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Most Americans plan to watch the Biden-Trump debate, and many see high stakes, an AP-NORC poll finds
  • extremely elderly right leaning religious police loving conservative versus an extremely elderly right leaning religious police loving conservative

    go guess does not matter not able to tell the difference between the two one has a different name and team color but that is it

  • 'Not a Victory,' But 'a Delay': With the Supreme Court’s EMTALA Ruling, U.S. Women Are Still at Risk
  • a prolife Catholic with a prosecutor for a vice stood idly by as Roe v. Wade fell and the democrats immediately started asked for donations to help restore women's rights on top of using the issue for this current election as a hot topic to talk about

    the Republicans may be to blamed for a lot but atrophy is just as bad as actively participating in fascism

    both parties are not the same with one actively destroying our society and the other sits by waiting for things to crumble so there will be things to campaign on and to make speeches about and fundraise on

  • Supreme Court halts enforcement of the EPA's plan to limit downwind pollution from power plants
  • not allowed to vote thanks to politicians like Biden so guess just have to walk to the next town myself

    and the only bus drivers people are screaming they want in the driver's seat have reached the age their licenses should be suspended so might be safer walking anyway

  • Supreme Court halts enforcement of the EPA's plan to limit downwind pollution from power plants
  • Democrats don't align at all not perfectly, not imperfectly, not just a little but zero

    a right leaning conservative religious Catholic with a prosecutor as vice does not align at all with progressive ideas

    how the fuck is Biden and Harris progressive?

    he sat back and asked for more donations while roe v wade fell

    does nobody remember him bitching he did not want his kids on the bus with certain other people

    what about the crime bills

    what about the recent right leaning immigration policies

    not being Trump is not progressive

    nothing accomplished and Trump's did not fare any better

    The kind of blind support Trump and Biden have is how the US got to where it is today

    football politics with nothing more needed than a "D" or an "R" and pick a color "Red" or "Blue" and blindly shout how your team is better than that piece of shit other party that constantly tries to make sure your team loses

    too bad this election is already a lost

  • Pregnancy in America is starting to feel like a crime
  • that was the point besides filling low wage jobs with warm bodies

    now that women are illegal too crossing state borders becomes more perilous

    this is the point to keep us in the states we are in and restrict travel

    people that move around see how everyone else is living and that changes votes same with immigration

    keep people poor and having to work all the time just to maybe halfway make ends meet and unable or scared to travel

    much easier to control and they are much more likely to vote either of the Demopublicans in

  • Are you better off than you were four years ago? It can be a murky picture for many
  • no and every four years no matter who is voted in the situation get worse and worse

    less rights

    less pay

    less healthcare

  • Supreme Court will take up state bans on gender-affirming care for minors
  • have you seen how affordable things are now

    this is kind of voters voting in the US right now

    both party's four years looked shitty and even worse the past four years

    prices are skyrocketing and continuing their skyward advance towards space and beyond

    personally got less healthcare today than a decade ago at a much more premium price tag

    are you talking about the free Jesus clinics that have "What is your religion?" on the intake forms? those are still free the very very few of them in the US

  • Supreme Court will take up state bans on gender-affirming care for minors
  • yes please vote for the do nothing democrats that only promise and ask for funding

    and don't vote third party because that is a vote for the Republicans

    Biden is not Trump

    looks like the people are definitely losing this November with these same lines being chanted over and over

    Biden has stated on record he wholly believes in Catholicism not just pieces of it and picked a prosecutor as a vice

    how are they suppose help again?

  • Dave Filoni Finds the Idea of an R-Rated ‘Star Wars’ to Be ‘Interesting’ — with Major Caveats
  • quest for more money continues

    Star Wars was a great franchise until enshittification

  • Deluge of fake news websites threatens to drown out truth during US election
  • no more local news just articles about the latest restaurant in the more gentrified area and about how great it is to live here plus lots of sports

  • Deluge of fake news websites threatens to drown out truth during US election
  • both sides have campaign funding coming in from the big megocorp news

  • Deluge of fake news websites threatens to drown out truth during US election
  • even actual local papers are now suspect because your local news is owned by a national news megacorporation that sponsors our elections

    so between fake news and local national news propaganda there is no news

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • the point of dispensaries is to not have a product grown in a backyard that is lab tested

    does anyone here not remember the before times?

