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Meanwhile, in Springfield Ohio
  • Why there isnt more Simpsons jokes on this topic? Come on, its SPRINGFIELD!

  • My sister revealed that our mom is schizophrenic, but I have doubts.
  • She usually does get conspiratorial. But I've experienced it weaponized against me. She thinks I dont have free will or free thinking. If I agree with her in something or do something she approves, its ok, but if I disagree or do anything she doesn't approve of, then is because I must be being manipulated by someone else.

    This was such a problem when I became a teenager and I started to defend myself because she said that "someone" must have been manipulating me to go against her.

    She also use to think about the worst case escenario as the first option, like getting robed, mugged, killed, and is very distrustful. She also constantly think that people are conspiring to sabbotage her, including me.

    One time as a teenager I left my phone at home and my dad called me, thats how she discovered I was in contact with him. And she berated me and called me a traitor and said I wanted to ruin her by conspiring with him. Inward just trying to her some connection to my dad but she was having non of it.

    And also, if I was performing bad at university, must have been because I was doing drugs, because according to her "depression is for 12yos".

    Also she has became more religious in recent years, specially after my grandma died. She was never atheist or agnostic, but certainly not religious. Now she prays before leaving the house. And says that things goes well because the "Animas" are protecting us (I have no fucking idea of what Animas are, but some Catholics here believe in that, I think is like souls of our ancestors or something).

  • My sister revealed that our mom is schizophrenic, but I have doubts.
  • Thanks, yes I was suspecting on BPD. Thinking about it is what would make more sense alongside the narcissism.

    Yes my sister is obsessed with appearances, so is our mom and so it was our gandma. She also defends my dad because, to her, he was a good stepfather. After she got into the US, she became the superficial white passing latina who can't say anything bad about the US and everything back home must be terrible and horrible, and if we say things are going ok she takes it as a personal attack. idk if she might be narcissistic, we have almost nothing in common, so we don't talk often.

  • My sister revealed that our mom is schizophrenic, but I have doubts.

    To be clear, I don't really think my mom is, but this was revealed to me by my sister yesterday.

    So, I was having an argument with my sister, there is a family situation and my sister said I was repeating out mom's version. During the argument, she said that our mom was diagnosed schizophrenic as a child, and that she was even locked up (?).

    For context. I'm 25. My sister is in her 40s.

    Our mom had my sister when she was 17. Our mom is the middle child of a total of 5 sisters. She was born in 1964. She had my sister to a man that I know absolutely nothing about, since she never talked about it. According to my sister, she also never knew who her father was till she was a teenager, when our mom finally agreed to let her meet him once.

    When our mom was 20 she meet my dad, who was in his 40s. After that, my sister was raised by our grandparents and my mom pretty much forgot about her. I was born in 1998. All my life I was told that they were married but insisted on not having children until my dad's son died in 1996. But turns out that in reality, they got married a few months after I was born. I know this only because I saw they marriage certificate during the divorce lawsuit.

    My sister and I never lived together, since when I was learning to walk, she was starting university in the capital of our country, years later we used to visit her once or twice a year until my sister moved to the US with my nephew and niece.

    When I was 8 to 10, my parents had a terrible separation. My dad cheated on my mom and she went crazy and my dad went extremely abusive and violent. I witnessed some of that with my own eyes.

    Then, they hated each other so much that couldn't even agree on divorce terms. It took them 15 YEARS to officially divorce (that's when I saw the marriage certificate, because the lawsuit was delivered to be, because they couldn't contact my mom).

    Now, to get on topic. My mom is very obviously a narcisistic, since she has the entire criteria. She also made my life hell multiple times.

    One of the things she does is having her own version of what is happening, and run with that version, no matter how different it is from reality. Like the many times I rebeled in my early 20s, was because I was doing drugs, got into a cult, got brainwashed, and was having gay sex, according to her. No, I was just having my university partying phase. The only thing she was right about it was me having gay sex, but not the way she was thinking and not with the people she was thinking, I was still closeted. And her concern wasn't me having gay sex, was more like "hanging out with those f***ts who are maybe fucking your ass". She always makes wild assumptions about people, mostly when she don't like them.

