, and the discrimination and injustice faced by our Muslim neighbours, immigrants and refugees," Stein said in a statement provided to Middle East Eye.

    "We urge all people of conscience to resist the propaganda telling you to hold your nose and vote for genocide. If you vote for genocide, you are actively consenting to it and enabling it. Don’t let them talk you out of your humanity. Stopping genocide is the moral imperative of our time."

    Another 29 percent said they are planning to vote for Harris, who some Muslims and pro-Palestinians have claimed has been more sympathetic to Palestinians but has so far said she would maintain support for Israel and has rebuffed demands for an arms embargo on Israel.

    The poll also showed that around 11 percent of Muslim voters surveyed are planning to vote for Donald Trump, while four percent are choosing third-party candidate Cornel West and 16 percent are still undecided.

    The survey consisted of responses from more than 1,000 registered Muslim voters and was conducted after the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week. The survey is part of a larger Cair report chronicling the political attitudes of Muslim voters. This report included an additional survey that polled 2,850 Muslim voters between May and July, prior to Biden dropping out of the race.

    "Our latest survey reveals that American Muslim voters are highly engaged in the upcoming presidential election, open to supporting a diverse range of candidates and political parties, and deeply dissatisfied with the current state of the nation, particularly US support for the war on Gaza," Cair national director Nihad Awad said in a statement.

    Side note: Quote from the CAIR survey report


    Strong Stance of Human Rights: Respondents showed strong support for global human rights issues, such as the situation of Rohingya and Uyghur Muslims and the genocide occurring in Gaza. This strong support indicates a high level of awareness and concern for international human rights among the Muslim community in the U.S.

    OPPORTUNITY: Advocacy groups should leverage this support to push for more robust U.S. foreign policies that address human rights abuses globally [emphasis mine]

    Is this a spin to get Muslim outrage over Gaza to feed into more support for Imperialist policy? Does this work out, or is it too transparently cynical?

  • In UK policing news ukkk luau the Liberty organisation got its hands on an (albiet redacted) copy of the National Police Chiefs’ Council's (NPCC) risk assesments, which prove what anyone paying attention in activist circles already knew - that police chiefs consistantly downplayed the possibility and seriousness of racist groups and rioting, while focussing their efforts on peaceful pro-Palestine protest, the likes of Palestine Action, and environmental groups. Right up to the race riots and pogroms that still haven't been sufficiently dealt with.

    A few choice quotes...

    The paper said of disparate groups making up the extreme far right: “It is also probable that events will be organised by a small cohort of dedicated members, attendance will be at low levels and disruption minimal.”

    Police believed that the disparate nature of the far right reduced the risk it posed. “The lack of cohesion and fractious nature of the groups … has highly likely lessened the impact of events,” the document’s authors said.

    Police referred to the far right in the internal documents produced for the NPCC as “cultural nationalists”.

    This bit hasn't gotten much play, but I think is important if you read between the lines and have been paying attention to state opposition to protests...

    In a document from two years earlier, the far right was listed as a priority potential threat. seems pretty clear that what changed over the last two years was increasing protest that the police and state felt they could use the far right to combat it. We saw police protecting fash groups violently attacking drag queen story time events, including police intelligence officers having a friendly chat in a cafe with senior members of Turning Point UK who were regularly given special treatment and had access to senior officers via their friends in the Tory party. We saw memebers of the far right and sympathisers increasingly violently assault peaceful Just Stop Oil demonstrators with little or no legal consequence. And we saw the Tory government publicly call for far right street thugs to attack and disrupt the peaceful pro-Palestine demonstrations in 2023, but all they ended up doing was getting drunk and fighting police at the cenotaph. And because it's disorganised and so much of it's makeup is basically just coked up alcoholics, it once again came back to bite them in the arse.

    There's also a few interesting examples of what the police see as being their role in preventing, especially after they've routinely underestimated or handwaved away the possibility of fash violence despite numerous incidents of them fighting the police and of course the petrol bombing of a refugee detention centre that the state and media outright refused to call terrorism.

    Here, for example, are their concerns about Palestine Action:

    Here's a link to the liberty page and the related (loathed as I am to do it) Guadian article.

  • China Opens Market Wider for 33 Least Developed African Countries - 100% Tax Free Status


    China will voluntarily and unilaterally open its markets wider for African countries, says President Xi Jinping.

    Delivering his keynote address at the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing, China, Chinese President Xi said China has decided to give all least developed countries (LDCs), which have diplomatic relations with China, including 33 countries in Africa, zero-tariff treatment for 100% of tariff lines.

    "This has made China the first major developing country and the first major economy to take such a step. It will help to turn China's big market into Africa's big opportunity," President Xi said.

    China will expand market access for African agricultural products, deepen cooperation with Africa in e-commerce and other areas, and launch a "China-Africa quality enhancement programme."

    "We are prepared to enter into framework agreements on economic partnership for shared development with African countries to provide long-term, stable and predictable institutional guarantee for trade and investment between the two sides.

    "China is prepared to carry out 30 infrastructure connectivity projects in Africa, promote together high quality Belt and Road cooperation, and put in place a China-Africa network featuring land-sea links and coordinated development," President Xi said.

    China's Belt and Road Initiative was launched in 2013 by President Xi. The massive collection of development and investment initiatives was originally devised to link East Asia and Europe through physical infrastructure. In the decade since, the project has expanded to Africa, Oceania and Latin America.

    China is ready to assist in the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area, deepen logistics and financial cooperation for the benefit of trans-regional development in Africa.

    In addition, China plans to launch 30 clean energy projects in Africa, put in place meteorological early warning systems, and carry out cooperation in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, as well as biodiversity conservation.

    "We will create a China-Africa forum on peaceful use of nuclear technology, establish together 30 joint laboratories, and collaborate on satellite remote sensing and lunar and deep-space exploration. All this is designed to help with green development in Africa.

    "China is ready to establish with Africa a hospital alliance and joint medical centers. We will send 2 000 medical personnel to Africa, and launch 20 programmes of health facilities and malaria treatment.

    "We will encourage Chinese companies to invest in Africa's pharmaceutical production, and continue to do what we can to help Africa with epidemic response. We support the development of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to strengthen public health capacity in all African countries," President Xi said.

    China will provide Africa with RMB1 billion yuan in emergency food assistance, build 100 000 mu (about 6 670 hectares) of standardised agriculture demonstration areas in Africa, send 500 agricultural experts, and establish a China-Africa agricultural science and technology innovation alliance.

    "We will implement 500 programmes in Africa to promote community welfare. We will also encourage two-way investment for new business operations by Chinese and African companies, enable Africa to retain added value, and create at least one million jobs for Africa," President Xi said.

    Strengthening security

    China is ready to build with Africa a partnership for implementing the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and make it a fine example of GSI cooperation.

    "We will give Africa RMB1 billion yuan of grants in military assistance, provide training for 6 000 military personnel and 1 000 police and law enforcement officers from Africa, and invite 500 young African military officers to visit China.

    "The two sides will conduct joint military exercises, training and patrol... and jointly ensure the safety of personnel and projects.

    "To implement the 10 partnership actions, the Chinese government will provide RMB360 billion yuan of financial support through the next three years," the President said.

    This can be broken down into RMB210 billion yuan of credit line, RMB80 billion yuan of assistance in various forms, and at least RMB70 billion yuan of investment in Africa by Chinese companies.

    In addition, China will encourage and support Africa in issuing panda bonds (a Chinese renminbi-denominated bond from a non-Chinese issuer, sold in the People's Republic of China) in China to enhance results-oriented cooperation in all areas.

    "China is ready to work with Africa to build a platform for governance experience sharing, a China-Africa knowledge network for development, and 25 centers on China and Africa studies.

    "We will make better use of Africa's leadership academies to cultivate talents for governance and invite 1 000 members of African political parties to China to deepen exchanges of experience in party and state governance," President Xi said.

  • Israel knows 'nothing' about tunnels in Gaza, says released captive

    Adina Moshe, an Israeli woman formerly held captive by Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza, stated that the Israeli military knows nothing about Hamas' underground tunnel network, Channel 12 reported on 8 September.

    Moshe was taken captive by Hamas on 7 October and released on 24 November as part of a temporary ceasefire deal brokered by Qatar and the US between Hamas and Israel.

    Moshe said that after her release, she was debriefed by the Shin Bet ('Shabak'), Israel's internal security service.

    "The internal security service asked me to draw a map of the tunnels in Gaza because they know nothing about them," Israel's Channel 12 quoted her as saying.

  • News related, mainly highlights how Finland is sliding more and more to the side of US imperialism and how history gets rewritten in real time.


    A Russian missile exploded near the F-16 shortly before it disappeared off the radar, a U.S. official said, leading to one theory that the explosion either damaged the aircraft or led the pilot to maneuver too low to the ground, contributing to the crash, according to the U.S. official. While Ukraine is leading the investigation, U.S. advisers based in other parts of Europe are advising, defense officials said.

    There it is. And still they still try to blame the pilot. It wouldn't have been nearly as bad if they just acknowledged up-front that the plane got shot down by Russia. Instead they put out like five different stories first...

  • Swedish Foreign Minster "suddenly and shockingly" resigned today according to Eurofreak and American media today. To the westoid reader, of course it's weird that the foreign minister of the newest NATO member suddenly resigns without any deeper context. But to us news enjoyers, it's very interesting that he resigns just one day after the deadly Poltava strike by the Russians, where Swedish personnel were hanging out according to reports and there was also a Facebook post by some Swedish ghoul that was mourning a dead friend in Ukraine. It wouldn't be the first time Swedes eat shit in Poltava, history is basically a circle. Media are talking about staff disagreements or whatever, but I'm noooooooticing something very fishy here. The true story about the scope of NATO's involvement in Ukraine will be fascinating when it slowly bubbles up in a few years after they throw the corpse of Ukraine to the wolves.

  • Brazil wins against Elon Musk

    Starlink Tweeted this:

    To our customers in Brazil (who may not be able to read this as a result of X being blocked by @alexandre): The Starlink team is doing everything possible to keep you connected.


    Following last week’s order from @alexandre that froze Starlink’s finances and prevents Starlink from conducting financial transactions in Brazil, we immediately initiated legal proceedings in the Brazilian Supreme Court explaining the gross illegality of this order and asking the Court to unfreeze our assets. Regardless of the illegal treatment of Starlink in freezing of our assets, we are complying with the order to block access to X in Brazil.

    We continue to pursue all legal avenues, as are others who agree that @alexandre’s recent orders violate the Brazilian constitution.


    By the way, the time for actually fighting in the courts to recover the frozen assets and regain access to X is over. They can't do anything because they've actually sent the wrong document.

  • During the Snowden leaks, the CIA carried out an analysis to assess whether Glenn Greenwald posed a risk to US security. The conclusion was that he wasn't dangerous because he was an opportunist who would sell his services to the highest bidder.

  • so tired of british "lefties" saying that the uk government is "owned" by israel or similar. just a complete lack of thought that maybe britain's role as america's lapdog means that we're not going to do anything to meaningfully harm the usa's number one airbase (with country attached).


    Releasing names of 900 alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada could embarrass federal government, bureaucrats told

    Large numbers of soldiers from a Ukrainian Waffen SS division fled to Canada after the Second World War.

    A list of 900 alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada could remain secret as federal officials come under increasing pressure to censor the records because they could prove embarrassing to this country.

    Those consulted included members of Canada’s Ukrainian community, records show, but Library and Archives Canada, also known as LAC, did not include Holocaust survivors nor Holocaust scholars who had advocated for a full release of the list of alleged Nazi war criminals, Jewish and Holocaust academics say.

    Some of the individuals and organizations consulted by LAC argued against releasing any of the information, warning it could be embarrassing or lead to prosecutions of the alleged war criminals.

    “A few stakeholders were concerned that the release of the report would result in new legal action (criminal prosecution, citizen revocation, or otherwise) being brought against the individuals named in the report,” a summary of the library’s discussions noted.

    Other stakeholders who advised LAC worried the list would embarrass Canada’s Ukrainian community or be used by Russians for propaganda purposes, the records show.

    Large numbers of soldiers from a Ukrainian Waffen SS division fled to Canada after the war.

    Jaime Kirzner-Roberts of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies in Toronto questioned why survivors of the Nazis’ genocide campaign were not invited by LAC to give their views on whether the list of Nazis and their collaborators should be made public.

    The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies was also shut out from attending the advisory meetings and was not aware they had been conducted.

    In September 2023, Immigration Minister Marc Miller acknowledged “Canada has a really dark history with Nazis in Canada.”

  • Apple apparently wants Wechat to pay them 30% of every financial transaction that takes place on the platform. So it's basically them wanting to take 30% of a huge chunk of transactions made in China.

  • Protestors march on Netanyahu's house meanwhile ceasefire protestors here in the states get their skulls cracked by the police.

  • On /r/palestine reddit-logo

    hamas-base is targeting journalists with bullets and bulldozers. They are killing people who are in line to buy bread. They are bulldozing specifically resturants. They want the West Bank to starve like Gaza.


  • U.S. Charges Hamas Leaders in Oct. 7 Massacre in Israel and Other Terrorist Attacks

    Federal prosecutors charged Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, and five senior members of the group with planning and carrying out years of terrorist attacks in Israel, including the Oct. 7 massacre, according to a sweeping complaint unsealed on Tuesday.

    The criminal complaint, originally filed in New York in February, implicated two other senior members of Hamas not previously thought to be directly involved in the attacks. It also listed the number of Americans believed to have died at 43.

    For some reason, the U.S. has never indicted anyone for Israel's murders of Shireen Abu Akleh or Tawfiq Ajaq, or for that matter their own murders of Anwar or Abdulrahman al-Awlaki.

    (Why is this in the U.S. courts, anyway? If they call it terrorism, they get to indict anyone for anything no matter what jurisdiction it happened in?)

    (Edit - Every count of the indictment includes the phrase "in an offense begun and committed out of the jurisdiction of any particular State or district of the United States".)

  • Come on comrades, you are missing out on juicy Ukraine news:

    • A military training center in Poltava, Ukraine was struck, killing at least 40 people and injuring over 150 more, including Swedish/NATO training instructors:
    • Several members of Zelensky's cabinet resigned, expecting a large reshuffle of government:
  • Palestine Action's habit of fucking shit up has caught the attention of the Terf authorities:

  • With the recent surge in articles about supposed Russian election interference and funding of anyone who criticizes Democrats, I decided to take a look at what the clown-to-clown-communicationclown-to-clown-conversation at r/politics are up to, and yep, Russiagate is back in full force. debord-tired

  • long-corbyn

    I asked the Foreign Secretary what role Britain has played in flying surveillance aircraft over Gaza, and whether the British army base in Cyprus is being used as a staging point for flights to Israel. He refused to answer.

  • On Al-Aqsa Flood and the Required Palestinian Discourse


    Today, we are not interested in supporting Hamas or Islamic Jihad because they are Islamic movements, nor are we standing in defense of the Popular and Democratic Fronts because they represent the Palestinian left. What concerns us about these factions and movements is that they are national liberation movements, growing in the eyes of the people, and their presence increases with the increase of their military activities, their military strength, their social political influence, the clarity of their political vision, the strength and solidity of their discourse, and their firmness in confronting the enemy.

    It is also no longer acceptable for factions to go to Beijing or other foreign capitals and issue a statement that mimics the two-state solution and the like. It is time to tell the Chinese and others that Palestine is no less important to Palestinians and the Arab people than Taiwan is to China, and that the enmity between Palestinians and the Zionists is no different in its magnitude from the enmity that existed between the Chinese and the Japanese during the Japanese occupation of China. The Zionist massacres in Gaza are no different in their brutality from the Japanese massacres in the Chinese city of Nanjing. And the experiments conducted by the Japanese Unit 731 on Chinese civilians are no different in their brutality from the practices of the Zionist entity against Palestinians.

    China’s position today towards the Palestinians’ struggle should be no less solid and supportive than China’s position with the Vietnamese. The hundreds of thousands of Arab martyrs from Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and others rose for the Arabism of Palestine and its liberation, and they did not sacrifice themselves for the two-state solution or for any other deformed agreement.

    Without a doubt, the political position of the Palestinian resistance negotiators has reached unprecedented levels of strength, firmness, and commitment to core principles. This approach has earned widespread popular support. The reason for this is not, as some claim, that Gaza has nothing left to lose. Rather, it stems from the resistance’s battlefield prowess and the hard-learned lessons from a century of struggle and the failures of negotiated surrender. They have seen through every deception and ploy of the enemy. The resistance and its leaders have proven their dedication by sacrificing their families, homes, and lives for the cause.

    The Palestinian resistance is an integral part of a large camp extending from Lebanon to Iraq to Syria to Yemen and Iran, to the Arab people in their various countries and places of existence, and free peoples in friendly countries in South Africa, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, and others, reaching to universities and streets of the US and Europe and elsewhere, forming in their entirety a great rising resistance camp in the face of imperialism, Zionism, and colonialism.

    These days mark the anniversary of the first Zionist conference in Basel, Switzerland (August 29, 1897), where the Zionist movement began preparing and mobilizing to build its entity in Palestine. Today, after all these years of conspiracy and killing, in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood the Palestinian resistance carried out an operation breaching one of the world’s most fortified lines, and the Lebanese resistance was able to strike the enemy’s most important military bases and remove the threat of a hundred thousand Zionists from the northern settlements. The Yemeni armed forces closed one of the most important waterways in the world, neutralizing the two most powerful naval forces in modern times.

    The great victory that began on October 7, 2023, returned Palestine to its Arab, Islamic, and international roots, and shook the pillars of the Zionist project. This victory must be completed by defeating the occupation and foiling its plans. This requires us to act as victors. It is our right and duty to act as victors.

  • Update on the Brazil vs. Musk situation:

    Elon Musk retweeted this:

    BREAKING: U.S. seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro's airplane in the Dominican Republic, CNN.

    And then he said:

    Unless the Brazilian government returns the illegally seized property of 𝕏 and SpaceX, we will seek reciprocal seizure of government assets too. Hope Lula enjoys flying commercial.