    also would you buy your lettuce from Earl on the corner or from the store?

    what is the quality of the soil in these backyards

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • the synthetic nicotine being produce is done with green chemistry meaning no heavy metals used in synthesis

    with the nicotine being lab made no ground pollutants such as lead and other heavy metals are present just like fake vanilla extract which most seasoning coming from India with polluted soil

    also less soil less environmental impact

    the ingredients have gotten safer over time as well also leading to changes in other industries

    hugely better product both health and environmental and all around

    not to mention not have the ill effects of second hand smoke

    my own lung capacity was around 80% and dropping during the years was consuming combustible nicotine and cannabis products but now is above 90% had my lungs checked by a doctor

    lightyears healthier

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • no it has not been a failure

    the government was able to shut down most of the vape companies

    some of them were very up to code being made in clean rooms good enough to make pharmaceuticals

    now we have big tobacco vapes mixed in with shoddy products

    have you talked to industry leaders such as business owners of some of these vape companies?

    nicotine and cannabis industry is in shambles due to bad policies and laws

    no wonder look at the right leaning conservatives that keep getting voted in with the latest one having a prosecutor as a vice

    cannabis being rescheduled and not legalized is a trojan horse designed to make the people feel complacent and happy with only extreme regulation and the disappearance of sustainable, innovative products being the end result

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • safe effective nicotine consumption were generally supported by the public too and was being ingrained in the culture in movies and tv

    now it is combustible cigarettes with alcohol being heavily promoted again as well in television and film

    if the US does not stop voting in senile past retirement age religious right leaning presidents who view any alteration in the citizen's conscience it might not ever change or get better

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • but rescheduling allows them to add regulations just like when this happened to ejuices

  • Why the FDA will have a hard time properly regulating cannabis
  • the whole point of the FDA taking over cannabis is the same as nicotine vaping

    shut down the industry with over regulation that sounds positive on the surface

  • The beach you've visited most - by dergeraet9 (Acrylics on canvas)(2023)
  • as a computer technician this hit home so hard

    thanks to the artist

  • Immigration advocates push back against Biden executive order
  • what happens when people let the two party scam tell them there is no other options

    this is what both sides are not the same looks like

  • Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot

    In response to the hemorrhaging of support for Joe Biden due to his blatant role in facilitating Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians, the Democrats are seeking to suppress all political parties outside the framework of the corporate-controlled two-party system.

    Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot

    The Democratic Party is launching an "all-out war" to block third parties from appearing on the 2024 US election ballot. This is in response to declining support for President Biden and the Democratic Party. The World Socialist Web Site has published articles exposing these anti-democratic efforts, which have received widespread attention and support on social media. Third party candidates like Jill Stein and Cornel West have condemned the Democratic Party's actions as an assault on democratic rights and voter choice. The Socialist Equality Party has also voiced support for the right of independent and third party candidates to access the ballot, connecting this to the broader fight against the corporate-controlled two-party system.

    Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met

    All of that military funding comes at the direct cost of funding social programs and climate programs.

    Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met

    The Military Budget Underwrites War — and Genocide

    The deal includes $886 billion for the military, but that will most likely grow. War funding for the current year wasn’t included in the current deal, but President Joe Biden has requested $106 billion, of which $65 billion is for military purposes .

    The Losers: All of Us

    All of that military funding comes at the direct cost of funding social programs and climate programs.

    Flipping the Script

    The clear answer to this is a budget that flips the script, providing more for human needs, climate, and diplomacy while providing less for war and militarism. The path to get there is fraught, but there are signs of hope.

    Night Train to Terror (1985)

    God and Satan are on a train discussing the fate of three individuals. The stories of the people in question are told in a trio of very strange vignettes. One involves an insane asylums with some very interesting treatment plans. Another involves a 'death club'. The final story shows us the adventures of a server of Satan.

    Mitchell (1975)

    A tough, slobby, honest cop tries to simultaneously take down heroin dealers and a corrupt businessman who murdered a burglar, even if it costs him his life.

    verdantbanana Verdant Banana

    Still a very green banana.

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