    During university I was severely depressed and thinking about dropping out, but I found an online university that had my career and I could continue there. I told my mom about it and she went BALLISTIC, assaulting me physically even, and I hit her back, then she restrained me, because she didn't want me to study in an university for "bums and lowlives" according to her. This fight was so bad that I was thinking about killing myself that week, but I didn't. However, years after I dropped out, she asked "Why didn't you find a way to study online" then I remind her of this incident, but she says "that never happened, what are you talking about?".

    She also wanted me to graduate from law school to "become her lawyer in her divorce" agaisn't my dad.

    She also used to trashtalk my dad A LOT when I was a kid, almost daily. I was constantly told that if I didn't succeed, I would be a bum like my dad (my dad is a successful lawyer).

    She has a hard time maintaining friendships, because everybody is "stupid, inefficient, irresponsible" according to her so she gets tired of everyone. I am also irresponsible and inefficient according to her. I'm also super smart or slow according to who she is talking to, if is literally everyone else, I'm super smart and a gifted kid, if she is mad at me, I'm stupid and slow.

    I got an autistic diagnostic as an adult, when I asked people on my family, they told me that they knew and told my mom to try get me in a special environment, but she refused to do that and told everyone to not dare talk about my autism.

    When I told her about my diagnostic, she said "but you knew your whole life you were asperger" and I was like "NO I DIDN'T, KNOWING SOONER WOULD HAVE HELPED A LOT" She still insists that I knew my whole life.

    I suffered many other forms of abuse and I'm still receiving them because I still live with her. But this has been too long already.

    I don't think she might be schizophrenic. The ironic thing is that when I had what I now know are "autistic meltdown" she said I was having a schizophrenic psychosis and I should see a therapist (funny because she is very much anti therapy). I have a paternal uncle who IS schizophrenic and has dealt with it his entire life. He is a very hard case.

    But yeah, the important thing here is that I don't think she ever had hallucinations, not that I know off, like seeing things, or hearing voices that aren't the usual "were you calling me name?" when I wasn't. Maybe you can give me a but more of perspective. IDK if what my sister said is true, but I hope I can get some perspective. if it is, she might have been diagnosed in the 70s or 80s and mental health wasn't good at all at the time (my country was still doing electroshock until a few years ago).

    Sorry for the long text.

    TLDR: My sister said my mom is a diagnosed schizophrenic, but I don't think my mom has the signs of being one, tho I'm telling some of my history of abuse from her to know if there is something to analyze from there.

    Is Batman TAS Amoled friendly?
  • Problem is I dont have actual AMOLED devices yet.

  • Is Batman TAS Amoled friendly?

    The series has some perfect black tones and I wonder if it would work on AMOLED screens.

    You're an archeologist from a future civilization. What would you think of our civilization based on the Internet?

    Companies had copystriked all the arts and knowledge to hoard it into their now dead servers to get profit from subscription services only, so the only peak at humanity now are blogs, memes, and random posts.

    When people call me Vivian instead of Vibia
  • Vibia Perpetua. Look her up. Is a recognized saint. 3rd century I think.

  • When people call me Vivian instead of Vibia
  • Is the name of an historical queer character.

  • What's your most unpopular opinion about music ?
  • Some music is made by and for lowlifes, where I live is Vallenato, Campesina, Rancheras, Bachata, and 90%of reggaeton.

    Lyrics about asking for forgiveness after cheating, smoking, domestic violent (being the one that does the domestic violence), admitting to spike drinks and brag about it, simping for drug Lords, and women are nothing but a sex object.

    The people who listen to that music is just as you imagine them. Uneducated, sexist, wife beaters, going around in huge SUVs blasting that music outloud with no respect for anyone around then, they are the ones who start blasting the music at 1AM on a Wednesday and doesn't let anyone sleep in their entire neighborhood.

    People give me shit for this and claim is "culture" but I think there is such a thing as music for lowlifes.

  • What is your favorite 100% non political "just nice music" music artist?
  • bruh you dont understand irony lol.

  • What is your favorite 100% non political "just nice music" music artist?

    I'll start. System of a Down.

    Recently it seems like some people are JUST NOW realizing that Bring me the horizon is not Christian friendly and I wonder how many other artists can we put into the bag of "Wait, they were political this whole time?"