    Dude is still pissed that the Brazilian goverment seized all the stuff he had in Brazil, since he didn't pay his debt. Lol. tito-laugh

    Also, he said that Starlink will not block twitter in Brazil. But that is also funny because the Brazilian goverment can easily block the signal on the ground, and only 200k people use Starlink in Brazil. lol.

    And now some really GENIUS move by Elon Musk, he decided to make an "expose" of conservarive judge Alexandre de Moraes, the problem is that, besides being fake news and no one in Brazil seeing it (the target audience, and he posted in English lol), is that he fucking doxxed all the people he was "trying" to protected. He literally showed where they live, their ID and full name, besides their twitter account handles.

  • Latest report from ASPI, who produced that widely talked about report early last year about how China has taken the lead in 37 out of 44 critical technologies that they track, or about 84%. They have expanded their scope this year to 64 technologies, in which China leads 57 of them, with the US leading the other 7. Just 20 years ago, the numbers were essentially reversed.

    ASPI notes that, in the US, "private-sector research is increasingly concentrated in US technology giants"; back 20 years ago, the technological lead was spread across several more (typically US-based) corporations, but now only the largest corporations/monopolies truly matter when talking about the private sector. Massive Chinese corporations do not play nearly as big a role in this regard. In the public sector, US institutions like NASA still matter greatly, but the Chinese Academy of Sciences is an absolute colossus, by itself leading in 31 out of 64 technologies.

    China is the top player in the following categories of technologies:

    • Advanced information and communication technologies (7 technologies)
    • Advanced materials and manufacturing (13 technologies)
    • Energy and environment (8 technologies)
    • Unique AUKUS‑relevant technologies (3 technologies)

    China is only mostly the top player in the following categories of technologies:

    • Artificial intelligence, computing and communications (China leads 5/6, with the US coming out ahead in Natural Language Processing, presumably due to ChatGPT)
    • Defence, space, robotics and transportation (China leads 6/7, with the US coming out ahead in small satellites, presumably due to SpaceX)
    • Quantum technologies (China leads 3/4, with the US coming out ahead in Quantum Computing)
    • Sensing, timing and navigation (China leads 8/9, with the US coming out ahead in Atomic Clocks)

    The competitive field is:

    • Biotechnology, gene technologies and vaccines (4 for China, and 3 for the US; the US leads in vaccines, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy, and genetic engineering)

    I count 14 technologies in which China is bigger than every other country put together.

    Other findings were:

    • India is gaining in a variety of fields, but is still quite far from being the top player in any particular technology; their best shot for a top spot in the next few years is biofuel research.
    • The UK is falling fairly quickly, though they have made a couple gains in things like electronic warfare.
    • If you consider the EU collectively (as some hilariously did for the Olympics) then they are still quite competitive and even take the lead in two technologies (small satellites and gravitational force sensors). In the EU, Germany is ranked first, then Italy, then France.
    • South Korea is doing much better than Japan.
    • Iran has gained significantly over the past 20 years in defence-related technologies; now in the top 5 of eight technologies, when around 2003, it struggled to reach even 17th place in a single technology.
    • The combined power of AUKUS can just about match China in some technologies (like adversarial AI), but still trail China in others like advanced robotics.
  • Witness the complete failure of US export controls on advanced computer chips. Not surprising, given these chips are small and easy to smuggle, but still funny to see the Financial Times admitting that US efforts to hobble China are not working in the slightest.

    The cost of renting cloud services using Nvidia’s leading artificial intelligence chips is lower in China than in the US, a sign that the advanced processors are easily reaching the Chinese market despite Washington’s export restrictions.

    Four small-scale Chinese cloud providers charge local tech groups roughly $6 an hour to use a server with eight Nvidia A100 processors in a base configuration, companies and customers told the Financial Times. Small cloud vendors in the US charge about $10 an hour for the same set-up.

    The low prices, according to people in the AI and cloud industry, are an indication of plentiful supply of Nvidia chips in China and the circumvention of US measures designed to prevent access to cutting-edge technologies.

    Per here:

  • Ukraine is using flamethrower drones to light up trenches now wtf

    Didn't know that was allowed but apparently it is. How long till mustard gas makes a comeback? Acid drones maybe, like those Israeli settlers used on Palestinians recently?

  • U.S. Tells Allies Iran Has Sent Ballistic Missiles to Russia - Wall Street Journal, 6 September 2024

    European officials say Europe and U.S. are working on a sanctions response to Iran’s move

    yes-honey-left time for your 23rd round of sanctions everyone!

    The shipment involves a couple of hundred short-range ballistic missiles, according to Western officials. Iran has a variety of such weapons, with a range stretching up to around 500 miles.

    As for why Iran has all these short range missiles and Russia and the US don't, it has to do with nuclear restrictions during the cold war. So research on short range ballistic missiles did not take place.

    A graphic with the range of the Iranian SRBMs over Ukraine when launched from Russian territory.

  • Lula da Silva: “The world is not obliged to put up with Elon Musk's extreme right-wing free-for-all” According to the President of the Republic, the Supreme Court's decision could serve as an example for other countries

    President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) praised the decision by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes to suspend the operation of X (formerly Twitter) in Brazil.

    Article (Translated)

    On Friday (30), alleging that the social network run by billionaire Elon Musk had not been complying with judicial decisions (such as appointing a legal representative in the country), Moraes decided to block the platform. The decision began to be enforced by the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) on Saturday morning (31).

    This Monday (2), in a trial held in the Court's virtual plenary, the First Panel of the STF unanimously supported the decision on X. In addition to Moraes himself, Justices Flávio Dino, Cristiano Zanin, Cármen Lúcia and Luiz Fux voted to maintain the suspension.

    “Brazilian justice may have given an important signal that the world is not obliged to put up with Elon Musk's extreme right-wing everything just because he's rich,” said Lula, in a statement to CNN Brazil.

    According to the President of the Republic, the Supreme Court's decision could serve as an example for other countries that have also suffered from the spread of fake news on social networks. Lula criticized what he called Musk's “interference and political activism” in several countries.

    Lula also said that Moraes minimized the damage to the platform's users. According to the president, people are looking for other social networks that offer the same service as X.

    This is not the first time that Lula has publicly criticized the owner of X. In April, when Elon Musk and Minister Alexandre de Moraes began to clash, the President of the Republic mocked the entrepreneur.

    “Today, we have people who don't believe that deforestation and fires harm planet Earth. There are many people who don't take seriously what it means to maintain forests, life on the planet, and who have nowhere else to run. There are even billionaires trying to make rockets, to travel, to see if they can find a place out there,” Lula said at the time.

    As well as owning X, Elon Musk is the head of SpaceX - an aerospace company founded in 2002 in the United States that designs, manufactures and launches rockets into space. The entrepreneur also runs the electric car manufacturer Tesla. “He's going to have to learn to live here, to use a lot of the money he has to help preserve it here, to improve people's lives,” added Lula, without mentioning Musk.

    The following day, at another public ceremony, Lula again criticized the billionaire. “We have a very serious issue in this country and in the world: whether or not we want to live in a democratic regime. If we're going to allow the world to live with xenophobia and extremism,” he said. “This is what is happening: the rise of the extreme right, which has the luxury of allowing an American businessman who has never "produced a blade of grass" (Never worked in his entire life) in this country to dare to speak ill of the Brazilian Court, the Brazilian ministers and the Brazilian people. It's not possible,” said the president, without mentioning Musk by name. The owner of X was actually born in South Africa, but became a naturalized American citizen.

  • Mexico's Chamber of Deputies has approved the judicial reform proposed by the Mexican government, which proposes, among other things, the direct election of Supreme Court judges.

    Yes 359 votes (MORENA, PT,PVEM)

    No 135 votes (PAN, PRI, MC)

  • Bolsonaro is in the hospital again lmao

  • so ukraines ambassador to japan just paid his respects at the war criminal shrine the other day

    idk if fake news or not but it is weird that its basically not been reported on

    apparently got scrubbed from ukrainian embassys twitter right after it got posted lol

  • Putin landed in Mongolia, an ICC adhering country, and wasn't arrested. Media speaks of incredible humiliation

  • Day 6 of the zionist invasion of Jenin.


    Aircraft carriers are no longer safe from ballistic missiles and drones, following historical attacks by the Yemeni military on these carriers in the Red Sea, the commander of the USS Eisenhower, Christopher “Chowdah” Hill, has revealed.


    Regarding the intensity of Yemeni attacks while the carrier was stationed in the Red Sea to protect the Israeli entity, Hill explained that they had to reorganize crew schedules due to continuous fatigue and nighttime alerts.

    Hill confirmed that the increasing pressure has affected crew morale amidst ongoing operations in the Red Sea.


  • Ben Garrision Brazil slop

    No sex appeal. Lack of labels. He's fallen off hard.


    The Ukrainian Canadian Congress says it plans to go to court to stop the federal government from making public the names of alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to this country.

    The Ukrainian Canadian Congress or UCC is now circulating a letter asking for donations to finance the proposed legal challenge in federal court.

    The organization, which states that it represents the Canadian-Ukrainian community, wants to raise $150,000, according to a copy of the Aug. 28 letter obtained by the Ottawa Citizen. Article content

    “It is appalling that the Canadian government could attempt for no good reason to subject innocent Canadians, their family members and descendants to public scorn,” wrote Ihor Michalchyshyn, CEO and executive director of the UCC in his fundraising plea.

    A number of the alleged war criminals on the federal government list are believed to be originally from Ukraine or other eastern European nations.

    kkkanada burn this so called country to the ground


  • Anyone else just remember that Genocide Joe is still the president?

  • If I were Elon, I would simply not owe billions of dollars to guys who famously dismembered a journalist

  • Has anyone done a breakdown of the US DOJ indictment of Hamas leadership? The headlines talk about how sexual violence was prevalent on Oct 7th, but last I heard the UN looked into those claims and found no evidence whatsoever. So I assume the basis of the indictment is just taking everything “Israel” has said at face value and calling it evidence; but I also don’t feel like subjecting myself to reading dozens of pages of hasbara.

  • US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin stated that greenlighting deep strikes in Russia with US weapons will not be decisive, and that the US will instead focus on helping Ukraine defend its territory.

    Source: U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Discusses Weapon Use in Ukraine Conflict

    Seems like Russia has a redline that the US and NATO finally won't cross. Might have to do with the fact that Russia threatened to arm Ansar Allah/The Houthis with advanced weaponry in a potential response. Export controls on advanced weaponry that have existed since the cold war are there for a reason. The US choosing to break those agreements woud have opened the doors to a new reality that they are unprepared to deal with at the moment, as there would be no reason for Russia to follow such controls if the US does not. A diplomatic win for Russia.

  • kkkanada

    'Investigative journalist' Sam Cooper of The Bureau - a China-obsessed, shitty Canadian news site larping as the Intercept - has been caught fabricating news stories about 'China connected Canadian figures' meeting with Chinese spies and drug traffickers in a Macau casino because people noticed that the 'leaked CCTV footage' the story was based on was in fact a scene from a 2014 HK action comedy staring Chow Yun-fat.

    The Bureau have quietly removed the story from their website, but neither them nor anti-China hack Sam Cooper have acknowledged the issue.

  • Times like these I wished Russia actually funded Communist movements in the west smh. ussr-cry

  • SeventyTwoTrillion trying to make the news mega beat the trans mega this week by turning the news mega into the trans mega

  • Some more news from the front.

    Kursk update, Kiev regime invaders continue suffering massive losses (over 10,100 troop fatalities in the first month of the border incursion):

    Belarusian air defenses have been shooting down Kiev regime drones flying over its airspace recently:

    The “Library and Archives Canada” is refusing to release a list of 900 Nazi war criminals hiding in Canada, because revealing this information would “help Russia”:

  • UK Quietly Ties Nuclear Arsenal to Washington

    In one of its first, but little-noticed foreign policy moves, Labour has amended the Eisenhower-era 1958 Mutual Defence Agreement (MDA) that is crucial to Britain’s Trident nuclear missile system.

    Officials deleted a long-standing sunset clause that required it be renewed every 10 years.

    All references to an “expiry date” have been removed “to make the entirety of the MDA enduring, securing continuing cooperation with the U.S.,” according to a memorandum signed by Defence Secretary John Healey.

    Trident missiles themselves are obtained from America and a cross-party report concluded that the life expectancy of Britain’s nuclear capability without U.S. support could be measured in months


  • Cackling at the recruitment video "Would you rather be gay or go to war???"

  • Israeli military vehicles close off the emergency entrance and besiege the Thabet Thabet Hospital in Tulkarem.

    Cradle Telegram


    Kamala Harris' Lead Over Trump Being 'Steadily Cut'—Poll

    According to a new ActiVote poll, conducted between August 25 and September 2, Harris leads Trump by 1.6 points, on 50.8 percent to his 49.2 percent, a lead within the poll's margin of error of 3.1 percent.

    Her lead is down from the 5-point lead she had over Trump in ActiVote's last poll, conducted among 1,000 likely voters between August 15 and 23.

    "Harris' poll numbers improved steadily for about three-four weeks after Biden dropped out, followed by a period of two weeks where it hovered around a 5-point lead. In the past five days that 5-point lead has been steadily cut to just under 2 percent," ActiVote pollster Victor Allis wrote.

    Nancy Pelosi killed brat and now they don’t have any messaging strategy

  • The Communist Party of Burma - People’s Liberation Army has “seized a large number of elephants” from the regime

    Guys we may see the return of War Elephants :Hannibal-happy:

  • China pausing on gold buying spree 4th month

    Prices at near record high. timmy-pray Come on October suprise crash this baby right before the election.

  • When was the last time Joe Biden appeared in public? I feel like a president shouldn't be this absent even if he is planning to cede his position after the election. On CNN, even under the "joe Biden" tag, it's all Kamala vs Trump news.

    I guess the Americans got tired of embarrassing themselves parading the dusty old mummy around and pretending like he hadn't declined to the point where he can't hold on to a coherent thought.

  • Critical support to the suspected Chinese spy 🫡

    Knowing how fucking stupid the US intelligence apparatus is though, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was just someone displaying anti-American sentiment. I would hope China would be more strategic.

    But who fucking knows. This Godamn nation reported on Havana syndrome like it was something that actually existed for multiple years lmao

  • I keep seeing posts about Tim Pool being a Russian asset. This combined with the resurrection of the Jill Stein smearing shows that this is the angle they’re going with once again for non-liberal dissent.

    Russia just seems to stick better with more Americans than even the usual boogeymen of North Korea, China, and Iran.

    I’ve only seen the most terminally online libs say that Republicans are Chinese assets along with every other voice of dissent.

  • US naval forces cannot remain to protect "Israel" 'forever': Washington | The Cradle

    Washington has warned "Tel Aviv" that US naval forces cannot indefinitely be deployed to the West Asia region to protect "Israel", Channel 13 reported on 6 September, amid continued fear of an expanded war between "Israel" and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    The "Israeli" news channel reported a message was sent to Israel that tensions with Hezbollah and Iran need to be reduced at some stage because “the [US] aircraft carriers will not be able to stay in the area forever.”

  • Japanese Special Forces soldier defected and joined Russia. He is now sniping for Russia in Kursk. Interview with Patrick Lancaster

    His Russian isn't very good and the interview gets interrupted by drones a few times but I love seeing this stuff.

  • Thought this was interesting. Idk if anyone wants to read the report and give highlights but this is so sad to me that even the Arab (Palestinian) israeli citizens are majority against Hamas. Assimilation strategies.

  • Egypt buys China's J-10C fighters to replace F-16s.


    The Egyptian Defence Ministry has reportedly placed its first ever order for Chinese fourth generation fighters, with an unspecified number of J-10C fighters reported to have been ordered on August 19. This development comes as Cairo has continued to strengthen strategic and economic ties with Beijing, and follows its admission to the Chinese-led BRICS bloc earlier this year. The acquisition makes Egypt the second client for the J-10C after Pakistan, although unconfirmed reports indicate that neighbouring Sudan had reached an agreement on acquisitions before the outbreak of an insurgency in the country in April 2024 delayed talks for a purchase. The fighters are reportedly intended to replace Egypt’s ageing F-16 Fighting Falcons as these begin to be phased out of service. The acquisition has been speculated to be intended as an alternative to American proposals that Egypt acquire the F-16V upgrade package to modernise its F-16s, with the J-10C considered to have a superior combat capability to this enhanced F-16 model while coming at a similar cost to the package. Other than three squadrons of MiG 29M fighters ordered from Russia in 2015, all of Egypt’s fourth generation fighters are of Western origin, with the J-10C acquisition seen as a potential turning point for the country’s fleet in line with prevailing political trends.

    Reports of orders for the J-10C have emerged as Egyptian officials have expressed growing concern with the ongoing Western-backed Israeli war effort in the Gaza Strip, with Cairo being particularly concerned that the Israeli operation is intended to push the Gazan population onto Egyptian territory. The acquisition of J-10s is particularly significant when considering the current state of the Egyptian fighter fleet, which has long been considered almost totally incapable of fighting a major inter-state war. The close to 200 F-16s that form the backbone of the fleet are considered among the least capable fourth generation fighters in the world, and have been heavily downgraded and restricted to using obsolete Cold War era weaponry - and no beyond visual range air to surface weapons whatsoever. This combined with the United States’ control over spare parts supplies, and its tight restrictions imposed on how the aircraft can be operated, seriously limits Egyptian air power.

    Alongside its F-16s, Egypt’s French-supplied Rafale fighters ordered since 2015 also suffer from significant downgrades to performance, most significantly the lack of Meteor air to air missiles which seriously limits their combat potential. The J-10C by contrast will provide Egypt with two of the most capable air to air missile classes in the world, the PL-10 and PL-15, which Western sources have widely conceded are significantly more capable than their American counterparts the AIM-9X and AIM-120D. For Egypt, which used Cold War era AIM-9 variants and the obsolete AIM-7, this represents a technological leap of several decades in terms of performance. The J-10C will represent by far the most capable fighter in the country in terms of air to air performance, and possibly the most capable on the African continent. The fighter has proven during simulated combat engagements to be capable of outperforming modern ‘4+ generation’ fighters close to twice its size, including Russian Su-35s and Chinese J-16s, while its arsenal of compatible air to ground ordinance is considerable. The J-10C is considered far more capable than any fighter in the Israeli fleet other than its two squadrons of F-35s, with large scale acquisitions potentially forcing Israel to expand F-35 orders and to invest in more capable air to air missiles for its aircraft.

