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you’re so vain

First post here! This is a community to have a laugh at unintentional reflections of photographers. Some are funny, some are scary, most come from Craigslist posts where people are selling something. Good stuff.

  • maybe that’s WHY you’re in college

  • How does everyone here feel about foldable phones?
  • Like ‘fetch’ they’re never going to happen

  • What are some must watch Documentaries?
  • ‘Kiss the Ground’

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • this is always my favorite question

  • What did "that one" person do to you which made you cut them out of your life?
  • Stole money from another friend after inviting them to a party at that friend’s (the victim’s) house

  • what is the most stable standing desk?
  • While scrolling I genuinely thought this was an ad for a table, and was all ‘damn, Lemmy’s got sponsored posts already’? then I remembered where I was, and that it’s 2023

  • toasteranimation last post
  • error loading comment

  • whats the post link format?

    I know that ! works as a link to the community (I’m in Voyager), but what is the correct format for posts? Can someone show the proper link format for this post so tapping it doesn’t open a browser, but opens in app? Thanks

    SBGE001 Grand Seiko GMT
  • error loading comment

  • broken egg
  • Yep

  • broken egg
  • error loading comment

  • Do conversations happen anywhere?

    I’m trying to never go back to the other place, but the thing I miss is that there was always a lively conversation going on somewhere. On lemmy, it seems people don’t want to just have a conversation-it’s either serious or techy- I’m looking for light conversations?

    Does this happen anywhere on lemmy where responses to your comments come sooner than a day, and people are just sort of in the ‘lobby’ chatting?

    Singing toasteranimation
    the voice
    toasteranimation toasteranimation
    Posts 74
    Comments 295