    How old are you based on economic experience or position?

    Ill start, I never used a check. The only way I can get a house is waiting for my parents to die.

    I broke up with him ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    I assume you have read my previous posts, I don't wanna retell everything.

    We went to my psychologist. First he went alone with her to talk, and after half an hour he got out and I came in.

    I told my psychologist everything about why I needed to break up with him. She understood and helped me through it.

    Then she let him in to talk, and I gave a long speech about the reasons why I had no choice but to end the relationship.

    I thanked him for all the good moments, all the love he gave me, for being so sweet, and that I didn't regret any of it. I told him that I still loved him and wanted nothing but all the best to him, and I don't want him to die because of me. It was way longer than that but I'm just not in the mood for writing a lot.

    He was visibly broken, almost crying, in silent the entire time. When I finally finished, the psychologist asked him to talk and he just said "no words" She told me that I was done for today and I left.

    We are not 100% done yet, I need to take my things out of his house, and his family still wants to be in contact with me and I'm more than glad.

    Is just... I wanted this, I had the chance to try to talk and fix everything, yet I ended it because I knew I needed to, he has hurt me for a long while after all, I don't wanna be trapped with him, yet I feel so bad right now. I hope I did the right choice. I hope I don't regret it. I'm sad and heartbroken. I Know he is even more heartbroken. But it needed to end. Yet I'm still sad about it. So sad. How long will I still be this sad?

    I've been making my own Mead for a few months now. I'm absolutely loving it!
  • It tastes good so far. I hope I can let it age so long. But I will eventually have enough equipment to let some age for a year.

  • Does someone else has the feeling of bailing out before things "might" get better?
  • I guess I already know the answer but still need to process it. I think I still need measurement that I'm doing the right thing. Thank you. Yes I know I need to end things.

  • Does someone else has the feeling of bailing out before things "might" get better?

    This feeling has stopped me for a while. I already made a post here a few days ago about my feelings about breaking up. I haven't done it yet because I'm waiting will we have at least a session with my psychologist.

    The biggest feeling that keeps me doubting is that I may be ending things right before things get better.

    I am more than welcomed to live at his house, he knows I'm trans and accepts me, he will be fixing his car, and he will get a new job, so he will be contributing to the finances instead of relying on my money as he has done since the start of our relationship, but I feel like even so I can't continue the relationship.

    He had been physically abusive to me, he has confessed to me that yes, he is controlling and codependent, right now he is being sweet and his libido seems to have "come back" right after I told him I would break up with him, but he also told me that he would die without me, so now I'm feeling trap. I don't like it, I don't like feeling trap in a relationship just so he don't get depressed and die. Yes, he can give me some stability, but I still have my home with my mom and I might find that stability elsewhere. I feel like I don't need him anymore to be happy on my own. My feelings are changing, and also I for a long time thought wouldn't be able to find someone else, but a friend has confessed that likes me romantically. I won't cheat on him, they know that and comprehends my situation, but it made me realize I'm not unlovable. I'm also feeling sexy again on my own, in fact, I feel sexier than ever rn.

    But I come back to the feelings of "What if I wait a bit and things get better?" while also reminding to myself that I already know what my boyfriend can do when he gets angry at me, just for doing things that I love to do. Even on this "love bombing" phase, he is still so controlling, I changed my phone's lock pin so he couldn't look at it and started interrogating me about it at 4 AM.

    Has anyone had a similar feeling?

    My boyfriend wants to try and fix things after I told him I was thinking about breaking up, but I feel things are not the same.
  • We don't actually live together, I haven't move in because he lives far away from my workplace and I live closer to it, and also because of the issues I told.

    No, he doesn't have keys to my house.

    No, he doesn't have guns (we don't live in america).

    Yes, he has been to the office I work at multiple times.

    Yes, I have my own place.

  • My boyfriend wants to try and fix things after I told him I was thinking about breaking up, but I feel things are not the same.

    This is gonna be a bit long. I'm 25, I'm a trans girl, my boyfriend is 25, he is a gay cis man.

    We have been together for 2 years and 3 months. At first our relationship was amazing, nothing to complain, so very loving and sexy and cute. The issue at the moment was his mom, a narcissistic mentally and verbally abuses woman who seems to have hates him since birth. After one year he moved out to a house that belonged to his uncle and another uncle was living there.