  • Turkey Bids to Join BRICS in Push to Build Alliances Beyond West (Yahoo Finance / Bloomberg)

    Turkey has formally asked to join the BRICS group of emerging-market nations as it seeks to bolster its global influence and forge new ties beyond its traditional Western allies, according to people familiar with the matter.

    . . . Straddling Europe and Asia, Turkey submitted an application to join BRICS some months ago amid frustration over a lack of progress in its decades-old bid to join the European Union, the people added. The bid is also partly a result of rifts with fellow NATO members after Turkey maintained close links with Russia following its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the people added. Turkey’s foreign ministry and presidency declined to comment.

  • 1.5 hour lecture by Cradle head editor Sharmine Narwani on the strategy of asymmetrical warfare by the resistance. Delivered at the American University of Beirut, September 2, 2024 .

    “Despite Israel's genocidal killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, the occupation state is facing a resounding strategic defeat. A loss that big will collapse Israel. Why is this a forgone conclusion? Because the Axis of Resistance has put into place a protracted strategy of "boiling the frog," incrementally depleting Israel's economic, political, military, and diplomatic options.”


  • Another air attack appears to be happening against Ukraine at the moment, air raid alarms/sirens went off 20 minutes ago. Ukraine has faced air attack after attack for over a week now. Including a missile strike against a Ukrainian Electronic Warfare and UAV learning facility full of Ukrainian armed forces personnel and NATO advisors (notably Swedish advisors likely there to teach Ukrainians how to operate their recently donated Swedish mini AWACS aircraft). The attack reportedly resulted in over 200 deaths according to a Ukrainian medic, who managed to get the information out on social media before being censored. The consequences of the Kursk gamble keep on piling on for Ukraine.

  • Western mainstream libs are mad about Putin going to Mongolia. My local media blob is claiming that Putin only went there to defy the ICC. The idea that the leaders of two neighbouring countries could have more reasons for meeting eachother besides making a spectacle for the west to get mad at is simply not entertained. Contrary, they claim that Putin is "forcing" Mongolia not to arrest him by leveraging Mongolian dependence on Russian energy.

  • From the Resistance News Network telegram

    Commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Major General Hossein Salami:

    The zionist entity is besieged by Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon. The nightmare of our response keeps the enemy on alert day and night, and we have begun to see signs of its end.

    The zionist enemy will taste the flavor of Iranian revenge and will realize that it cannot toy with our red lines.

    "Israel" cannot strike and run away easily; rather, it will receive a decisive response.

    Certainly, they will receive a response. How and when? This time, the response will be different, and everyone will realize that.

    Presstv and Al Mayadeen also cover this and some highlights from Al Mayadeen below‘Israel-will-receive-revenge-for-its-vicious-acts’

    General Salami emphasized that the Israeli regime is experiencing confusion and internal unrest, with hundreds of thousands of protesters taking to the streets in the occupied territories. According to him, the Israeli occupation is trapped in a crisis with no escape.

    He concluded his remarks with a stern warning to the Israeli occupation, saying: "The Israeli regime is now confined within the occupied lands, and its leaders are losing their mental stability, awaiting death at any moment. Rest assured, the response will come. When and how? This time, it will be different, and everyone will know that Israel can no longer strike and escape unscathed."

    Former IRGC commander Mohsen Rezaei said in an interview with CNN released on in late August that his country's retaliation to the Israeli assassination of Hamas' politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran will be well measured so that Prime Minister Benjamin can not "save himself" from the crises he's in.

  • lathe-of-heaven say it with me: first President of Palestine Yahya Sinwar

  • In Denmark politicians are "shocked" following a recent decision by the supreme court. The decision? That authorities are required to bring an eight year old Danish child and his mother, currently languishing in a Syrian refugee camp, back home.

    The mother, who had her citizenship revoked as retaliation for joining ISIS, is claimed to extremely dangerous and "radicalised".

    The extreme right is pulling out their old hobby horse of railing against "the international conventions", a dog whistle for any type of international law preventing the state from being sufficiently racist. They are joined by the governing succdems who demand that the EU appoints a commissioner tasked with nothing but "looking at" and "renegotiating" said conventions, presumably to make international law more racist.

  • there are flameethrower drones now....


  • Another school shooting amerikkka-clap

  • Foreign Affairs - America Is Losing Southeast Asia

    Yankees try to talk about Asia without making it all about “face” challenge: impossible.

    Highlights from long article (summarized using HexB-AI)

    Breaking down this year’s result by country shows that since the 2023 poll, the United States has lost the most ground to China among respondents in Laos (a 30 percentage point decline), Malaysia (a 20 percentage point decline), Indonesia (a 20 percentage point decline), Cambodia (an 18 percentage point decline), and Brunei (a 15 percentage point decline). The United States has also lost ground in Myanmar and Thailand (10 and 9 percentage point declines, respectively).

    The United States still commands very high support in the Philippines (where 83 percent of respondents selected it over China) and Vietnam (where 79 percent did) and solid backing in Singapore (62 percent), Myanmar (58 percent), and Cambodia (55 percent). But only in three countries did respondents’ preference for aligning with the United States over China grow from 2023 to 2024—the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam—and these increases were small.

    The United States has lost support most dramatically in countries with Muslim majorities. The 2024 survey revealed an especially sharp hardening of sentiment from 2023. Seventy-five percent of Malaysian, 73 percent of Indonesian, and 70 percent of Bruneian respondents surveyed said they would prefer alignment with China over the United States, compared with 55 percent, 54 percent, and 55 percent in 2023, respectively. The survey did not ask respondents why they made this selection. But it is telling that when a different question asked respondents to select their top three geopolitical concerns, nearly half ranked the Israel-Hamas conflict at the very top, surpassing the 40 percent that ranked the more geographically proximate South China Sea dispute most highly.

    Western media outlets often carry reports about the debt traps associated with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. But BRI projects are generally welcomed in Southeast Asia for the growth and development potential they offer the recipient country. One high-ranking diplomat from the region pronounced it a model for how to win “hearts and minds.”

    The United States wants to counter Chinese disinformation. But efforts to do so must address the root causes of why they resonate. China has depicted America as a “craven warmonger” in Gaza; many Southeast Asians with whom I recently spoke, including non-Muslims, said that this characterization rang true to them. Such a depiction would hold little water, however, if not for Washington’s own response to the crisis in Gaza, which has supported or at least acquiesced in Israel’s worst excesses.

    Really sucks that Chinese disinformation has so much obviously true facts to work with

  • These dumbasses invaded Kursk in autumn.

  • Canadian Ndp (socdem party, no prime ministers but always a strong 3rd) seems to be making moves to become the major not conservative party. Jagmeet appears to be making moves and it's a party with a chance that opposes the current time genocide policy wise. Looks like I may actually have to vote this election.

  • I apologise for the LIB comment in advance, but the absolute political shitshow we have witnessed in Europe over the past few years has given me a weird appreciation of Angela Merkel.

    She managed to keep US influence relatively at bay, maintained good economic relations with Russia and China, knew how to throw a bone to the various anti-EU factions within Europe to keep them from gaining influence, annoyed the Brits to the point they left the union and obviously maintained the EU's imperialist projects while keeping their image and her legacy clean. Compared to her the Macron-Scholz-von der Leyen trio look like dumb, dumber, and the the dumbest. IMO she beats Obama for most competent imperialist of the past few decades.

  • The Onion is going back to doing puff pieces for VP candidates again. They had to apologize for doing this shit for Biden... kiryu-stare

  • we will have "it was a debate" in 5 days, and i learn this from jacobin disgost

    anyway, trump was silly to agree to it, old boy is done

    Air any of these concerns, and there’s a good chance you’ll hear some version of this typical partisan response: “Well, you realize Donald Trump wouldn’t be any better.” That response implies that, for the Democratic Party, enabling the genocide of Palestinians is nonnegotiatable.

    la jacobina showing its face yay

  • "Chemicals of the Week" lmaoo 😭 😭

  • The Brazilian goverment wants to set up a “national WhatsApp” The project comes in the midst of a conflict between the Supreme Court and the social network X

    The Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI) is about to launch a tender to hire a new cell phone messaging service. The agency's aim is to develop its own model for internal communication. According to information in Veja magazine, this is a pilot project, but it could be expanded to other federal agencies in the future.

    The system will be similar to WhatsApp, but the president of ABDI, Ricardo Cappelli, has already made it clear that it is not a question of “banning” the messaging app or any other, as it will not extend to ordinary users. "What we will do is protect the information of our agency, corporate communication. Does anyone think that the German or French government communicates via WhatsApp? We don't want to ban anyone, just protect our sovereignty,” Cappelli said.

    According to Capelli, there is no “paranoia or conspiracy theory”, but rather a guarantee of the security of communications, since there have already been several cases of messages being breached. He mentioned that federal police officers and members of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) use foreign platforms to communicate, but that he considers it a risk. So far, at least ten Brazilian companies have shown interest in developing the new messaging platform.

    Ricardo Cappelli, former member of the Communist Party of Brazil and the secretary that led the police forces against the Coup Attempt in 2023, he currently is the president of the Brazilian Industrial Development Agency. He was appointed to the post by President Lula on February 2 for a four-year term, taking office on February 22.

  • Edmundo Gonzalez, presidential candidate on the Unity platform, has accepted Spain's offer of political asylum and is flying to Madrid, leaving Venezuela. The exile was mediated by the former Spanish president, José Luiz Rodriguez Zapatero.


  • Colombian President Gustavo Petro requested to open an investigation into the purchase of the Israeli software 'Pegasus,' used by the previous goverment to spy on public officials, including himself.

  • Algerian elections tomorrow, r/Algeria is so astroturfed

  • Looks like Russia is finally destroying dense NATO personnel infestations in Ukraine.

  • Record number of Indigenous land titles granted in Peru via innovative process (commentary) hexbear post wiphala

    • Land titles have proven to be the most effective way to protect Indigenous peoples’ land from deforestation, with such territories experiencing a 66% decrease in deforestation, and therefore protecting these forests for generations to come.
    • Recently, 37 land titles were secured in the Peruvian Amazon in record time, between June 2023 to May 2024, via a partnership between two NGOs and the Peruvian government, using an innovative, low-cost, high-impact model to expedite the process.
    • “We believe this model can be replicated in other regions of the Amazon and perhaps even beyond,” the authors of a new op-ed write.
    • The process of securing land titles ranges from slow and bureaucratic to extremely dangerous. In Peru, more than 30 Indigenous leaders have been murdered over the past two decades for seeking titles for their territories and the recognition of their ancestral lands.

    Indigenous mothers fight to search CIA experiment site in Montreal hexbear post kkkanada

    A group of Indigenous women are hoping to stop the bulldozers at a former Montreal hospital which they believe could hold the truth about children still missing from a grisly half-century-old CIA experiment.

    In the 1950s and 1960s, behind the austere walls of the old psychiatric institute, the US Central Intelligence Agency funded a human experiments programme called MK Ultra.

    During the Cold War, the programme aimed to develop procedures and drugs to effectively brainwash people. Experiments were conducted in Britain, Canada and the United States, subjecting people — including Indigenous children in Montreal — to electroshocks, hallucinogenic drugs, and sensory deprivation. “They wanted to erase us,” said Kahentinetha.

    Albanese government to pay $202m to NT’s Indigenous workers in stolen wages class action hexbear post aus-delenda-est

    The federal government will pay up to $202m compensation to thousands of Indigenous workers whose wages were stolen while working in the Northern Territory last century.

    The payout is part of the settlement of a class action on behalf of workers and their families who were subject to commonwealth wage control legislation between 1933 and 1971.

  • Tim Walz has a chance to do something bold | Drop Site News

    During the week of the DNC we reported on the unusual case of a wrongful conviction in northern Minnesota that the state’s attorney general, Keith Ellison, was attempting to make right in the face of intransigence from the local prosecutor and sheriff. What makes it unusual is that the state’s governor, Tim Walz, does not have the unilateral ability to pardon the wrongfully convicted Native American man, but he can step in and take the case away from the local prosecutor and give it to AG Ellison. With that one, small bureaucratic move, Walz can give Ellison the chance to set him free.

  • Cursed us politics question: is Harris trying to flank trump from the right?

  • Mossad financier arrested by Turkish police in Istanbul | The Cradle

    Turkish security officials announced on 3 September the arrest of Liridon Rexhepi, a Kosovan national identified by the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) as the head of Mossad’s financial network in Turkiye.

    Citing security sources, Turkish media revealed Rexhepi “was transferring money to Mossad’s field agents in Turkiye who filmed Mossad targets with drones, led psychological operations against Palestinian politicians, and gathered intelligence about the Syrian field.”

  • Laughing my ass off at the fact that Bolsanaro is cursed to have the most disgusting ailments over and over again and be in hospital constantly. Didn't he have to shit out of his nose for a little while?


    Could [the Europeans] reopen the Bab al-Mandeb without US assistance?

    After all, right now the Western mission in the Bab al-Mandeb is run by the EU as EUNAVFOR Aspides, so they're already in charge of the area of operations. Reopening the straits will require ground troops to land and occupy enough currently Houthi-held territory to prevent drone and missile launches at maritime traffic transiting the strait. Can the EU muster the force? Power projection requires amphibious assault ships and aircraft carriers. Four European navies operate these capital ships: the UK, France, Italy and Spain. Between them they have four aircraft carriers worth the name (Cavour, Charles de Gaulle, Queen Elizabeth, and Prince of Wales) and eight amphibious assault ships of note (Giuseppe Garibaldi, Juan Carlos I, Galicia, Castilla, Mistral, Tonnere, Dixmude, Albion, and Bulwark). The Italians additionally operate three very small amphibs of the San Giorgio-class. Many of these ships are in some kind of reduced readiness or maintenance status. Realistically the European Union could deploy on a "surge" basis two carriers (with a weaker combined air wing than a single USN carrier) and a single amphibious group comparable to a USN Amphibious Ready Group. This sealift capability would support landing a brigade-size element in Yemen.

    The Europeans also maintain a sizable number of airborne formations (Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain all have brigade-plus or -minus elements standing and aren't faced with fighting Russia on short notice), and can field about 100 heavy transport aircraft, mostly A400s. Based on RAND corporation analysis (link in the first post) it would take approximately 105 C-17 sorties to deliver one US infantry brigade with appropriate enablers for a high-end battle. Yemen will be a high-end battle. Although an A400 can jump about the same number of paratroopers as a C-17, it can carry only about half the cargo. Ergo, something like 150 A400 sorties would be required to deliver one brigade, not to mention ongoing sustainment requirements. As it's doubtful more than 30 or so aircraft would be (or even could be, I'm not going to try to analyze ramp space in Djibouti) committed to the operation, the EU task force could realistically only jump a single fully-equipped brigade into Yemen alongside the amphibious landing.

    Barring military access from Saudi Arabia or Oman, these two European brigades are going to have to hit the dirt and seize a seaport (perhaps the city of Al Hudaydah, shown) to allow conventional shipping to come in and "administratively" deliver what's going to be a pretty meager follow-on force. That entails a city fight. Even with a seized airport and light reinforcements beyond the initial brigade flowing in by air (alongside much of their logistical requirements!), that's a tall order - particularly given the Houthis have real anti-access/area-denial capabilities and a reasonably competent army. Two or three European brigades in the Middle East, with a mission to seize a major urban area, relying on sketchy air support and tenuous supply lines, can get into a lot of trouble in 2024. Al Hudaydah, for instance, is a Houthi stronghold with a population of close to three-quarters of a million. A smarter course of action may be to enter in non-Houthi controlled eastern Yemen, establish logistics and attack from the east - but it'll be much slower to open the straits and oh, by the way, will require those aforementioned logistics to travel around the Horn of Africa because the Bab al-Mandeb will remain closed in the interim. So the indirect approach is fraught with its own, very significant, issues.

    Which brings me to the crux of the problem - Yemen is a big country. It's somewhat larger than Iraq and has about 3/4 the population. The vast majority of that population lives in areas controlled by the Houthis. And, most importantly, the Houthis are very competent fighters. Ergo, even a minimal operation to reopen the Bab al-Mandeb should be expected to be something more on the scale of the 2003 invasion of Iraq than the sort of African bandit-chasing expedition we've seen European forces actually perform in recent memory. And the EU doesn't remotely have the capability to deploy and sustain forces at that level. The force that overthrew Saddam Hussein in 2003 was 200,000-strong - an order of magnitude or more larger than what I've described above.

    So to answer my starting question: No. Not a chance. In fact it would be a significant operation even for the United States - certainly not something that could be done quickly, easily, or with the commitment of minimal forces.

  • Latest school shooter was named “Colt Gray”.

    Reality has got to be a joke when school shooters start having names like a Gundam villain who dies after one episode.

  • Number of rockets and drones launched by Hezbollah into Occupied Palestine by month. From Al Ahed News

  • Hezbollah targets Israeli settlements with barrages of rockets

    The Hezbollah resistance movement has fired heavy barrages of rockets toward settlements in the northern part of the occupied Palestinian territories in retaliation for Israel’s deadly attacks on Lebanon.

    In statements released on Sunday, Hezbollah said that it has twice targeted the settlement of Kiryat Shmona with Falaq rockets.

    The resistance group also noted that it had fired Katyusha rockets toward the Shamir settlement.

    Israeli media reported there were no injuries in the Hezbollah strikes, however, they said, some rockets had impacted their targets and caused damage.

    Hezbollah said that it had conducted the attacks in support of “steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance” against Israel.

    The raids, it added, came in response to the enemy’s attacks on Lebanon’s “southern villages and safe homes, especially the horrific massacre in the town of Froun.”

    On Saturday, an Israel airstrike killed three Lebanese emergency workers and injured two others as they tried to contain a fire in Froun.

  • Hey comrades, is there any resource I can dig into to better understand the current situation in Cuba? To my uninformed knowledge, the situation appears to be rather bleak, with rising anti-government sentiment due to increased liberal reforms and economic struggles compounded by COVID and the trade embargo.

    With the application to join BRICS, this should see increased trade, and tourism especially, which may pay off.

