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'Not a Victory,' But 'a Delay': With the Supreme Court’s EMTALA Ruling, U.S. Women Are Still at Risk 'Not a Victory,' But 'a Delay': With the Supreme Court’s EMTALA Ruling, U.S. Women Are Still at Risk - Ms. Magazine

The Supreme Court refused to rule on EMTALA and whether state abortion bans provide an exemption when a woman’s health is at risk, not her life.

'Not a Victory,' But 'a Delay': With the Supreme Court’s EMTALA Ruling, U.S. Women Are Still at Risk - Ms. Magazine
  • a prolife Catholic with a prosecutor for a vice stood idly by as Roe v. Wade fell and the democrats immediately started asked for donations to help restore women's rights on top of using the issue for this current election as a hot topic to talk about

    the Republicans may be to blamed for a lot but atrophy is just as bad as actively participating in fascism

    both parties are not the same with one actively destroying our society and the other sits by waiting for things to crumble so there will be things to campaign on and to make speeches about and fundraise on