    Moving was cool, finally we were away from that woman, but his uncle was an alcoholic who drank daily and would get violent and loud when drinking. After a few months, we started avoiding that man while being in the house.

    In September of last year his mom died. That woman had serious health issues and was the typo of person that always had a cigar in her mouth, she refused to go to the hospital for an infection and died during an operation.

    We waited until another uncle of his came to our city in December, and he moved back to his mom's house. We thought things would be perfect for now, but now I had issues with him.

    Since we were still at the other house where his drunk uncle lived, he started to give me "affection" in hurtful ways, started with tickles, that at first were ok, but later the tickles became a form of punishment, and he has thick fingers and tried to "tickle" me so hard that it really hurts. One day I went to a concert, a local band's tribute to me favorite band. I told him I would go and asked if he would go, but he said didn't want to go, so I went alone. The concert was so amazing, but when I came to his place the next day, he was so mad, that pinned me to the bed, he immobilized me with his weight, and started "tickling" me so hard, that I was kicking and crying. Then he started doing something similar for things like promising I would be with him at 3 PM but arrived at 6 PM, or not having money for buying dinner for both of us.

    Then the biting started, it also started as something cute, but then he started biting me harder and harder, and then started to do it as another way of punishment.

    And he is so possessive, and very jealous. On top of everything, he didn't want to have sex with me in so many months I lost track of when was the last time we did something.

    This week I traveled from my city to the capital city of my country, some people doesn't like the city, but I do, and ended up staying a few days more than planned, and his uncle was so kind to let me stay in his apartment and help me move around, and in the end he went back to my city with him in his car.

    My stay in the capital was amazing, except for how my BF reacted. He got so emotional, so mad, and we almost had a break-up but I had to salvage it because breaking up over text is ugly. I asked him to go to my psychologist together and he refused in a very angry way.

    I came back yesterday and went to his house to talk to him. I told him I was seriously thinking about breaking up and listed the reasons why. He started crying, got very emotional, and finally agreed to go to psychology.

    But he also said that I'm the only person he was, that he is codependent on me, and without me he would die, literally.

    We talked for hours, and got over a few things, but now I kinda feel trap because I still love him and don't want him to be depressed and die, but I'm not sure I can stay here, I feel like I need a way out. I can't exist to constantly comfort him when I feel like everything is different now and we have different life goals.

    I need some advice please.

    Arabian people. What are some overlooked or not as well known elements of your culture that would make some incredible anime like powers?
  • Yeah. Thats why im trying to get some more direct inspiration and not just get the classic Japanese style kind of powers.

  • Arabian people. What are some overlooked or not as well known elements of your culture that would make some incredible anime like powers?

    Im looking for some writing inspiration. Im looking for not so known elements of different cultures that would make incredible powers.

    Does the quantity of lawyers actually makes a difference?

    When they say that "they have an army of lawyers" or that Disney has more lawyers than animators and things like that, do they tho? Is an army of lawyers really effective? Do companies actually have an "army" of lawyers to redact and sign documents?

    What could realistically eat a "Vegan level 5"?

    Not eat anything that casts a shadow.

    It's from the Simpsons if you haven't seen it.

    What is the worst thing that has ever happened in the Warhammer 40K lore?

    I'm very new to the Warhammer 40K universe. I found a group that plays role games and I wanted to join that I felt I needed to learn the lore first.

    I've been binge-watching lore videos on Youtube and BTH im hooked, I can see how similar it is to franchises that came after and were inspired by it, but at the same time is like nothing I've seen before. I actually love that there is not such a thing as a "good ending".

    I wanted to ask people who know more about this universe than me, what is the worst thing that has ever happened in the universe? The most tragic event? The most disturbing one? I really want to know and read about it.

    I wanna read some books but seems like ebooks are not available on my country, on Kindle it seems like they were purged and on Kobo maybe I could by them with a VPN or something.

    What is your most embarrassing "ate the onion" moment?

    A few days ago I shared some news that the Eurovision song from Israel would be named "Your land is mine now" to later realize it was from an onion kind of website, lol.

    I hope I'm not alone in this kind of f'up.