    Are there any Cubans here that can offer better explanations for what I am hearing, or provide more accurate sources not infected by western bias? I support Cuba and the Revolution, of course, I just want to know more about the current situation.

  • "hello my username is adjective_noun#### and i'm posting something unhinged that completely happened on"

  • It seems like it actually might be over for Ukraine as a ton of politicians are starting to jump ship most prominent one is the Foreign Minister Kuleba.


    "“Our position is clear. We respond as harshly as possible to any attempts to undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and we protect national interests by all available means, including on the diplomatic front,” Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba emphasized.

    In 2016, Ukraine closed its embassy in Damascus in connection with the crimes of the Bashar al-Assad regime against the Syrian people and ordered the closing of the Syrian Embassy in Ukraine in 2018"


  • France seems like it might be headed towards a deadlock or even a constitutional crisis, with Macron and his ever-diminishing mandate trying to indefinitely postpone naming any ministers from LFI for what looks like grudge-based reasoning.

    The NFP achieved a disproportionate victory, largely by tactical voting, where they pulled ahead of the RN to successfully stave off the fascists. It's pretty clear to everyone that without a major shift or series of political developments, they would struggle to pull this off again in the face of increasing turnout from the FN/RN base every election.

    Maybe a year or so ago, someone posted an article/analysis piece about how instead of earnestly opposing the far-right, Macron uses the threat of it alternatingly as a cudgel and a shield, to maintain power.

    Does Macron seem to have the relative weakness of the left-wing coalition as a key piece of his political strategy over the past month? Is he paving the way for the fascists to easily win next go-around, just to keep his cult of personality self-made party going for a few more years?

    I'd really like to hear from anyone who has a better grasp of the situation than I do. (I don't peruse the news mega very often.)

  • The new strategy of just charging parents of school shooters with murder is just pathetic.

    Can’t stop these tragedies in any effective way. Doing good things is impossible. Sacrifice a few more people on the altar of the justice system and call it a day instead.

  • testosterone

    I spent SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT AND MONEY dealing with my acne for 15+ years. I learned so much about skin and the immune system and p. acnes bacteria, about the three different kinds of moisturizers (humectants, occlusives, and emollients) and about benzoyl peroxide and salacytic acid and B vitamins and both chemical and abrasive exfoliants, about UV radiation and environmental irritants, about carbohydrates and their impact on inflammation, crafted the perfect routine of washing twice daily with gentle cleanser and slugging up with all my various cosmetic tinctures, and on and on it goes.

    And I had terrible acne no matter what I did.

    I started blocking this shitty hormone and now I can pass out in full makeup after a night of drinking and won't wake up with a single pimple. It's fucking bullshit. All that effort! All that time! All that money! What the fuck? What the fuck?!

    Anyway, how's everyone's week been?

  • Michael Roberts- Germany: the end of EU hegemony?

    What all this shows is that even German capitalism, the most successful advanced capitalist economy in Europe, cannot escape the divisive forces of the Long Depression. But it is also shows that the German coalition government’s slavish following of the interests of US imperialism in the name of ‘Western democracy’ over Ukraine and Israel is destroying the hegemony of German capital and the living standards of its poorest citizens. No wonder the voices of nationalism and reaction are gaining traction.

  • I’m a fiend for the clout, so I’m reposting my reaction to isntreal

    Only democracy in the Middle East making a strike illegal lmfao

  • Hey comrades, I've just spent the better part of my day writing a few 100 words about pubic housing where I live. I know this isn't the exciting indepth war analysis we get here, but I don't really know what else to do with it. (post it on reddit? ew) It's good practice I guess. Someone tell me if this aint the place.


    How good is renting? Does it sound familiar? It’s a one liner from what feels like another life. While many can still hear Scumo’s catchphrase echoing in the dark recesses of our minds, at this point in the show, he should have gift wrapped it and handed it to the ALP on his way out the door. How good is god? Ay, Scottie!

    That's right folks, the Australian Labor Party (ALP) have finally achieved their dream. They’ve fully embraced the neoliberal policies any Red Tory party should strive for. It’s been a long time coming, and what can we say apart from: Thatcher is dead, it will happen to you.

    For the second week running, we’re inundated with reports of Liberal National Party (LNP / Blue Tories) throwing out statements that make them seem almost human. Last week they were vocally supporting a more inclusive census, leaving the ALP chasing their tail, before the gallant Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese passed the buck to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. - Was it a handball? Albo’s a man's man, let's do sports analogies. - The crowd awaits with baited breath to see which ALP backbencher will be sacrificed for crossing party lines this time!

    Meanwhile, Jacinta Allan’s Victorian ALP, who like their federal counterparts, are staunchly committed to supporting the Israeli (sic) state’s genocidal policies in Gaza, are predictably taking a more polite approach in their own backyard. In a move that is strikingly similar to those announced by the previous New South Wales LNP’s (now revised, and Chris Minns ALP approved) “Waterloo Estate redevelopment plan”, Public Housing estates across the country will soon be demolished and sold off to profit driven developers.

    The Waterloo Estate was once considered such an achievement upon completion in 1977, Queen Elizabeth II attended the opening ceremony. Similarly aged buildings in and around Sydney’s CBD - such as the famed MLC Centre, or the now luxury ex-state-owned Sirius Apartments - have mysteriously escaped demolition, instead receiving complete refurbishments amounting to hundreds of millions. Heritage Laws in place to “protect historic significance” be damned.

    Now not only will these brutal “redevelopments” displace 1,000s of people from what should be rent controlled homes, they will also transfer all assets and authority over to the “malevolent” not-for-profit sector. Though be not afraid! At the National Press Club on Wednesday 3rd September, Housing Supply and Affordability Council chair, Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz talked up the federal governments build-to-rent scheme. You can now not only look forward to the destruction of 1,000s of homes, you may also have your heart warmed that the ALP will be giving these building conglomerates tax breaks to take those pesky public assets out of our hands!

    The same federal government who had a spare $60million to give the ADF for recruitment advertising, and who seek to destroy the key safeguard for workers safety in the building industry - the CFMEU - are also slashing the red tape, and washing their hands of the whole ordeal.

    Federal LNP members have come forward to denounce the bill which “seeks to entrench tax advantage for institutional investors, in a thinly veiled attempt to corporatise the Australian housing market”. However, considering the tried and true tradition of locking Australian’s into home ownership, turning every family into “little capitalists”, in order to smash the labour movement, don’t be surprised when the LNP calls to scrap subsidised rentals all together.

    hey it's not even that long, I gave up jamming the hyperlinks back in, they're all just msm citations anyway, who cares?

  • Really fucking funny seeing Milei say something bad about Lula da Silva, when literally weeks ago he was begging Lula for gas, because no one wants to trade with Argentina because they know Milei won't pay them.

  • Drop Site News posting Matt "cops are working class" Taibbi

    fuck my life

  • "Israeli" army hit by sudden resignation of ground forces chief | The Cradle

    Major General Tamir Yadai, the commander of the "Israeli" army’s ground forces, has decided to resign for “personal reasons,” Hebrew news site Walla reported on 3 September.

    Yadai “will resign from his position for personal reasons,” representing “an earthquake in the General Staff,” Walla reported, adding that the move comes after he was being prepared “as a candidate to be the next deputy chief of staff."

    Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi was informed that Yadai “intends to resign in the coming weeks once a replacement officer is found.” The report adds that Halevi and "Israel’s" Defense Minister Yoav Gallant have agreed to the request.

    [double quotes will be inserted around the name of the temporary entity in all excerpts]

  • Danish Minister Goes to Pacific Concentration Camp For Inspiration

    Kaare Dybvad Bek, the head of Denmark's succdem-controlled ministry of foreigners and integration, is travelling to the remote Pacific island of Nauru to seek "inspiration and experience" from Australia's concentration camp for refugees there. So reports Danish government broadcaster DR.

    "It is a system that has proven very effective to control who comes to Australia", Dybvad Bek says. To him the concentration camp represents "a form of success" and goes on to say that "It is something many western countries struggle with and they have succeeded in Australia. I want to see how it works in practice".

    The Nauru concentration camp was created as an extraterritorial site to allow the Australian state to inflict maximal cruelty on refugees away from Australian soil. Media access to the island is tightly controlled by the regime who has also attempted to deter whistleblowers by criminalising any disclosure about the camp. The camp is notorious for high incidences of sexual abuse and the indefinite detention and lack of hope is driving inmates to alarmingly high rates of self-harm or suicide.

    This does not deter the xenophobic minister however, who says that he wants to "see it for himself" before rejecting the model.

    The interest in the Nauru concentration camp has been rekindled as Danish plans to set up a similar concentration camp in Rwanda has failed to materialise.

  • In german news after the AfD won big Scholz has decided to take a page of out a very successful politician, brandon. That's right baby 'Nothing will fundementally change' ole Scholz doesn't think he should stop any of his wildly unpopular policies of being pro-war, pro-genocide, pro-racism, pro-border, no he thinks that if they just stay the course with him as the captain they'll get a mandate for 2025 that they'll be the government without doubt. ("fest damit, dass die SPD und ich 2025 ein so starkes Mandat bekommen, dass wir auch die nächste Regierung anführen werden")

    Keep in mind his coalition has been historically unpopular and almost all polls will see SPD just eat massive amounts of shit.

    In short Emperor Olaf Scholz has lost the Mandate of the Holy Roman Empire his fall will soon come to pass.

    PS: We need some Olaf Scholz emojis because he has just been the worst and it's surprising that there's nothing out there on him.

    Like you can't tell me someone can't make an emoji out of his bond villain arc.

  • Vodiane has fallen, and with it, Vuhledar will too. Probably within a few weeks.

    It shouldn't be underestimated just how significant a development this will be. Russia has been trying and failing to take Vuhledar practically since the war began.

  • Just learned that the original name for the county seat in Southhampton County, VA, where Nat Turner's rebellion took place, was Jerusalem. The town name was changed Courtland after residents got sick of people in Norfolk calling them "the Arabs from Jerusalem".

    I've been thinking about some the parallels between the 10/7 and Nat Turner's rebellion, specifically in the response from Zionists in comparison to the response from US slave owners (and their response to the abolition movement in general). I just got back from touching sand and if I can find the time when I'm not working, I might try to find some juicy quotes from slave owners that sound like they could have come from a Zionist.

  • Munich this morning someone tried to shoot at the 'israeli' consulate. Why he brought a bayonet is unclear

    Video at the cradle telegram

  • Algerian elections: Ballot closing has been delayed to 20:00 instead of 19:00
    Turnout rate in 17:00 was 26.46% out of 23.486.061.
    updat: 48.06% at 20:00

  • Elon Musk's X is having trouble finding an executive to represent the company in Brazil. After Musk's announcement about closing the office in the country, executives who had been approached turned down the offer, fearing that they would be arrested for disobeying court orders.

    The concern of potential representatives is due to the decisions of Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes, who has already signaled the possibility of imprisonment if X does not comply with orders to remove profiles.

  • The Zionist entity really treats their Mizrahi population with complete contempt. Imagine losing your legs to a Yasin rocket only to have doctors make you a foot shorter.

  • Most moral army/only democracy in the Middle East siccing dogs on hostages

    cw: torture, ethnosupremacy

  • Grand Rapids, Mi mistakenly collected $81K in holiday parking fees. It won’t issue refunds


    GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Holiday parking on Grand Rapids streets is supposed to be free. But for years, people were paying on holidays because of a mistake on a smartphone app.

    It’s a story you probably have never heard before, because city officials kept quiet about it after the problem was discovered in 2022. By then, the app had been mistakenly allowing holiday payments for more than three years, apparently since the MOTU parking app was introduced in Grand Rapids.

    Nobody noticed until Shannon Tanis says she parked on a downtown street on a holiday and used the app.

    “I had paid and I was like, ‘Wait a minute.’ I realized there was supposed to be free (parking) on holidays,'” she said.

    She says the app didn’t warn her off or refuse the payment. She did some research.

    Tanis says she keeps a critical eye on local government, so she knew who to call: City Comptroller Max Frantz.

    “Shannon reached out to me,” said Frantz, the official city financial watchdog. “She had done some testing herself and some documentation.”

    Frantz says he checked some audit reports and found that the MOTU app was indeed collecting money on holidays when city policy dictates free parking. The app was supposed to block payments on holidays, but the comptroller says that message somehow never got to the app contractor.

    “For some reason, that transmission didn’t occur or there was an issue with it,” Frantz said.

    He says city parking officials fixed the problem. Now, they say they program the app every year to make sure it prevents holiday payments.

    All told, according to Frantz, there were more than 36,000 unnecessary parking payments totaling more than $81,000.

    Tanis, who discovered the mistake, says the city government should refund the money.

    “They just need to do the right thing,” she said.

    Tanis contacted Target 8 investigators after she saw our story in June about a city policy that puts a four-year limit on refunds of water and sewer overbilling and a man who says the city overbilled his business thousands of dollars for 10 years and only paid back part of it.

    The city decided not to refund the mistaken parking payments, either.

    “I had suggested to the director of MobileGR at that time that at minimum he consider evaluating what a refund would look like,” Frantz said.

    He says it would have been possible to refund the thousands of parking payments, but it would take a lot of work. He says he’s comfortable with the city decision not to.

    “I think there are a lot of things to take into consideration,” he said.

    “The remarkable thing about this story,” Frantz said, “is that it really just took one resident to document something and get in touch with someone at city hall willing to take a hard look at this.”

    This is on top of the city destorying a block with a massive water main break and not covering any of the damage their neglected infrastructure caused saying they are "immune".

  • So when Sweden joined NATO, did all of NATO's maps suddenly become interactive?

  • N.Y. Official Charged With Taking Money, Travel and Poultry to Aid China

    Prosecutors say that Ms. Sun blocked Taiwanese officials from having access to the governor’s office, eliminated references to Taiwan from state communications and quashed meetings between Taiwanese officials and state leaders, including Ms. Hochul. She also ensured that state officials did not publicly address the persecution of Uyghurs, a primarily Muslim ethnic group that for more than a thousand years has lived in a region of what is now China, prosecutors said.

    Taiwan, the "country" that the U.S. government does not recognize.

  • Court orders Kennedy’s name removed from Michigan ballots


    (The Hill) – A Michigan court ordered Friday that former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s name be removed from the state’s general election ballot, overturning previous efforts to keep his name on the ballot.

    The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that Kennedy, who suspended his White House bid in August and endorsed former President Trump, can have his name withdrawn from Michigan’s ballot. The decision, written by a three-judge panel, is a win for the environmental lawyer.

    Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) previously denied Kennedy’s request, and a lower court ruled Kennedy’s name must remain on the ballot. Friday’s decision overturns those rulings.

    “While the request was made close to the deadline for defendant to give notice of candidates to local election officials, it was not made so late that laches should apply,” the three-judge panel wrote, referring to the doctrine that would let a court deny a push for relief because an opposing party was slow to act.

    “Additionally, we conclude that the absence of any statutory authority prohibiting his withdrawal gave plaintiff a clear legal right to have his name removed from the ballot. Defendant had no ability to disregard that request,” added the judges, Michael Gadola, Mark Boonstra and Mark Cavanagh.

    Angela Benander, spokesperson for the Michigan secretary of state’s office, said in a statement to The Hill that the office will be “appealing to the Michigan Supreme Court.”

    Kennedy has pushed to have his name removed from the ballot in battleground states such as Michigan, saying he wants to ensure he won’t be a spoiler in places where Trump and Vice President Harris are locked in a tight race.

    Kennedy is suing to get his name off the ballot in Wisconsin, after the state’s election commission opted to keep him on.

    On Friday, a North Carolina judge halted the Tar Heel State from distributing mail-in ballots that have Kennedy’s name on it.

    Harris currently leads Trump by less than 2 points in Michigan, according to a polling index from The Hill and Decision Desk HQ.

  • AMLO gave his last goverment report yesterday

    {Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has defended his legacy in the final state-of-the-nation address – an annual report on his government – a month before he is set to leave office and be replaced by his close ally Claudia Sheinbaum.

    Speaking for two hours in Mexico City’s sprawling Zocalo Square, Lopez Obrador bade farewell to enthusiastic followers on Sunday as he seeks to advance a major overhaul of the country’s courts.

    On October 1, Lopez Obrador will hand power to a fellow member of his Morena party, Sheinbaum, who was elected in June to be the country’s first woman president.

    Presidents in Mexico are limited to a single six-year term, so Lopez Obrador could not seek re-election.

    Sheinbaum will also inherit a package of constitutional reforms initiated under Lopez Obrador, including the judicial overhaul plan

    At the core of the proposal is a plan to elect federal judges – including Supreme Court appointees – by popular vote. Lopez Obrador has said the change is needed to root out corruption.

  • Russia has taken out enough offensive Ukrainian Air Defence platforms to deploy "Orion" medium altitude drones in the Kursk region. The drones have been filmed using the Kh-BPLA missile to take out armoured targets, such as Ukrainian tanks, on the ground. This the first recorded use of this weapon, and this is apparently the second. The Kh-BPLA missile is a 9M133M Kornet-M anti tank missile that has been modified to be launched by a drone or helicopter (it is usually launched from the Kornet-D platform, a ground vehicle), with a range of 8km with the tandem-HEAT warhead, and 10km with the thermobaric warhead. It uses laser designation for guidance. The drone operator only has to designate a target once, and the drone's computer will automatically track the target as the missile flies towards it. A big improvement over systems that require the target to be designated manually by the operator throughout the entire flight.

  • (I have nothing funny to say about this. I think the article and milei do a fine job by themselves)

    Milei: ‘I am today the most relevant politician on Earth’ – bar Trump

    Javier Milei has declared himself to be one of the two most important politicians in the world today, naming the other as former US president Donald Trump.

    Javier Milei has declared himself to be one of the two most important politicians in the world today, naming the other as former US president Donald Trump. Argentina’s head of state made the remarks in the television interview, during which he lashed out at his critics, describing them as “Lilliputians.”

    “It hurts them that I am today one of the two most relevant politicians on planet Earth. One is Trump and the other is me,” Milei boasted in an interview with the LN+ television news channel on Sunday night.


    Milei, 53, declared that is considered to be “maximum exponent and defender of the ideas of freedom in the world’, highlighting his meetings with top Silicon Valley minds like Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.


    Slamming his critics as “inconsequential,” he argued that they were simply jealous of his success.


