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What is the right way to have your toilet paper?
  • A few years ago I chose to stop thinking about it. I just refill the roll and don’t worry about it. When I realized it didn’t matter, it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. Same with trying to stop the gas pump on the nearest dollar or setting the tv volume to an even number.

    I don’t know why I felt such a relief when I let go, but I did and now I’m free!

  • Double Fine and Undead Labs vets launch experimental web game studio
  • Idk. I mean, you can stream games on your browser with a decent internet connection. I don’t know what quality the games will be but I don’t think games in a browser is itself a problem.

    Web Applications are inherently cross-platform so they don’t need to spend as much developing for multiple systems.

    Many desktop applications ares secretly Web Applications and you might not even know.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I personally just use a pw manager. If I used them system myself, the alphabet words would probably be strings of characters that aren’t real words and I’d probably salt them too. But yeah I imagine you could run into size limits, which is a problem.

    I just wanted to share a pw strategy that seemed interesting. I used a simple pattern to make the concept easier to understand.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • This is a method I heard once for remembering random passwords that I thought was clever.

    Create your own alphabet of words (or random characters). A is for Apple, B is for Boy, C is for Cat…etc.

    For every letter in the URL, you use the word from your alphabet. Ex:

    F = Fog, A = Apple, C = Cat, E = Egg, B = Boy, O = Off, O = Off, K = Kite

    Next, you need a number if you didn’t use one in your alphabet.

    Facebook is 8 letters long so I might use 8. Or only letters repeated once. Or maybe you use the whole URL. Up to you, but you do it the same way for every site. You create a patter that you follow and can remember, rather than remembering every password.

    Need a symbol? Assign that to the top level domain. In my example, .com = # .edu = ? .org = * etc

    Put it all together and my example password would be “8FogAppleCatEggBoyOffOffKite#”.

    A password for might be ‘6GolfOffOffGolfLogEgg#’.

    Obviously, you don’t have to do it this exact way with the alphabet, number, and symbol. The idea is that you create a set of rules that you remember and follow. If you write down “A = Apple B = Boy…” and someone finds it, it won’t be instantly obvious that it is meant for passwords.

  • Telehealth Company Accused of Being Pill Mill for Adderall Says It Will Continue Treating Patients
  • Mixed feelings about this too. I want to know that a prescriber is taking it seriously, but also, making a doctors appointment is surprisingly really hard for me to do. I don’t mean because of a busy schedule. I meant it is just really difficult for some neurodivergent people to do things that other people can do easily.

    Online treatment has made it more accessible for people like me and I may not have sought treatment otherwise.

  • I fucking hate the job search
  • My favorite is when the title says remote or local to you, but then the body of the posting says you would be required to relocate and that it was intentionally posted in multiple cities to reach a wider audience.

    If I wanted to work in Minnesota, I would have searched for jobs in Minnesota.

  • Used VPN for cheaper YouTube Premium? Congrats, your subscription has been canceled
  • Thanks. That’s something I hadn’t thought of.

    I’m sort of more moderate when it comes to paying Google to access YouTube. I’m happy to pay for products that I use. I want Google and creators to be rewarded for services rendered, but the prices are double what they should be.

    I’m one of the people who used the VPN to get Premium at an affordable rate even though I have Ublock and know about other options.

    My Premium account did get canceled. I was able to sign back up via another location, but if they push me out again, I would just revert to adblockers.

    I suspect other users who signed up with a VPN are like me. We are the few who know how to get around the ads but want to pay, if we can. Just a guess though.

  • Used VPN for cheaper YouTube Premium? Congrats, your subscription has been canceled
  • I realize they charge what people are willing to pay, but can someone explain to me why YouTube costs just a couple USD a month in some countries and almost $20 a month in the US?

    Are operating costs cheaper in those countries? Are they taking a loss in those counties? Or are they just price gouging in the US?

  • The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit
  • Supposedly he met the creators at a party after the first game came out and asked to play claptrap. I don’t have a source to share with you, but if that’s true then I’m fine with it.

    But yeah, most of this movie looks very bad.

  • Why are people talking about flying a flag upside-down?
  • I grew up near Westboro Baptist in Topeka. We all knew where they lived because they fly the US flag upside down. They say “the US is in distress because of all the sinning”. Basically, because they hate LGBT+ people.