    Milei mocked the “the Lilliputian agenda of inconsequential Argentine politicians, invisible rats, who will never be able to aspire” to his level of importance.


    Painting himself a modern Gulliver freeing himself from the shackles of his adversaries, he asked of the opposition: ”What vision can a rat have of a giant? Nothing.”

    wojak-nooo jagoff

    Milei has repeatedly expressed his administration for Trump, who he met for the first at conservative summit in Washington back in February.

    Visibly delighted at meeting the US Republican leader, the Argentine leader broke with diplomatic tradition to state that he hoped Trump is re-elected in November’s US election.

    "President! How nice to meet you. It's a great pleasure to meet you, President. It is a great honour for me. Thank you for your words to me. I am very happy, it is very generous. Thank you very much, thank you very much, I mean it. You are a great president and I hope you win. I hope to see you again. Next time, as president,” said Milei as he shook Trump’s hand.

    trump-who-must-go friend-visitor-3

    Trump, in turn, has praised Milei, not quite as vociferously. In August, during a public conversation with X owner Elon Musk on the social network, the US leader said that he was doing “a great job.”

    Milei is in the process of beefing up his public image. Last week, he published a teaser trailer from a new six-part documentary series that will tell the tale of his rise to the Presidency. The doc will be published on Musk’s X network and – in the words of its promoters – will draw back the curtain on “the phenomenon that’s captivating the world.”

    “I am not famous as an economist, but like a rockstar,” Milei says in one piece of footage released to promote the documentary about “the most epic campaign in history.”


  • Turkey applied for BRICS membership and immediately became based? They just beat up a US Marine lol.

  • Jenin lives and settlers are furious

  • How many Zionazis got killed recently? Could do with some uplifting news.

  • In Ireland, the Catholic Church is at it again:

    CW: Mentions of CSA

    Ireland to set up inquiry into sexual abuse at schools run by religious orders

    Inquiry to follow preliminary investigation unearthing 2,400 allegations of historic abuse

    The Irish government is to set up a statutory commission of inquiry into sexual abuse at schools run by Catholic religious orders after a preliminary investigation found almost 2,400 allegations of historic abuse.

    The investigation, led by a leading barrister, Mary O’Toole, documented 844 alleged abusers in 308 schools run by 42 religious orders across the Republic of Ireland.

    One hundred and thirty seven people who participated in her inquiry completed in-person interviews and 12 provided written submissions.

    Most of those who took part were men in their 50s and 60s.

    Full article (The Guardian, archived)

  • Memoirs Of A Man's Maiden Years by N. O. Body

    116 year old memoirs of a Jewish, intersex, trans man born in 1884 (he would be 134 years old as of this posting), and first published his memoirs in 1907.

    Going by the Pseudonym "N. O. Body", Karl M. Baer describes his childhood growing up while assigned female at birth, his struggles to fit in with the other girls at school, and navigating life while the truth of his intersex reality was kept from his mother as she insists he is a normal daughter.

    And here is the Wikipedia on the author

    NOTE about the wp: I haven't done a lot of research into this person (and haven't even read this book). but talking about lqbtqui people from this period in Germany has high likelihood of information coming to us via Nazis (past and present). They are stil carrying some torches about links between queerness and Jewishness.

  • It looks like Ukraine committed the last of its strategic reserve to Pokrovsk last week and it's already expended. Russia took fairly moderate losses given it was at least 5 extra fresh brigades

    Running the numbers, they might have 2 full brigades left in reserve, total, and it's far from clear if they're in flighting condition.

    I'm not optimistic about Pokrovsk being taken this year, but then it doesn't need to be to force the south east flank collapse Russia has wanted for 2 years now

  • Oh hey, it's just some bit of small news that are news nevertheless. Bit of a longpost too.

    So my University will be holding elections throughout this week vote

    We all know universities have always been heated political battlegrounds. In some countries, under authoritarian regimes, political activity and formation in universities is heavily restricted and is almost illegal, like in the United States amerikkka . In other countries, like in the hellhole that is Argentina (MY HELLHOLE), surprisingly it's allowed for a wide range of political parties and organisations to participate in democratic elections to elect representatives and authorities whitin their respective universities. Of course, it goes without saying that elections never take place in universities of authoritarian nature like those which are deemed "private institutions". It seems that Capital ain't interested in democracy after all.

    Anyways, my university in particular belongs to the much larger University of Buenos Aires, which has a lot of ups and downs. Our elections are celebrated among students to elect other students into three different bodies, all fully validated by the State and the University itself. So, one of the elections will send student representatives to a Junta which itself is made up with said students, professors and other academics. There's one Junta specifically for each career, in my case, and since I'm studying History, my vote goes for the representatives in the History Junta. Others will emit a vote for their representatives in the Anthropology Junta, the Philosophy Junta and so on. These Juntas deal with everything related to their careers. The other body is the Board of Directors, once again a number of students (often a minority) is sent in representation and will be able to cast a vote during the internal elections they have to choose the University's main authorities.

    None of that is interesting. The real battleground is the third body that is up for grabs: the Student's Centre. Basically, it's a student-driven government body that is tasked with defending the interests of all students. Historically it has been a very contested battleground for many parties, lots of militants everywhere (from all parties) began their careers in their Student Centres (if they even attended to a State University). It's an important body, during heated political moments it becomes the framework for mobilisation and organisation. For example, pre-COVID years saw several attempts to reduce "costs" in education, as a response, quite a lot of student centres took their universities literally by storm, declared them "Tomadas" (Taken) and ran the entire thing by themselves. Sounds familiar?

    At the same time, the Centre offers services like operating the university's buffet, support for students, study groups, etc. Not a lot, but can have an impact in the students day to day life.

    So the elections for the Centre always get spicy. This time around, the Centre is under control by the Peronist coalition, which groups several peronist, kirchnerist (soccdems) and some like-minded independent groups. Like all peronists they suck massive amounts of ass, because they negotiate with power, not fight it. First, they're ideologically aligned with the authorities. Second, they've been around since like 2022 or so and so far their management has been bad. We've lost hours from our schedule thanks to their passiveness, meaning that the university opens later (from 7am to 8am) and closes earlier (from 23pm to 22pm), everything had to be modified to fall into this new scheme and many students got fucked, because almost everyone who studies here is a student AND a worker at the same time. They also allowed for the History program to get butchered by removing certain subjects (made them optional) and replacing them with pseudoscientific shite like psychoanalysis jesus-christ. So, I will not vote for these fucking losers.

    As for the opposition, it's made up of about three Trot orgs (Because OF COURSE IT IS LIKE THAT trot-shining) and one or two extra orgs I don't know. As for the Trots, one has absolutely no chances (In typical Trot fashion it used to belong to a much larger party, but their sixty five million years old leader broke away from them and formed their own marginal group), the other has little chances (It's filled with TERFs, or at least, used to. Regardless they're all 100% insufferable) but this one has some national projection (They even participate in national elections as Nuevo MAS). Finally, there's the big Trot front that is Frente de Izquierda (good Trots) which, in itself, is made up by four Trot parties. I know quite some people who their militant life for them and they're pretty cool, I have a lot of respect for some of them.

    So yeah, I'll be voting for the good Trots. Still, I consider myself to be a Communist yeah but also Independent as I don't campaign for a party. Therefore, I am not a Trot. I also know some of their candidates in the ticket and I get along with them well.

    If you guessed that most of the political struggle comes from the Trots infighting you'd be right. There was a pretty big incident years ago where a group of Nuevo MAS militants got involved in a massive brawl with militants from the Frente de Izquierda that even got nationwide TV coverage. It's still spoken about after all these years, it constituted a monumental moment in our University's lore lmao. Still, it's pretty emabarrasing. These days this kind of shit doesn't happen, but there's always heated discussions between the two as both are apparently interested in forming a single ticket, but Trots be Trotinn', they never agree on anything and go separate ways (then they get eaten by the Peronists).

    The University is also filled with political propaganda, mostly coming from Nuevo MAS militancy. All walls, and I mean ALL WALLS have political ads. It's almost unbearable to watch. I've included an example in the spoiler below. Also, as soon as you come in from the main entrance you get jumped on by militants asking you questions and trying to convice you to vote for them lol. It's very amusing for me, others feel really threatened about all this.


    And this is nothing, it gets worse in other places. Also it's the same ad repeated over and over again.

    I wish the good Trots win (they have a good chance), I'd rather have them instead of the bootlickers in power. I want them to be completely insufferable to those in power.

  • And though defending democracy was a dominant theme of the Democratic National Convention last month, in the 2022 midterms, Democrats failed to field a single candidate for fully half of all partisan offices — well over three times the rate of Republican no-shows.


  • In other ukkk isntrael news...

    The UK has suspended some arms licenses. 30 out of 350 to be exact. They do not cover the major components for things like F-35s however - one of the bigger volume items made here.

    The rationale given is one of explicit legalese over "uncertainty" about whether they "could" be used in Gaza in capacities that violate international law, while making it very clear that they are not claiming Israel has, will, or is doing that.

    In other words, it seems that the leaks from the end of the previous government saying that legal advisers had explicitly told the government they were in violation of international law and could potentially be named in international arrest warrants were accurate. And now that the new Labour government has checked that too, they're crossing off the items that potentially already have a strong potential against them in order to try and keep themselves off an potential legal action that might bar them from international travel.

    Any idea that they seem to be softening their position on military and intelligence support of Israel seems to be countered by the fact that there's been a notable, aggressive push of anti-terror legislation use against pro-Palestine journalists and Palestine Action who (as well as securing many acquittals under traditional law) have actively been targeting some of the arms companies exporting the very items that the UK will now suspend export of.

    BBC source article here

  • Foreign Policy - Ukraine Needs a New Storyline

    But as important as the messaging, Ukraine also had a clear—if simple—theory for how it would win the war. First, it stopped the Russian offensive in Kyiv. Next it broke Russian forces around Kharkiv and retook Kherson. Finally, as Western-made arms poured into the country, a final counteroffensive in the spring of 2023 would at the very least push Russia back closer to its borders, if not finish the war entirely.

    Unfortunately for Ukraine, the latter step never materialized, not least because months of Western hesitation to deliver critical weapons such as tanks and aircraft gave Russia the time it needed to complete extensive fortifications along the front. When the 2023 counteroffensive petered out, Kyiv lost more than troops and equipment. It also lost a compelling argument for how it intends to win.

    Arguably, the accusation that the Russia-Ukraine war was stalemated was never entirely accurate [lol. lmao]. While much of the Western media attention focused on the stagnant front lines, Ukraine notched a series of less headline-grabbing but arguably equally important achievements, including pushing Russia’s once vaunted Black Sea fleet out of its Crimean ports and the western Black Sea—a significant feat for country without a navy. Moreover, the lack of Ukrainian military progress was at least partially due to monthslong holdups in U.S. and European aid deliveries, as well as strict red lines limiting the use of any Western weapon to attack airfields, bases, and other military assets on Russian territory.

    While practically every one of the dozens of Ukrainians whom I interviewed—at different levels of seniority, both inside and outside of government—recognized the need for victory and the existential stakes at hand, few were able to articulate just how Ukraine would come out victorious.

    In this respect, the Kursk counteroffensive arrived not a moment too soon.

    While the counteroffensive came as a surprise to many—including officials in the U.S. Defense Department—the push into Kursk makes perfect sense. Ukraine, after all, needed to do something big. It needed to show that while the Russian military may be vast, it is still uneven and, in places, brittle.

    Inferring from Ukraine’s actions, the country’s new, if still unstated, strategic tagline seems to have three relatively well-defined parts: survive, strike, and seize. The first—survive—focuses on withstanding Russia’s punishing assaults against Ukrainian energy infrastructure and halting Russia’s slowly advancing offensive in the Donbas. The second—strike—seems to revolve around hitting military and industrial targets deeper inside Russia, not only in order to wear down Russian military capabilities, but also to increase the economic and political costs of the war for the Putin regime.

    The third and final part—seize—is where Kursk fits in. This action emphasizes capturing Russian territory along the border, presumably both as a buffer to protect Ukrainian territory from Russian aggression and as a potential bargaining chip further down the road.

    Ultimately, all three elements are necessary but likely not sufficient [lol. lmao.] in constructing a new theory of victory for Ukraine. While the survive, strike, and seize elements of Kyiv’s nascent strategy will undoubtedly ramp up the pressure on Moscow, they probably will not, by themselves, allow Ukraine to retake its lost territory. Indeed, Russia has continued to advance in eastern Ukraine, despite the Ukrainian offensive in Kursk. Nor will future strikes and seizures dramatically ramp up domestic pressure on Putin to the point where he will end the conflict. Most Ukrainian analysts whom I interviewed admitted that most Russians—particularly those who actually have influence in Putin’s autocracy—simply don’t care enough about Kursk to force Putin to abandon his war aims.

    Thus, the question that remains is what the next and final element of Ukraine’s theory of victory might be, if it exists at all. Essentially, Ukraine has two basic choices—supplant or settle.

    But with U.S. elections on the horizon and growing challenges around the world competing for scarce attention and resources, Ukraine’s leadership owes its partners and allies—as well as its own public—its theory of how it will win.

    The authors thesis is fundamentally contradictory.

    The author argues that Ukraine’s theory of victory is to survive and seize bargaining chips, but also that these seizures of strategically unimportant areas obviously don’t affect the war in a meaningful military sense.

    And so the author concludes by admitting Ukraine has no theory of victory.

    Even in the best case scenario that Ukraine can horse trade Kursk for a bit of territory, Ukraine has fundamentally lost the war.

    The question not being addressed is post-war neutrality. It seems the deep state are now fully engaged in preserving a rump Ukraine that is NATO-aligned and hostile to Russia so we’ve entered the true negotiations here of drawing permanent spheres of influence.

    By Raphael S. Cohen, the director of the Strategy and Doctrine Program at the Rand Corporation’s Project Air Force.

  • Express Tribune - US itself pushing Asean closer to China

    A peaceful, stable and resilient region is the lifeblood of ASEAN Community Vision 2025, which is built upon three pillars: Political-Security Community; Economic Community; and Socio-Cultural Community. To implement this vision, the bloc strives to maintain peace and stability, integrate markets and build a community with enhanced capacity and capability to respond effectively to challenges and seize opportunities.

    China's Global Security Initiative (GSI) – underpinned by six commitments, including respecting territorial integrity of all countries; abiding by the principles of the UN Charter; and peacefully resolving differences through dialogue – is believed to challenge the US-led security. It fits well with ASEAN's Treaty of Amity and Cooperation that embodies universal principles of peaceful coexistence and calls for mutual respect for sovereignty, non-interference and settlement of disputes peacefully.

    There is another striking similarity between the GSI, which seeks to build partnerships based on mutual trust, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, and consolidate the political foundation for regional peace and ASEAN's vision that aspires to collaborate and cooperate with like-minded partners to promote stability in the region.

    rest of the article

    The South China Sea (SCS) is perhaps the only major source of friction between ASEAN and China, making the strategic waterways a regional flashpoint and shoving it to a great power competition between China and the US. But the Southeast Asian states do not want to drag themselves in such a situation where they have to choose between the two economic and military heavyweights.

    Then there is the Declaration of Conduct on the SCS that stipulates all parties to resolve their disputes by peaceful means. However, it doesn't mean China and ASEAN should not expedite the process of completing the Code of Conduct, which is crucial to prevent the region from sliding into instability as evidenced by the recent Beijing-Manila stand-offs in the SCS.

    This is also vital for China given ASEAN in 2021 agreed to elevate their relationship with China to comprehensive strategic partnership and looked to strengthen their ties. Year 2023 marked a milestone for the China-ASEAN relationship since nearly all leaders of the bloc had visited Beijing. During Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip to Vietnam, the leaders of the two countries announced establishing a strategic China-Vietnam community of "shared future", indicating a region-wide consensus to safeguard regional stability and boost trade.

    ASEAN's approach is further reflected in its economic relations with China. According to the ASEAN Secretariat, trade between China and ASEAN since 2010 had doubled to $507.9 billion by 2019 and quadrupled since the entry into force of the China-ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement in 2005.

    While China and ASEAN are strong supporters of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, this economic relationship has been bolstered by the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement, pushing bilateral trade per ASEAN statistics to $702 billion in 2023 and posting a robust 10.5% growth in H1-2024, according to Chinese data. China has been ASEAN's largest trading partner since 2009; and ASEAN has become China's for three consecutive years.

    Unlike the US that practises selective engagement by prioritising countries often seen as strategically important in containing China, Beijing pursues a policy of peaceful coexistence, mutually beneficial cooperation and shared growth – something that is viewed in ASEAN as an effort to build a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future and enhance "regional peace, security and prosperity" including through upholding the principles of the UN and ASEAN Charter.

    This affinity is also reflected in the people, academics and researchers of the ASEAN countries who consider China as an invaluable ally, thanks to their strong trade ties with Beijing, growing people-to-people exchanges and benefits brought about by the projects of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) such as the China-Laos Railway, Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway and Malaysia's East Coast Rail that promote regional integration and serve as a catalyst of growth for regional economies and domestic tourism and industry.

    ASEAN is seeking a greater US role in the region but not at the cost of regional stability and its relations with China. While ASEAN Outlook of the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) strives to promote inclusiveness rather than rivalry in the region, the alliance is committed to reinforce their comprehensive strategic partnership with Beijing.

    China is being helped by the US-led mini-lateral alliances such as: Squad, a refined version of Quad, leaving out India and signing on the Philippines alongside Australia, Japan and the US; the JAPHUS, a trilateral grouping of Japan, the Philippines and the US; and the AUKUS, an Australia-UK-US nuclear alliance. These all enfeeble the AOIP relevance by challenging its very principles.

    What's more, the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 envisages building a highly cohesive, integrated and resilient economy. In the coming years, these security architectures as well as the West's ambivalent attitude toward ASEAN, return of Donald Trump to the White House and labeling of China as "greatest strategic challenge" will likely widen the gap between ASEAN and the US, accelerating the trend of a robust ASEAN-China relationship.

    Final paragraph which summarises it all quite nicely:

    The bloc's view of China radically varies from the West, which interprets the BRI as an emblem of its expansion strategy. Most Southeast Asian nations don't see Beijing as expansionist or a military threat and aspire to benefit from the world's second largest economy. This fundamental asymmetry in the respective approaches will continue to dominate the regional geopolitics and, to the dislike of the US, will cement China's position as ASEAN's comprehensive strategic partner.

  • Brigadier General Yahya Sare'e Telegram

    New Yemeni operation

  • Some more news and videos from the front (and rear).

    Ukrainian anti-fascist partisans of the Opir resistance movement set fire to a large warehouse of the Danish entity “Autukrania biler til Ukraine” in Copenhagen that had been supplying military equipment to the Kiev regime and Western mercenaries for over two years:

    RT video report on the recent liberation of the southern DPR town of Konstantinovka:

    Kiev regime invaders of Kursk oblast forgot to shut the door… (18+):

  • Syrian air defenses confronted israeli airstrikes against the the Scientific Research Center Masyaf, in Hama countryside.

    israeli warplanes launched missiles off the Lebanese coast.

    The attack consisted of 3 waves of missiles and most of the enemy missiles were shot down by the Syrian air defenses.

    Shrapnel and debris resulting from the interceptions fell onto the Al-Majd suburb of Tartous city.

    Fires broke out as a result of the aggression while firefighting and rescue teams rushed to the targeted sites.

    4 civilians are reported martyred and 15 wounded in the strikes.

    Consolidated from Syrian telegrams

  • Honduras Not To Allow Pressure From Washington: Vice Chancellor Torres - Telesur


    Our nation does not have to obey the mandates of other countries, he emphasized. In an interview with teleSUR conducted on Tuesday, Gerardo Torres, the Vice Chancellor of Honduras, recounted the growing pressures that the United States has been exerting against President Xiomara Castro to prevent her administration from maintaining a sovereign and independent international policy.

    “We have seen actions of pressure from the United States that have been escalating against President Castro. The most recent is putting Honduras under attack in its position of regional leadership,” he said, referring to the criticisms that Washington made regarding the expression of respect Honduras showed for the results of the Venezuelan presidential elections in July.

    “Honduras respects the sovereignty and self-determination of peoples. That’s why our President congratulated President Nicolas Maduro’s victory once the Venezuelan authorities declared him the winner.”

    Later, the highest point of the escalation of aggressions against Honduras occurred after Defense Minister Manuel Zelaya and the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Gen. Roosvelt Hernandez, participated in a Latin American athletics event organized by the armed forces in Caracas.

    “For some years now, within the framework of aggression against Venezuela, the United States has practically prohibited the armed forces of several countries from attending Venezuela. Honduras does not have to obey the mandates of other countries,” Torres emphasized.

    Nevertheless, immediately after Zelaya and Hernandez returned to their country, the U.S. ambassador to Honduras accused those Honduran officials of being drug traffickers and of meeting with drug traffickers.

    “We remind the U.S. that those who were meeting with drug traffickers were them,” Torres said, mentioning that political figures like Donald Trump, Barack Obama, or Nancy Pelosi had held meetings with former President Jon Hernandez, knowing that he was involved in international drug trafficking.

  • Map stans, did Russia's offensive on Pokrovsk finally stall or are they just prepping for the big push?

  • In their biannual count of homeless people, Denmark's national welfare research institution VIVE has registered 5.989 unhoused people out of a total population of six million. This is an increase by 200 individuals since 2022. VIVE points to changes in legislation making municipal authorities more aware of homelessness as well as homeless shelters still seeing less usage due to COVID restrictions in 2022 as reasons for the increase.

    The largest increase has been in the age group 30-39 while the number of younger unhoused persons is unchanged. The Copenhagen area saw the largest increase.

    Only a third of the registered individuals are on a waiting list to social housing. VIVE is critical of this as the "housing first" approach is proven to be the most effective strategy of remedying homelessness.

  • Based on Iran’s focus on the F-35I, the James Martin analysts assumed the likely target point for the Iranian fire would be a cluster of aircraft hangars. The position also serves as a near-central point within the Nevatim base itself.

    That offers “a much more valuable target” than just “poking holes in the runway,” Lair said. But none of the Iranian missiles directly hit those hangars.

    Assuming Iran targeted the hangars, the James Martin analysts measured the distance between the hangars and the impact zones of the missiles. That gave an average of about 1.2 kilometers (0.75 miles) for the “circular error probable” — a measurement used by experts to determine a weapon’s accuracy based on the radius of a circle that encompasses 50% of where the missiles landed.

    what is this shit? (linky to ap) we estimated the target to be hangars and thus the missiles are shit, deeply unserious analysts (unless they are doing shenanigans, in that case carry on rat-salute )

  • Just came across these 3 things about the recent german regional elections.

    "Most BSW voters come from former Linke voters, non-voters or CDU. Minimal weakening of the AfD", also minimal weakening of the SPD, the question may still be open as to how the party will fare in other regional elections where Die Linke already barely exists.

    Plurality of young germans in Thuringia supported the AfD

    According to Adam Tooze the Thuringian branch of the AfD is its most radical branch

  • I claim this post in the name of the New General Megathread anteater

    First too

  • Responsible Statecraft - When Will The War In Ukraine End?

    There has long been a growing recognition in private among Western experts and officials that it is in reality impossible for Ukraine to recover its lost territories through victory on the battlefield. However this has not so far led — even strictly in private — to suggestions that Ukraine and the West might propose terms that the Russian people (let alone the government) could accept as a basis for negotiations.

    In the meantime, the evidence suggests that it is Russia, not Ukraine, that is strengthening its military position for eventual negotiations; and it is not at all clear that Ukrainian strikes deep into Russia would significantly change this trend.

    There is no reason therefore to think that time is on Ukraine’s side in this conflict, and that it makes sense to delay the start of negotiations. That however does not mean that all the cards are in Russia’s hands, and all the Kremlin has to do is wait for Ukrainian collapse. The economy has performed far better than the West hoped, but the Russian Central Bank itself is warning of serious problems next year. As for the situation on the battlefield, while Ukrainian soldiers are exhausted, that also appears true of many Russian troops.

    … As Russian establishment interlocutors acknowledged to me, Russia probably does not have the troops to capture major Ukrainian cities, unless President Putin launches an intensified wave of conscription — something he is clearly unwilling to do.

    This means that if given a clear choice between what they could regard as a reasonable peace and a continuation of war to complete victory, it seems probable that a majority of Russians would opt for peace; and that it would therefore be very difficult for Putin to continue the war, if to do so meant the conscription of many more Russian sons and husbands. Such a compromise peace would be very far from what the Ukrainian and Western governments hope. It would also be very far from what Putin hoped for when he launched this war in February 2022.

  • Kittenposting in a new mega

    Over the last 12 hours, the Democratic Kittens Republic of My House has successfully repelled invasions by a raccoon in the backyard and the neighbor's dog

    Chairman Goggles touts the efficiency of the "jet" setting on the garden hose to deter raccoon lumpenprole subversion

    chairman-meow spray-bottle comrade-raccoon

  • Algerian elctions:
    temporary results were announced:
    2.16% for Youcef Aouchiche (FFS)
    94.65% for Tebboune (Independent)
    3.17% for Hassani Cherif (Hamas)
    Now I wasn't surprised for the current president who's supported by the biggest political party in the country with 1 million members and 4 other parties to win, but 94% 💀💀💀??? anyhow the results aren't perminent and can be changed later.



    🔴 The campaign directorates of the three candidates for the September 7 presidential elections issue a joint statement.
    📍 The directorates inform the national public opinion of the ambiguity, contradiction and ambiguity of the numbers recorded with the announcement of the provisional results of the presidential elections by the President of the National Independent Election Authority, especially:
    📍 The contradiction of the numbers announced by the President of the Authority with the content of the minutes of sorting and concentrating the votes submitted by the municipal and state electoral committees.
    📍 The ambiguity of the statement announcing the provisional results of the presidential elections, in which most of the basic data covered by the statement announcing the results were absent, as is customary in all important national elections.
    📍 The defect recorded in the announcement of the percentages of each candidate.

  • It seems like the repression and unhinged reaction to Serbian protests against foreign lithium mining for Europe's 'green revolution' is continuing to escalate.

    Here's a thread unroll of some of the details from the last week or so but it includes...

    • Serious death threats and intimidation campaigns against activists by state intelligence and likely Rio Tinto too
    • Arrests and border detentions based on what appear to be terror and treason charges
    • Police violence against protestors
    • A media blackout despite protests happening outside the buildings of media organisations
    • State friendly newspapers printing threats of 'nasty surprises' at protests
    • A fake public pressure group that's pro-Euro private capital asset stripping Serbia for the lithium has appeared over night. They do get on media though.
    • The fake pressure group, likely created by the government, has created a website where anyone can report anyone else for investigation as an "eco terrorist" as well as post their information publicly including everything from their addresses to their supposed sexuality.
    • European leaders, intelligence, and thr CIA flocking to the country
    • The president has shared concerns about a potential colour revolution
  • Question for smarter people in the news-mega: If israel succeeded in triggering a regional war and drew the US into some direct conflict, would that be a good or bad time for China and DPRK to make some extremely strong (aggressive, maybe even invasive) moves regarding Taiwan and South Korea? US empire spreading thin, y'know ...

  • The Venezuelan Public Prosecutor's Office, led by Nicolás Maduro's regime, has asked the country's courts to arrest the opposition candidate of the Unity platform, Edmundo Gonzalez, for crimes of usurpation and falsification of documents.

  • WE DID A SYNTHESIS niko-wonderous

  • Does anyone have anything good to read about the bullshit "Venezuela emptying its prisons" story? It's ridiculous enough to dismiss out of hand but I'd like to have something more to back it up.

  • Israel Hayom - Israel to classify West Bank as 'combat zone'

    Recent events have triggered a major policy shift in Israel's approach to the West Bank, Israel Hayom has learned. Previously designated as a "secondary arena" requiring stable maintenance since the war's onset, recent attacks have convinced top officials that this stance is no longer tenable. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) now operate under a new paradigm, viewing the West Bank as the second most critical front, immediately after Gaza.

    While this directive is still in its initial stages, with substantial changes on the ground expected to take time, a series of operations across the West Bank are imminent. "The Jenin operation is just the beginning," security officials emphasize.

    Palestinian security mechanisms, driven by self-interest rather than goodwill towards Israel, have been cooperating substantially with Israeli forces, including during Sunday's attack. A heavy-handed operation risks triggering a broader escalation, which Israel seeks to avoid. However, there's a growing consensus that aggressive action against the severe terrorism emanating from the city is necessary. As a result, we may see large-scale, intelligence-driven operations, coupled with encirclements around the city, a strategy already in play.

    The prevailing assumption is that a major attack could be imminent. While last week's incident occurred in Gush Etzion, security officials warn that future attacks could target Jerusalem, Beersheba, or Tel Aviv.

    First they came for Gaza, then for the West Bank, later they’ll go for Hezbollah, pam pam pam one by one they’ll mow the grass.

    The axis of resistance should have functioned in a NATO-like fashion. All-in, one for all and all for one. Instead they’re allowing Israel to cycle over them one by one yet again.

  • Report: US Close To Agreeing on Long-Range Cruise Missiles for Ukraine

    The US is close to reaching an agreement on giving Ukraine cruise missiles that could hit targets deep inside Russia, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing US officials.

    The officials said the US is expected to include Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM) in a weapons package that will be announced for Ukraine this fall. But first, there are technical issues to work through to ensure they can be fired by Ukraine’s Soviet-made fighter jets.

    An older version of the JASSM can hit targets over 230 miles, and there are newer versions that can fly over 500 miles. Reuters said it was unable to establish which kind the US is considering sending to Ukraine. Providing the older, shorter-range version would put less strain on US military stockpiles.

    The US officials said that providing the JASSMs could alter the conflict by putting more Russian territory in range of powerful precision-guided missiles, which they said was a big concern of the Biden administration.

    The comments suggest the administration is preparing to give Ukraine the greenlight to launch long-range strikes inside Russian territory using US-provided missiles, which would mark another significant escalation of the proxy war and risk a major response from Moscow. Russia has said it’s altering its nuclear doctrine in response to Western escalations in Ukraine.

    The US is allowing Ukraine to use US armored vehicles, missiles, and bombs in its Kursk offensive but still insists it won’t support long-range strikes, at least for the time being. A congressional staffer told Reuters that giving Ukraine JASSMs would increase the pressure on the US to lift all restrictions on Ukraine’s use of its weapons.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was asked on Wednesday about the possibility of the US providing Ukraine with the JASSMs and said the US shouldn’t joke about Russia’s red lines.

    “I won’t be surprised by anything – the Americans have already crossed the threshold they set for themselves. They are being egged on, and Zelenskiy of course sees this and takes advantage of it,” he said. “But they should understand – they are joking about our red lines here. They shouldn’t joke about our red lines.”

  • weekly icc update:

    still on the 🙈 grindset

  • I love gooooooold....edging panting

    glasses-on Persistent Market Crashes. janet-wink

  • Today's failed Bolsonaro protes:

    Bolsonaro Protest (This is mostly Bolsonaro crying because he doesn't want to go to jail while he pretends he cares about the 2023 failed coup)

    Bolsonaro gathers 45,000 in Paulista (Main Road of Sao Paulo, Brazil's biggest city), a quarter of what he gathered in February.

    The Bolsonaro rally on Paulista Avenue on September 7 brought together 45,400 people at 4:05 p.m., its peak time, according to a count by the University of São Paulo's Monitor of Political Debate in the Digital Environment.

    For comparison's sake, a similar act on February 25, also organized by Protestant pastor Silas Malafaia, brought together 185,000 people, according to a survey by the same group. The head count was based on high-resolution aerial photos that covered the length of the avenue, taken at 2.25pm, 3.25pm and 4.05pm, and processed with the help of special software for this purpose. In the audience count, the margin of error is around 12% more or less.

    As a result, this Saturday's demonstration, whose agendas were to defend the impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes, who is responsible for the investigations into the coup attempt, and amnesty for those arrested for the coup acts of January 8, 2023, in Brasilia, was more than four times smaller than the previous one, which supported Bolsonaro and criticized Moraes.

    Even though it was organized after the minister suspended X/Twitter in Brazil and the series of reports in Folha de S.Paulo that showed how he produced evidence in the Superior Electoral Court and sent it to himself in the STF.

    Btw, Bolsonaro also said that he should get his passport and political rights back, because he didn't totally abuse his powers. And he didn't break the law by having a meltdown in front of all the diplomats in 2022. And that, unlike Lula da Silva, he only meets with powerful and honest people, unlike Lula, who meets with drug dealers and lowlifes (during the 2022 election, Lula visited Rio's favelas, where he took photos with people and talked to local musicians, artists and community leaders, whom Bolsonaro calls drug dealers).

    Civic-Military Annual Independence Day March

    Meanwhile, Lula da Silva organized the annual civic-military march with the army, police, students, social groups and a special appearance by the Olympic team. There was also a tribute to those who lost their lives during the 2023 floods in southern Brazil and a tribute to the G20 countries with the presentation of their flags. Towards the end, Brazil's Public Health and Vaccination mascot, Zé Gotinha, appeared to promote vaccination for children.

    'Our sovereignty is not for sale', says Lula in September 7th speech and indirectly to Musk. Without mentioning the X billionaire by name, the president said that, regardless of the size of their fortune, everyone has to respect Brazilian laws.

    “No country is truly independent when it tolerates threats to its sovereignty. We will always be intolerant of anyone, no matter how big their fortune, who defies Brazilian law. Our sovereignty is not for sale,” Lula said on national radio and TV. Lula also emphasized the importance of democracy in guaranteeing a country's sovereignty and peaceful coexistence between opposing forces.

    “Tomorrow is the day to celebrate Brazil's independence. And it's also a good time to celebrate democracy. No country is truly independent without the full exercise of democracy,” said the president. Lula stressed that democracy goes beyond the simple act of voting. It is, according to the president, the continuous struggle for fundamental rights, such as food, decent housing, quality jobs and security for families.

  • The Associated Press got a cherry picked sample from the opposition to cry about maduro-coffee being a meanie for issueing an arrest warrent for the gusano opposition.

    REGINA GARCIA CANO and JORGE RUEDA, Associated Press


    Venezuelan judge issues arrest warrant for opposition’s former presidential candidate

    A Venezuelan judge on Monday issued an arrest warrant for the opposition’s former presidential candidate Edmundo González as part of a criminal investigation into the results of the highly anticipated July election that both the ruling party and its opponents claim to have won.

    The warrant was issued at the request of authorities who accuse González, a former diplomat, of various crimes including conspiracy, falsifying documents and usurpation of powers. The move is the latest escalation of repression against the opposition in the month after election officials declared President Nicolás Maduro had won a third term in office.

    Authorities sought the warrant after González failed to appear three times to answer questions from prosecutors. González, 75, has not made any public appearances since the day after the election. His campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Associated Press.

    Prosecutors have zeroed in on thousands of tally sheets known as actas — printouts measuring several feet that resemble shopping receipts — that have long been considered the ultimate proof of election results in Venezuela. Each of the 30,000 electronic voting machines used in the July 28 election printed several copies of the sheets, whose information was also transmitted to the National Electoral Council.

    Ruling party-loyal electoral authorities declared Maduro the victor hours after polls closed, but they did not publish results broken down by voting machine as they had done in previous presidential elections. The National Electoral Council claimed it could not release the detailed information because its website was hacked.

    Maduro’s ruling party has also refused to publish its copies of tally sheets.

    The opposition, however, obtained tally sheets from more than 80% of machines, and said they show Maduro lost by a wide margin against González, and then published them online.

    As international pressure mounts to release a breakdown of results, Maduro asked the country’s high court to audit the electoral process. The Supreme Tribunal of Justice, stacked with Maduro loyalists, concluded on Aug. 22 that the vote counts published by the opposition were false and certified Maduro’s victory.

    González was summoned to the prosecutor’s office as recently as Friday.

    He has questioned the prosecutors’ actions for lack of due process guarantees and accused Attorney General Tarek William Saab, a longtime Maduro ally, of being a “political accuser” who “condemns in advance.” González rejected the interview summons arguing, among other issues, that they did not specify the condition under which he was expected to appear.