  • 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible a decade later
  • I was going through my YouTube subscriptions on an account that’s been active since 2010ish. I didn’t recognize several accounts at all. They had deleted all their older videos and changed their account names.

    I found myself subscribed to things that I would never have subscribed to. Either I had done it accidentally or they changed their name and took their videos in a different direction.

    It’s a bummer because there are some old videos that were pretty funny/creative and now they are just gone.

  • Staying Focused While Waiting

    How do you stayed focused on a task when the task involves some type of waiting?

    For example, I have a really hard time staying focused at work. The problem for me is, our software can be really really really slow. While I’m waiting for Outlook to load an email, or our internal tooling to populate data, I find my mind is wandering. Often, I’ll start on another task or pick up my phone and just completely forget about the first thing I started.

    At the end of the day, I have to figure out why I have 8 half written emails open in the background of my PC.

    How do you stay on track when your tasks require patience?

    I just noticed the Australian man from Spa 5 is also on Osiris 4 in a later episode

    I’ve seen this show thousands of times. I have most of it memorized to the point where I can recite it from memory, but I still catch new things all the time. That’s one of my favorite things about this show.

    What’s something you realized after rewatching the show several times?

    Behavior - Getting a second dog

    About a year ago, I adopted a 2nd dog. For the most part they get along pretty well. They like to play together and for the most part they play well together.

    After a few months, they would cuddle up together, but I noticed my first dog started sleeping in a really tight ball. To the point his head is almost facing behind him.

    I googled it. It seems that position is defensive. He never slept like that before. I can tell he does it now when he is upset about something.

    He doesn’t seem to like to sleep near the 2nd dog. He will go into a room and sleep alone. Of course, the 2nd dog wants to sleep with him so he follows and and curls up next to him. He doesn’t get mad when this happens but I can tell he doesn’t like it.

    They still play together pretty well. He even initiates play time with the 2nd dog. He does those big goofy hops when he is trying to get 2nd dog to play with him. It’s cute.

    TLDR: how can I help my 1st dog feel more comfortable around my 2nd dog outside of play time?

    I have a new favorite sport.
    Starfield Item Value Spreadsheet Starfield Item Values

    Sheet1 Name,FormID,EditorID,Weight,Value,Mass per 1 Credit,Credit per 1 Mass,Model Terrormorph Cell Sample,0x0026FF8D,UC03_TerrormorphCellSample,0.10,18,000,0.000005555555556,180000,SetDressing\ScienceGlass\ScienceGlass_Terrormorph_sample.nif Metamorphed Tissue Sample,0x002060EA,UC08_Transformed...

    Starfield Item Values

    I'm a Bethesda hoarder and a crazy person, so I made a spreadsheet. I know there's a mod if you're on PC, but I'm on Xbox so I needed some help. Thought you might be interested. I got the data from Starfield Wiki and just added simple functions for the ratios.

    How do you handle cable management?

    I work from home and I’m going to school so I spend a lot of time at my desk. I can’t work if it’s cluttered and these cables are driving me crazy.

    I built a custom desk using IKEA countertop and file cabinets that runs the full length of my wall. One half is for computer and one half is for other projects that need space!

    I love it except the cables are wild and have a mind of their own. I’ve been researching methods so I was wondering:

    How do you manage cables?

    PS! All your stations have been awesome so far. I’m jealous!

    Do you code on iPad?

    Do you code on an iPad? Why or why not? If you do, what code editor do you use?

    I don’t have a laptop I usually code on my desktop, but I work from home so I get tired of sitting in the same place for so long. I’ve been doing it on my iPad and it seems to be doable!

    I tried a few free apps for ipadOS. Some were okay, some were not. I’m willing to pay but I don’t want to spend money randomly on apps I don’t like.

    CodeSpaces on GitHub seems to be the best option so far, but it’s a pay as you go structure and not a singular cost.

    I liked the UI of Runestone, but many critical features are locked behind a paywall.

    Replit seemed decent too but it seems very cloud focused and I already use GitHub.

    Koder* seems like it has the most free access features but UI wasn’t intuitive and I couldn’t figure out how to type in a file if I switched pages and came back to my original file.

    I hear Textastic is pretty good but side it’s paid with no trial period, I didn’t try it yet. I wanted to get some feedback before I started paying for anything.

    Let me know what you use. Share your tips with Lemmy!

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