    “Maduro has lost all touch with reality,” opposition leader María Corina Machado wrote on X after the warrant was issued. “The arrest warrant issued by the regime to threaten President-Elect Edmundo González crosses a new line that only strengthens the resolve of our movement. Venezuelans and democracies around the world are more united than ever in our quest for freedom.”

    An AP review of the tally sheets released by the opposition indicates that González won significantly more votes than the government has claimed. The analysis casts serious doubt on the official declaration that Maduro won.

    The AP processed almost 24,000 images representing the results from 79% of voting machines, resulting in tabulations of 10.26 million votes. The processed tally sheets also showed González receiving more votes on 20,476 receipts compared to only 3,157 for Maduro.

  • Its been a while since i saw anyone rabidly stanning Galloway in the UK, but i just saw A tweeter highlighting that someanti NATO thing in glasgow that the for realsies not a national socialist workers party party will be speaking at on sep 14th, will also feature some other nazis, shocking

  • train-shining In KHL news Lokomotiv Yaroslavl beat Lada Togliatti 3-0! With two wins under their belt Lokomotiv is having a great start to their season! Lokomotiv for the Gagarin Cup! train-shining

    Edit: Lokomotiv next plays SKA Saint Petersburg on Monday, September 9th at 19:30 (7:30pm) Moscow Standard Time

  • I'm deciding hockey news is news until I'm told otherwise, my team Lokomotiv Yaroslavl beat Metallurg Magnitogorsk 3-2 in the KHL season opener! I'm hoping this bodes well for Lokomotiv since they last faced Metallurg in the Gagarin Cup finals where Locomotiv were swept 4-0

    train-shining Lokomotiv will win the cup this year! train-shining

  • So I guess it’s safe to say Iran just isn’t going to respond to the assassinations after all. The response being letting Israel slowly crack on its own. Doesn’t seem like the US will let it come apart though. I feel like hearing Kamala say there will be no change in policy should be good enough for them to see that writing on their own wall. Can’t lose sight that Palestinians are dying and being tortured every single day. When will it be too late to meaningfully respond regardless

  • PCRF has evacuated 3 children for ICU to Johannesburg, with 8 of their surviving relatives

    South Africa has also demanded a probe/investigation of the extradidicial assassination of Ismail Haniyeh - TRT Afrika, Al Mayadeen, DIRCO, Anadolu Ajansi. Odd that I only now hear about South Africa's demands a month after the fact

  • Chile Hosts Military Exercises of the U.S. Southern Command - Telesur


    They are authorized by the government of Gabriel Boric and has the organization of the minister of defense, Maya Fernández Allende.

    The UNITAS 2024 multinational naval exercise, organized by the United States Southern Command and the Chilean Navy, began on Monday in the city of Valparaíso, in the Andean country.

    The operations of the year are carried out between 2 and 12 September, with the participation of 24 countries, 17 ships, 2 submarines and 23 aircraft on the coasts of the regions of Coquimbo, Valparaiso and Magallanes.

    Chilean Vice-Admiral Claudio Maldonado, expressed that “we are very happy to be able to participate in this exercise» because «it also allows us to show the capabilities and preparation for planning and conducting operations that the Chilean Navy has”.

    He went further and celebrated that “We also have the great opportunity to share with NATO countries and with countries that possess the latest technologies, so as to be able to share all the procedures and ways of operating that allow us to grow as a Navy and as a country”.

    His counterpart, the Second Commander of the US Fourth Fleet, Rear Admiral Richard S. Lofgren, expressed great confidence that this encounter would be a great success, commenting that it is about “a beautiful experience, it is a real honor to be able to participate in this exercise that has been taking place for 65 years and to work together with allies and friends to continue strengthening our vision of international cooperation”.

    This is the second time in less than a month that the government of Gabriel Boric, whose Defense Minister is Amaya Fernández Allende, has participated in military games with the U.S. in the Pacific Ocean. In the past, he took part in the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC 2024) war games, also coordinated by Washington.

    U.S. military activity in the Pacific region is continuing in its particular push against China.

    Although Boric has publicly distanced himself from the Zionist regime in the wake of the brutal aggression that this country is committing in the Gaza Strip, Chile was twinned with Israel in these exercises which were invited by the US.

  • "A Sexist Clown Car", Toxic Work Environment in Danish Centrist Party

    A toxic atmosphere of creepy comments, a "tyrannical culture" and harassment of women is pervasive in Denmark's liberal centrist Moderate party. So reveals a complaint made by current and former employees to the Danish Working Environment Authority.

    Read more (CW: sexism, sexual harassment, CSA)

    The party makes up a third of the nation's ruling Social Democrat-controlled right-wing government and controls several key ministries. It was astroturfed from nothing in 2021 as a vehicle for the continued political career of former prime minister and current foreign minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

    The employees filed a complaint after repeated appels to party leadership to address the issues was unsuccessful.

    Misogynistic Bullying

    Many of the complaints stem from issues related to a particular senior employee especially towards younger women in the party. The complaints mention several high-ranking employees including Caroline Stage, a former tobacco lobbyist who was employed as party secretary from the founding of the party and until July this year ago when Lars Løkke Rasmussen hired her as his spin doctor. Last week Rasmussen appointed her as minister of digitalisation despite her not being an elected MP.

    The complaint describes senior employees talking behind the back of employees, disparaging comments on female employees' appearances and qualifications as well as harassment of a pregnant employee.

    The complaint describes how one male employee had sexual relations to several party employees prior to being promoted to a senior role. This has later caused issues as the employee commented on female employees' appearances after being promoted.

    Examples of his comments includes "you can't take her serious in that skirt" and "imagine going to work looking like that". When employees told him to stop he would give replies like "you're just jealous we're not talking like this about you" and "I just need to fuck you and [other party employee]"

    Employees afraid of tyrannical leadership

    The complaint describes how employees are afraid to stand up as "party leadership is so tyrannical" and describes how employees feel easily replaceable by the "powerful people" in the workplace.

    Party leadership has been aware of the harassment but has not acted as documented by an audio file in the possession of the tabloid BT who broke the story.

    Following a crisis meeting today, party leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen have a press conference in which he deflected on questions about how long he has known about the harassment. He did however reveal that the party will now hire an occupational psychologist to deal with the toxic workplace.

    In official messaging the Moderate party's current party secretary denies knowledge of the harassment and refers to their "code of conduct".

    Moderate MP Jeppe Søe is more brash in his public statements where he has stated that the future existence of the party is at stake if they continue their "history of being a sexist clown car".

    Cocaine, Fraud and Ebebophilia

    The Moderate party enjoys posing as "the adults in he room", the responsible centrist liberals who are above the populism of the extreme wings of the right and the left but this is far from the first time bizarre scandals has struck the party, leading to them being described as a "clown car" by observers.

    In 2018 then Liberal Party MP and current minister of culture and Moderate Party second in command Jacob Engell-Schmidt was caught speeding through Copenhagen while high on cocaine. After falling to cover up the story he went on paid sick leave from parliament.

    Most of the Moderate candidates for the 2022 general election lacked political experience and seems to have been picked by party leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen to avoid having an internal opposition. Several scandals have emerged.

    Shortly after claiming his seat in 2022 newly elected moderate MP Kristian Klarskov had to resign after it was discovered that his public image as a successful entrepreneur was a complete fabrication. Instead he had several bankruptcies behind him and was living off his wealthy spouse's money.

    MP Jon Stephensen was forced out of the party after a string of allegations. As managing director of a theater he had pressured performers to go on stage despite being sick. He was also revealed to have forged the signature on a rental contract. It was then discovered that he had been sending creepy text messages to a 19-year old female party member. He was then expelled from the party and went on paid sick leave where "therapists, psychologists and priests" helped him find out why he had sent the messages. Four months later he returned to parliament as a non-inscrit.

    The most grave example of misconduct was MP Mike Fonseca who was expelling from the party after telling the parliamentary group the he was in a public "relationship" to a 15 year old girl who he called his "girlfriend". Although the relationship was technically legal, serious concerns was raised over what had transpired over the years as Fonseca had been a friend of the girl's parent for several years. When the girl was one year old the then 19 year old Fonseca worked in the same nursery she went to.

    Fonseca was reported to the police for grooming a minor but the police closed the investigation due to a lack of evidence.

    Party leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen himself is no stranger to scandal. Ever since he scammed a pop artist out of her payment for a concert as a teenager, an air of dishonesty and grift has followed the powerful politician. He has been caught trying to get public coffers to pay for his beer and cigarettes, getting the Liberal Party to pay for his underwear and has accepted gifts from businessmen who would later benefit from his policies. The latest public example is the story of how he intervened and made sure an offshore wind power project got approved despite this having nothing to with his responsibilities as foreign minister. The consortium behind the project happened to be a major client of the law firm where Rasmussen worked as a "consultant" prior to becoming foreign minister.

  • Yesterday, Saturday, September 7, opposition citizen Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, who has been a voluntary refugee in the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Caracas for several days, has left the country and requested political asylum from that government. In this regard, once the pertinent contacts between both governments had taken place, the facts of the case had been met and in compliance with international legality, Venezuela has granted the due safe-conducts for the sake of the tranquility and political peace of the country. This conduct reaffirms the respect for the law that has prevailed in the actions of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the international community.

  • ARGENTINA: Deputies walk out on Chief of Staff amid police protest crackdown

    Guillermo Francos was addressing the chamber when around 100 walked out in solidarity with protesting retirees facing security forces outside

    Peronist and left-wing lawmakers interrupted an address by Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos in the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday, leaving their seats in objection to the police crackdown on retirees outside the house. The abrupt exodus of around 100 deputies meant that the session fell through.

    Police were using tear gas, pepper spray, and batons to thwart a demonstration spearheaded by retirees protesting against Javier Milei’s presidential veto on a pension increase that was approved by both chambers. The vetoed formula, which was going to set a minimum stipend of 109% of the basic food basket, would have increased retirees’ monthly payments by AR$15,000 (US$15.1 at the official rate, US$11.7 at the MEP rate) to AR$321,600 (US$324.4 at the official rate, US$251.3 at the MEP rate). Francos, who was doing a legally mandated administration report (he was set to answer 2,135 questions from the lawmakers), defended Milei’s veto on the increase.

    “The sanction of the bill that establishes modifications to the pension mobility system is not a mature and responsible act,” Francos said during his presentation. “It establishes exorbitant expenses without the corresponding budgetary item. It is an expense that, due to its cumulative effect, would increase year after year, condemning the country to more emissions, debt, inflation, and poverty.”

    (Kill this man)

    According to a report by the Congress’ Budget Office, the update would have implied spending 0.45% of the country’s GDP over the year. In an interview, Milei said the extra spending would be 62% of GDP, but making calculations “in perpetuity.”

    (Kill this man)

    Francos highlighted the president’s mega-decree and the approval of his flagship reform project known as the Ley Bases and the fiscal package in June. “The Ley Bases, together with the mega-decree and the fiscal package, gives freedom back to the Argentine people, promotes private activity, attracts investments, and generates jobs,” said Francos. “Where there was uncertainty, now there is legal certainty, predictability, and stability for those who produce. Where there used to be governmental maneuvering, now there’s certainty that the rules of the game will not be changed for investors.”

    (I am once again saying Kill this man)

    One of the questions that Francos answered was the total expenses of Milei’s numerous trips abroad in his first nine months as President. In the written report he sent to the deputies ahead of the presentation, the Chief of Staff said those trips cost AR$2.3 billion (US$2.3 million at the official rate, US$1.8 million at the MEP rate).

    Media showed that, outside Congress, national security forces such as the Naval Police and Federal Police, as well as the City Police, were participating in the crackdown. Images of people sitting on fences on the sidewalk, their eyes closed and their faces burning from the pepper spray, circulated on social media. One of them was interviewed by the C5N TV channel. When asked if he had been hit, he answered negatively. “No, because they are cowards — they are hitting the oldest people.”

    Speaking with media outlets outside Congress, the chief of the emergency operation said that they treated 27 people and two were transferred to the José María Ramos Mejía General Hospital. He added that eight journalists were affected by the pepper spray.

    “It is impossible to continue in session with the Chief of Staff while retirees are being repressed in front of Congress. It is incomprehensible that such a peaceful demonstration ends with this repression. [Security Minister] Patricia Bullrich wrecked the session in the Chamber of Deputies with Guillermo Francos”, Germán Martínez, head of the Peronist bloc, said on X.

    The designated speakers of the bloc refrained from asking their questions and the session ended prematurely. Minutes before, left-wing deputies from Frente de Izquierda had already left the chamber to join the march outside.

    Trot lawmakers were seen outside placing themselves in front of police while covering old people with their own bodies. It hardly gets any cooler than that. When they're not infighting over the stupidiest shit imaginable they can be very cool and based. Huh, maybe that's valid for the entire left tbh.

    Last Wednesday, retirees had held another march faced similar violent reprisals from security forces. When asked about it on Thursday during his usual press conference, Presidential Spokesman Manuel Adorni minimized what had happened. “We must not be afraid of repression,” he said. “You have to be afraid of those who break the law. We comply with the law and with everything that has to be done within the protocol to maintain order.”

    And yes, you saw that right. The police and the militarized police took turns to beat elderly people with batons and tear gas. Each one of these pigs is a rabid dog that deserves to be beaten to death with a stick.

  • West Belfast, Ireland

  • Alright news mega I need a crash course on Democratic Republic of congo because there's a push in some UK circles going on regarding this:

    I have absolutely no idea what to make of it, I know nothing about the place. I read something about a failed coup attempt recently but don't know enough really.

    My main concern is whether it's a place to support, what's going on there, and whether these efforts are legitimate concerns or whether there's a psyop brewing.

  • Algerian national television: Spy ring caught and dismantled in Tlemcen (the article is in Arabic)


    On Sunday, the investigating judge at the Tlemcen Court issued an order to place seven people, including four Moroccans, in temporary detention following the recent dismantling of a spy and intelligence network for the purpose of undermining state security, according to what the Public Prosecutor at the Tlemcen Court, Mustapha Loubar, said.

    Mr. Loubar stated during a press conference at the headquarters of the Tlemcen Court that on August 24 last, in the context of combating illegal immigration, and after information was received by the relevant security services about the movements of a suspicious person of Moroccan nationality in the center of the city of Tlemcen, a notification was made.The Republic Prosecution ordered the opening of a preliminary investigation.

    On the same day, the so-called “Z.M.,” of Moroccan nationality, was arrested. It was found that he had entered the national territory illegally, and after exploiting the concerned cell phone with permission from the prosecution, and after interrogating him, it was revealed that he was working within an espionage and intelligence network working for a foreign party in the company of Moroccan nationals. And Algerians, according to the same official.

    He pointed out that on August 28, six people were arrested, three of whom were of Moroccan nationality (“T.A.,” “M.Kh,” and “M.H.”) and three Algerians (“R.M.A.” and “T.Z.” “S.A” and “B.R”).

    The investigations found that all members of this network were receiving instructions from the so-called “B.S.,” who is of Moroccan nationality. The results of the preliminary investigation also revealed that “this network recruited Moroccan and Algerian nationals in order to harm Algerian security and administrative institutions,” according to the same source.

    Today, Sunday, the arrested persons were brought before the Republic Prosecution, and when the suspects were interrogated, a judicial investigation was opened against them and against everyone revealed by the investigation on felony charges of communicating with a foreign country or one of its agents against the accused, R.M.A. And T.Z.S.A and B. R and the felony of espionage against the defendants Z.M., T.A., and M. H.

    In addition to the misdemeanor of illegally entering Algerian territory against the defendants Z. M and M.Kh, which are the acts stipulated and punished by Articles 62 and 64 of the Penal Code and Articles 4, 44 and 46 of Law 08-11 relating to the conditions for the entry of foreigners into the country.

    The prosecution asked the investigating judge to issue a detention order against all the defendants and everyone revealed by the investigation, and after questioning the defendants by the investigating judge, he issued an order to place them in temporary detention, and the case is currently under judicial investigation, as was indicated.

  • I don't love trans people


    I absolutely adore them cat-trans

  • Sexist Clown Car Races On: More Trouble For Denmark's Moderates

    "No responsibility should be placed. We must move forward" — this is what Henrik Frandsen, leader of the parliamentary group of Denmark's "Moderate" party blurted out when asked about the work of the occupational psychologist that the party has hired to deal with the toxic work environment it's employees are subjected to.

    Read more

    The statement is emblematic of the attitude of party leadership who hopes that the hiring of a psychologist will make the stories about systematic bullying, sexual harassment and misogyny in their organisation go away. No other steps than this was announced on yesterday's press briefing where party leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen failed to give clear answers to questions about how long he has known about the toxic environment.

    According to a complaint made by current and former employees it "was not uncommon for employees to have breakdowns in the hallways or go home crying" as senior employees terrorised their subordinates and targeted especially women with sexist remarks.

    Party leadership has let out a litany of apologies and therapy-speak platitudes but has refused to impose any consequences on the senior employees who spearheaded the bullying in the liberal centrist party.

    Not all Moderates takes the rotten culture this lightly. Refuting claims from party leadership that an "unanimous" parliamentary group is behind the plan of hiring a psychologist and doing nothing else, Moderate MP Jeppe Søe, one of the two MPs absent from yesterday's crisis meeting where the decision to do nothing was made, has called for an independent investigation into the abusive behavior. Søe, who claims to have seen evidence that "could destroy the party," has warned that the party’s future is in jeopardy if it continues to be seen as a "sexist clown car."

    In response to Søe's demands party leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen, himself known for his explosive temper behind closed doors and clearly angry and the MP's perceived lack of loyalty, has made thinly veiled threats of kicking Søe out of the party if he doesn't toe the line.

  • Venezuelan Authorities Arrest 11 People Linked to Electrical Sabotage - Telesur


    On August 30, fascist groups attacked the Guri system, the main power generation in this South American country. On Wednesday, Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello confirmed the arrest of 11 people related to the blackout on August 30 and reiterated that the fascist opposition was responsible for the sabotage.

    “There are already people detained. We are transferring them to Caracas,” he said during his TV program “Hitting with the Hammer” (Con el Mazo Dando), without providing further details. He also stated that far-right organizations know that an attack on the electrical system is a “broad blow” because the blackout affects the water supply and the functioning of hospitals.

    Regarding these consequences, the Interior Minister recalled that a woman was undergoing a bone marrow transplant during the blackout at a hospital in Caracas. Fortunately, however, the operation was successful and without any issues.

    On Friday, August 30, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro claimed that fascist groups attacked the Guri system, the main power generation facility located in Bolivar state.

    The resulting blackout was the second-longest in Venezuela, following the blackout in March 2019, when the governments of the United States and Colombia, led at the time by Donald Trump and Ivan Duque, activated a new wave of destabilization against Venezuela.

    On Wednesday, Minister Cabello also confirmed the arrest of a U.S. Marine, who was allegedly part of a new destabilization plan aimed at attacking President Maduro.

    Previously, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department said that “a U.S. Marine was detained on or around August 30, 2024, by Venezuelan law enforcement authorities while on a personal trip to Venezuela.”

  • Channel News Asia - Malaysia invites Putin to ASEAN summit

    They added that Prime Minister Anwar’s decision to forge ties between ASEAN and Moscow could stir uneasiness among some members of the regional bloc and its dialogue partners, including the United States as well as other western countries.

    Mr Anwar follows in the footsteps of India’s prime minister Narendra Modi, Chinese president Xi Jinping, North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un, Indonesian president Joko Widodo and Myanmar junta chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in meeting with Mr Putin since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago.

    However, he also noted that some ASEAN countries such as Singapore and the Philippines may be uneasy with Russia’s greater efforts to engage Southeast Asia.

    The latter has been traditionally close to the US while Singapore has openly criticised Russia for the Ukraine War, and also imposed sanctions on Moscow.

    The measures include imposing export controls on items that can be used directly as weapons in Ukraine, and blocking certain Russian banks and financial transactions connected to Russia.

    SEA splitting into two blocs, one being “multi-aligned” and the other being simply US-aligned.

  • a provocative headline and a bit of a negative tone, but an interesting article from strategic culture. just for clarity’s sake, the referenced lavrov announcement was in june.

    i think the critique of the ‘fence-sitting’ or ‘playing both sides’ from a (i believe) leftist perspective is worth keeping in mind, especially because the material interest of every country trying to join brics is doing so to play as many sides as they can. diplomats and states are not set out towards de-dollarization or ending hegemony as such, but rather towards what they see as prosperity, peace, etc. i don’t personally see brazil’s venezuelan election comments or india’s military industry as a dagger at the heart of brics+. that said, if brics really is going to be a meaningful international and economic forum for the global south, as many of us hope, they will inevitably have to manage and incorporate countries that want economic relations with the USA, Russia, and China.

  • Paralympics: Fadi Al-Deeb is the Voice of Palestine in Paris 2024 - Telesur


    The Israeli occupation forces have killed over 340 Paletinian athletes, referees, and sports personnel in Gaza. Fadi Al-Deeb, 39, is the only member of the Olympic delegation from Gaza and the sole Palestinian athlete at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. Born in Shuja’iyya, east of Gaza, Al-Deeb had only 25 days to prepare for the Paralympic event, where he finished tenth in the F55 shot put final.

    However, beyond the result, Al-Deeb says he feels a greater responsibility: to represent his people, wave his flag, and show the world that “Palestine is still standing.”

    A Message for the World

    “I’m not here just to compete or talk about myself and my sport. I have a message from 11 million Palestinians, inside and outside the country,” Al-Deeb said after his competition on Monday.

    “I’m here to give a voice to over 40,000 people in Gaza who have been killed, and more than 100,000 who have been injured. I’m here to give a voice to those who have been disabled by the war,” he added.

    Al-Deeb has lost more than 15 members of his family, including his brother, due to the ongoing bombings against the Gaza Strip over the past 11 months. While his community faces escalating conflict, Al-Deeb competed with the hope of representing the aspirations and dreams of his people.

    A Story of Tenacity

    In 2001, during the Palestinian uprising known as the Second Intifada, Al-Deeb was shot in the back by an Israeli sniper. From that moment, he was unable to walk due to fractures in his vertebrae. But the athlete has transformed his pain into determination, finding a renewed sense of purpose and motivation in sports. His disability and the conditions in Gaza have forced Al-Deeb to stay away from his family for 10 years.

    Since beginning his career on the national team in 2008, he has competed in table tennis, basketball, and athletics, excelling in shot put, javelin, and discus throw. Throughout his athletic career, he has won medals in all three throwing disciplines at the International Athletics Meetings for the Disabled, held in Tunisia.

    The Impact of the Zionist Offensive on Palestinian Sports

    Since October 2023, the offensive of the Israeli occupation forces against Gaza has claimed the lives of more than 340 athletes, referees, and sports personnel, according to the Palestinian Olympic Committee. Among the victims is Majed Abu Maraheel, the first Palestinian Olympic representative, who died due to a lack of medical care in the Nuseirat refugee camp. Figures like Mohammed Barakat, a three-time international soccer player, coach Hani Al-Masdar, and volleyball player Ibrahim Qusaya have also been killed by the Zionist occupation forces.

    Additionally, Israeli bombs have taken the lives of dozens of young athletes, like Yasmin Sharaf, a karate practitioner who was only six years old. This devastating impact has destroyed 58 sports facilities, symbolizing not only the loss of lives but also the destruction of the sporting aspirations of a people still fighting for their identity and rights.

  • BRICS Countries Could Act as Mediators for Peace With Ukraine: Putin - Telesur


    The Russian president accused the West of pressuring Kyiv not to cease hostilities in his country. On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed China, Brazil, and India as possible mediators in future peace negotiations with Ukraine.

    “We respect our friends and partners who are sincerely interested in resolving all issues related to this conflict. This mainly refers to China, Brazil, and India,” Putin said during the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum held in the city of Vladivostok.

    Putin once again accused the West of pressuring Kyiv not to cease hostilities in the neighboring country. “To this day, we do not see the conditions for holding peace negotiations,” said Dmitry Peskov, the presidential spokesperson.

    Three BRICS Mediators

    “Are we willing to engage in negotiations with the Ukrainians? We never opposed that. But not on the basis of certain fleeting demands, but rather on documents that were agreed upon and actually initialed in Istanbul,” he said, referring to the agreements from March 2022.

    According to Putin, if the Ukrainians had signed that document, “the war would have ended long ago,” but instead, the goal of the U.S. and Europe is to achieve Russia’s strategic defeat. “This is not happening,” he said, adding that China, Brazil, and India “honestly aspire to help understand all the details of this complex process. I am in constant contact with our colleagues on this matter.”

    In October, the leaders of these three countries will meet with Putin in the Tatar city of Kazan, which will host the summit of the BRICS group of emerging countries.

    Chinese President Xi Jinping has consistently supported the Russian argument that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is primarily responsible for the current conflict, though he has not completely severed ties with Kyiv. In fact, Xi received the Ukrainian Foreign Minister in Beijing in July.

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a close relationship with Putin but also met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv in August, urging “innovative solutions” to restore peace. Meanwhile, Brazilian President Lula da Silva has advocated for a ceasefire and direct talks with Putin.

    What Putin made clear again today is that before negotiating with the enemy, Russia must expel Ukrainian troops from the Kursk region, where a Ukrainian incursion will mark one month on Friday.

    “Our armed forces have stabilized the situation and have begun to expel the enemy from the border territories,” he said, adding that Kyiv had not achieved its goal with the attack, which was to halt the Russian offensive, particularly in Donbas.

    “On the contrary, by moving their largest and best-trained units to the border areas, the enemy weakened in key sectors, and our troops accelerated offensive operations,” Putin explained.

    The Russian Defense Ministry said that Ukraine has suffered more than 10,000 casualties in Kursk, where it controls a hundred localities and about 1,300 square kilometers. Russian forces have taken the Ukrainian town of Zavitne in their advance toward the stronghold of Pokrovsk, in the Donetsk region.

    According to the Ukrainian project Deep State, the Russian army have liberated about 355 square kilometers in Donetsk and neighboring Luhansk during the month of August.

  • Maybe slightly relevant thread, but did wsws get better around their weirdness with metoo? can we post them unarchived?

    they have semi-interesting articles on labor (with hilarious asides at stalinists but whatever)

  • idk how the pseudoscience of polling is supposed to work, but i'm looking at those 538 polls rn and kamala is down to a 2.8 lead (her highest was 3.7). if the trend holds up from the previous two elections (screenshots below), then the dems must be completely cooked, right? even biden with an 8 point lead only narrowly beat trump


    hillary vs trump 2016

    biden vs trump 2020

    kamala vs. trump 2024

    the specter of joever lives on

  • Anyone here have any familiarity with Joshua Citarella's work? Comes off as another Robert Evans to me. He did a video with Brace Belden of TrueAnon and doesn't really offer much insight. Watched a FWBFerst23 talk he gave called "Extremely Online Politics" that's basically just "look at how extreme and varied online political identities are" without much insight. The general vibe of his I get is that it's bad they're extremist politics and also all "extremist" left-right politics are equally bad.

    Read this critique of him that doesn't say anything of value until at least half way. More so says he has a gawking attitude to internet politics and presents it as a carnival presentation (which I'd be inclined to agree with) and also that he doesn't analyze or mention any real interplay between IRL and the internet and the politics between them. Says he deals mostly in aesthetics.

    He also mentioned in that Brace video he's ex-straight edge and I'm assuming ex-vegan (might be vegan again) which would definitely feed into that enlightened centrist SuccDem gawker Lame-O-type people like him and Robert Evans give off. They also give off the same vibe, visually.

  • Vuhledar the Valiant Castle will soon (3days to 5 years) have to be given up as it gets surrounded by the Flanks ..

    there was a roumord direct assault again but the russian sources stopped talking about , so it Probably failed .

  • Tomorrow the-podcast will have after game live show, so if we have a hex-watch party, we got something to queue up afterwards sicko-luna

  • What is the status of cloud gaming in China? I feel like putting some infrastructure next to the new mega dams they are building in Tibet and linking things to starlink style satellite networks is going to be the next that pushes videogames out of the stagnant but they have basically been in since 2016. (The Xbox one was originally supposed to be always online, Microsoft stagnated when people understandably revolted at the thought of no longer being able to by disks)

  • Paralympics: Venezuelan Clara Fuentes Sets Record in Weightlifting - Telesur


    ‘I am very satisfied and happy to give this victory to Venezuela,’ said Fuentes. On Thursday, the Venezuelan Clara Sarahy Fuentes Monasterio was crowned weightlifting champion in Paris after winning in the -50 kg category, setting a Paralympic record with a lift of 124 kg.

    Fuentes, a 27-year-old from Caracas, was born with congenital multiple arthrogryposis, a condition that caused her to be born in an abnormal position, leading to the rupture of the tendons in both knees, requiring her to use a wheelchair.

    The Venezuelan athlete, who won a bronze medal at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, lifted 124 kg on her third attempt and took the gold, ahead of China’s Jinping Xiao, who lifted 119 kg.

    “I am speechless, I am emotional. My hands are still shaking. I don’t know when they will stop. I am very satisfied and happy to give this victory to Venezuela,” said Fuentes, who moved up in weight from Tokyo to Paris to compete.

    “My muscle mass increased significantly after having my son, so I had to move up a category and improve my personal record. I feel much stronger now,” she confessed.

    This is Venezuela’s second gold medal in the Paralympic Games, following Enderson German Santos’ victory in the T11 100-meter race for visually impaired athletes.

    “We woke up with a new victory for Venezuela. Our weightlifter, Clara Fuentes, won the gold medal in Parapower – category -50 Kg, lifting a total of 124 Kilograms, more than double her own weight, a record at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. A worthy representative of Venezuela! Congratulations!” President Nicolas Maduro said through social media.

  • The Bizarre State of Western Democracy

    Picking out the key thesis argued by Prabhat Patnaik.

    Democracy is supposed to mean the pursuit of policies that are in conformity with the wishes of the electorate. True, it is not that the governments first ascertain popular wishes, and then decide on policy; the conformity between the two is typically ensured under bourgeois rule by the government deciding on policies in accordance with ruling class interests, and then having a propaganda machinery that persuades the people about the wisdom of these policies The conformity between public opinion and what the ruling class wants is thus achieved in a complex manner whose essence lies in the manipulation of public opinion.

    What is currently happening however is altogether different: public opinion, notwithstanding all the propaganda directed at it, wants policies that are altogether different from those being systematically pursued by the ruling class. The policies favoured by the ruling class in other words are being pursued despite public opinion being palpably and systematically opposed to them.

    Such riding roughshod over public opinion is typically sought to be achieved by keeping these burning issues of peace and war off political discussion altogether. In the coming US presidential elections, for instance, since both the contenders, Donald Trump and Kamla Harris, are agreed on supplying arms to Israel, this issue itself will not figure in any presidential debate or in the presidential campaign.

    In the metropolis there has thus been a transition from “manipulation of dissent” through propaganda, to the total ignoring of dissent, even dissent by a majority, that has proved to be immune to propaganda. This represents a new stage in the attenuation of democracy, a stage characterised by an unprecedented moral bankruptcy of the political establishment.

  • German Chancellor says any future Ukraine peace conference must include Russia

    Include Russia in peace talks? Is that treason?

    Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said in an interview that he and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy agree that Russia should be included in a future peace conference aimed at ending the war in Ukraine.

    Scholz is facing more political discontent at home over his government's support, including money and weapons for Ukraine after populist parties that oppose arming Kyiv did well in state elections on 1 September at the expense of parties in his three-party governing coalition.

  • Saudi Arabia ‘open’ to petroyuan, closer China ties, minister says

    A top official from Saudi Arabia said the country is “open to new ideas” – including use of the yuan in crude settlements

    “The Petroyuan is not substantial to [the ministry], we believe Saudi Arabia will do what’s in its best interest … but I think Saudi Arabia will always try new things, and is open to new ideas, and we try not to mix politics with commerce,” Khorayef said in an interview on Saturday in Hong Kong.

  • Colombia former presidential candidate Rondolgo Hernandes died.

    Former presidential candidate Rodolfo Hernandes died on Monday. He, who was mayor of Bucaramanga, became known worldwide when he ran in Colombia's 2022 presidential elections, being defeated by Gustavo Petro in the second round.

    Hernández Suárez died of colon cancer at a clinic in Piedecuesta, Colombia on 2 September 2024, aged 79. He has been dubbed as the 'king of TikTok' on several occasions because of his large following and his extensive campaign during the 2022 presidential election on TikTok.

    Hernández lost to Petro in the second round. In his concession speech, Hernández stated, "I accept the result as it should be if we want our institutions to be strong. I sincerely hope that this decision that has been taken is beneficial for all and that Colombia is heading towards the change that prevailed in the vote in the first round". He then called Petro to congratulate him and urged Petro to maintain his commitment to combatting corruption and not to "disappoint those who trust him".

  • Argentina: University Front Holds Protest - Telesur


    In a communiqué, the Front highlighted the strikes and days of dissemination of the sector’s demands, carried out in recent weeks, and said that they had a very high level of support and impact on the educational community and the public sphere.

    On Thursday, the National Universities Union Front is set to hold a strike and mobilization in front of Congress to defend public education with decent salaries and to repudiate the veto of the Argentinean president, Javier Milei, to a law on pension mobility.

    On Tuesday, the Senate’s Education and Culture and Budget and Finance Committees gave a positive opinion to a regulation on the budget of higher education institutions and declared it ready to be analysed by all members of the upper house.

    The legislators of Unión por la Patria demanded that a session be held to vote on it and announced that they will go to the chamber at 14:00 local time this day to address this and other issues such as the granting of 100 billion pesos (more than 100 million dollars) in reserved expenses to the State Intelligence Secretariat.

    However, Milei said that, if the law on education funding is passed, it will be stopped by him, as will the increase in the salaries of retirees and pensioners.

    In a communiqué, the Front highlighted the strikes and days of dissemination of the sector’s demands, carried out in recent weeks, and said that they had a very high level of support and impact on the educational community and the public sphere.

    This shows that there is a strong base to defend the public university. We support the law and we demand that the upper house now gives its final approval. This law is a direct consequence of the great federal march of 23 April and the enormous plan of union action deployed in the first four months of the year, the text indicates.

    In addition, the organisation expressed its support for retirees and pensioners who were repressed by the police the day before when they denounced Milei’s measures.

  • Google's lucrative ad tech business goes on trial

    Google is expected to lose this case which would be their third significant anti-trust loss this year across the Alphabet empire.

    The UK is also giving Google side eye (decades late).

    It’s ironic that the US seems to be ahead of the EU when it comes to fighting google. Probably because the vassals are unwilling to take on the giant before the emperor gives his assent and designs a restructuring rather than breaking it up.

  • #Death to US Government Faith in Israel #917 4/6


    my brain's never thought of Laos as landlocked, but looking at a map it IS, how the hell did I get any other idea

  • #Death to the Dick Sucking Factory (they will Never get their Semen in Time again) #915 2/6


    guessed Iraq first and with the geoclue I realized I recognize this economy - Azerbaijan do anything other than drill challenge: impossible

  • #oooaaaaaaauhhh to Israel #918 3/6


    Costa Rica abolished its' military in 1949 and spent the money on education and healthcare instead

  • Mods don't want to acknowledge the predictive power of the N/T ratio and are banning its mention.

  • #Israel to Death #914 2/6


    seemed like a southern europe style economy, geoclue pointed straight at Jordan

  • I had a pretty grimm "nightmare" about 3 planes crashing in Indonesia. So I hope that just some stupid stress dream and not some premonition crap. Not really news just had to get that off my head. I'll spare the graphic stuff.

  • #Just a Regular Old Death to Israel #912 4/6


    suriname has that much gold huh

  • #Monty Python Foot to Israel #913 2/6


    always a delight to realize a country has a panhandle

    what are you doing with all that coast, Eritrea? you export no fish

  • The N/T ratio is looking particularly dire this week. I think we're approaching the end of history.

  • Also people dont realize how big the USA actually are , they are very really big .. and europs are tiny .. so less it happening .. USA is really big ...

  • My office has some shitty AI store. Tap your credit card to unlock a cabinet, take what you want, and AI figures out what you took to charge you for it. Basically those Amazon stores but smaller.

    What's wrong with a normal vending machine???

  • Al Qassam telegrams channels are missing for anyone else???

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